Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 98

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< Episode 28 Report (1) >

Mok Gyeong-un was inwardly surprised by the bookshelves surrounding the entire cavity and the amount of non-essential books filling them.

I think this is the first time he has seen such a large amount of books in his life away from martial arts.

Besides all these things are non-urgent.

What sword method what sword method what martial law what mental method…

The number was so vast that I had no idea where to start.

‘It’s Han Si-jin.’

Before he saw this place he thought it was quite generous.

However as he looked at the vast amount of martial arts books he realized that he might not have enough time.

Then Cheongnyeong’s voice rang in my ears.

-It’s all just useless stuff.


Mok Kyung-un answered in a whispering voice.

Then she said.

-All the books around are coveted by people who aim to be third-rate or first-class at best.

“Is that so?”

-Can’t you see it if you look closely?

“I can’t see it even if I look.”

-….Well it is highly unlikely that you a sentient being who has just entered the world have eyes to see.

Cheongnyeong clicked her tongue and said.

However this was not a problem with tree cultivation.

Because he had many talents a memory beyond imagination and a body that embodied them he grew so quickly that he could not even be compared to most martial artists and considering the period of time he had been initiated he could not have had a broader perspective.

-You sentient beings should be thankful to me.

“Is that so?”

-There’s no way you could distinguish between martial arts that seem useful with your puny senses.

“Well that’s true.”

It was a neck tiller she was quick to admit.

At his answer Cheongryeong lost her nerve.

In fact from Mok Gyeong-un’s perspective there was no reason to be proud of this.

“Are you going to choose?”

-Didn’t you tell me? With your perspective you will have no choice but to say “Sewol Newwol” so I will choose things that can be of use to you.

“That is something to be thankful for.”

-First go upstairs.


Was there an upstairs here?

I was puzzled but the young man spoke.

-Can’t you see that the bookshelves reach up to the ceiling?

“iced coffee.”

When I looked closely there were supports between the bookshelves that were about 2 or 3 stories high for walking.

But listening to her tone from earlier it seemed like she knew the structure of this place well.

So Mok Kyung-un moved and asked.

“Have you ever been here?”

-That can’t be possible.

“But you seem to know quite well. “When I see them telling me to move up without even looking at the non-level books properly.”

Are you telling me to go up there because I knew there was something up there? At this Cheongnyeong chuckled and said.

-Looking at the structure here the report in the main office has been copied as is.


-okay. There is also a report in nature. It looks like they made copies of the secrets there and brought them here.

“iced coffee. Is that so? “It seems like a hassle when only a few people will see it.”

It would have been enough to just bring some good non-emergency books.

Then the young lady snorted and said.

-under! If you don’t know just stay quiet.


-The fact that they dug into a deep mountain cliff like this and created a treasure trove of copies was probably just in case.

“What if?”

-I guess this is in preparation for an unexpected invasion?

“Invasion? Is it because the main castle might be attacked?”

-okay. Think about it. No matter how powerful the martial power was like the laws of nature there were many cases where it weakened and collapsed as time passed and it was passed down to future generations.

“iced coffee. So did you make a copy in advance?”

-I guess so. If the main character is attacked the natural course of action is to burn or destroy the report to prevent it from falling into the hands of enemies.

“It’s easy to get rid of it but it’s difficult to move or protect it so I guess we prepared a defense in advance.”

-okay. I don’t know whose idea this is but it’s a good strategy.

“I see.”

Mok Kyung-un also nodded in agreement.

As I learned to some extent how much the martial people value and covet military secret books I recognized that this was a great asset to them.

In that respect it was the right choice considering that this massive report could not be transferred all at once.


“…I guess I didn’t take care of it as much as I thought.”

The wooden frame going up creaked and shook.

I didn’t know it was like this because contrary to nature reports within Sihyeolgok are not used often.

-What are you going to do?

“What do you think we will do?”

-You won’t be satisfied with just one or two things your personality requires.

“Now that I’m here it would be a good idea to look around for useful things.”

Cheongryeong chuckled at Mo Gyeong-un’s words.

Mo Qingyun’s unimaginable memory was helpful everywhere but in this situation it was truly the best.

‘I was just curious and it turned out great.’

