Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 94

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< Reduce Episode 26 (2) >

Five boys stood in front of a door with somewhat nervous expressions.

They looked at the door and swallowed dry saliva with nervous eyes.

[I’m going to be pretty busy from now on. Before we pass the gate we have to break the legs of all other group members except ours.]

At first I was taken aback by Mok Kyung-un’s words.

The idea of ​​breaking the legs of other cadets before even passing the gate was a tongue-lashing thought.

If you think about it this strategy made some sense.

The longer the gateway the fiercer the competition.

But what if you eliminate the majority of your competitors beforehand?

‘The odds will increase.’

Only a very few can be chosen by executives.

Considering that there was no need to choose between means and methods.

A boy spoke in a whisper.

“Will it work?”

“It will work.”

There are five of us and there are two people in this room.

Since they are superior in numbers they can be easily defeated if they are attacked by surprise.

[All five of you move together.]

[Five people?]

[Then can you do it alone?]

[That’s not it…]

[Do it with five people.]

[Wait a minute so you the leader Yeomga and Moharang are moving together? If that’s the case it would be better for us to support one or two people for the three of you…]

[Why bother doing this? We have enough alone.]


Yes they are at the peak level so they can take on top-tier opponents on their own.

It was like a one-day puppy worrying about a tiger.

The boys looked at each other and exchanged glances.

“Let’s do it.”

And opened the door.

* * *

When the door was opened the eyes of the two boys who were discussing how to find help naturally turned towards it.

“who is this?”

A handsome boy opens the door and comes in.

A boy’s expression distorted as he recognized his face.


The boy was none other than Mok Gyeong-un.

Many of the boys will remember Mok-gyeong-un as it made such a strong impression from the first hurdle the battle for the iron ball that it left such a strong impression.

One of the boys was puzzled but then he asked.

“Are you going around looking for Jo Won?”

“Ahh. I guess that’s what it means.”

With those words Mok Kyung-un quietly closed the door.

A boy who saw this said without lowering his frown.

“hey. “I have no intention of being in the same group as you.”

“Is that so?”

“So get out.”

“Hmm. “It’s difficult.”

“What’s troubling you? Find people who want to team up with you and do it. “I plan to do this with you…”


Before Mok Gyeong-un could finish his words Mok Kyung-un leapt up in an instant grabbed the boy’s head and pinned it to the floor of the bed.


“100 million!”

Then he grabbed his right arm as he tried to resist and held it there.


I bent it back.


The boy with his broken arm tried to scream but before he knew it the neck guard blocked his mouth and only a cry of pain came out.

Another boy sitting across from me could not hide his embarrassment at this scene.

He was caught off guard and who would have known that he would suddenly attack.

“What is this?”

“What are they doing?”

Mok Kyung-un smiled and gently pressed his foot on the boy’s left leg which was in pain.


-Wood clack!

His ankle buckled his bone sticking out through the flesh.


The boy was writhing in pain as his eyes grew so big they were bloodshot.

Then he couldn’t bear it anymore and passed out.

He hurriedly said perhaps because the boy was afraid at the sight of Mok Gyeong-un doing this without even blinking an eye.

“I’m going to join the group. “I’m going in so…”

“are you okay.”


“I found all the trillion won. “I just came to break his limbs.”


What is this guy?

So the purpose from the beginning was to injure them?

It was absurd for a moment but the boy knew that if he didn’t run away right away he would end up like that guy who fainted.


He threw his body towards the door.




The body that had been thrown through the door was tilted back and pulled by something.

Then the back of his neck was soon grabbed by Mok Gyeong-un’s hand.

‘What the hell is this…..’

“I won’t hurt you.”



Before he could say anything the boy with blood clots lost consciousness.

With the boy lying on the floor Mok Gyeong-un stepped on his right ankle.


The boy didn’t just faint but was so bloodied that he didn’t wake up even though his leg was broken.

Seeing the boy like this Mo Qingyun twitched his lips and muttered.

“Four people.”

This is the number that has been broken so far.

-Are you really planning to break them all one by one?

The voice of Cheongnyeong was heard in Mok Gyeong-un’s ears.

Mok Kyung-un answered that question casually.


He would waste time dragging through the gates for a long time so if he eliminated most of them now there would be no need to go to the next gates.

-Anyway you sentient being. Tsk tsk.

Cheongnyeong clicked her tongue.

It was difficult to think of this in the first place and even if we did it would end up targeting a few people who would be difficult to deal with.

However the idea of ​​​​mokgyeongun was different.

