Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner Chapter 785

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Necromancer School’s Summoning Genius Chapter 785

After the course registration was over the full-fledged general subject classes began today.

The first class is blind reading.

“If you don’t want to be killed make an antidote! Faster!”

Byeol-night has been poisoning the students since the first day of class.

As in the case of Simon there were some students who had taken the blind self-study for the first time in a while but all of them showed regret saying that they had applied for nothing.

Mushrooms that looked like black coals were heaped up on the desks where the students were sitting. It was necessary to consume the right amount and mix the antidote before the poison paralyzed the body.

‘It’s not easy.’

Simon was also sweating profusely finding and combining the appropriate antidote material through body symptoms and analysis kits.

If you have a good resistance meter you can buy more time limit.

If you are good at venom analysis you can quickly create an antidote to solve the problem.

A balance between the two is important.

A situation in which life could have been lost if it had been a real battle. I couldn’t help but concentrate because I felt the poison spreading through my body in real time. It really feels like risking your life to make medicine.

“Lark Stoneville student drop out.”

Still it was a class that was not a real battle so I didn’t really die. The teaching assistants immediately eliminated students who showed symptoms of turning blue while walking around and gave them antidote.

“Did you say Lark? If it was a real battle he would have died right away.”

Byeol-ya approached while pretending to cut her throat.

“If you feel numbness you should immediately switch to the herbal liquid base. Why do you keep going to the mushroom liquid base? It’s stupid to approach it as it will be.”

“I’m sorry professor.”

Dropouts were appearing one after another in various places but Simon was steadfastly working on an antidote. Now I’m trying to speed up the finish.


Suddenly more mushrooms fell on top of the mushrooms Simon needed to eat. The mushroom of the student who had just dropped out was placed on top of Simon’s quota.

Simon raised his head with a puzzled face.

“School professor?”

“It’s my heart that I want to give more to the students I care about.”

Byeol-ya laughed revealing shark teeth.

“If you can’t finish eating can’t you leave this classroom?”

Eyes of sympathy were pierced from all sides.

‘…why are you doing this only to me.’

“You have to do this to beat him! Don’t you?”

Simon who was about to protest because of his injustice felt paralysis rise to the tip of his chin while he was careless for a moment and focused on the resistance meter.

A similar situation occurred in the Matou Studies class after the exhausting and talkative self-study class.

* * *

Hong Feng’s Mathu class.

As always it is an outdoor class in the bright sunlight.

Although Simon takes self-learning alone there are many people he knows in this class. Meirin Dick and Kamibarez who changed into gym clothes greeted me warmly.

After going through tough physical training today the students lined up in a row.

Soon after Hongfeng stepped forward and declared with enthusiasm.



She lifted something large and white.

“Weapons. Among them I’m going to learn about martial arts using the ‘Great Sword’.”

The students made dizzy faces. The greatsword was one of the most difficult weapons to handle due to its size and weight.

Everyone expected Jin Do-sang to learn it only in the second half of the second semester of the second year but Hong Feng pulled up the pace and declared that he would teach great swordsmanship from the first day of the second semester.


Simon scratched the back of his head with a puzzled expression. Of course he wanted to learn great swordsmanship quickly but the timing felt strangely wrong.

Either way Hongfeng’s explanation continued.

“The greatsword is the largest of all weapons so it is also called the ‘weapon whale’. The unique feature of the greatsword is that it can contain the largest amount of jet black among all weapons.”

She lifted a greatsword larger than her upper body as if using chopsticks. Then her white bladed greatsword turned black in an instant.

He immediately stretched his legs forward followed by his waist and arms making a big swing.

Whoa oh oh!

The students’ clothes and hair swayed wildly in the gust of wind. Soon the gale stopped and I looked back and saw that the trees behind me had been cut down with their white growth rings exposed.

“Because the greatsword is specialized in discharging jet black many Necromancers store it in subspace and use it as a trump card. In addition learning the greatsword file not only increases physical strength and physical strength but also effectively condenses jet black. It helps you master overemission! Valid training for all types of necromancers.”

Putting down the greatsword she clapped her hands and smiled broadly.

“Don’t worry too much. I’ll adjust the size of the greatsword according to your physique and strength.”

Soon the Mathuhak assistants brought a weaponry with a large sword on display.

The prepared greatswords were of various sizes and weights. Some were long some were short but wide. Size and weight increased from left to right.

“…Can you lift that?”

“Even the smallest greatsword seems daunting to handle.”

All the students were looking at the greatsword at the far left. It was because I looked the most comfortable.

“Then let’s come forward one by one!”

The students lined up and stood in front of Hong Feng and his teaching assistants.

Bread a mathematician assistant who was sitting at a simple desk with a sad expression opened his mouth.

“I’ll start the strength test.”

There were two courses.