He was a young man who was curious about the limits of his memory to the point where he could perfectly memorize what he had seen once.

I thought it would be a good idea to see how much I could memorize.

While doing so Danju Yang Mu-won who was trying to measure the time by lighting incense at the entrance of the lower treasury looked at Mok Gyeong-un with a puzzled expression.

‘That guy…’

How did they get right up there?

In fact on the bottom bookshelf at the bottom of the report there were basic martial arts and martial arts secretaries suitable for third-class to first-class warriors to learn.

It can be said that the bookshelf on the second floor is the real deal. As soon as I entered I went upstairs without even looking at the bottom.


It looked so natural that anyone would wonder if they had been here several times before.

Danju Yang Mu-won who was puzzled soon decided to pay attention.

In any case his job was to be a reporter and all he had to do was to keep an eye on that kid trying to secretly take out an unauthorized secretary.

That said

‘Did you find anything useful?’

In his eyes he saw Mok Gyeong-un pulling a secret book from the bookshelf.

No matter how much I learned my skills and had good eyesight I couldn’t tell exactly what I had pulled out at this distance.

However from the second floor onwards there were quite a lot of rising martial arts students.

There are martial arts secretaries who have more than just the peak in mind so whatever they choose will be beneficial to that guy.

-Sara la la la la!

Mok Gyeong-un was seen flipping through a secret document as if he was skimming through it.

It goes through pretty quickly but if you look at it like that will you be able to read what’s written inside properly?

After going through all the books I put them back on the bookshelf.


Did he read it properly?

Why are you looking through it so quickly?

Even if it’s only for one visit if you’re discerning enough to go straight up to the second floor you can choose carefully from there…


Mok Gyeong-un was seen pulling out a non-level book again.

Then just like the first time I saw the pages flickering and flipping through them at an incredible speed.

‘….what are you doing?’

At that speed you’re not skimming through it you’re just skipping it.

Can you read it like that and find out what it is?

However Danju Yang Muwon was not the only one who thought this way.

‘This guy?’

Are we looking at it properly?

I was flipping through the book at such a fast pace that it was almost like I was just flipping through the book as soon as I opened it.

Cheongnyeong asked just in case.

-Rebirth. Are you really memorizing it? If you pass it that quickly…..

-Sarak! Sarah! Sarah! widely!

Mok Gyeong-un quickly closed the last page of the secret book and whispered.

“yes. Of course I memorize it.”


Memorize it…you know it?

No matter how good your memorization skills are you have to read a certain amount of text to memorize it.

From her perspective Mo Kyung-un wasn’t even skimming he just opened the book and then turned straight to another chapter.


“If you don’t want to understand it right away you can memorize it just by looking at it.”


Cheongryeong was momentarily at a loss for words at Mok Gyeong-un’s words.

You can almost read the content in passing or you can almost see it but you memorized it all?

For a moment she was dumbfounded.

Even as an original spirit herself her memory was different from that of humans but she had a hard time with it.

‘… incredible memory.’

She thought her memory was ridiculous in the first place but this was beyond human limits.

Her neck tiller asked her leaving her speechless in surprise.

“What is another useful secret?”

-also? You really…

“Really what?”

For a moment she almost asked if she was actually human.

In addition to her ability to accept the energy of death her memory was at a level beyond that of an ordinary human being.

As her original soul she is not allowed to say this herself but she really feels like she is not human.

Cheongnyeong who was staring at Mok Gyeong-un soon came to her senses and spoke.

-All…well…ah? Why is that?

“What are you looking at?”

-That’s what you’re looking at right now. Look at the third bottom right there.


Judging by the fact that it was written as a leg technique it seemed to be a martial art using her feet.

Cheongryeong said to Mokgyeongun.

-Myeongsungakbang is a method of bending. It was offered by Bangpa who joined the Cheonjihoe in its early days. It is a martial art that can easily be classified as a super-elevated martial art if you make a little effort with the angle techniques that are notable for pleasure and change.

“Super rise?”

According to Cheongnyeong’s words martial arts that go beyond the realm of peak or transcendence are called rising martial arts which she did.

And she said that martial artists who have the possibility and enlightenment to see beyond the supreme peak should be classified as super-elevated martial arts.

