Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner Chapter 394

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Necromancer School’s Summoning Genius Chapter 394


Chae Ae Ae!

Silage and Simon collided with their extended swords. A huge spark was thrown across the world of sand and only the ground on which the two stood was distorted.

The two people who collided with 10 hits retreated at the same time and the sandy bottom gushed out like a fountain.


At Simon’s cry the mummies rushed at Shilaji like a herd of wild beasts.

“It’s hard to believe the power of the corps commander.”

After releasing the blood sword in Silage’s hand he drew a new magic circle. It came down to the floor and turned into two mirrors.

“I’ll show you how to use the Blood Zombie.”

When the blood zombies passed through this mirror their hazy eyes glowed and blood began to boil throughout their bodies.

-Uh oh oh!

Breaking through at a speed that was hard to believe that they were zombies they dug deep into the formation knocking down the mummies in one blow.

Blood zombies whose bodies became red as they fought sooner or later.


It caused a corpse explosion no a blood explosion.

Not a single piece of bandage was left of the mummies caught up in it.

As the blood zombies rushing straight through the mirror exploded one after another the overwhelming number and size of the mummies crumbled without a chance.

Simon’s expression hardened.

‘As expected Professor Kizen’s level of strength. still.’

Seeing Shilaji clutching at his heart he seemed to be struggling too. You can tell just by looking at the use of blood zombies without stepping out yourself.

‘Of course there’s no time here so it’s all the same.’

Simon connected with his thoughts with Hersheba could see that she was reaching her limit.

Hersheba’s dungeon is dismantled before Silage’s heart stops.

Then even if this body is burned a variable must be created.

The front where blood zombies and mummies fight. Simon quietly detoured and moved to Silage’s side hiding in the dunes.

“It’s useless.”

Shilaji’s voice echoed.

“Hundreds of years. I’ve seen more than you and I’ve built up a lot.”

In a cold cool tone he said.

“Even if you’re lucky enough to have the power of a corps commander there’s no chance that you a freshman will beat me.”


Simon slumped hard on the floor and charged.

“That’s none of your business to decide!”

He swung his greatsword with all his might in the air. The blue-black sword cut through everything on the sword path in front but Shilaji moved sideways to avoid it.


Meanwhile Simon lands on the ground and runs right in front of Shilaji. An old fox with the face of a young Walter is seen right in front of him.

‘If only I could cut myself with the Greatsword of Destruction!’

Simon who was about to strike the greatsword immediately gave strength to his eyes as if regretting it erased his hesitation at once and stepped back with strength on his heel. Explosions of blood exploded one after another in the empty air.

“It also feels good.”

Shilaji laughed bitterly. Around him drops of blood that had changed into smaller particles were floating around like air mines.

“I’ll just die.”

Shilaji raised a wind sending drops of blood flying.

Simon squeezed his right leg which was on the floor and gritted his teeth.


At the frontal sword attack all the drops of blood caused a blood explosion. Shillaji deftly manipulated the remaining drops of blood into the air and collected them.

Drops of blood gathered and a heavy sphere of blood with a diameter of 10 meters fell on Simon.

Simon gripped the handle of the greatsword as if it would explode.

‘Once more!’


The flying sphere of blood is split in half. Simon twisted his back.


A whopping 3 consecutive space cuts.

The sphere of blood was drawn in the shape of a cross and then it was pulverized by a blood explosion.

“You continue to learn even during battle. The student’s attitude is excellent.”

“Professor or student. Bullshit!”

Simon rushed forward madness in his eyes.

“The one in front of you now is the corps commander!”


In an instant my legs lost all their strength. Simon’s pupils trembled like crazy.

“There’s no way that jet black will remain after overdoing it like that.”

Shilaji stepped back and flicked her hands. Drops of blood that had been hidden in the sand rose all at once into the air staining Simon’s surroundings red.

“It’s the age difference.”

All drops exploded.


and the aftermath of the storm.


Shilaji closed her eyes as she watched the feast of explosions dye the night desert red.

0% chance of survival.

It was precisely checked that Simon’s jet-darkness had been exhausted. Having drawn a firm conclusion he finally turned his back.

“Keep your power intact.”

A message was sent to the followers using blood flow magic.

“Since the sorcerer has fallen the barrier will soon collapse. The apostle’s resurrection plan is-“



His steps rattled and stopped.

