Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner Chapter 1225

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Chapter 1225

Simon planted the great sword of destruction on his floor closed his eyes and spread his arms out in the air.


The shadows beneath his feet rise and flutter as if they are alive. It moves menacingly spreading out across the ground like a snake and sometimes leaping upward.



Black magic circles unfold one after another in the air. All of them are strange and hideous in shape as if there is a monster inside with its mouth open or its eyes glaring.

But all this.


Go go go go go go!

It’s all just a production made with jet-black flow and movement. Rather than inserting runes we focused on creating a sense of visual threat through the appearance of the magic circle and the arrangement of the circuits.

As Simon’s fighting style completely changed General Karbos stood from a distance and carefully walked and observed.

Simon didn’t move from his spot. General Karbos went around behind Simon’s back and made a surprise attack spouting purple boosters from his armor.


However a magic circle immediately spread out in front of Simon as if blocking him.

General Karbos was shocked and stopped by forcefully applying the brakes on his legs and Simon stretched out his fingertips.


Jet black shots were fired one after another from his fingertips. General Karbos twisted his whole body to avoid the attack or strike it away with his great sword.


General Karbos was blocking it with all his might but it wasn’t a curse or anything it was just a jet black ejection.

The most basic ‘jet-black arrow’ learned in first grade can be processed into a weapon such as hardening or sharpening the jet-black arrow but this was just a meaningless firing shot.

Nevertheless all of this is unknown to the other person.

The opponent who witnessed the power of the curse used by Bahil had no choice but to be wary. Simon was able to properly capture the directing that was made possible by Bahil’s crossing over to this world.

‘this guy.’

However General Karbos was also a veteran.

‘You are mocking me.’

It is an attack with a very black and ominous color to the eye and it seems like something will happen if it touches but there is no killing intent in that attack. Karbos felt it as a warrior.

‘I will accept that provocation.’

Deceiving the other person into thinking they are deceiving him or her is also psychological warfare.

Be patient.

General Karbos overreacted to all of Simon’s attacks and ran away. When the black shadow approached he forced his body to avoid it and blocked all the attacks one by one.

He was just circling around expending all his stamina but when he saw an opening on the other side of Simon he suddenly increased his speed and ran.

Of course a magic circle was spread out as if to block his charge.

‘I won’t avoid it this time!’

General Karbos broke through the magic circle and rushed toward Simon. As expected nothing happens. He tried to hit Simon’s neck with the raised sword.


His body slowed down.

I felt a strange sensation of earthworms crawling all over my body and my movements became sluggish as if I was struggling in mud.

<Bahil Remake – Bog Trap>

Simon easily dodged General Karbos’ sword which had been slowed by a curse by stepping back.

‘Could it all have been a real attack?’

While General Karbos was confused Simon was smiling inside.

‘Just because you can see through my intention doesn’t mean you can see through my plan.’

Simon expected General Karbos to figure out that not all pitch blacks were a threat. So he was sure that he would time it right and make a bold move at least once regardless of whether he was cursed or not.

That’s right now.

It was a landslide victory in psychological warfare. In fights between necromancers compatibility between skills was important and this level of psychological warfare was at a level that would make you tired in the keygen duel evaluation so Simon was trained.

On the other hand General Karbos was confused perhaps thinking that his thoughts were wrong.


He spread his arms wide increasing the distance between him and Simon. Every part of the armor opened with a clattering sound and coral flashes poured out.

A long-distance attack that was saved.

A flash of light caused an explosion and thick smoke appeared where Simon was. General Karbos who took a moment to catch his breath is watching.


A black shadow flew into the thick smoke. General Karbos quickly turned his great sword and blocked it.


Simon who appeared like the wind and grabbed his side swung the Great Sword of Destruction.

Oh my gosh!

It was General Karbos who twisted his greatsword in time to block the attack in an unstable posture but Simon stretched out one of his fingertips with an indifferent expression and fired a jet black gun.

As Karboss turned his head in horror his balance was lost and Simon stepped forward putting away his opponent’s great sword and passing by slashing at his thigh.


Instead of blood something like liquid is gushing out of General Karbos’ thigh. It seems to be something like Coral’s liquid fuel in the armor.

