Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner Chapter 193

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Necromancer School’s Summoning Genius Chapter 193

Simon and Kamibarez passed the crowded fountain plaza and entered a narrow alley.

“I’m so sorry Simon!”

Kamibarez bent over and apologized. Her purple hair fluttered showing the crown of her head.

Simon quickly waved his hand.

“I-I’m really fine! I’m not hurt anywhere.”

“I’m sorry though. I thought you’d restrain yourself if you had a lot of eyes on me… I’m so ashamed of you.”

She covered her flushed face with the palm of her hand. Simon said softly.

“It was just being a little playful. I don’t think it was bad intentions.”

“Now are you kidding me? Simon almost died!”

she said in amazement.

‘well. If that person really wanted to kill me.’

I wonder if my body was already split in half and I was rolling on the floor.

But there was no reason to continue this topic. Simon pulled his paper case from the wrapping paper in his hand.

“Do you want some ice cream bread? I bought it from a street vendor on the way home.”


Embarrassed Kamibarez refused once saying that now was not the time to eat snacks but eventually accepted Simon’s active invitation.

She took a small bite.


Her purple pupils widened like rabbit eyes. She took another bite and she slightly wrinkled her brow then an unbearable smile was drawn and her shoulders trembled.

“Aww it’s delicious!”

Finally a bright smile appeared on her face.

He gripped the ice cream bun with both hands and munched on it one bite at a time. eats really well

‘Did you pass it well somehow?’

Simon glanced back. Kamibarez didn’t seem to notice at all but he saw Dietrich’s eyes flashing a little away from here.

“Now then shall we go see Dick?”


She smiled wide as she smeared the ice cream on her lips.

Simon silently held out his handkerchief and pointed it at her lips. She took the handkerchief and wiped it with both hands turning red to the nape of her neck.

“I’ll be sure to wash it and return it!”


After enjoying a snack the two walked side by side in a narrow alleyway.

As there was a gap of nearly two months there were so many things to talk about. Kamibarez chattered like a baby bird and Simon nodded and listened actively.

“I think Simon is really good at talking!”

Simon huh? made a face.

“I didn’t really say anything.”

“That’s how it feels! I’m trembling in front of other people but I like it because I feel comfortable talking to Simon when I talk to him.”

I don’t know what it is but since you like it I feel better on this side as well.

“There are two more days left until admission so let’s talk.”


As she said before vacation she went to Professor Shilaji’s recommendation and went to his students to learn how to control Ursula’s violent blood.

Of course it would be best to learn Ursula’s power from the Ursula family but in the case of Kamibarez even though she was a vampire her body was close to that of a human.

A completely new conundrum ‘how humans use Ursula’s blood’.

This was something that Ursula could not teach and Shilaji judged that it was better to learn from a human like him.

“What kind of student was Professor Shilaji?”

“Ah! Doctor? You’re such a nice person! I came here rather suddenly but I was able to adapt quickly because he was kind and considerate.”

“I’m glad.”

Simon nodded and crossed his arms.

“I thought Professor Shilaji would teach me.”

“I heard from Dr. Shilaji that he went on a secret mission to Kizen during vacation. He said that only the best hemochemist on the continent could do it.”

Keyzen professors did not just take a break during vacation but usually went to carry out their overdue assignments.

Because they were both professors and active necromancers.

“Simon how did you spend this vacation?”


He went to the Holy Commonwealth and fought against the Blood Heavenly Church. Now you can freely use divinity and you have opened your eyes to a completely new realm called divine undead.

It was impossible to say …

“I did my vacation homework and helped my father with Yeongji’s work. I was very busy with just that.”

“As expected the lords are having a lot of trouble!”

After exchanging stories the two got out of Campbell Road and came to the downtown area where many stores were concentrated.

Simon took out Dick’s letter and looked around.

“Simon. Where’s Dick?”

“He said he came to Langerstein a week ago and was working part-time. It’s about this… Ah!”

Simon’s eyes widened as he checked the store signs.

“Here! The name of the signboard is Blue Hobbit.”

“The name of the store is unusual.”

“Let’s go in.”

daughter and daughter.

The two opened the door and entered. As soon as I entered my eyes wandered wildly at the items tightly packed on the shelves.

“Ohh is everyone here?”


Dick wearing a casual apron came quickly. He was wearing the store’s uniform not the Kizen uniform.

“Euhaha! How are you all!”

Dick who smiled broadly and bumped his fists into the two clapped their hands together.

“Oh! This is not the time! My part-time job ends in two hours so help me!”


“The sale starts in 10 minutes so quickly change your clothes and come! The boss says he will take care of your wages. Now now.”

Dick pushed Simon and Kamivarez in the back. The two suddenly entered the locker room and changed into uniforms.

‘I was told to wear it so I wore it but what kind of shape is this all of a sudden?’

He wore the same pants as his Kizen uniform and a brown striped apron was worn over them. A scarf was tied like a tie over a navy shirt.


Kamibarez shyly came out of the women’s locker room. Simon giggled.


It was the same outfit as Simon’s but it was so wide that only the tips of the fingers could be seen through the sleeves. The brown apron also went well with it.

“Are those two part-timers coming to help?”

“Yes boss!”