My mouth dropped open as the shock spread through my brain. There is a mixture of surprise and doubt on his face.

A white spear was stuck behind Shilaji’s back.



Blood flowed from his mouth. Soon after he coughed and coughed and distant clots of blood poured out.

‘no way…!’

Even if he turned his back the bloody curtain and meat armor the defensive magic he always had on his body were pierced at once.

he turned his head.

The red explosion was blown away by the wind revealing the figure of a boy hidden behind a white shield.

“What about the years what about the experience. There are problems that people like that often have.”

Even with blood dripping profusely from his forehead Simon was showing his teeth.

“The first is that it’s easy to determine.”

“You bastard!”

“The second is a lack of imagination.”

< Lethe Original – La Escream & Divine Barrier >

Shilaji’s eyes twinkled with devastation.

“A necromancer with a core… uses divinity? What kind of trick is this!”

“I know it’s hard to understand but.”

Simon removed the Divine Barrier and opened a divine subspace with an artifact.

“It’s definitely happening!”

What came out of it was a divine beast in the shape of a bear Akalion.

“Let’s go! Akalion!”

– Whoa!

When Simon breathed his divinity into it Akalion rapidly grew in size and turned into a monstrous bear. Simon climbed on top of it and gave the order to charge with the Greatsword of Destruction at the fore.

Shilaji immediately tried to use black magic but


Blood continues to pour from his mouth as he coughs. The divinity entered the whole body in that attack earlier causing shock to the core.


Shilaji exclaimed. The runaway Blood Zombies who were dealing with Mira gathered in front of Shilaji.

“Akalion! Keep going!”

Simon seized the Greatsword of Ruin imbued it with divinity and began to wield it.




Every time the Greatsword of Destruction tinged with pure white brilliance flashed countless undead split.

The Blood Zombie was completely cut down before the blood explosion occurred and Akalion calculated the Blood Zombie’s movements and cleverly avoided the attack. She could either swing it with her front claws or bite her torso to stop the explosion.

‘Lack of imagination?’

Shilaji who had barely stopped the bleeding let out a hollow laugh.

A kid in the first year of Kizen is suddenly a corps commander.

And the corps commander is currently using the divinity.

Above all that ancient undead in the state of the armor that Simon is wearing.

‘How could the ancient undead be divine!’


After Simon used his divinity Fear’s entire body was glowing white. While accepting the divinity into his body he was assisting Simon with the divinity as power.

No one can imagine anything like this.

“There is a degree to being irregular!!”

Silage opened the subspace and poured out his blood zombies. Crimson entities rushed in.


Simon raised his left hand which was not holding the greatsword.

Above it is a single sleek pure white window. Several layers of divine bands flew around the spear and coiled around it forming the shape of a drill.

< Lete Original – La Escreme >


The divine spear shot out like a white pillar sending the Blood Zombies flying with only wind pressure. Shilaji raised blood magic and blocked it from the front.



In the meantime Akalion leaped into the air. Simon released the greatsword from his hand and drew both of his hands down roughly.

< Exorcism >


A white bolt of lightning fell on Shilaji’s head but Shilaji hastily opened his blood shield to block it.

He is also an old veteran. It was an unpredictable situation earlier but if he thought the opponent was a priest he could deal with it with the anti-priest tactic appropriate for him.


Then Akalion came down from the air scratching Shilaji’s chest with his claws.

‘what a waste!’

Simon hardened his expression.

Blood splattered on Shilaji’s chest but it was shallow and Shilaji immediately sent Akalion flying with a slam in the abdomen.

Koo Goo Goo!

Akalion collapsed. Simon activates the pendant to summon Akalion and then summons the Greatsword of Destruction into his hand.


Simon’s hands trembled.

Divinity is gone now.

In particular Lethe’s skill La Escream Two. It was a technique that consumed a lot more divinity than it looked like.

‘Did you blow something like this before you became a saint? Lethe.’

[Kko kid!]

Then Hersheba’s voice was heard. He was speaking directly with Simon’s thoughts so that others would not hear.

[At least 10 minutes from now! I can only keep the dungeon for 10 minutes!]


I induced Shilaji’s carelessness and inflicted a fairly large fatal wound but that’s it.

Neither pitch black nor divinity is lacking.

It took decisive force to get rid of him.

‘I really only have one last resort!’

