Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner Chapter 375

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Necromancer School’s Summoning Genius Chapter 375

-Schatel wake up. Chatel.

Chatel was born in a deep mountain valley.

There were no people no communication.

A world where what you see is everything. Chatel only knew that all fathers were this small.

-I’m going down to the village today.

But on his 5th birthday. Chatel had a realization when he first came down to town with his father.

He was the only one big.

People saw Chatel and ran away in terror. There were also people who pointed their fingers and looked at each other and others who giggled and laughed.

-Why are you so obsessed with the giant bastard?

-I couldn’t come to my senses even after being kicked out of the village.

Every time my father told the villagers.

He’s big but he’s a good kid.

And my father told Chatel too.

The size of the body is different but the size of the heart is the same.

All of these people are actually good people.

My father full of wrinkles smiled and said so.

That was the last father’s smile.


That night Shatel is on her way back from hunting in the mountains.

The house was on fire.

The soldiers who received reports from the villagers that there was a wild giant set fire to the house and fields.

Hwareuk! Roaring!

In order not to deal with the giants they burned the entire area. The soldiers went down the mountain joking that the young giants burn well because they have a lot of fat.


Looking at the burning house Chatel howled as she laid down her prey.

Dad is wrong.

They are also small in body size.

The size of the heart is also narrow.

Upon discovering her father’s body among the burnt rubble Chatel gave up everything and trudged toward the village.

In his hand was a hunting knife used to decapitate monsters.


On the way down the mountain road a human blocked him.

He is still a small human being even smaller than a normal human being.

However a silver-haired girl who spreads unapproachable energy.

-I’m too late.

The human who muttered that with sad eyes pointed at the knife Shatel had pointed to.

-Are you going to kill them all?


Chatel kept her mouth shut and rushed at the girl with a question-and-answer dance.


When I opened my eyes I could see the bluish sky of dawn.

He lost consciousness in just one hit.

The girl squatting a little further away was playing in the dirt with the knife that Chatel had brought.

Chatel gnashed her teeth and raised her scarred body.

-Your father really is.

At this time the girl spoke in an extremely understated voice that did not match her appearance.

– Do you think you want bloody revenge?

At that question Shatel bit her lip until it bled.


That this is not what your father wants.

The girl who confirmed Chatel’s hesitation finally smiled broadly.

– Rather than revenge let’s do something more fun!

* * *

Shatel met Nephthys learned black magic and learned how to become stronger.

However discrimination still existed.

Everywhere I went people pointed at me. Because of that gaze his words stuttered and he stopped going outside.

It’s been several years since I was stuck in a cave and only communicated with Nephthys.

succumbed to evil

My father died because he was looked down upon by the villagers.

Being pointed at and ignored.

Still messing around

I decided not to live like my father.

Since I was born as a monster I will thoroughly live as a monster. I’ll crush you with overwhelming fear so that you won’t attack me again.

that’s how i survive

After that decision Chatel’s life changed.

I didn’t avoid a fight and I didn’t lose to anyone.

When he came to the Necromancer School which was based on merit everyone looked up to him. No one dared to stand up to him now.

I should have-

Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!

I hear the excited cheers of the crowd.

[Simon Pollentia: 98%]

[Chatel Maer: 3%]

Dozens of skeletons freely wielding emerald-colored swords.

A blue-haired boy who commands the undead.

However Shatel didn’t have a handful of jet black left to squeeze out. All that remains is this strong body.

My stomach exploded.

In this match the ‘defeat condition’ is that the barrier gauge becomes 0%. That’s why I was careful and that’s why I did an inefficient thing to wear jet black and the jet black was depleted.

If you were naked there would be nothing like that kind of swordsman.

Chow ah!

A turquoise sword blade grazed his back. The barrier turned red again and then returned to normal.

[Simon Pollentia: 98%]

[Chatel Maer: 1%]

Because it’s a human rule is it inevitable to lose?

‘No I’m not yet!’


‘Not defeated!’

Chatel who noticed the movement of the guards instantly lowered her stance and clenched her fists.

Simon and the SS are connected.

He intended to destroy one and take advantage of Simon’s blow to rush at him.


A sword that swings straight ahead.

And Shatel’s fist was faster than the sword of the SS coming down.


hit properly.

The bone fragments of the whole body were smashed and the skeleton flew away.

Shatel turned her head and tried to run straight to Simon.


Simon stood there undisturbed.

“I saw you aiming for the SS.”

Simon was also thinking a lot about the weaknesses of the SS.

