Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner Chapter 1229

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Chapter 1229

Above the control tower.

Davina was looking down at her with emotion on her face.

‘Simon did it!’

Those white soldiers who appeared with the north wind blowing from the north. The hopeless power car was overturned in one go.

Davina lifted her head and took a deep breath. The cold chill of the snowy field could not have been more welcome. The cool coolness of this wilderness was better for her than the suffocating oppressive heat of the city.


At that time Hieromir’s voice rang out. It was a voice coming from the communication equipment of the Guardians who were monitoring Davina around the control tower.

-Declare a wartime emergency and proceed with the ‘furnace’ plan. The Guardians also join the battle.

‘Planning the furnace?’

Davina who had intercepted her communication had doubts in her eyes.

‘What are you talking about? I think I’ve heard that before somewhere.’

While she was lost in her thoughts her guardian asked again.

[What does the Vice Commander of the Revolutionary Army do?]

-Kill it.


The guardian immediately crushed Davina’s shoulder knocking her down and pulled out a sword with shimmering coral energy from its scabbard. The other Guardians were all staring at Davina with their murderous eyes behind their masks.

[Davina the commander of the revolutionary army is executed here.]

Her Guardians who had knocked her down raised her sword.

[Any last words?]


Davina who was quietly looking at the guardian suddenly bit his finger. The guardian frowned at her and let go of her hand but Davina did not run away.

She straightened up on her knees and looked out at the scenery outside her her neck hanging comfortably as if she were about to be cut.

Her life is not worth it. Lastly if I could close my eyes while seeing the white soldiers defeating Hieromir’s army that would be enough.

[I will omit the will. Don’t think badly.]

After saying that the Guardian struck down her sword towards Davina’s neck.


A flash of light passed by faster than that. The guardian lowered his sword without knowing what had happened but Davina’s neck was intact.


When I looked again I saw that the sword in his hand had been cut cleanly. Then out of nowhere a huge white armored paladin appeared above the control tower.

[Who are you!]

The Guardians all drew their swords and rushed in but at the same time a flash of sword light occurred they fell from the detection tower spraying blood.

The power to cut down the Guardians in one blow with each and every one of them being stronger than an armored vehicle. Davina’s eyes widened as she witnessed this activity.

“you are…?”

[My name is Sigmund Ahandel.]

A request to bomb the control tower was received from the falling Guardians and immediately countless missiles flew from all over the city towards the top of the control tower.

But Sigmund remained calm.

He raised the sword of light above his head and it suddenly became bright as if the sun had risen. People on the ground had to cover their eyes with their hands from the blinding light.

<Holy Sword – Divine Caritas>

When he swung the holy sword a fierce slash of light spread out in a 360-degree direction crushing all the missiles coming in.

[This is a man fighting for Jay-Z!]


Sigmund was one of Simon’s group. It seemed that Arendia who had gone to rescue him had succeeded.

puck! puck!

At that time Arendia who was sitting on the armor’s shoulder kicked her wildly and screamed at her.

“Get out of there! “It’s so hot so get out of the armor I made right now!”

[Of course not only for Jay-Z but also for Arendia…!]

“Come out! To think of the weeks and weeks I worked so hard for a guy like you…! cadet!”

It seemed like they didn’t get along very well.

* * *


Anyway the situation was resolved and Davina was rescued sitting on Sigmund’s opposite shoulder.

Sigmund asked.

[Where should we go?]

“First to the place where the revolutionary troops were gathered….”

Davina who was saying that suddenly closed his mouth and became lost in thought.

‘It feels uncomfortable. what? ‘Why do I feel so uncomfortable?’

Her thoughts went blank for a moment as her mind went blank from having just been almost executed but only now did her brain start to turn.

-Declare a state of emergency and proceed with the ‘fireplace’ plan. The Guardians also join the battle.

It was like that.

Furnace plan.

‘Where did you see that? ‘Where were you?’

Davina bit her lip until it bled and shook her head desperately. Then a memory that had been buried beneath the surface of my unconscious mind suddenly surfaced.

Apparently there was something called a furnace plan in the material sent by the revolutionary a year ago. At that time the revolutionary had not yet been captured by Hieromir so the reliability of the data was certain.