– In the most desperate moment when your life is in danger and all means are blocked and now you are in a miserable situation where all you can do is pray to the sky trust me and use Compelonia.


Only now.

The moment when you have to arrange it until the end and use it at the end of the last.

Simon ejected his divinity from his body then activated his core again to return to necromancer mode.

“Mummy bag!”

The power was empty because they sent blood zombies to Simon and in the meantime the mummies again swarmed and attacked Silage.

Shillaji had no choice but to use a wide range of black magic.

While the mummies were buying time Simon prepared a secret technique.

‘There is no darkness. Unconditionally succeed!’

First draw the 4 curses quickly.

Move only the key formulas of the four curses in the center with your fingers and assemble them.

The work of taking out a part of the ecosystem and attaching it to another ecosystem but watching them fit together perfectly I could see how great the creator Barhil was.

After matching all four formulas the curse was completed.

< Compelonia >

Simon held up the magic circle and took a deep breath.

There is no more time to hesitate.

He boldly activated the Compelonia magic circle against himself.




It was an indescribable feeling.

It is clearly out of the realm of common thinking.

A tsunami of information rushes into your mind. My head was filled with countless numbers and languages.


Within seconds Simon had surpassed the amount of information he had learned from Keyzen.

In minutes Simon transcended the information he had learned in his life.

But couldn’t have it.

My jaw dropped at the enormous amount of information flowing like the sea.


Simon’s soul instantly transcended the shell.

The sight of the undead and blood cheongyo fighting bloody is getting farther and farther away.

The sight of Simon’s precious friends and the entire first year being ‘sacrificed’ is also far away.

Outside the dungeon the professor and his assistants are dissolving the bloody rings.

The appearance of Kizen.

The appearance of my hometown Leshill.

The appearance of the Dark Union and the Holy Federation.


Soon Simon transcended everything and crossed the door.


It’s just a pitch black image.

Even at this moment it is getting farther and farther away. The planet to which the ‘continents’ belonged now looks like a speck of dust.

[Don’t you think it’s insignificant?]

In the suffocating darkness a voice pierced Simon’s ears.

[The fact that everything I’ve worked so hard fought and struggled up until now came from such a small point.]

And next to Simon was a pitch-black existence in a pitch-black space.



[Oh I’m sorry. Isn’t it hard to come in with too much information?]

Existence changed something.

Only then did Simon turn away from the information that was stuck in his head and he had the right to smoke ‘Dancheong’ for a while.

First of all I saw the existence with my eyes.

It was a human silhouette with a head and limbs but it was easy to tell that it was not a real person.

It must have been changed to resemble Simon’s just for friendliness.

“Who are you?”

Simon asked.

[You guys definitely try to define the phenomenon with language like that. good. Then especially lower your eye level to the extreme-]

The being replied with a grin.

[I am everything in this world and I am not everything. nice to meet you!]


There was no answer at all.

[Thank you for crossing the door and coming to see me like this. I’m bored here alone.]

Simon nodded at his words and moved his eyes.

Endless darkness all around.

In the endless darkness it was a scene of countless dots that could not be counted.

“excuse me.”

Simon turned his head.

“I want to go back to where I came from can you help me?”


The being shrugged and put an arm around Simon’s shoulder.

[Look Carefully.]

Then he grabbed one of Simon’s eyes with his fingers and opened them wide.

[What have you been up to now?]


A very small dot as small as a speck of dust in this vast dark space.

Expand that point more more more more.

Even in the set of small dots when you go into the corner of the corner and see a very small dot placed there.

There was a continent there.

[Isn’t it funny? Everything you thought was everything was actually less than a speck of dust.]



Looking at this scale everyone had no choice but to think that way.

[Your history is insignificant. A single grain of dust that is so hard to distinguish. What is the meaning of the blood and tears you all shed until now to take over that dusty land?]

“But I…!”

[Same thing. What is the meaning of all your actions to save the grains of grains contained within those grains? It’s pointless. There is nothing. That’s why I can do everything but I don’t do everything.]

Simon felt that all his thoughts and his heart were rapidly being touched. His presence opened its arms.

[Let’s observe.]

A being that can do everything but doesn’t do everything.

[To contemplate here with me.]

Simon took a long breath.

He cooled his overheated head and regained his composure.

“Sorry. I’ll decline.”


As if it was unexpected the existence gave out a startled voice.

[why? why? why? Is everything here?]

