Novel Doctor Player [Dr. Player] Chapter 10

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Doctor Player Chapter 10

Raymond recommended to her as she woke up shortly after.

“How about getting some more rest?”

“That’s Okay. It’ll be fine. It’s not even a place to rest.”

Sophia gave a low sigh and disappeared into the main hall, soon surrounded by a crowd of people.

‘How anxious.’

Raymond thought with a hard face.

It felt kind of precarious.

After that, the banquet proceeded smoothly without any special event.

People laughed and chatted with dancing and music, and the atmosphere was full of joy.

However, as time passed, Raymond became more anxious.

I don’t know if I felt that way because I kept thinking that way, but it felt like the calm before a typhoon was about to explode.

In the meantime.

Princess Sophia took the podium.

As the kingdom’s only princess, she had come up to give a speech at the birthday banquet.

“I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all of you who attended this birthday celebration.”

Saying so, Princess Sophia looked as beautiful and chaste as a flower, in contrast to the naughty side she had shown Raymond.

Seeing the beauty of such a princess, the people enjoying the banquet exclaimed with bright faces.

“Long live Her Highness the Princess!”

Princess Sophia had a soft smile on her lips.

“I came up like this to give you a congratulatory message on a happy day.”


The moment he heard her calm voice, Raymond’s heart skipped a beat.

I kept feeling anxious.

A premonition that something is about to happen.

“First of all, I wish the Houston kingdom eternal glory….”

That was the moment she opened her mouth.

A sudden change happened!


Princess Sophia’s body suddenly stiffened!


A single moan escaped her lips, and the people in the banquet hall looked bewildered.

“Are you the princess?”

that was the last one

Her body lost strength and collapsed!

Like a doll with a broken thread.

People screamed at the sudden change.


“this! What are you doing?! Call a therapist right away! hurry!”

The therapists who were nearby came running urgently.

They were the best healers in the kingdom in charge of treating the royal family.




A bright light emanated from the healer’s hand.

A white light enveloped her body.

All of them were brilliantly radiant, befitting A-class healers.

However, even with powerful heels pouring in, she did not improve.

The healers’ complexions turned white.

They instinctively felt it.

If this continues, the princess will die.

“Oh, no!”

“Use more heels! hurry!”

“Call Count Hellien, the best healer in the palace! hurry!”

Other therapists also came running and poured heels, but to no avail. The healers’ faces became contemplative.

It was the moment when the banquet hall, which had been so merry, turned into a mayhem.

A strong voice cut through the healers.

“Please get out of the way.”


The therapists turned their heads in amazement.

It was Raymond! He was gritting his teeth and looking at Princess Sophia.

‘damn. Princess Sophia was the main character of the quest.’

fleeting moment.

A deep conflict flashed in Raymond’s eyes.

‘What should I do?’

If an ordinary person were a patient, he would have come forward without hesitation.

However, the opponent is a princess.

If you step out and the results are not good, you may be held to terrible responsibility.

‘damn. What should I do?’

A thousand thoughts ran through my mind.

The cruel palace life.

A miserable life in a therapist.

I’m finally getting a new ability and dreaming… …Perhaps life could have ended unjustly.

‘If you just pretend you didn’t see it, you can safely get over it. I just came as an apprentice anyway.’


If you pretend not to see, Princess Sophia will die.

‘I used to look like a really ugly rat.’

Then, Princess Sophia remembered what she had just said and bit her lip.

‘I didn’t even get an apology properly, but I’m going to die like this? no! Even if I die, I have to apologize for my mistakes and die!’

I don’t know.

It was neither the time nor the situation to think rationally.

Raymond gave in to his instincts.

“I will treat the princess.”

The healers were momentarily taken aback by Raymond’s sudden appearance, then remembered that he had been dispatched as a healer.

“What about apprenticeship…!”

“Sorry, but I don’t have time! Get out of the way!”

[Decision was made to treat the emergency patient despite the difficult situation!]

[The effect of the heart of steel becomes more intense!]

Raymond did something he would never have done normally. It broke between them with brute force.


“What are you doing?!”

Raymond groaned.

It was not a situation to be polite. 1 second was rushed.

“For now, leave it to me! Otherwise, the princess will die! I will definitely save it!”


As they stood still, Raymond quickly assessed Princess Sophia’s condition.

‘There is no pulse in the carotid artery! Sudden cardiac arrest after all.’

Raymond’s complexion turned pale.

Sudden cardiac arrest!

His heart stopped, and if he didn’t get first aid right away, he would die or suffer fatal brain damage.

‘In this case, heels aren’t much help right now. I need to get the blood circulating in the heart right now.’

Of course, heels weren’t completely ineffective.