Among the things Hieromir was planning to do there were so many outlandish and terrible things that were devoid of common sense and humanity that my mind was confused but I remembered the furnace plan because it was especially crazy.

‘Brazier… brazier?’

She lifted her head.

A furnace tower located in the center of the city. It is what gives warmth to The City.



At that moment Hieromir was seen heading toward the furnace tower.

Only then did all the memories come back to me with sparks flying.

Her face turned earthy and she struck Sigmund’s armor with her palm.

“Hey tin can! Move quickly quickly quickly! “Aaaah!”

[What quickly? Where should I go?]

“How dare you call my masterpiece a tin can?”

Arendia got angry but Davina had no time to apologize right now. She pointed in front of her.

“We must stop Hieromir from going to the Furnace Tower! “You go and save time Sigmund!”

As she said that he suddenly jumped off her shoulder. Her place was hundreds of meters above the ground.

Is that person crazy? Sigmund and Arendia’s expressions turned astonished.

“Arendia follow me! “Hurry up both of you!”

Davina shouted while falling. Arendia said ‘Ah!’ She made a noise and got up from her seat.

[What should I do? Arendia.]

“That person is a local who knows everything about this world! “I won’t do that for no reason so just do as I’m told!”

Arendia also bent her knees and jumped down catching Davina in her fall and raising her divinity to control the speed of her fall.

Sigmund wearing the Celestial Protector raised his head and stared at the large man walking in the distance.

[I don’t know what it is but I just have to stop that guy right?]

Sigmund increased his speed and advanced towards Hieromir.

* * *

Sigmund was sent to Hieromir and Davina and Arendia who had come down to the ground were running frantically.

“The furnace plan? “You sent Sigmund to stop the Savior from carrying out his plan?”

“that’s right! But Sigmund alone is not enough!”

The opponent is Hieromir. Although he had seen that Sigmund Ahandel had defeated the Guardians with a single sword he still believed that it would not be enough to defeat Hiero Mir.

“Simon Pollentia! Or Lethe Chardena! “We have to find one of them!”

“Then stop for a moment! “I don’t know where Simon Pollentia is but if it’s Saint Lethe…!”

Aren Dia used her own abilities on the spot to create her artillery.

She pointed her guns toward the sky fired several flares from her sacred space and fired one of hers.


A flare flew into the air and boom! A sacred firework exploded. Davina who had been watching Arendia for a moment stamped her feet as if she was nervous.

“The entire city is in battle right now. Will Lethe notice that?”

“ah! A priest would notice! “Just relax and wait!”

Two feet.

Three shots.

Holy fireworks flew into the sky one after another and exploded but there was hardly any response.

Her nerves got so high that Davina crossed her arms and tapped her sole with her shoe eventually yelling ‘Argh!’ He shouted and walked away.

“I’ll just find it myself…!”


Then the fourth flare hit a small star that fell from the sky. The star broke the flare and came down then slowly rotated in a gentle curve and fell on one side of the nearby factory area.

“Saint Lethe responded! “It’s over there!”

“…This is really happening.”

The two immediately ran in the direction where the star fell. Even after the star fell it left a long tail in the sky for a long time so there was no difficulty in chasing it.

So after a while.


Lethe is seen fighting a group of Guardians in the middle of the factory area. As she swung her fist her starlight exploded and her guardians fell.

And as if it were Lethe’s handiwork her three Koral ships were piled on top of each other and burned to the ground.

“What is happening? “I’m busy.”

She said running a hand through her long hair as Lethe sent the last of her Guardians flying with her fist. Davina shouted as she ran toward Lethe.

“We’re in big trouble! Lethe!”


Davina finally explained her ‘fireplace plan’.

The expressions of Lethe and Arendia who were listening to the story were colored with astonishment but soon changed to a calm expression.

“Really? “Is there any reason for Hieromir to do something like that?”

“Do it no matter what!”

Davina raised her voice.

“If things continue like this anyway the war situation will be unfavorable so let’s just do it and see! Hieromir is not a man of common sense! “You’ve seen the Whiteland tragedy so you know it well!”


I couldn’t deny it. He sharpened Letegai and turned her head.

“I will go and see for myself. “You two should not come and stay somewhere relatively far away.”

Lethe got to her feet and took off. Immediately one of her stars flew out from behind her picked her up and began to fly away at breakneck speed.

