Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 93

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< Reduce Episode 26 (1) >

Mo Yu-Chun looked at the small round copper plaque resting on her palm with her blank face.

This was the item Ma Sang handed over to himself before running away.

It didn’t tell me anything about what this was or what it was.

Ma Sang just left these words.

[You do it for me.]

It was a word that meant a lot.

If a spy was caught he would eventually face death.

That’s probably why she asked for the back.

‘What on earth did I say…’

Did you ask for this?

Besides if she were in the same position as Ma Sang she would have been really angry.

Even though they are half-brothers this is what happened because the older brother snitched on them.

But Ma-sang did not blame himself.

Of course because the situation was urgent he may not have even had time to complain.


Mo Yu-cheon let out a long sigh.

How did he end up in this situation?

He thought that those days of being looked down on as the child of a gisaeng were hell but when he thinks about it now it was nothing.

The real hell was out there.


Biting his nails.

He relapsed into the same habits he used when he was younger when he was nervous.

He thought he was the only one who believed that he was his half-brother but now he realized that wasn’t the case.

He wasn’t the same guy I used to know.

I don’t know if he hid it or not but he was close to being a villain himself regardless of whether he was a political faction or not.

It suited me well in this gutter hell.

‘pup. ‘Fuck you.’


Mok Yu-cheon who was biting his nails soon bit his finger.


This is reality.

The more you accept reality the more painful it becomes.

I couldn’t give up just because it was painful.

I get angry when I see Mok Gyeong-un’s wickedness but he may be struggling to adapt and survive here in his own way.

He may have been the one who got caught up in inertia.

He still seemed to believe that if he survived this he would return home and his real life would await him.


In the end there is no such thing.

-Aaaah! Rumble!

Blood dripped from his bitten finger and drops of blood wetted his tongue.

When he tastes hot blood his heart actually turns cold.


Mok Yucheon brushed his hair and straightened his posture.

I will now abandon the foolish idea of ​​simply surviving in a place like this.

If evil is strong he can overcome it only if he himself becomes strong.

‘It’s not just about surviving I’ll destroy everything with my own hands.’

This was the truth I learned at the Yeonmok Geomjang.

After reaching the peak everyone in Yeonmokgeomjang changed their perspective and their treatment changed.

That was the real truth.

Regardless of political affairs a warrior must become strong in order to survive and be treated well.

In martial arts strength was the rule.

‘….Neck tillage. It’s not you who’s going up from here it’s me.’

Mok Yu-cheon who had his mind firmly in control entered into fortune.

The fortune-telling technique was the Lotus Tree-Changing-Heart Law.

I stopped doing this because it seemed to have some side effects but in the current situation this was the only way to quickly become stronger.


The skin of Mo Yu-cheon’s face who was practicing meditation gradually turned brown.

* * *

“Hmm. “It’s exceeded.”

Mok Kyung-un said while looking at the eight boys standing in front of him.

Three people were brought in by the demon possessed by Jusalgok’s Yeomga body and five people were brought in by Moharang of Mohwabang.

Mo Harang looked at the people he brought with him with a troubled expression.

In order to save time she gathered a group of people separately from the devil possessed by Yeomga.

[If she is possessed by a ghost she might have a hard time gathering people.]

She felt that she had to raise as much money as she could.

The maximum number of people gathered was 5.

In fact this was a selection of 5 out of 10 people who wanted to be in their group.

They also said that they were in a selective position and would be responsible for ensuring that they could pass this gateway but it was quite embarrassing.

At that time Mok Kyung-un spoke.

“There is no need for more than five people so please leave on your own.”

The eight boys looked astonished at Mok Gyeong-un’s words.

That’s because they believed in the reputation of Jusalgok and Mohwabang so they thought of them as leaders and joined the group.


One of the boys sighed and left the room.

Since the boy was in the same group as Mo Harang he was able to see the true nature of Mok Gyeong-un with his own eyes.

That’s why he left the group without any hesitation.

However coincidentally the remaining seven boys had not seen anything other than Mok Kyung-un breaking the neck of one boy at the first gate.

Their reaction to this was somewhat harsh.

“Why are you telling me to get out of here? “I decided to join this group after watching Moharang.”

“That goes for me too. If you want to get out get out yourself.”

“I guess everyone thinks the same.”

They all showed hostility towards Mok Gyeong-un.

Anyway unlike the first time they were filled with confidence because the blocked gate had been cleared.

Moharrang spoke to them as if he was embarrassed.

“….I’m sorry but I’m not the leader.”


