Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 72

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< Episode 20 Jin-ui (3) >

A huge monster wolf stopped in the posture of jumping to Moharang in Mohwabang.

Everyone’s eyes widened at the strange sight.

Then someone’s voice was heard through the bushes.

“Ahh. I’m so glad. “Everything you need is gathered together.”


Everyone’s eyes turned to that place.

‘Who is that guy?’

The person who came out lifting the bushes was none other than Mok Gyeong-un.

In the battle for the iron ball he left such a strong impression with his cruel hands that everyone recognized him at a glance.


‘…As expected he was alive.’

Mu Yuqian looked at Mu Qingyun and unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he hated the guy deep down he didn’t want him to die in a place like this.

So I was relieved but the timing of his appearance was not good.

‘idiot! What happened to your colleagues and why did you show up alone?’

Eight people had to wait until dawn to find the flag.

However it is unfortunate that the monster wolf is sweeping this place and he appears wandering alone.

But now was not the time to worry about that guy.


Mok Yu-cheon ran towards Mo Harang.

I don’t know why that monster wolf of hers did that but this was her chance to save her.

At that time Jusalgok’s Yeomga shouted.

“hey! You crazy monster wolf. “What are you doing now?”

Yan Jia didn’t care whether Mu Qingyun appeared or not.

I don’t know why the monster wolves which had been moving well according to their strategy until now suddenly couldn’t move in that posture but I hoped they would kill them quickly.

That’s why I was shouting.


However unlike the wind the monster wolf could not move even though it roared.

The hairs that stood up straight were suppressed as if they were tied to something.

‘What on earth are you doing?’

I’m feeling frustrated


Mo Yu-cheon slipped and pushed Moharang away who was right in front of the monster wolf.

And in front of her he supported her shoulder.

“Come to your senses.”

Mok Yu-cheon urged Mo Ha-rang who had a blank expression on her face.

Then she said.

“Do you see this?”


The object of her gaze was a monstrous wolf.

Of course it seems.

I don’t know why but something was keeping me from moving.

But something incomprehensible came out of her mouth.

“Bound in chains.”


Mo Yu-cheon frowned.

What on earth are you talking about?

Why are you talking so casually about where the chain is?


Mok Yucheon bit her lip tightly on her wet back.

The bleeding was so severe that she seemed to be delirious and seeing things for nothing.

“Moharang! Come to your senses. “I’ve held on until this point but if I fall here I’ll die.”

“It’s still… set….”

“Then walk.”

Mo Yu-cheon lifted her shoulder and urged her.

Then she looked in the direction of her neck with an expression of incomprehension.

Is she really just watching for nothing because she’s bleeding so much?

There is something strange about that.

What on earth is that grey-white girl whose shape is vague enough to be considered human?

As I was doing that I saw the grizzled girl moving her lips.


Her eyes shook when she saw this.

Coming from a mohwabang once called a group of four major killers she learned the art of lipreading (讀脣術).

Lip reading is a method of reading another person’s conversation using the movements of the lips face and tongue.

She was visible in her eyes.

‘I…I think I can see the human me?’

Those words sent a shiver down Moharang’s spine for a moment.

As he was doing so he saw Mok Gyeong-un also looking at himself with an interested expression and muttering.

‘Oh is that so?’

Moharang became confused.

Is it really true that her bleeding caused her to see nothing?

But why is Mok Kyung-un talking to that vague being?

It was then.


Mo Harang Mok Yucheon and even all the boys covered their ears in pain due to the tremendous roar that spread like waves.


“What are you talking about?”

It was a roar no different from that of a lion’s hooves carrying almost all of its energy.

However with a roar the floor that the monster wolf was leaning on shook for nearly five minutes and soon caved in.

-Jump and run!

At that moment the frozen monster wolf moved.

‘okay! ‘You should do that!’

Jusalgok Yeomga who was covering his ears was internally delighted.

It doesn’t matter since they are in the protected area of ​​this flag anyway but other guys don’t have that advantage.

So I guess I should die right here.


A harsh sound came out from the mouth of Mo Yu-cheon who was carrying her shoulder.

I thought now was an opportunity but it seems I was wrong.

It was a moment when I thought

-Cha la la la la la!

Dozens of chains erupted not directly from below but from around the five walls once again restraining the body of the monster wolf or rather Galjeo (羯狙).


