Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner Chapter 1232

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Chapter 1232

Simon and Hieromir gritted their teeth and rushed at each other.

Simon swung the Great Sword of Destruction roughly and Hiero Mir raised his arms to receive the blade. As a result of the collision between the two men the road split and the windows of surrounding buildings were shattered.


While the fierce battle of power was going on Hiero Mir stuck out his head and said.

[Are you angry that I touched your woman? Simon Pollentia.]


[Hehehehe! It’s surprising! Everything happened because you killed Laura.]


Hieromir strengthened her legs and began to move step by step. Simon’s body was pushed back little by little.

[Savior Laura was the resting place of my soul! This was a being that could truly kill me using the power of the devil! iced coffee! I fell in love with her! But she-]

At that time Simon gave strength to his sword with a cold expression. Hieromir was startled by the sudden reversal of power and his movements became rigid.

“That’s my personal opinion.”

The blade trembled and came close to touching Hieromir’s forehead.


“I’ve been watching how the people here live. I thought they were doing this for some reason be it war or something else. however.”


Simon’s great sword was filled with jet black and the tip of the sword began to touch Hieromir’s forehead.

“Is that all you’re saying when you meet me now?”


Hiero Mir seeing a trickle of blood flowing from her forehead raised the corner of her mouth.

[I am the subject of salvation and am greater than the entire world combined! It is natural logic to do as I want in my world!]


Hiero Mir stamped her foot roughly. For a moment the ground shook causing Simon’s balance to shift slightly and Hieromir who fell out as if lying on his side through the gap opened up the air.

[I’ve been waiting for the day to kill you! Corps Commander Simon Pollentia!]


Coral rays pour down. Simon stretched out his feet and moved to easily dodge the attack. A movement that can be made when one can observe coolness and composure amidst pouring artillery fire.

A straight fast attack like that was nothing to Simon.

Hiero Mir raised the corner of her mouth.

[Isn’t the reputation as a death-defying killer exaggerated?]

The moment he extends his arm to fire the Coral Ray once again aiming for Simon’s front sight.


A large sword wound appears on his body and blood spurts out.

Hieromir’s expression which had always been calm hardened.


Buildings and rocks in front of him could also be seen cracking.

‘It’s still incomplete but the entire space has been cut down.’


He activated the communication device tasting the blood dripping from his forehead with his tongue.

[Starting bombardment from the first main gun.]

Immediately a bombardment was ordered from the battleship in the sky but this time the bombardment did not continue.

He turned his head with a displeased expression.


This time a red vortex appeared where the ships were gathered together and something like an unidentifiable blood fiber was tying the huge ship like a belt.

The fibers were pulling the ship into the center of the vortex. The veins on Hieromir’s forehead popped out.

‘…After the Saint of the Stars is it Camivarez Ursula! ‘These guys are annoying me one after another!’

“Is there anything else?”

Simon suddenly appeared next to him and lowered the Great Sword of Destruction with a bored expression.


Hiero Mir quickly raised his right arm and took a defensive stance but his great sword stopped halfway through his arm. The blood is rushing! It was gushing out with a sound.

“If you don’t have it you’re done here.”

Simon who retrieved the great sword spun his body around and landed a kick to his chin. Hieromir’s body flew for a long time and hit the wall of a nearby building kicking up dust.

[That’s right.]

Coo coo coo coo!

Hiero Mir appeared in his smoke rubbing the back of his neck.

[There’s no way it doesn’t exist.]


Hieromir started running. Simon immediately followed waving his intangible cloak.

Hieromir who kept Simon in check by emitting the remaining coral rays opened the space and threw the entire nearby huge generator into the space.

Soon he closed his eyes and moved his fingertips as if in tune but then his eyes widened and his arms stretched out.


A searingly blue electric shock poured out from the space that Hiero Mir had opened. Simon immediately got off the ground and flew up.




Blue electricity rained down from all directions collided with the ground bounced off and targeted Simon again.

Simon jumped up the wall of the building widened the distance and swung the Great Sword of Destruction.