If you continue pouring heels, your life force will be promoted and your heart’s movement may return.

But that took too long.

If blood doesn’t circulate in the body within 1 or 2 minutes, you will suffer fatal brain damage. When will you be waiting for the heart’s movement to be restored by stimulating vitality?

In this case, there was only one way.

I had to force my heart out.

“Oh no?”

Raymond is Princess Sophia’s breast. To be precise, he placed both palms on top of his sternum.

The moment everyone’s eyes widen.

His hands began to press hard against her sternum.

It was CPR!

“That me…!”

People shouted in bewilderment.


“What’s wrong with Princess Mama’s jade body… …!”

people screamed

At this rate, they will be dragged out before they can even properly treat themselves.

Raymond screamed desperately, aided by ‘Heart of Steel’.

“Please wait a moment! It’s to save the princess!

But that earnest heart did not work.

The knights who stood guard came to beat Raymond.

Then an unexpected voice stopped them.

“Wait a minute.”

“His Highness the King!”

A man with steel eyes.

Oden, the king of knights, appeared and dissuaded the knights.

“Ha, but Your Highness?!”

“I will ask. Can you revive Princess Helo?”

“That is….”

The therapists did not hesitate to answer.

They are experienced therapists, and they know how difficult it is to recover from a heart attack like that.

“Then there is no other way. wait.”

Something amazing happened behind his back, but Raymond didn’t care at all.

‘Damn it! Why is my heart not beating?!’

Some time passed, but the princess’s heart did not think to beat again.

‘At this rate, Princess Sophia will die!’

Raymond’s face turned into a corpse’s.

CPR did not save all patients. There were many cases where the heart did not recover and died as it was.

‘no! I have to think of a way.’

Raymond thought desperately.

There was no time. I had to find a way to restore my heart right now.

At that moment, like lightning, a method came to my mind.

‘I have to give an electric shock to the heart!’


The principle was to reset the distorted electrical signal by giving a powerful shock to the heart in a method called defibrillation.

But there was a problem.

‘Where can I get a stun gun?’

In the ‘Modern Earth’, the manuscript of medicine, there were electric shockers everywhere in preparation for this situation, but this was the Leifentina continent.

There was no substitute for anything.

‘Think of me! There must be a way!’

Did your earnest heart work?

A method came into Raymond’s mind.

‘there is! There is no way to give an electric shock.’

Raymond immediately summoned the status window.

‘Skill buy! Auxiliary skill!’

[Available secondary skills]

-Basic (Class D) Fire Magic

-Basic (Class D) Water Magic -Basic

(Class D) Wind Magic -Basic (Class D) Lightning Magic


(Class D) Earth

Magic It came to mind, and Raymond immediately chose one magic.

‘Purchase lightning magic!’

[Basic (D-class) Lightning Magic has been purchased!]

[Skill Points consumed 80 points!]

[Lightning Magic]

Classification: Auxiliary (Magic) Skill

Magic Rating: Basic

Proficiency: D

-Can use Lightning Magic.

– As your skill level goes up, you can use more skillful and intense lightning magic!

The moment that message came to mind, something amazing happened.

The knowledge of lightning magic flowed into Raymond’s head.

What is the principle of moving mana and how can it be expressed?

Raymond stopped chest compressions. And stretched both hands up and down.

One hand under the princess’s right collarbone and the other under her left armpit.

It was a time when everyone blinked at the incomprehensible action.

Raymond lowered his spell.


Due to his low proficiency, he could only use a very weak level of lightning, but that was enough.

Just 220J.

No more, no less, just that amount of electrical energy.


An invisible lightning bolt started at the princess’s right collarbone and ran down her left armpit.

The princess’s body trembled. It’s a proper electric shock.


Raymond waited for a response with a hard gaze.

After a few seconds, like an eternity, passed.

Raymond’s fingertips touching the carotid artery vibrated.


It was the sound of a pulse.

Heart attack recovered!

Then the princess began to let out a long breath.

‘it’s okay!’

It was close, but fortunately it seems to have been treated safely. Now, as long as you train well, you will recover without any sequelae.

Raymond stood up, wiping the sweat from his forehead.


And only then did I realize.

The astonished gaze that was looking at him.

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Doctor Player

Doctor Player

Dr. Player
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Artist: Released: 2019 Native Language: Korean
Raymond, a lowly illegitimate son. He was born as the son of a noble, but he was nothing but a filthy man in the eyes of many. Even his qualities as a natural healer are the worst of the worse: Grade F. It was an irredeemable talent that was worse than the lowest class, indeed. But one day, a miracle happened to him. [You awakened as a player!] [Occupation: Surgeon] It was the beginning of a great legend.


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