“What do you mean?”

Those who thought she was her teammate couldn’t hide their embarrassment at Mo Harang’s words.

In the beginning when Mo Harang gathered her group she said that she was looking for someone to join the same group but did not mention that the actual leader was someone else.

From their perspective it was as if they had been deceived.

“Moharang. “Is it true?”

“We thought you were the leader.”

“Sorry. “The leader is this person.”

‘This person?’

The boys frowned at her words.

If their ears were not wrong Moharang referred to Mok Gyeong-un as this person as if he were a superior.

Anyway the leader is only the leader at this gate.

At that time Mok Kyung-un spoke.

“I think most people came in without knowing that I was the leader. “If you are dissatisfied you are free to leave.”

A boy snorted at these words.

“under! I can’t accept it. Moharang. You’d rather be the leader. Then I will follow you unconditionally.”

The other boys also spoke in response to the boy’s words.

“That’s a good idea. so do i.”

“I agree.”

“If Mo Harang is the leader she can follow as much as she wants.”

Mo Harang glanced at Mok Gyeong-un with an embarrassed expression in response to the boys’ opinion that he should take charge of her team as a member of the same group.

Mo Kyung-un was still smiling.

That sight actually made her even more concerned.

It was because she had experienced that in her laughter she was full of malice.

In response she said that she felt that she had to make sure that four months would not happen.

“I’m sorry but I decided to follow this person.”


As Moharang drew the line so clearly the boys’ expressions changed.

One thing they all had in common was why she recognized a guy like Mok Gyeong-un as her leader.

At that time one of the three boys who followed the demon monk who was possessing the body of Jusalgok Yeomga asked.

“Did you even recognize that guy as the team leader?”



The three people were also embarrassed by the short affirmation.

They too knowing the reputation of Jusalgok voluntarily asked to become members.

However he was told that the person who tried to serve as a leader would actually serve someone else as a leader so he wondered what to do about this.

Mok Gyeong-un spoke to them.

“You must have chosen the team leader to get through this hurdle anyway so you must have a lot of concerns. “Don’t you get the answer when you see these two people working under me?”


Hearing these words the boys looked alternately at Moharang Yanga and Mokgyeongun.

There may be something I don’t like about this guy but there must be a reason why these two people who are not strange at all when they lead the team follow Mo Kyung-un.

‘It makes sense.’

‘If it were Jusalgok or Mohwabang there would be pride.’

‘Why should I follow that guy?…’

As a result one by one my heart began to tremble.

But not everyone was like that.

A boy stepped forward and spoke to Mo Kyung-un.

“What makes you want me to follow you? “Even though I think about it I don’t understand it.”

“If you don’t trust me as a leader then you can quietly leave this room.”

The boy’s expression was horribly distorted by Mok Gyeong-un’s words.

He said as the boy pulled up the energy in his dantian.

“Are you saying that someone can come and go as they please? What a funny guy. “I can’t accept you.”

“What are you going to do if you don’t admit it?”

Mo Kyung-un said with a smile.

Then the boy took the martial arts stance and spoke.

“If you’re that good let’s compete.”

Everyone looked at each other and looked at the boy’s suddenly aggressive attitude.

In fact they had one question.

As they recovered their strength they were able to guess the opponent’s inaction to some extent through their sense of energy.

However no matter how I looked at it the neck cultivation felt like a first-class pull-up.

On the other hand the case of Jusalgok’s Yeomga or Mohwabang’s Moharang was different.

The energy revealed by the feeling was extremely sharp and it was judged that this was an opponent that could not be defeated even if one attacked with determination.

Maybe that’s why they also wanted to check rather than stop them.

What is the level of tree cultivation?

It was right then.

“Are you so impertinent that you want to compete with this person to see which safety?”

Suddenly Jusalgok’s Yeomga frowned at the boy who was drunk in a jockey manner showing that he felt uncomfortable.

The boys could not hide their wonder at that sight.

Moharang and even Yeomga were acting as if they had sworn allegiance to Mok Gyeong-un.

I couldn’t figure out how this happened.

But Mok Gyeong-un held out his hand and stopped him.

“iced coffee. Don’t do that too much. “You might have doubts about yourself.”

“But master…no master. “This arrogant human…”


Mo Qingyun lightly glanced at the demonic monk who had been possessed by Yan Jia.

Then he stopped what he was saying and stepped back.

‘what? ‘Did you just say lord?’

‘Why is Jusalgok’s Yeomga arguing with that guy while calling him his lord?’