A deep sword wound appeared on Hieromir’s shoulder and blood spurted out. He frowned and fired a lightning strike but Simon’s movements were so good that it didn’t hit him.

[This is my kingdom!]

As Hieromir ran he began absorbing all nearby factories and facilities.

Then a space opened above Simon’s head electricity flowed from the protruding wires and a steel pillar came down like the tip of a spear. Hot molten iron from the furnace poured out.


Simon rushes cutting through the hot molten iron in the furnace. Hiero Mir countered this this time pointing his arm backwards.

A truck that looked like a huge warehouse approached with the intention of crushing Hieromir. Hieromir opened the space and accepted it.


Hiero Mir is then seen inserting his arm into that very space. Simon landed in front of him and swung the Great Sword of Destruction aiming for his neck.


Hiero Mir’s right arm which had been pulled out of space by a narrow margin was covered in a smooth metal gauntlet. Purple coral pulsated like veins on the metal.

“General Karbos’ armor…!”

[It’s a much more recent version.]


Hieromir whose strength was now reversed swung his arm and pushed Simon away.

[Originally the coral suit is equipment just for me.]

He opened his fists and adjusted his pressure.

[General Karbos and the Guardians are after all ordinary humans and it is natural that they will die if they expose their bare bodies to Koral. They are all just my lab rats. Residents and soldiers alike must serve me without any exceptions!]

“Even just one part.”

Simon also lowered his posture.

“There is no corner that I won’t hate! saver!”



The two’s great swords and gauntlets clash in succession. A brutal onslaught breaks out ignoring each other’s defenses. Even when the tip of the sword passes through the neck with a thin cut and the gauntlet hits Peer’s helmet they fight without stopping.

Blah blah blah!

After an onslaught Hiero Mir retreats and stretches his arms to the side with his gauntlets activated.


Each factory reacted in conjunction with this and the roof or walls opened and huge armor and another gauntlet gaiter came out and approached Hieromir.

<Simon Original – SS>

I couldn’t keep my eyes open and watch as they became more armed.

Simon opens subspace and spreads a magic circle in the sky. Skeletons strengthened by the power of the SS fly with emerald-colored cloaks flying toward Hieromir sinking their swords into the armor parts and forcing him to the ground.

[Dirty dead people take my masterpiece!]

Hieromir who struck away Simon’s great sword points the gauntlet backwards this time. The entire roof of one of the factories opened and a new Coral battleship rushed toward Simon at breakneck speed.

In response Simon also unfolded the huge magic circle he had been preparing.

<Summon Behemoth>


An undead battleship made up of the corpse of a Behemoth jumps out and hits the Koral battleship. The two battleships soar into the air as if competing with each other and the Skullwings and interceptors that emerge from them exchange fierce attacks.

“It starts now.”

Simon took a step back and pulled out a purple thunderbolt from his waist.

<Chaos Spear>



Thunderbolts filled with the power of chaos were launched one after another towards Hieromir. Hieromir grinned and opened a space in front of him.


Suddenly the direction of the Chaos Sphere changed drastically.

The lightning that was flying in front of him suddenly shot upward zigzagged in the sky and finally flew behind his back and exploded one after another.


‘There’s a blow!’

It was already confirmed during the fight that curses and poison did not work.

The only thing that can definitely defeat Hieromir is chaos.

Kwarung! Crumbling!

Simon fired out chaos one after another and Hieromir spread space in all directions to catch it.

Although he smiled in satisfaction as he absorbed the chaos.


He opened the space again and fired chaos and the chaos shot towards Simon spun around and then hit Hieromir’s body. His knees buckled and hit the ground.

‘No matter how good your control is you can’t read chaos!’

Seizing the opportunity Simon grabbed the Great Sword of Destruction and rushed forward.

At the same time the shape of Hiero Mir’s gauntlets changed and something like a gun appeared on his palm.


Coral shooting.

Simon quickly stopped walking and dodged the attack. A large purple hole appeared on the floor.



