Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner Chapter 180

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Necromancer School’s Summoning Genius Chapter 180

This man is the cause of everything.

You just need to defeat this man.

Simon stepped on the jet black and charged Alokhen.


Immediately in front of Simon who was about to swing his fist red drops of blood flew and flew into his eyes.


I forcibly turned the direction to the extent that the weight was on my ankle and threw my body.


Simon sweated as he watched the sand-like drops of blood turn into a huge blood explosion.

said Alokhen with a giggle.

“Hey aren’t you a pro yet?”

As Alokken swung his right arm three drops of blood flew out.

“Every single action shows through.”

explosions in succession. The reason why this room was in tatters was because of that Aloken’s technology.

‘If Metin hadn’t told me I would’ve been killed unconditionally.’

Simon activated the Bone Armor handgun mounted on his right arm. Avoiding the scattering drops of blood in the confined space he aimed his gun at Al Loken’s head.

the sound that follows.

And Aloken sent only one drop in front of him and exploded it.


The blood explosion magic explodes once and never ends. The condensed blood explodes and the mass stays in the air for a certain amount of time.

It’s like building a wall of sorts. All of the bullets were caught in the explosion and ricocheted or fell helplessly to the floor.

‘Ghm that’s pretty tricky. Is it a case of extreme training and digging into only one special magic?’

Only at Keyzen which trains elite necromancers various studies are taught but in fact among the necromancers in the field it was common to be the type to dig into only one black magic like this.

Simon was dodging a series of blood blasts but while his vision was obscured by the explosion a red whip brushed his shoulder from behind.


The wound was quite deep and blood spurted out.

“As a senior in the industry let me tell you one thing.”

Alokken clicked his tongue. A magic circle was drawn on Simon’s shoulder in the blink of an eye.

“For a Bloodline major even a speck of wounds is a defeat.”

As he puts his index and middle fingers together a fountain of blood erupts on Simon’s shoulder. and soared

‘Bleeding magic!’

Simon hurriedly put his left hand on his wounded shoulder but blood continued to flow.

“It’s useless. Dry up and die.”




Holy power flowed from Simon’s left hand and the wound healed quickly. Alokken’s expression twisted strangely.

“You bastard! He must have been a necromancer…!”

Simon raised his index finger in a question-and-answer dance.

Aloken panicked for a moment when four blades rose from the floor dragging him up and smashing through the train’s ceiling sending him flying upwards.


Simon also stepped on one of the Overloads coming out of the floor and climbed up.

rattle! rattle!

Outside the train where the wind is blowing hard. The two men now stand facing each other on the ceiling of the train. Alokhen looked around.

“Funny. Did you think it could be avoided unless it was a small room?”


As he spread his palms four bubbles formed between his fingers.

“Experience yourself to see if your interpretation is correct.”

Simon looked at the situation calmly.

Matu itself is not accessible.

overload. It just went right in but it doesn’t look like it took any damage.

Skeletons and Zombies. Summons are vulnerable to wide range attacks.

Simon admitted. It’s a much stronger enemy than me and it’s an opponent that I can’t win as of now.

time is not that much Even now many passengers on the train are injured or killed.

Another danger will arise when this train reaches their destination.

‘I’ve decided.’

Simon took out the golden crown from subspace. He took it with both hands and raised it over his head.

‘I write right away.’

Simon who spread his legs slightly and took a low stance slowly raised the crown on his head.

Feeling unusual energy from the crown Aloken took an extreme defensive posture but after wearing the crown Simon did not change.

‘what. Is it just bluffing?’

Aloken who thought he was nervous for no reason switched to the offensive and brought drops of blood into his hands.


At that time a huge shout that could not be said to be human erupted from Simon’s throat.

The sound reached all the passengers on the train the members of Blood Heaven and even the zombies running towards the train.

Alokhen felt a tingling sensation. The hairs all over her body stood up.

‘What the hell is going to happen?’

At that time blood zombies began to climb onto the train around Simon. I thought zombies were besieging Simon but it wasn’t.


Zombies started to change. The pupils are dyed golden and a dark blue jet-black color flows from the body like smoke.

The blackened zombies rushed at Alokken out of nowhere.