‘Are you hiding your true skills?’

From the boys’ perspective they couldn’t help but have even more questions.

Likewise unlike them the boy who had enthusiastically asked to compete with Mok Gyeong-un also began to be bothered by this cheap attitude.

Was his sense of self wrong?

That was when he was doing it.


Mok Gyeong-un who was sitting on the bed held out his hand.

at that very moment



The body of the boy who was in the posture was pulled forward and his head and upper body were tilted.

The boy’s eyes widened at his strong suction power.

However the surprise was short-lived and the boy spread his right leg and advanced forward to prevent himself from falling forward.



I’m afraid to do that



Mok Gyeong-un jumped up from the bed grabbed the back of the boy’s head with both hands and kicked him in the face with his knee.

The boy’s body stumbled backwards after being hit in the face by his knee.

Mok Gyeong-un grabbed the boy by his hair.


“Ahh. “You can’t fall like this.”

Then he stamped the boy’s head with his nose bleeding on the floor.


His wooden board shattered smashing the boy’s face into the floor.

The force was so strong that the boy’s body wriggled and then stopped moving possibly due to fainting.

“Oh. Have you passed out already?”

Mo Gyeong-un muttered as if he was somewhat disappointed.


The boys were completely speechless at this sight.

The boy who had just competed with Mok Gyeong-un was at the top of the class and if he had enlightenment he would have reached the pinnacle of inaction.


‘…..I’m no match for you at all.’

‘What was that just now?’

Moreover what was that thing that Mo Qingyun saw just now?

As he opened his hands the stunned boy’s body lurched forward and attempted to fall.

‘Could it be something from the void?’

A hollow object.

It is an art that can move objects with profound magic.

Is this possible when I only look like I’m about seventeen?

‘That doesn’t make sense.’

‘That can’t be possible.’

I couldn’t believe it.

Mok Gyeong-un spoke to the boys who were amazed.

“Is there anyone else you want to check on?”


None of the boys answered this question.

I didn’t bother to check it with my own eyes but who would complain here?

Mok Gyeong-un spoke to them.

“Then no one is complaining. That’s good. “Well now that we have one less person here I think we just need to leave one more person.”


Everyone looked at each other at these words.

That was true of Mokgyeongun’s strength but Yeomga and Moharang were also masters who had reached the pinnacle of skill.

If you are in this group passing is guaranteed so who would give up so easily?

“The mood has improved. “I can’t believe I’m so motivated.”

With those words Mok Gyeong-un who was looking at the boys stroked his chin as if he was worried.

“It’s a gateway that takes place in groups so we can’t ask them to fight each other…”


Moharang stuck out his tongue at Mok Gyeong-un’s words.

This guy is truly full of malice.

As I was doing so I glanced at the boy with Mokgyeongun.

Are you really telling me to leave?

The embarrassed boy said.

“I as leader will do my best to follow you…..”

That was before the words were even finished.

Mo Kyung-un approached him and stood right in front of him.

Then he smiled and said.

“You are the weakest. “I’m sorry but I think you can leave.”


The boy’s body trembled at these words and he could not say anything.

In fact it was because he acknowledged that he was relatively weak compared to other boys.

I tried to turn away without saying a word.

“Ah wait a minute.”

‘no way?’

Have you changed your mind?

And I turn my head just in case.

-puck! Crack!

At that moment his body was suddenly swaying sideways and rotating.

Then he fell and hit his head on the floor.



The boy who fell quickly held his leg and complained of his pain.

Just moments ago Mo Kyung-yun kicked his ankle and the force was so strong that his body spun like a windmill and broke at the same time.

“What are you doing? “I just gave up and left…”

A boy was embarrassed by this and shouted at Mo Kyung-un.

Then Mok Gyeong-un tilted his head.

“Is there a problem?”

“no. “I told him to get out and I went out on my own but why are my legs like that…”

There was no question as to whether I had broken it.

Then Mok Gyeong-un said.

“I told you not to kill me. “Did there ever be a saying not to break one thing?”


At those words the boy became completely mute.

He broke his leg and was eliminated because he was not in the same group.

This guy is really…

I was at a loss for words but Mok Gyeong-un stretched his body and said

“This isn’t going to end with just this friend so what are you doing?”

“What are you saying now?”

“I’m going to be pretty busy from now on. “Before we pass the gate we have to break the legs of all the group members except ours.”


The boys’ expressions all hardened at Mok Gyeong-un’s words.

< Reduce Episode 26 (1) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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