But Simon didn’t stop there.

‘Pushing ahead without giving you time to think!’

The onslaught has begun.

He continuously swings the Great Sword of Destruction and induces evasion and unstable defensive movements with the magic circle spread at his fingertips or behind his back.





All curses used are curses that do not crash when stacks are accumulated.

In addition some of the petrification curses including Paralyze were used to show what happens if you are cursed by shooting them on the floor.

Cough! Kang!

It is overwhelming both physically and mentally.

Every time the two clash their swords irreparable wounds are left on General Karbos’ body and a curse is placed on him.

When it comes to curses the caster’s emotions are important but the emotional state of the person being cursed is also important.

If the threat and vigilance against the curse is strong.

‘The effect of the curse is amplified!’


Simon swung the Great Sword of Destruction with all his might and General Karbos who caught it was pushed back with both legs leaving long marks on the floor.

‘This isn’t an opponent you can beat cleanly.’

Eventually General Karvos reached inside his armor and pulled a few of his switches.

Various drugs hidden inside the armor entered his body in the form of injections. The coral parts in the center of the armor began to rotate violently and the purple color throughout the armor became even brighter.

<Activation of Outburst Level 1>


[I am more than just now-!]

Kar Boss held his greatsword together and took a charging stance.

[Over 50% stronger!]

He shot forward and brought down his great sword with increased power and Simon also swung his great sword of destruction at it.



Conversely General Karbos who could not withstand the force of Simon’s greatsword was pushed back and fell to the ground.


“I don’t think so.”


Simon holding the Great Sword of Destruction smiled handsomely.

“You have to think about the fact that you have become weaker as you have become stronger.”

This is the true value of the curse.

General Karbos vomited blood.

* * *

Meanwhile the great army of The City under the curse of yew was still dealing with Bahil.

The ship’s bombardment was blocked by an unknown curse turning it into spaghetti noodles and it was not enough for the infantry to get close to Bahil. I fell under all kinds of curses.

There was no chaos at the rear with the command system getting tangled up and searchers suddenly having hallucinations firing artillery fire or swinging spears at our troops.

At that time I was struggling with no progress in conquering Bahil.


Suddenly Bahil who had been standing there in shock dropped to one knee on the ground.

The City’s commanders were delighted when they saw this.

-The author has finally run out of strength!

-okay! There is no way such nonsense can be maintained for long! Now that he’s weakened is your chance! Hit it!

The searchers gained courage from those words and rushed at Bahil with spears in front of them.



Unable to withstand all the curses coming from Bahil they collapsed one by one. A searcher whose entire lower body was frostbitten reported via communication.

-What is it! You haven’t weakened at all?

-Boo I was clearly kneeling on the floor!

At that time The City’s army was once again in chaos.


Bahil was laughing quietly and shaking his shoulders.


He looked at his arms squealing and laughing like a crazy person. His arms were shaking with excitement.

“That’s it! That’s it! Simon Pollentia!”

Bahil was watching Simon’s battle.

He was so happy that he covered my cheek with an ecstatic expression.

Playing with enemy weapons using curses.

Seeing him immediately learn the teachings and curses he had taught him and make them his own and use them his whole body overflowed with joy.

“Simon Pollentia!”

His palms trembled with excessive pleasure and joy.

I want to teach.

I want to instill all the knowledge and information in the world into him.

And I want to observe and advise how he uses and organizes it.

“You have no idea how happy I am as an educator!”

Simon Pollentia was born to receive teachings. The best disciple in human history.

It’s amazing to have him as a student.

Seeing Bahil trembling and making strange noises the searchers thought that now was their chance and rushed at him again only to be caught in the curse and fall down.

* * *

General Karbos’ defeat was becoming more and more severe.

The curse on his body did not easily lose its effectiveness and parts of his armor were broken and stopped functioning.

‘Is this the power of those from the continent?’

Now General Karbos also had to make a decision.

Here Simon Pollentia was to be restrained even if it meant laying down his own life for his lord Hieromir.

He put his hand into the crevice of his armor and activated the final device. The final Outbuster skipping all Outbusters 2 3 and 4.

A technique that risks death.