Facing the chaos Hieromir continued to fire Coral shots and Simon was calmly closing the distance by dodging the attacks or cutting them with the Great Sword of Destruction.


Suddenly the gauntlet flew in front of Simon’s face. Hieromir fired the gauntlet himself and flew away.

Simon hurriedly brought forward the Great Sword of Destruction and the gauntlet continued to extend while holding onto Simon who had raised the great sword and powerfully pinned Simon to a nearby rock.

‘Keep calm!’

Simon tried to react immediately but Hieromir appeared like lightning.

[There is a way to deal with strong people like you.]


He strangely opened the space and let Simon pass through.

Rather than opening and closing the space like a door it just passed through the space like a wave.


The surroundings fell silent for a moment. Hieromir clutching his forehead that was throbbing from repeated attacks of confusion grinned.


Simon’s pupils became cloudy for a moment but then returned to normal.

Hiero Mir did not hastily attack Simon but walked over to him and spread out his palms.

[Are you okay? friend.]

After a long silence.

Simon who was sitting on the rock opened his eyes.


Simon quietly looked around for a moment.

The atmosphere had completely changed.

[I guess I don’t remember. I am the comrade who saved you. During the war you hit your head so hard that you fainted.]

Hiero Mir spread his arms and pretended to look around him.

Simon’s eyes moved.

The place was full of screams shouts and acrid smoke as if there was a war going on.

[Your name is Simon Pollentia.]

“…Simon Pollentia.”

[It may be confusing but you have to be strong-minded. First we will talk after defeating those evil people who invaded our city.]

Hiero Mir grinned and held out his hand as if to shake hands.

“You are my colleague?”



The air suddenly turned cold.

At this moment Hieromir looks into his eyes.

“Why don’t you close your eyes?”

I felt something was wrong.

Oh my gosh!

Simon immediately grabbed the back of Hieromir’s head and pressed him to the floor. A huge crater appeared on the ground.


Blood spurted out from the corner of his mouth.

It was an incredible power.

“Do I have to tiringly explain every single thing to my colleague? “You bastard.”


Simon’s eyes were full of dark emotions as he pressed down hard on the back of his head. Hiero Mir sensing danger clenched his fist and tried to throw it at Simon’s face.

Write it.

Suddenly time slowed down.

The speed of the fist reaching towards Simon felt infinitely slow and slow.

And faster than that.

Purple chaos was falling from the sky faster than his fist could move forward.


All the spears of chaos collected so far were gathered into one giant thunderbolt and struck Hieromir’s body causing a huge explosion. He said ‘Whoa!’ It stumbled and made a noise.

‘How can you use such advanced technology right after losing your memory! Because the memory was erased during the battle the memories of the battle remain clearly!’

Simon raised his fingertips.

Suddenly all the spears of chaos shot out and began to be sucked into Simon’s body.

Kurung! Kurung!


Purple sparks began to appear continuously from his body.

“Thanks to my previous self I remember a thing or two.”

The bangs rise as if in response to static electricity revealing the forehead. His hair was dyed purple as if in chaos and his eyes had an eerie glow.

“The man in front of you is your enemy.”



Simon stretched out his hand.


A bolt of electricity greater than anything Simon had used so far flashed through his hand.

“I can do anything.”

The sight was like seeing the god of lightning or the god of chaos.

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Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Necromancer Academy and the Genius Summoner
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Artist: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
After the ‘100-Year War’ between the Necromancers and Priests, an all-time genius who’ll shake the power structure was born. “Am I a rare case or something? Do I have talent?” A potential beyond all imagination. He obtained his father’s undead army and entered the great Necromancer school of Kizen that divided the continent. Geniuses are geniuses, even when gathered among the elites. The research community was flipped on its head by the appearance of a new case. Professors wouldn’t leave him be alone, wanting to make him study directly under them. Officials from all over the kingdom and heads of organizations fidgeted over whether to scout him. “Professor! When can I make a Lich?” “Gimme a break. How talented are you? You’re crossing the line, honestly.” A genius among geniuses had appeared.


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