Just before Shatel attacked I removed the cloud hanging from the bodyguard. What Shatel broke was the bones of a regular skeleton.

“You’re amazing Chatel.”

Simon raised his hand. The emerald light that had covered all the skeletons was withdrawn and entered the magic circle that spread around Simon’s side.

“As a way of paying my respects I will do my best until the end.”

Lowering his stance he began to pull out something from the magic circle on his side.

Pass s s s s s!

As if drawing a sword the blue-black jet-black gathered together and became entangled.

The pointy thing that fully revealed itself was in the shape of a sword.

< Simon Remake – Blood Sword >


Simon raised his sword. It was a great sword that shimmered in a blue-black haze.

Until now he had only used the last technique in the form of < Blood Arrow > a bow and arrow but this was the weapon Simon was more confident in.

Simon grabbed the sparking greatsword with both hands and raised it above his head.

“As a result of this match I don’t think I have the edge over you.”

Shatel was also at a disadvantage in terms of performance and after Hersheba she is facing Simon in succession.

“I’m not sure what the hell drives you so much.”

Chatel roared and charged like a brown bear. The last jet-black squeezed into his fists shimmered slightly.

“At least there is no one in this school who does not recognize you.”


Chatel’s pupils shook.

‘All the space-‘

Simon’s greatsword that was on top of his head.

‘The sense of cutting.’

It went down in a clean straight line.


A blue-black sword strike passes through the rushing Chatel’s body.

The moment Shatel and the sword strike touched each other the flash attack caused a secondary explosion and pounded Shatel’s barrier like crazy.

Koo Goo Goo Goo!

in the black smoke.

The movements of the two boys stopped at the same time.

[Simon Pollentia: 98%]

[Chatel Maer: 0%]

The referee who had been watching while drenched in sweat immediately raised his right arm and shouted.

“The game is over! The winner is Simon Pollentia from class A!”


Cheers like thunder broke out.

Simon finally bent his knees and let out a long breath and Dick Kamibarez and Benya who had come down from the stands as if they had been waiting jumped out and shared the joy with Simon.


Chatel who had been sitting down and watching him staggered and stood up.

I lost so helplessly. Now people will point fingers at me again.


“Good fight!”


There was an outpouring of encouragement from the crowd. Soon students from the same class I were running towards Chatel.

“Chatel. Can you wake up?”

Despite the huge difference in physique I saw friends struggling to support Chatel.


– At least there is no one in this school who doesn’t acknowledge you.

I’m not very willing though.

Just by putting my arms on the shoulders of a couple of people like this.

The steps were not that heavy.

* * *

“Jump jump!”

Dick who had come out of the arena was running in the lead. Simon and Kamibarez followed panting.

“This match took longer than I thought! They must be fighting right now!”

Dick looked at his watch. Kamibarez who was running alongside Simon looked at him with worried eyes.

“Simon are you really okay? The medics need to get tested.”

“are you okay.”

Simon smiled and said.

“This match was almost done by Hersheba not by me.”

Hersheba almost passed out as soon as the match was over.

It was the first time Simon or Hershevana had used the 2nd and 3rd level powers so properly and Hersheba in particular knew no limits because her ability to raise mummies was a skill she had acquired after becoming a lich.

Later when the barrier was broken and Hersheba received the recoil it was so dangerous that the life vessel was damaged.

Fortunately when I opened the subspace and looked at the body of the lich the Life Vessel was beating with only a precarious amount of pitch black left.

-Khehehe! There is no power without cost. boy.

It was Peer’s impression of Hersheba’s condition.

Simon also nodded.

‘I was too ignorant.’

Build cities and make mummies.

In particular there was a high possibility that the reason she went to the brink of fainting was because of the dragon in the form of a mummy that she caused at the end.

From now on Simon thought that he should learn how to use Hersheba’s abilities more effectively and learn how to distribute his powers.

“Oh I see it over there!”

Kamibarez shouted. In the eyes of the three of them the first indoor arena where Meirin was playing came into view.

Dick shouted.

“The match between Meirin and Serene! Apart from being in the same team you can’t miss this big match!”

The three people who entered the arena quickly ran up the stairs and climbed into the stands.


As soon as I climbed the stairs I felt a warm feeling and a smoky smell came from all directions. Some spectators who couldn’t stand it were running out of the stadium as if they were running away.

‘Is there a fire somewhere?’

I looked around and saw that a thick black smoke had filled the arena. In particular the blazing black flame is burning with its mouth open like a demon king.