The core of the armor began to rotate violently. The entire armor was dyed purple and its brilliance was radiating out.

<Activation of Outburst Level 5>

General Karvos’ body was burning into his armor but he did not stop.

“What did you do?”

Simon frowned. General Karvos raised his sword.

[I will go.]


General Karbos charged in with a force and speed that were completely different from before and swung his greatsword which had almost become a purple mass.

Simon also brought the Great Sword of Destruction to the forefront.


The ground where Simon stepped fell heavily like a crater.


[Even if it costs me my life I will definitely catch you here!]

General Karbos suppressed it with only the power of his armor.

Simon’s body was gradually going down. Peer’s voice was heard.

[boy! It’s dangerous like this! We have to deal with it!]

When the battle first started Simon was being pushed back.


Warton appeared next to General Karbos. Her entire body was tattered as if she had been attacked by Lethe but her mouth was wide open.

“It’s over! Simon Pollentia!”

<Warton Original – Bala Mortifer>


A large magic circle unfolded beneath her feet. With the range of Vala Mortifer expanded to its maximum extent General Simon Wotton Karbos came within range.


As General Karbos was blocking the attack Simon was unable to escape the range of the magic circle. Meanwhile Wotton pulled out a dagger from his belt.

‘The most vulnerable part to necromancers.’

After perfecting the powerful white magic known as Bala Mortifer Warton continued to study how to use this technique.

Then in case there were no healing priests or guardian priests around he figured out an area that inflicted great damage to the necromancer while not taking fatal wounds to himself.

That’s the rib on the right side.

That’s where the jet black passes from the jet black core. If you attack that place the Necromancer will not be able to use Jet Black properly and will suffer enormous damage.


She stabbed her own ribs vigorously with her dagger.


I heard the sound of the dagger piercing the flesh and going deep.


The reaction came immediately.

But not Simon Pollentia.


It was General Karbos. His side burst open blood sprayed out and the coral on his armor burned the ruptured area.

‘Why aaeaeaeae?’

Wotton’s mouth opened wide.

What happened?

Why did General Karvos the pitch-black suffer damage?

No before that.

Why didn’t the effect appear on Necromancer Simon?


When I looked at Simon he was tilting his head innocently as if he didn’t know what was going on.


[Oops! Hehehehehe!]

This was truly the final blow.

General Karbos who was pushing Simon frothed at the mouth and rolled his eyes.

[Did you plan to betray me from the beginning? Warton Spranger!]

He let out a voice full of resentment.

‘No no.’

Right at this time.

For one split second Wotton thought his head had spun faster than it had ever done in his life.

He looked at General Karbos with his arms crossed around his waist his chin raised his eyes bent the corners of his mouth pressed against his ears his tongue sticking out.

“Do you finally realize it?”

She shouted with all her might in a hoarse voice.

“I was on that side from the beginning!”

The expression General Karbos showed through the cracked mask at that time was truly spectacular.

[Just like you!]

He burst into her with all the power of his body and leapt at her attempting to swing his great sword at her neck.


Simon walked past him first.

General Karbos’s arm holding the great sword rose high and the subsequent sword strike exploded once more into his chest.

“It’s over. “General Karbos.”

Simon lowered the great sword of destruction.

The armor worn by General Karbos the commander-in-chief of this army was torn and an explosion occurred causing him to fall to the ground.

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Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Necromancer Academy’s Genius Summoner

Necromancer Academy and the Genius Summoner
Score 8
Status: Ongoing Type: Artist: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
After the ‘100-Year War’ between the Necromancers and Priests, an all-time genius who’ll shake the power structure was born. “Am I a rare case or something? Do I have talent?” A potential beyond all imagination. He obtained his father’s undead army and entered the great Necromancer school of Kizen that divided the continent. Geniuses are geniuses, even when gathered among the elites. The research community was flipped on its head by the appearance of a new case. Professors wouldn’t leave him be alone, wanting to make him study directly under them. Officials from all over the kingdom and heads of organizations fidgeted over whether to scout him. “Professor! When can I make a Lich?” “Gimme a break. How talented are you? You’re crossing the line, honestly.” A genius among geniuses had appeared.


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