Dick and a stocky middle-aged man walked by. He glanced over at Simon and Kamibarez and smiled contentedly.

“The two of you please take care of the event corner.”


“Okay boss! This way!”

Dick skillfully guided the two of them.

“Are you surprised? I’m sorry. This is a place that sells things that apply the techniques of Necromancers to household items. I’m working here to get ideas and do market research.”

“I’m sorry and if you’re going to do something like this you should have told me in advance.”

“Heh heh! Originally life is a series of surprises! Kami take care of this. It’s the dessert corner.”

Kamibarez awkwardly took a seat in the dessert corner.

“All you have to do is tear open a box of these put them on a paper plate and ask people to try them. Is it easy? Good?”

“Ah four!”

Already nervous her legs started to tremble. Dick brought Simon right across the street.

“You are here!”

Simon narrowed his eyes. It was a place where clothes were lined up.

“I just have to do a fitting here and say that it looks good on me. It’s easy right?”

“…No you have to explain what kind of clothes they are in order to sell them.”

“There’s something about waterproof magic but if you just say something goes well with it that’s it! Oh come in!”

The door Simon and Kamibarez entered was not the front door. Another door opened and customers began pouring into the store.

“I’ll see you later.”

said Simon adjusting his tie. Then a woman in her 40s went through her clothes and then turned to Simon.

“excuse me….”

“Welcome ma’am! Would you like a fitting? This model looks great.”

Simon was the type to do his best in everything he did.

Dick gave a small exclamation of admiration and gave a thumbs up at Simon’s eloquence pouring out like liquid water.

40% off all items for one hour. A lot of people came and among them the best seller of course.

“I recommend this brand’s products rather than that product to my wife.”


The strict-looking wife crossed her arms.

“Your wife’s skin is light so this dark system suits her better than Paston coloring.”

“Oh ho ho ho!”

Noble ladies did not stop walking around Simon. And Kamibarez on the other side was not pushed back either.

“Tta! Eat strawberry chocolate and go!”

Kamibarez started to promote the dessert even though he was nervous.

At first she who lacked customer service skills offered chocolate but became timid as people ignored her. but.

“Is this free?”


One customer tasted the chocolate and said it was delicious. She hadn’t bought anything but she smiled broadly.

“Thank you!”

It was a customer who bought two boxes as if possessed right away.

Suddenly people started to line up. Kamibarez also started selling out of stock.

“Okay the event is over!”

The brief two-hour event ended quickly. Other corners struggled with the high price range but Simon and Kamibarez sold all of their stock.

“Thank you so much. Did you say you were Kizen students? Next time if you run out of pocket money please stop by to work.”

The boss gave me more money with a big smile.

The two finally went back to the locker room and changed into their original school uniforms. Dick also dressed was talking to the boss.

“You’re very resourceful. No today’s success is not because of your ability but because of those two people?”

“No. It’s my ability to have those two as friends.”

“ha ha ha!”

It was Simon who thought he could speak shamelessly. Dick waved his hand at the two approaching.

“Come on let’s go! Let’s have a party to celebrate the end of vacation! I’ll shoot today!”


Kamibarez clapped his hands and laughed. Simon said.

“Now if Meilin comes tomorrow they’ll be all together.”

Dick snapped his fingers.

“Oh yes! New information has come in about Meilin you all will be surprised! Follow me.”

“New information?”

Three people came out of the store.

* * *

daughter and daughter.

The shop door opened and a huge man in a black cloak entered. He was so tall that the back of his head touched the ceiling of the shop so he had to lean slightly.

The boss came out great.

“Welcome! The event is over and you have to buy it at full price but it’s okay… Heo!”

The store owner collapsed on the floor because of the murderous blood rising from his eyes. The rest of the clerks also froze.

‘A ship a vampire?’

‘Should I call the guards?’

The man took a money bag from his pocket and dropped it on the floor.

“Bring all the strawberry chocolates from this shop.”


The boss looked up at him with a blank expression.

Dietrich said with the most solemn expression.

“Strawberry Chocolate.”

The president who had been absent-minded for a while due to his lack of awareness of the situation hurriedly continued.

“Sorry sorry but strawberry chocolate is out of stock! How about this orange chocolate?”

At that the man retrieved the bag from the floor without hesitation and spoke in a very solemn voice.

“I don’t need it unless it’s strawberry chocolate.”

Dietrich strode out of the store.

Only now did an embarrassing sound come out of the president’s mouth who was staring in the direction he disappeared.

“…Are you crazy?”

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Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Necromancer Academy and the Genius Summoner
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Artist: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
After the ‘100-Year War’ between the Necromancers and Priests, an all-time genius who’ll shake the power structure was born. “Am I a rare case or something? Do I have talent?” A potential beyond all imagination. He obtained his father’s undead army and entered the great Necromancer school of Kizen that divided the continent. Geniuses are geniuses, even when gathered among the elites. The research community was flipped on its head by the appearance of a new case. Professors wouldn’t leave him be alone, wanting to make him study directly under them. Officials from all over the kingdom and heads of organizations fidgeted over whether to scout him. “Professor! When can I make a Lich?” “Gimme a break. How talented are you? You’re crossing the line, honestly.” A genius among geniuses had appeared.


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