There are barriers all over the audience but this much heat.

Simon ran over grabbed the railing and peered into the arena.


The stadium had become a sea of ​​fire to the extent of being terrible. Then I saw a girl with light blue hair sitting down in the fire pit and gasping for breath.


Her body was covered in ashes as she staggered with the oxygen cylinder magic circle she had used in the ocean-themed BMAT turned on.

He coughed constantly as if the smoke was acrid wiping the tears and runny nose with his sleeve.

And Serene Eindark a girl with ivory hair smiling casually from a distance.

It was hard to believe that they were in the same space Serene looked so neat and tidy.

Her arms are folded as if hugging her chest and her chin is raised like a queen and a relaxed smile hangs at the corner of her mouth.

Twenty pieces of ‘Dark Flare’ magic circles floated above her head waiting.

[Serne Eindark: 100%]

[Maylin Villenne: 9%]

“Give up now~ Meirin.”

Saying that in a timid voice Serene stretched out her index finger and pretended to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes.

“Se-Ri’s heart hurts so much that she can’t fight any more.”


Meirin who had turned to charcoal staggered to her feet.

“… Hit it.”

“Huh? What?”

“Shut that mouth!”

Opening her eyes where the thread veins were bursting Meirin stretched out her arms. Two jet-black flames flew from her outstretched palms.


As Serene yawned in boredom and waved her index finger lightly two dark flares flew from twenty magic circles in the air.

Within a short time jet-black fire systems collided with each other in the middle causing a huge explosion. The heat poured out and the crowd screamed.

“Pung~ Pung~”

As Serene raised her index finger and shook it additional dark flares flew from the magic circle in the air. Meilin hastily threw her body to avoid it.

‘The magic number that can be used is different!’

Simon bit his lip hard on his face. It was launched from the sky and feathers fluttered in the vacant place and then the magic circle was spread out and filled in again.

“…Wow isn’t that a real foul?”

Dick let out an absurd laugh.


Kamibarez covered his mouth and shivered as he stared in the direction of the explosion.

Simon’s hand gripped the railing and strength went into it.

“Why do you seal your special skill the jet-black ice barrier and fight only with flames?”

“It can’t be helped.”

Dick said.

“Look at the heat inside the arena. Anything like ice will melt really quickly.”

In the previous match against Chatel if Simon had an overwhelming advantage in matchmaking.

This match was absolutely unfavorable to Meirin. It was a battle of ice and fire.


Kamibarez continued with a trembling voice.

“Maylin doesn’t seem to have any intention of giving up.”

In the explosion Meirin’s gasping figure was revealed. Simon nodded her head too.

The reason Mei Lin came to Kizen was only to surpass Serne Eindark.

The Ivory Tower originally planned to send Serene this year and Meirin next year but it was Meirin’s own decision to enter this year.

And the reason why she sealed the jet black ice barrier and used only the jet black flame system for the entire first semester was the only reason that the battle against Cerne was at a disadvantage.

However while hanging out with Simon and the 7th group members he gradually became more relaxed and his personality changed.

The potential of his skills was bursting as he started to pull out the jet-black ice barrier again.


All in all I am reducing the wall called Sernet again here.

The final battle with Cerne at the end of the first year. This in a way was more important than the test for Meirin as an individual.

How much did you catch up with Serene after coming to Kizen?

If her heart is broken after being defeated without being able to touch Serne Meirin may seal the jet-black ice barrier again and return to her former self at the beginning of the first semester.

-Oh I see! are you mocking me now? yes it’s all because of me!

To Meirin who closed her heart at the beginning of the semester and was impatient.

To that time when even the mention of the name Cerne made it extremely dark.

‘If we lose like this here Meirin’s heart will be broken. Something.’

Simon struggled with a hard face.

‘Is there any way?’

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Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Necromancer Academy and the Genius Summoner
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Artist: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
After the ‘100-Year War’ between the Necromancers and Priests, an all-time genius who’ll shake the power structure was born. “Am I a rare case or something? Do I have talent?” A potential beyond all imagination. He obtained his father’s undead army and entered the great Necromancer school of Kizen that divided the continent. Geniuses are geniuses, even when gathered among the elites. The research community was flipped on its head by the appearance of a new case. Professors wouldn’t leave him be alone, wanting to make him study directly under them. Officials from all over the kingdom and heads of organizations fidgeted over whether to scout him. “Professor! When can I make a Lich?” “Gimme a break. How talented are you? You’re crossing the line, honestly.” A genius among geniuses had appeared.


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