He planned to use the time he had been given to rest and decide on a leader to eliminate all the cadets.

In a way it could be said that it was a misfortune for the riders of Sihyeolgok from the moment they met Mok Gyeong-un.

“There are now sixty-four people left.”

A total of 80 people.

Among them 4 people were captured as Ganja 4 people had their limbs broken at the hands of Mok Gyeong-un and finally 8 members including Mok Gyeong-un.

Excluding them there were 64 people left.

* * *

Mok Yu-cheon is immersed in fortune-telling.

After praying for a while Mok Yu-cheon opened his eyes and for an instant there was a friendly aura in his eyes that was different from his usual righteous energy.

But soon it disappeared.

‘What was that just now?’

Mo Yu-cheon who had been in good spirits for a while was suddenly overcome by a strange feeling.

Normally when he did a fortune telling he felt his mind and body becoming clearer but just now he was overcome by a pleasure he had never experienced before.

The moment I surrendered myself to that pleasure something amazing happened.

‘My energy suddenly exploded.’

Mo Yu-cheon looked at the Danjeon just in case.


And then his eyes widened.

Because he always practiced fortune telling he knew better than anyone else how big his Danjeon was and how many years his inner strength had reached.

However although the size of the danjeon is small it has become larger than usual.

‘This can’t be right…’

How on earth did this happen?

No matter how upwardly minded the technique is is it possible for one’s inner strength to increase so quickly?

At this level it seemed like he could shorten his usual collection time by more than half if he continued to use his luck.

He was trying to feel good about something but ended up feeling sour.

He became strangely anxious at the strange pleasure he experienced for the first time while practicing fortune telling.

‘Is this okay?’

I was skeptical because it was so different from the basics.

Then he quickly shook his head.

It was nothing else but an ascending mind technique that only Jangju of Yeonmokgeomjang could learn.

Of course there will be a clear difference from basic engineering.

‘okay. That can’t be possible.’

He was worried that he might have messed up his fortune and went down the path of a mental demon but his mind was still straight and clear.

Therefore he thought that there would be no problem as long as he did not waver.

So it was time for him to start his fortune again.


At that time someone knocked on the door.

“Who are you?”

There was no one who would come to visit him right away.

While I was wondering someone opened the door and came in.


He was a boy who had the appearance of a mature man almost like a young man.

The only flaw in his face was his sharp narrow eyes but even other than that he was quite handsome.

‘This guy…’

It’s a face I’ve seen before.

As expected he lost his colleagues at the second gate and was in danger as he ran away to various places.

At that time he was a friend who showed up with a group and helped.

The name is clear…..

“Armed weapons!”

“hi. “I remember it well.”

“It’s a lifesaver but there’s no way you wouldn’t remember it.”

Mo Yu-cheon got up from his seat and bowed with a bow.

Then the military commander waved his hand and said.

“it’s okay. They show such manners that they don’t even hang out with people of the same age. Just greet them like friends.”

“But if it wasn’t for you I would…..”

He really might have lost his life on the spot.

That’s why he was truly grateful.

Mu Jang-yak looked at Mo Yu-cheon and said with Lee Chae in his eyes.

“You…but your complexion seems a bit off.”

“Face color?”

Mu Yu-cheon who was puzzled by this wanted to check his own face but he couldn’t because this room was literally filled with two beds.

“Is that a lot?”

“It looks a little brownish?”


Mo Yu-cheon frowned at those words.

This time he continued to practice the luck of the lotus cotton technique without stopping but it seems that the side effects came up again.

Something bothered him but he couldn’t do anything about it right now so Mok Yu-chun shook his head and said

“are you okay. “Maybe it’s because I’m very tired.”

“If that’s the case I’m glad.”

“But what’s going on?”

In response to Mo Yu-cheon’s question Mu Jang-yak closed the door and spoke with a somewhat serious expression.

“I’m having a bit of a problem.”


“I have a friend who was going to join the group and he decided to do a fortune-telling and see it in the evening. But he kept not coming so I went to his room and found him unconscious because his leg was broken.”


What on earth does this mean?

Mu Jang-yak spoke meaningfully to Mok Yu-cheon who was puzzled.

“I went into a few rooms just to see if I could find someone with a broken leg.”

“no way….”

“It seems like someone did it.”

“Why on earth would you do that?”

“It’s a bit absurd but I think they’re probably trying to minimize competitors in advance.”

“All because you broke your leg?”

“I guess so. “There is a ban on killing but there is no restriction on not injuring each other.”


Mo Yu-cheon clicked his tongue at those words.