With pure brute force without the use of pitch black he measures the weight while holding up an iron bar with a red lump of iron suspended with both hands.

Next while using the ‘black eruption inside the body’ lift an iron bar with a heavier blue lump of iron suspended and measure its weight.

Based on this result Hong Feng selected a greatsword suitable for the student to wield.

“Is it today anyway?”

“I’m not feeling well today.”

There was a subtle tension among the male students at the word none other than physical strength measurement. There were students who made excuses first and there were students who lost their strength by doing push-ups out of anxiety.


“Listen Simon! I actually started a new warehouse business and I have a lot of stuff to move. My arms are weak after 12 hours of sleep! Oh if I knew this would happen I’d be putting it off!”

Dick also started reciting unsolicited stories but no one paid any attention.

Shortly thereafter the strength measurement began.


“How far is he lifting it?”

The highest record is 10 from Hector who also took Hong Feng’s Mathu class this semester.

He lifted as many as 12 blue iron rods while using the jet-black eruption inside his body.

Hector who set a new record obtained the largest greatsword on the far right. Hector faction students cheered loudly and Dick who was watching shook his head.

“They haven’t grown at all since their first year. It’s embarrassing to be from the same A class.”

Hearing those words Meirin spat out.

“Isn’t it embarrassing that your greatsword is the size?”

“Uh-huh! He said he stayed up all night for 12 hours!”

Dick shouted quickly covering his not-so-large greatsword.

“And people’s specialties are different! I’m very narrow-minded and discriminatory…”

“Yes weakling.”

Dick groaned and lowered his head at Meilin’s simple words. For the time being it seemed like I would always be in a situation where I was always getting hurt in Mathu class.

“Hey do your best Dick.”

Kamibarez laughed and cheered then turned his head to the sudden cheers.

“Oh there’s Simon!”

Simon’s turn that everyone has been waiting for.

Showing enthusiasm with his sleeves rolled up he lifted the iron bar.


Simon lifted nine red rings with pure force. Due to the difference in physique I couldn’t compare it to Hector’s 10 but it is still the top.

But the next blue ring was the key.


The measurement of blue rings using jet black was 14 exceeding Hector’s 12.

Let assistant bread try to check the number.

“I can raise more.”

said Simon sweating profusely.

The record stopped only after taking 16 gear teeth. Students cheered unsparingly for Simon’s performance which recently emerged as a rival to Ballack in the third grade.

Hector whose nose was red asked the head assistant to re-measure but it was not accepted. Dick giggled beside him letting out a nerve-wracking sneer.

“Then student Simon Pollentia will use this…”

Considering Simon’s physical strength the training assistant tried to hand over the greatsword on the far right.


Hongfeng stopped.

Then he raised the greatsword that was hanging nearby with one hand and held it out to Simon.

“Simon let’s train with this.”

“Yes? Ah yes.”

Simon thought he could use a heavier greatsword but when Hongfeng said so he accepted.

Greatsword of moderate size and weight. I held it with both hands and tried to position it.


It feels strangely comfortable in the hand. Soon after he straightened his sword and swung it left and right.


It is similar in weight and size to Peer’s ‘Greatsword of Destruction’. Simon who was excited and swung a few more times turned his head to look at Hongfeng.

Hongfeng smiled and was choosing great swords for other students.

“Wow are you ready already?”

Meirin approached with her hands behind her back.

Simon flinched and unknowingly let go of the greatsword and groaned. A cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

“What’s wrong Simon?”

she asked blinking her eyes.

“Ah no. It’s harder than it looks. Haha…!”

“Hey many things…!”

Then Kamibarez appeared.

She was whimperingly carrying the smallest greatsword. Even though it was the smallest greatsword her body was hidden inside the greatsword.

“Kami is cute!”

Meirin screamed and ran toward Kamibarez. Simon followed with a smile on his face.

As expected the Mathuhak class I took with everyone was fun.

* * *

Today was the first day of great swordsmanship so I only learned the basics. I learned how to hold the greatsword and how to hold it correctly step by step and finished the class satisfactorily.

Simon who soon broke up with his former friends returns to the dormitory on a golem board.

“Simon Pollentia.”

Someone was waiting for Simon at the entrance. Looking at the gold badge worn on the school uniform it was a third grader.

“Ah yes.”

“Follow me.”

He pointed to the side with his chin. Simon made a puzzled expression.

“What’s your business?”

At those words he paused and let out a deep sigh.

He immediately frowned and gestured annoyedly.

“I still think you’re the student council president. Follow me if you want to.”

He pointed the armband to the other shoulder.

It was the armband of the leadership team.

I’m debating whether Simon will follow me or not.


I noticed someone hiding in the back of the dormitory signaling to Simon. Simon realized who it was and nodded.

“Yes let’s go.”

* * *

Simon silently followed the third grader and moved on.

