Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner Chapter 229

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Necromancer School’s Summoning Genius Chapter 229

The summit of the Washuben Mountains the old castle of the demon king.


A roar as if the sky were breaking was poured into the quiet Goseong.

The undead stationed within the castle flocked to the epicenter of the sound.


A spacious bathroom inside the castle.

Inside a long-haired man was bleeding and tilting his head.

Blood was dripping from his hair and the clean bathroom was a mess with black red flesh protruding from his chest.


The long-haired man slowly lowered his head. Some of the ‘Eternal Jin’ that had been drawn on his chest were broken and he was spitting out blood and flesh.

The man who checked the completely broken magic circle let out a long sigh and said.

“Tallaze is dead.”


At those words the four undead who came closest to Magnus reacted in surprise.

[I can’t believe it. Tallaze…!]

[Retaliate! slaughter!!!]

A woman with the upper half of a human and the lower half of a snake.

A pale-faced zombie wearing glasses and a well-polished butler’s uniform.

A monster with a body made of thread and a bloody kitchen knife in his hand.

And a strange creature wriggling like a pupa without a face or arms.

All of them were Ancient Undead.

[Wasn’t Thalaze on the search at Roch Island?]

At the question of the zombie in the butler’s uniform Magnus nodded.

The Ancient Undead he encountered in the Jungle of Screams was undoubtedly strong. However it was not enough to kill Tallaze 10 times who ran away with all his might. With that judgment Magnus willingly sent Talazze.

But who really got rid of Talazze? Although it was illegal trespassing there is no reason for Kijen to destroy Tallaze. If you caught him and fed yourself a handicap you fed him.

The one who killed Tallaze was the one who tried to hide what Tallaze saw.

After thinking that far Magnus opened his mouth.

“The enemy is most likely a new legion.”

The faces of the four undead hardened.

“The other legionnaires didn’t move one step from their positions. In other words the 7th Legion was born on Roch Island and they killed Talaze. There’s no other story.”


A half-snake half-human woman wrapped around Magnus who had collapsed in the bathtub and lifted him up.

[Are you really okay babe?]


Magnus put his hand on his blood-stained chest and started drawing a magic circle with the blood.

It was worthwhile to prepare a preliminary formula just in case.

Connect the formula of the broken magic circle with blood and draw a new magic circle sideways. If Tallaze dies it is a black magic that allows you to see the surroundings.


The magic circle of blood activates and the coordinates of Talaze’s disappearance are aligned. Soon the sight of the coordinates in front of him looked like a hazy mist.

The eyes of the four Ancient Undead in the seat were focused.

shoot it

beach with waves. With almost no shape left it looks like Tallaze who met her end after being burned.

And standing around Talazje was a barefoot black-haired red-eyed girl wearing a dress.

[It was that human.]

[plural! plural! Let’s tear it apart!]

The dead in the castle roared and vented their anger.

Then Magnus raised a finger above his head and the surroundings became quiet again like a lie.

“Alaze. Who is that woman?”

To Magnus’ question one of the four Ancient Undeads a wriggling mass of flesh like a large chrysalis answered.

[The enemy who got rid of my brother Tallaze. Kizen 1st year. Lorraine Akbold. Daughter of Nephthys Akbold.]

The dead were agitated at the word Nephthys’s daughter. The butler zombie fiddled with her one eyed glasses.

[If she is the commander of the 7th corps the situation fits.]

If the 7th Legion existed it was highly likely that Nephthys interfered and hid the administrator. Because Nephthys also participated in the last war of the 7th Legion.

And after several decades Nephthys passed on the corps she had hidden so far to her daughter who had grown up and entered Kizen. It was a fairly predictable picture.

“Is that woman strong?”

The zombie butler nodded at Magnus’ question.

[She is a woman who inherited the blood of the witch of death so she must be strong. She maintains mid-level grades in Keyzen perhaps in order not to be noticed but her skills are formidable. Besides the 7th legion is the legion of betrayal so even though she is the daughter of Nephthys she must have hidden the legion.]

The half-human half-human ancient undead called Lamia frowned.

[difficult. I tried to kill the opponent even if it was a noble or a royal family let alone the king of a country but if it was the daughter of Nephthys the story would be different.]

[Lorraine Akbold. great talent. If she has her legion. 10% chance of Talaze’s return.]

Magnus who had listened to the words of several subordinates rubbed his chin.

“Is this because it’s retaliation for taking away his Ancient Undead? This little one has a temper. It’s fun.”

At that time the dead who were looking at the screen made with black magic became agitated. Lorraine looked up and looked straight up at the screen they were looking at.

[You noticed.]

She raised the corners of her mouth and her red eyes twinkled.


The screen was broken and fragments flew in all directions. Magnus smiled curiously.

“It feels good.”

[What are you thinking? Magnus.]

“I should go to Rock Island too.”

shoot it

Magnus rose from the bloody bathhouse and strode over to put on a gown hanging from a nearby hanger.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s the next president or not. As a senior corps commander I’m going to give some lessons to my juniors.”

Lamia hardened her expression.

[It’s not as bad as killing Nephthys’ daughter. Do you want to look like the 7th Corps?]

“I know I know. I’ll take care of it.”

Magnus smiled lightly and turned his head.

“Alaze. Find out how to get to Roch Island. Whether it’s a business trip an event or an outside professor by any means.”

[The outsider. Absolutely no access to Rock Island. Magnus Corps. I already broke the rules by sending Talaze at will. No entry.]

“Then work harder. That’s your role.”

[Confirm command.]

Magnus put his hands in the pockets of his robe and laughed.

“I’m looking forward to it. The Legion of Betrayal…”

* * *

“Professor Hongfeng please raise your face!”

“We’re going together not a single dropout!”