It really seemed like there was no such thing as fairness and fairness here.

I am anxious not to be able to stab someone in the back at any time.


“okay. He sure looks crazy. So that’s why I came to make you an offer.”


“Did you find help? Or are you planning on becoming a leader?”

Mok Yu-cheon shook his head in response to the military officer’s question.

Since he had no desire to become a team leader anyway he was just trying his luck with the idea of ​​joining any group.

At this Mujangyak said with a faint smile.

“If you haven’t found a group yet would you like to join my group?”


“It’s unfortunate but it seems like that friend who was in the same group as you was caught by Ganja?”


Hearing his words Mo Yu-cheon closed his mouth.

I guess I saw that.

At that time Mujang Yak clapped his hand with one hand and said.

“Ahh. I’m not doubting you. If that were the case I wouldn’t have made this suggestion in the first place. And you made an offer back then too.”

“okay. “It was like that.”

After Jang Mu-yak saved him he suggested that he become a member of the group because there was a vacancy.

But at that time he refused saying he had to be with his scattered team members.

However this time the situation was different.

“I am…”

“Actually it would be better to become a member of the group. “I asked all the group members to gather in one room because this guy was already doing crazy things.”


“That way we can protect each other’s safety. how is it?”

Mok Yu-cheon quickly saw no reason to refuse Mu Mu-yak’s reasonable offer.

No matter how much he reached the peak he couldn’t let down his guard because among his cadets there were several who had reached a similar level to him.

In that respect it might have been better for him to follow what Mujang Yak said and join them.

“good. “If you accept it I will try my best.”

Hearing Mo Yu-cheon’s words like this Mu-jang Yak held out his hand.

“I am more grateful. “If only an outstanding friend like you were with me.”


So the two held hands.

However the moment Mok Yu-cheon held his hand he couldn’t help but be surprised.

‘…This guy.’

I didn’t realize it but if the energy I felt in his hand was higher than my own it was higher and it was definitely not weak.

He found out by revealing his energy that the guy must have tried to guess his level in an instant.

“As expected it’s strong.”

“you also.”

Mok Yu-cheon also nodded his head and agreed saying the same thing.

Then he suddenly became puzzled and asked.

“But are you left-handed?”

The hand that Mumyak extended was his left hand not his right.

In response to Mo Yu-cheon’s question Mu Jang-yak chuckled and said


* * *

One night passed like that.

Early in the morning early in the morning.

The time to decide on the team leader and group members was over and it was time to gather in the square behind the accommodation.

Someone quickly knocked on the door of Lord Sihyeolgok’s office.

-Thump thump!

-Gokju! Gokju!

The senior warrior who was assisting next to the knock spoke.

“I guess I’m ready.”

“I guess so. “Come in.”

Soon a young warrior wearing a red belt hurried inside.

The senior warrior thought there was something strange about the warrior’s stiff expression and asked.

“But what happened?”

“I have a bit of a problem… no a big problem has arisen.”

“Is this a problem?”

“I think you should go to the square right away.”

What on earth is happening?

While he was puzzled Hyeolgok Joo Ji-yeom nodded his head and stood up.

Just like that Lee Ji-yeom and the senior military officer followed the military officer out of the office.

Anyway we had to check who was the leader and proceed with how the third hurdle the screening test would be conducted.

So they went to the back of the dormitory building.


Sihyeolgokju Lee Ji-yeom and the senior warrior stopped in their seats at the same time and looked dumbfounded.

As expected there were only 16 people outside.

There were only two groups.

The senior warrior frowned and asked the warrior.

“Why are these guys the only ones here?”


“Speak quickly.”

The warrior said looking at the dormitory with an expression of embarrassment at the senior warrior’s harsh words.

“The rest all have broken legs and cannot attend this gate.”


The senior warrior momentarily couldn’t believe his ears.

All the people who didn’t come out had broken legs?

“What are you talking about?”

“….I checked several rooms and the ones that really couldn’t come out had broken legs.”

“What on earth is that…..”

The senior warrior was perplexed but unlike him the eyes of Sihyeolgokju Lee Ji-yeom visible through a gap in his mask turned to someone with his back in the square.

He was none other than Mok Gyeong-un.

Lee Ji-yeom recalled what he said yesterday.

[Is it okay if we reduce the number of people a little?]

Are there separate guys at the gate that can be kept in check?

If it’s something like that

[If you follow the restrictions there will be no major problems.]

[Hoo. That’s really fortunate.]

I said that but I never thought it would get to this level.

‘Is this a little…?’

< Reduce Episode 26 (2) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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