However if it is a super-rising martial arts

“Why is this here?”

She was the one who said she would have to go up to the third floor.

Cheongryeong muttered as if he did not understand this question.

-well. Well you don’t know. Originally this committee classified Sunhyeonggakbeop as a super-rising martial arts and placed it on the 3rd floor.

But this came down

‘… he a guy?’

There was no chance of that happening.

He denied and turned everything about himself upside down.

She snorted and said as if it wasn’t the same.

-Anyway it would be better to learn the net angle method. I can assure you that it is difficult to find a method like this throughout the Heaven and Earth Association.

Because the changes were so varied and rapid there was nothing more suitable as an enemy air force.

Hearing her words Mok Gyeong-un turned over Sunhyeongakbeop and memorized it.

No matter how much I looked at it she stuck out her tongue as if she couldn’t get used to it.

What a crazy memory.

I can almost memorize one book but if I count to about 15 I can memorize it all.

-Sarak! widely!

“What’s next?”

-Fifth from the bottom right.


At this rate it seemed like I could memorize dozens if not hundreds of books.

I wonder if it is really necessary to memorize it to that extent but if you do it will be enough to give you an opportunity to broaden your perspective on martial arts.

Wasn’t it said that a long time ago an imperial official called the Emperor became an unrivaled master of the world by overcoming the yin-dok-yang vein and conclusively concluding the realization of energy just by reading thousands of Taoist secretaries?

Each non-level book has its own enlightenment so if this sentient being is truly talented he will have something to gain.

-Sarak! Sarah! widely!


I really can’t get used to it.

It’s an instant.

-Next to that…hmm.

“Why are you doing that? Also is there a martial art like Sunhyeongakbeop?”

-No that’s not it. Taegeuk wyujang is the funeral method of the Shaman faction.

“Independent? “Is that a sect too?”

-….You really see the limits of your knowledge every time.

I really didn’t know much about Moorim.

The young man said this.

-The Shaman faction can be said to be the highest peak of Taoist martial arts and is a sect called the best even within the righteous faction beyond the prestigious clan.

“It’s a great place.”

-okay. It’s not one of those old file rooms for nothing.

“What is Old File Room?”

-I don’t have time to tell you about them all so to give you a rough idea there are nine factions and one faction that are said to be the best among the political factions. One of them is the shaman faction.

“Is that so? “If you do that it would be better to learn this too.”

-no. Actually I was going to tell you not to cook it.

Mokgyeongun looked puzzled at those words and asked.

“Why? “If the martial arts skills of such a great place are…”

-Of course it will be useful. However for you Taoist martial arts skills are rather… hmm.

“Why are you doing that?”

-That’s because it seems like it could be poisonous.


-Most of the energy in your body is the energy of death. However Taoist martial arts is based on the practice of health. That’s why I was worried because if I learned it incorrectly it could conflict with my morale.

“Ah is that so?”

It seemed natural for the young man to be worried.

In that case it might be better not to learn it.

“…Still I’ll memorize it.”

-what? Why…

“no. “How do I know if there’s something I can use it for?”

-Something to use?

“Didn’t the young man tell me before?”

-What do you mean?

“They say you can find out which sect a person belongs to or what line he or she belongs to just by looking at the scars or traces left by martial arts.”

-That’s right.

“Wouldn’t this be possible if we use it well?”

-You can’t believe it…

Mok Gyeong-un smiles.

Seeing this Cheongnyeong clicked his tongue inwardly.

When this guy learns something he really uses it and comes up with things that others couldn’t even think of.

This is a species that you really shouldn’t make an enemy of.

In this way Mok Gyeong-un selects a special book called Taegeukyuwon from the Shaman faction.


Mok Kyung-un looked at the book and wondered.

That was because part of the secret document was dark red and seemed to be stained with blood.

Moreover it seems that the emergency document is quite old.

Mok Gyeong-un asked this.

“Didn’t you say you only collected copies?”

Cheongryeong also thought there was something strange about Mok Gyeong-un’s question.

The book in Mok Gyeong-un’s hand right now is probably

-…It looks like the original.

< Episode 28 Report (1) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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