The first Mathuhak class of the second semester of integration has begun.

Class A students were running on a steep mountain road. Everyone gasped and caught up with Hongfeng who was running in the lead.


Simon was running at a moderate pace in the middle. Kamibarez spoke from the side.

“Somehow you look good today.”

“Uh yeah? Maybe it’s because it’s been a while since I got some fresh air.”

In fact I couldn’t help but feel better.

Last night we succeeded in destroying Magnus Corps’ eye.

Tallaze discovered the ruins of Peer and didn’t know that it would be a difficult situation to turn back but it was fortunate that she somehow exhausted all 10 lives on the spot.

I wanted to make him an ancient undead under his command but Peer said that the undead who were already bound by the corps’ contract could not be made on the same side unless they killed the corps leader.

Still I crossed a really big mountain. No matter how much Magnus is he won’t be able to enter Rock Island unless he secures conclusive evidence.


I felt good and my condition was very good.

We finally reached the halfway point. As if everyone had waited they spread out and gasped for breath and the assistants distributed drinks that had the effect of restoring physical strength.

‘Has the taste changed since the second semester?’

Something like green ingredients went into the existing red. It tasted like something good for the body.


While Simon was resting Hongfeng approached with a smile on his face. Simon also smiled brightly and said hello.

“Professor Hongfeng!”

“You look really good today! Would you like to play more with me?”


Meirin who was gasping for breath on her stomach stared at Simon with eyes that wanted to see all the crazy people. I thought that was human stamina.

The two came forward and warmed up lightly. Hongfeng raised his arm and pointed.

“I’m just going to take a picture of the tree you see on the hill over there!”


The two lowered their stance.

“…Me too I’m going!”

Hector walked over and stood on the starting line next to Simon. Hongfeng smiled broadly and clapped his hands.

“Oh are you doing Hector’s school fight too? Good!”

The two joined Hong Feng. Matuhak’s teaching assistant Brad who saw this secretly noticed some of the students.

“Ah- I don’t notice. My kids are being fooled by guys who don’t even want to be matou.”

At those words the students who had been sitting and resting flinched.

“Kijen has improved a lot. Things I couldn’t have imagined in my time are happening really. If you want to be me shouldn’t I just run away? Things like this.”

In the end the students who couldn’t stand Bread’s notice got up and ran out. Mathuhak had a stricter hierarchy than students of other majors.

“We’ll do it too!”

“me too!”

Hong Peng smiled broadly at the level of participation in the class by the students and was delighted.

The students of Matushak glanced at the backs of Simon and Hector with resentful eyes.

“What are you looking for?”

Hector noticed like a ghost.

The students couldn’t even meet his fiery eyes and smoked. Simon and Hongfeng were busy talking about this and that.

“Then get ready~ Let’s go!”

Hongfeng Simon Hector and aspiring Matu spurted up the hill at once.

Simon felt like he was going to run out of breath because he was running again while his body was overworked but he felt good.

Enjoying nature makes me feel as if my body is detoxifying…


Simon’s gaze turned upward.

Come to think of it on every promenade I’ve seen so far there’s something green floating around. I also feel much more refreshed than before.

“Pollen from a fabric called hemophyte is excellent for expelling poisonous birds. It’s in your drinks.”

Hongfeng said with a subtle smile.

“When I heard that my sister was coming I put the seeds of Hemophye all over the place.”


For some reason Hongfeng’s expression looks very strained.

Still family is family so the orgies at the end of the night must be on your mind. She was the only one who could take care of her.

“Cheer up professor!

“Thank you Jimon. But if it doesn’t feel right tell your sister clearly.”

At that moment Hector made a loud noise and sped up.

He ran in an instant and touched the tree with the palm of his hand. Then looking at Simon as if showing off he raised the corner of his mouth.

“Ah congratulations on first place Hector.”

said Simon who followed. At that Hector’s face turned red.

“Are you teasing me now?”

‘No what should I do?’

“Now stop stop. You can’t fight.”

When Hongfeng stopped him Hector also withdrew his temper. He also listens well in front of adults.

And belatedly the aspirants to Mathuhak arrived gasping for breath.

“Then shall we have a match between the two of us now?”

Pointing at the place where Hongfeng started again with his fingertips he shouted ‘Start!’.

Simon and Hector immediately jumped out.

‘What the hell are they all about!’

‘No really. Aren’t you tired?’

The Matushak wannabe gasped for breath and annoyedly followed.

* * *

widely. tadak. widely.

Bahil a professor of curse studies was sitting crookedly in a chair writing formulas on the blackboard with an expressionless face.

Without even looking at the blackboard the way he wrote without any hesitation like pasting formulas in his head was almost like an art form.


At that time a knock was heard at the door of the laboratory and the chief assistant Che Haekle appeared.

She bowed her head politely and said.

“It’s time to go to class A.”

Barhill put the chalk down with a thud. Then after wiping the chalk dust off her hands with a wet towel placed on the table she stood up and put on a white formal suit hanging on a hanger.

“I waited only for today.”

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Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Necromancer Academy and the Genius Summoner
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Artist: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
After the ‘100-Year War’ between the Necromancers and Priests, an all-time genius who’ll shake the power structure was born. “Am I a rare case or something? Do I have talent?” A potential beyond all imagination. He obtained his father’s undead army and entered the great Necromancer school of Kizen that divided the continent. Geniuses are geniuses, even when gathered among the elites. The research community was flipped on its head by the appearance of a new case. Professors wouldn’t leave him be alone, wanting to make him study directly under them. Officials from all over the kingdom and heads of organizations fidgeted over whether to scout him. “Professor! When can I make a Lich?” “Gimme a break. How talented are you? You’re crossing the line, honestly.” A genius among geniuses had appeared.


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