* * *

The tower of the furnace.

Phew! Huh!

Sigmund succeeded in chasing Hieromir. Although Hyermir ordered Koral to be fired from outside the tower they were able to break through and pursue them all the way to the depths of the Furnace Tower.

While Sigmund wearing the Celestial Protector was panting heavily Hieromir was walking a short distance away watching him with a calm expression.

[Why are you blocking me? Sigmund Ahandel.]

Hieromir asked in a sad tone.

Sigmund calming his breath that had built up to the tip of his chin once again adjusted his grip on the holy sword and took a fighting stance.

[That’s because my colleague said I had to stop you.]

[Do you believe them?]

Hiero Mir walked next to him and suddenly asked a question.

[You may have lost all your memories but do you think they approached you with good intentions? Are they really your allies? What do they believe and trust? Just because we are from the same world? Oh Sigmund.]

Hieromir chuckled.

[The reason I locked you up was to protect you from them.]

[Stop talking nonsense!]

[The world you came from the Holy Federation is a place where survival is more difficult than Whiteland. Religion is the law and all those who go against religion are executed. The upper echelons of the place are interpreting his doctrines as they see fit causing the residents to fall into disrepair. According to my information before you lost your memory you always felt skeptical about that place. They say he even tried to take his own life. Can’t you feel it?]

Hiero Mir continued placing his hand on his chest.

[The ‘hesitation’ that is not in your memory but remains in your heart.]

Upon hearing those words Sigmund’s pupils inside the armor began to shake. Then he gritted his teeth and shouted.

[Even if that’s the case it doesn’t matter! I will pay any price to meet Jay-Z!]

[Oh yeah. Is your lover in that world?]

Hiero Mir spread his arms.

[Then shouldn’t we even throw them away and follow me? I can take you back just as I took you. Help me defeat them and go see Jay-Z. Isn’t that your purpose?]

Sigmund closed his eyes once took a deep breath then opened them and swung his holy sword.

<Holy Sword – Divine Caritas>


The holy sword’s slash flew across the floor. Hiero Mir frowned and swung his arm to block the slash.

[How dare you…!]

[I have lost my memory but I am not blind. Hieromir.]


A greater amount of divinity began to condense into the sword than when the slash was made earlier.

[I saw it clearly with my own eyes. The despair of the people living here! Walk with your head down! A face filled with fear! A suffering soul!]


A vast divinity that was incomparable to that of Sigmund until now was released.

[I could feel that you were a villain from the moment I met you. Hieromir!]


[When I see a wicked person like you I get hives all over my body and my teeth grind I can’t stand it. I don’t remember but I must have done something to punish evildoers in that world too!]

Hiero Mir clicked his tongue and laughed.

[Are you also talking about ‘evil’ like Davina? It’s so childish that it’s ridiculous.]

[I want to meet Jay-Z! and!]


Sigmund’s divinity was growing to the point of explosion.

[I will fight for the smiles of the people here!]

<Holy Sword – Divine Justice>


A huge divine slash was launched.

Hieromir whose expression became a little stiff did not block it with his body this time but quickly opened the space and let the slash go in another direction.

Then he activated the communication device and muttered.

[Main gun fire begins.]



A large beam of coral rays penetrated the wall from as many as five directions and hit Sigmund. However Sigmund held on with the holy sword in front of him.


Finally Sigmund who single-handedly blocked the fleet’s main gun fire rushed towards Hieromir with a shout.

[I am Sigmund Ahandel!]

Awakening of faith.

A vast amount of nova reminiscent of coral rays exploded from his body.

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Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Necromancer Academy and the Genius Summoner
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Artist: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
After the ‘100-Year War’ between the Necromancers and Priests, an all-time genius who’ll shake the power structure was born. “Am I a rare case or something? Do I have talent?” A potential beyond all imagination. He obtained his father’s undead army and entered the great Necromancer school of Kizen that divided the continent. Geniuses are geniuses, even when gathered among the elites. The research community was flipped on its head by the appearance of a new case. Professors wouldn’t leave him be alone, wanting to make him study directly under them. Officials from all over the kingdom and heads of organizations fidgeted over whether to scout him. “Professor! When can I make a Lich?” “Gimme a break. How talented are you? You’re crossing the line, honestly.” A genius among geniuses had appeared.


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