Alokhen hurriedly swung his arm sending drops of blood. Blooddrops exploded in all directions scaring the zombies with explosions and other zombies rushed in.

‘The zombies’ control has been taken away!’

Alokhen’s head went up. Similarly Simon whose eyes had turned golden could be seen with his arms outstretched.

‘Could it be the power of that crown?’

Simon let out a light breath and held the crown with his right hand.

[Follow me.]


Zombies in every cabin of the train responded to Simon’s call. Seeing the train covered with zombies was terrifying to Alokken.

The zombies that came behind Simon formed a hill and began to lift the crowned Simon upstairs.

‘Damn it! What the hell is going on!’

* * *

Lethe blinked in embarrassment.

The zombies who had been fighting alongside the blood cheongyo followers a little while ago responded to the strange cry and all of them went out the window and climbed up to the ceiling. It was the same elsewhere.

‘It’s good that I only deal with followers but what’s going on?’


At that time someone’s urgent footsteps were heard from the front room. Lethe hesitated and was wary.

After a while a woman in her 30s appeared wearing an interrogator outfit and glasses. It was the female interrogator who did the physical examination of Lethe.

“I’m really surprised.”

Lethe relieved her fighting stance. Her interrogator also recognized her and shouted.

“Priest! You are safe!”

“Of course. Rather than that now that things have come to this point what are the interrogators doing?”

She bowed her head.

“I have no face. I’m fighting the best I can inside right now.”

“From there I’ve cleaned everything up so let’s go to the head room together. First we have to find the ringleader and kill him.”

“Yes this way.”

Following her guidance Lethe strode forward.

At that time the eyes of the interrogator who was slumping in front of Lethe flashed coldly. As soon as Lethe walked by he swung her hand blade at the nape of her neck.


As if waiting Lethe stretched out her arm to block it then twisted her waist and fired a kick. The interrogator also raised her arms to guard.


Just by hitting the kick a gale blew through the cabin. The curtains swayed and glasses fell and broke on the floor. The inquisitor’s body was pushed back.


Lethe smirked.

“Common sense tells us there’s no way that a terrorist attack of this scale can be succeeded only by the members of the blood cheongyo. Are you a snitch?”

At that time divinity rose from the body of the inquisitor like a booster and penetrated into Lethe’s body in an instant. Her palm slapped Lethe’s stomach.


< Seongtugi – Shinryu Shinjang >


Lethe’s body bent into the Digut shape and flew off crashing into the wall on the other side.

Her body went into shock and her hair turned white.

‘Wow! Seed! Count this woman!’

The interrogator swung his arm in a continuous motion.

The divine magic circle drawn by the Inquisitor in advance was deployed on the wall that Lethe bumped into.

< Heretic Inquisition – Cross Blockade >



The wall swayed and turned into shackles and in an instant sealed Lethe’s arms and legs like a seal.

“What what?”

Lethe shuddered and tried to get out but she wouldn’t budge.

“Ai-san! What are you doing! Release this quickly!”


Only then did the interrogator who revealed his true colors approach Lethe with his arms crossed and a leisurely gait.

“Did you say Ephnell was a freshman? You’re cute.”

She caressed Lethe’s cheek and ran her tongue over her lips.

For a moment Lethe’s eyes flashed with life but she managed to hold back her anger and spoke as if she were brainwashing.

“What’s the reason for this?”


“A person of the level of the Heretic Inquisitor why is it that he betrays the Goddess and sticks with the rootless Blood Heaven Church because he regrets it?”

She laughed coquettishly and grabbed Lethe’s school uniform lifting it slightly. Her white belly and navel were exposed.

“Do you remember the physical exam?”


Suddenly Lethe frowned as if she was talking nonsense.

“It was so cute seeing her blushing and being naked in front of me embarrassed.”

“Ahaha. I am.”

Lethe laughed and nodded her head as if she knew.

“Are you the type of girl who likes you?”


In the dark coalition which is relatively free about sex there were at least a minimum of devices to protect the human rights of sexual minorities.

However the Holy Commonwealth which was established on the basis of religion did not have such a thing. Rather it was strictly prohibited by discipline and was the subject of thorough oppression.

Lethe clicked her tongue.

“You are very pitiful too. If you try to hide that and live a life of faith difficulties will inevitably arise.”