The Forbidden Forest behind the dormitory. It was a place where only the sound of owls echoed softly.


Soon several third-year students were seen sitting calmly in their seats.

And one person sitting in the middle.

“Are you here?”

This man who showed his teeth and smiled grimly was a third grader Simon knew well.

Ranked 11th overall in the 3rd year and the head of the military base in the department.

And the main culprit of the ‘reporting ceremony’ incident that harassed Toto at the beginning of the semester.

It was Will Douglas.

He and his gang were very energetic. Simon looked at the armband on Will’s shoulder.

‘I am.’

Realizing what had happened Simon smiled calmly.

Will’s eyebrows twitched as if that laugh was annoying.

“Are you laughing even in this situation?”

“What did you call me for Senior Will?”

“Not senior.”

He pointed to the armband on his arm and smirked.

“You should call me the leader. Former student council president.”

The picture is drawn very well.

It seems that the Ballack Student Council appointed Will who always disapproved of himself as the leader in order to keep this side in check.

At the beginning of the semester Will Douglas was beaten by Simon while trying to control the discipline of the sophomores and he was crushed by his classmate Benya Vanilla unable to touch the sophomores in terms of grades popularity or background.

In other words the student council gave him wings.

‘I don’t think it was Balak’s idea.’

It was more likely that this little trick was the idea of ​​Sota the vice-president next to him rather than Ballack.

Simon scratched his forehead and was lost in thought when Will jumped up from his seat.

“Do you know what I regretted the most in my Keyzen life?”

He grinded his teeth.

“We couldn’t go ahead with the declaration ceremony at the beginning of the semester. Benya the 328 seemed to be very easy going because vanilla was cheap.”

He showed his teeth and laughed like a monster.

“Now the power has changed.”

“I’ll go back if you called me to talk about that.”

Simon was lightly silent and was about to turn his back but two 3rd graders blocked his way.

“Should I watch this? As a leading team we have been informed of your rule violations.”

He showed the picture of the magic camera in his arms.

It was a picture of me on the second day I came to Roch Island and I was out in Rochester talking to Lorraine.

“They went over the fence and went to Rochest without filling out an application form on campus.”

Simon let out a laugh.

On that day most of the students went down to Rochester to get supplies. Of course it is a violation of school rules but half of the students will have to be punished for it.

It was such a messy maneuver.

In the midst of this it was burdensome to touch Lorraine so the figure of her sitting across from the picture was cropped.

“You’ll have to pay the price for violating the school rules right?”

Will loosened his knuckles and shook his neck from side to side making a loud noise. Simon sighed.

“You seem to have a lack of understanding about the leader’s activities. Head of leadership.”


“The leadership team’s main job is to patrol the campus at night and look for violators.”

Simon continued in a calm voice.

“After the end of the Dark Ages the leadership team has no right to summon or punish students.

Indeed it was Simon the former student council president who made the head coach.

“You seem to be saying that I went outside the campus without reporting going out but what about the leadership team who coercively called ordinary students to the forbidden forest without reporting going out?

It seems like it’s been a day or so since I became a leader but I couldn’t help but understand the leader.

The 3rd year leaders looked at Will with dumbfounded faces for a moment as if asking if it was true. They also said that Will would give him a spot on the leading team so he only accepted it but didn’t seem to know anything about it.

“You were so good that you taught your seniors and sat down.”

Will came over with a reddened face.

“That’s the same as when you were in the student council. In our Balak’s New Student Council the sphere of influence will be expanded further.”

he spread his palms

I’m not the kind of person who can tell a story anymore.

“Keep your mouth shut…!”


Then a low voice rang out in the darkness.

In the middle of the Forbidden Forest.

There a man in a school uniform was walking across the street. Will backed away from him as if he had been caught stealing.

Simon looked at him and smiled lightly.

“What are you doing here?”

It was a smiley face but that expression was extremely dark.

“Uh uh? Leonard…! This is it…!”

Currently Kizen’s 3rd year overall and the representative of the Summoning Department.

And one of Azel’s closest friends.

“What the hell is this?”

Leonard’s eyes widened in anger.

“Can you explain what you’re doing?”


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Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Necromancer Academy and the Genius Summoner
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Artist: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
After the ‘100-Year War’ between the Necromancers and Priests, an all-time genius who’ll shake the power structure was born. “Am I a rare case or something? Do I have talent?” A potential beyond all imagination. He obtained his father’s undead army and entered the great Necromancer school of Kizen that divided the continent. Geniuses are geniuses, even when gathered among the elites. The research community was flipped on its head by the appearance of a new case. Professors wouldn’t leave him be alone, wanting to make him study directly under them. Officials from all over the kingdom and heads of organizations fidgeted over whether to scout him. “Professor! When can I make a Lich?” “Gimme a break. How talented are you? You’re crossing the line, honestly.” A genius among geniuses had appeared.


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