“At the same time there will be nothing.”


The being shut up.

“What I want.”

Simon pointed with his fingertips.

“That dust.”

He waved his hand as if he did not understand the existence.

[why? now you know everything That anything you want is infinitely insignificant!]

“As you said humans are insignificant. And simple.”

Simon said.

“It’s a blessing to think as simple as it is simple. Even a pebble scattered on the side of the road can be a pebble that someone stumbles on an object that brings back precious memories to someone and a research object with archaeological value to someone. It could be. Big and small don’t matter. Insignificant and insignificant.”

Simon stabbed himself in the chest with his thumb.

“Your heart decides.”

[under. haha…!]

The being burst into laughter.

[The mind you speak of is autonomic nervous excitement and is nothing more than an electrical signal from the brain. It is a symbol of insignificance!]

“I am human too.”

[no! You can now enjoy equal status with me! In the realm of that “God” you guys say so…!]

“If I really am that god now.”

Simon said coldly.

“I will gladly break my wings and fall to the insignificant ground. All my precious things are there.”


“Will you help me?”


Heh heh heh.

The being laughed.

[I can’t get it. sorry It’s been a long time since I’ve been here.]


[This is your last chance after passing through the first door. So let me ask you one last question. Are you really okay?]


Simon smiled.

“are you okay.”


The being rubbed its palms.

[I’m sorry but this information will be forgotten when I go back. If you remember your brain will burn.]


[Still I’ve come this far but I should give you a gift and send it to you. what do you want?]


Simon strained his eyes.

“The power to break through the railing I’m going through.”


he spread his arms

[It was really nice to meet you. friend!]

* * *


Simon opened his eyes.

Sweat trickled all over his body and he was gasping for breath like crazy. Her eyes are shaking as if she can’t believe everything she just saw.


A roar of thunder voices and the sharp smell of sand.

Simon realized that he had returned to the battlefield.

[What are you doing! Wake up!]

Peer got out of the armor state he saw and was directly blocking the attack of the followers of Blood Heaven.

“Pier how long has it been?”

[A few minutes! Now there are about 5 minutes left before the dungeon collapses!]

fortunately I had to fight right now.

“Back off. Peer.”

[Yes the armor I saw again…!]

“No please step away from me.”

Memories and senses still remain in the body and brain.

Simon strode forward.

“Hey it sounds like you’re writing something that’s pretty hard.”

Silage also saw Simon approaching.

“Looks like it didn’t go well…”

Having said that Shillaji involuntarily kept her mouth shut.

The eyes were not normal.

It was dark and gloomy like snow in the depths of the sea. Simon raised his arms in silence.

‘Jet-black on the right hand.’

Black power surged up in the palm of my hand.

‘Divinity in the left hand.’

A dazzling divinity arose in his left hand.

The two powers overflow and show off their presence. Shilaji’s expression was wary.

“…What are you going to do again this time?”


Simon made jet black face to face with divinity.

“To do this.”


And he collided the jet black and divinity.


The two forces began to intertwine. Shilaji put on a shocked expression.

“Are you insane!”

[boy! The two forces collided so forcefully… Um?]

The two opposite forces do not push each other fight or explode.

were merging

The black power and the white power gathered in the center and formed a circle.

“Thank you friend.”

Simon looked up at the sky and murmured.


Soon with dazzling brilliance something that was a combination of jet black and divinity was born.



Black-blue light mixed with black and blue.

It was exactly like Simon’s jet black.

A bead wriggling as if to suck in everything even distorting the space around it was in Simon’s hand.


As Simon grabbed the orb even the dimensions around him twisted.

“It is the power of the void that transcends this world.”

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Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Necromancer Academy and the Genius Summoner
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Artist: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
After the ‘100-Year War’ between the Necromancers and Priests, an all-time genius who’ll shake the power structure was born. “Am I a rare case or something? Do I have talent?” A potential beyond all imagination. He obtained his father’s undead army and entered the great Necromancer school of Kizen that divided the continent. Geniuses are geniuses, even when gathered among the elites. The research community was flipped on its head by the appearance of a new case. Professors wouldn’t leave him be alone, wanting to make him study directly under them. Officials from all over the kingdom and heads of organizations fidgeted over whether to scout him. “Professor! When can I make a Lich?” “Gimme a break. How talented are you? You’re crossing the line, honestly.” A genius among geniuses had appeared.


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