“Yeah so many things happened.”

If you are just an ordinary farmer farming in the countryside it would be enough to hide it quietly but for a priest who has passed the sacred hall even a false rumor will block your career path. If it turns out to be true he cannot escape execution.

As an interrogator she was like that too. It’s not just that she couldn’t go to Ephnell she grew up with Priest parents and followed the elite course.

Recently the situation has become more and more serious and even a trial has been held.

Witnesses include the female believer she tried to commit. If she loses the trial and is found homosexual she will be sentenced to death.

“So you hung out with heretics and plotted this situation?”

“I’m just looking for my own way.”

The interrogator said that and lifted Lethe’s chin. Lethe scratched her head with a cold expression.

“Anyway this time has crossed the line. Aren’t you afraid of the goddess’ punishment?”

“It’s scary. But isn’t it amazing?”

She spread her opposite palm. Divinity was happening.

“The Pope and Ephnel suppress homosexuality based on the contents of the scriptures. They define it as an absolutely unforgivable evil. However my strength did not diminish at all but rather increased when I was honest with myself. What this means What do you think of the bar?”


“Yes! The Goddess did not abandon me! That she is still with me! Then wouldn’t it be possible to think like this?”

The interrogator’s expression twisted strangely.

“It is the Pope and Epenel who are distorting and manipulating the will of the goddess.”


“I intend to destroy Ephnell by any means whether heretic or otherwise. And I will create my own paradise!”

Lethe let out a sigh of relief. She didn’t look at all surprised by the interrogator’s words.

‘There are people who use divinity even though they don’t believe in goddesses very close so what?’

Lethe slowly raised her head.

“Just because you haven’t lost your divinity it’s trashy self-righteousness to think that everyone is right.”


“You’re just using God for self-justification. If you haven’t lost your divinity how can you conclude that you’ve got God’s permission? According to that logic why don’t people who reject homosexuality have their divinity? It’s disgustingly narrow-minded and self-centered. It’s a catastrophic accident.”

Interpreting God’s will from a human point of view with logic that is not supported by theological grounds is an extremely sacrilege.

“But you.”

The interrogator clicked his tongue.

“Are you willing to listen to what kind of person I am?”

Her hand caught the hem of Lethe’s skirt.


With Lethe still expressionless the interrogator giggled and began unbuttoning her shirt.

The interrogator’s cheeks flushed red at the thought of ruining that cold girl’s expression.

“You talk well about the subject you are obsessed with. Aren’t you afraid?”

“Ha why should I be afraid?”

Lethe was cynical.

“I heard the information well.”



From outside the window white flames flew towards the interrogator.


She opened the divine shield by a short distance but her body was pushed back tens of meters. It was Lethe’s divine beast ‘Lan’ who poked his head out of her window before she knew it.

‘Poetry Shinsoo? At some point!’

< Lete Original – La Venue >


Lethe’s body which had been thought to be tied up was covered with blessings. As she moved the restraints on her walls were lightly ripped off.

“Because I’m pretending to be hurt I climb all the way to the top of my head.”

Ran flew in and wrapped around Lethe’s right arm. Soon a prism-colored divine sword came out of the baby white dragon’s mouth.

“And to blur the point I’m not interested in your sexual identity. What matters is that you’re a terrible criminal who has caused so many casualties.”

The interrogator sweated at the high purity divinity he had never felt before.

Lethe smiled as she raised her sword.

“Are you ready to die? Ethan.”

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Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Necromancer Academy and the Genius Summoner
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Artist: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
After the ‘100-Year War’ between the Necromancers and Priests, an all-time genius who’ll shake the power structure was born. “Am I a rare case or something? Do I have talent?” A potential beyond all imagination. He obtained his father’s undead army and entered the great Necromancer school of Kizen that divided the continent. Geniuses are geniuses, even when gathered among the elites. The research community was flipped on its head by the appearance of a new case. Professors wouldn’t leave him be alone, wanting to make him study directly under them. Officials from all over the kingdom and heads of organizations fidgeted over whether to scout him. “Professor! When can I make a Lich?” “Gimme a break. How talented are you? You’re crossing the line, honestly.” A genius among geniuses had appeared.


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