Perhaps the restraint was too strong this time.


The chains became tangled and pulled causing Galger’s head to hit the ground.


Moharang said to Mok Yu-cheon who did not understand the meaning.

“Are you sure you can’t see it?”

“What are you talking about? In this gap…”

That was before the words were even finished.

Before I knew it Gyeong-woon Mok had approached Gal-jeo who was unable to move with his chin or rather his entire body pressed to the floor.


“I have to repay you for targeting mine.”

With those words I grabbed my upper teeth with both hands and pressed my feet on the bottom of his mouth.


The roof of my mouth was lifted.

The man whose mouth was forced open tried to shake his body and twist his head as if in pain but the chains were too restrictive and he could not move.

Thanks to that

-Rumble and crash!


My mouth was torn off like that.

As if the top of his head had been completely torn off the screams of the man who had been screaming with bloody tears stopped as if nothing had happened.


Everyone including Mo Yu-cheon who was closest to this scene was left speechless.

Who would have imagined that the monster wolf that had eaten so many boys would suddenly become like that?

‘What the hell is this guy?’

The one who was most shocked was Mo Yu-cheon.

Is he really the coward he knew?

Mokgyeongun threw away the torn upper snout and head.


There was a thumping sound as if the weight of his goal was considerable.


The surroundings were filled with silence as Mokgyeongun was seen drenched in the blood of a galjeo that was torn in two and gushing out.

What the hell is this kid?

Why was this monster wolf dead as soon as this guy appeared?

Moreover I can’t use my energy because it’s banned so what’s the power that tears that mouth apart?

Everyone couldn’t help but be confused.

However there was someone who quickly got through this.

‘Damn it.’

He was a shaman of Jusalgok.

He too was equally shocked by this ridiculous result.

However it didn’t matter how this was written.

Dawn will come soon.

We have to protect the flag at all costs so we have to step down now.

Yeomga whispered to the team members.

“You have to step away.”

The team members also understood this so they carefully tried to lift the metal piece of the flag but that was the moment.

“Tie everything up.”

Mok Gyeong-un was afraid to mutter softly.


Chains rose from the floor and the bodies of everyone present were restrained.


“What is this?”

“Something in your body?”

The boys who were physically restrained could not hide their embarrassment.

Everyone felt the sense that something invisible like a rope or a cold chain was binding them.

I couldn’t figure out what this meant.


I tried to solve this with all my might.

However internal strength was prohibited in the first place and no matter how much external strength was trained the strength could not be better than that of the monster Galgeo.

Of course this attempt was just an act of wasting strength.


As I tried to force myself my body leaned forward and my knees fell.

It was so shameful that even my face lit up.

‘What on earth has this son of a bitch done?’

As he was doing so Mok Gyeong-un approached the flag right in front of the mountain wall.

The eyes of the boys who ran away while protecting it were shaking.

Could it be that they were targeting their own flag?

While doing this Mok Gyeong-un was looking at the stem of the flag.

“Ahh. “Is this it again?”

He muttered and immediately broke the pole of the flag without any hesitation.

-Jump and run!


“You son of a bitch!”

The boys screamed as if they were screaming.

Even though I abandoned the flag and ran away to avoid the monster wolf if I don’t have that I will be eliminated at this gate.

But I didn’t know that Mok Kyung-un would destroy it like that.


“You bastard!”

Mo Yu-cheon could not hold back his anger and called Mo Gyeong-un.

I wanted to run right away and punch him in the face.

However my body was restrained by something invisible and I could not move at all.

“It would be difficult if it weren’t for this.”

Mok Gyeong-un who was clicking his tongue approached the place where the cheap price was located.

At this Cheomga shouted with a bloodshot throat.

“Are you planning on breaking this too?”

Mok Gyeong-un chuckled at that question and shook his head.

Then he looked at the flagpole and frowned.

[Could it be again?]

Although the people around him couldn’t hear it Mok Gyeong-un’s ears heard Cheongryeong’s voice.

As she asked the composition was the same this time as well.

Mok Gyeong-un licked his lips as if he was in trouble.

‘It’s a coincidence.’

She found three flags but she didn’t know that they were all the same phrases she had memorized.

It was now just before dawn.

Even if they were in a hurry it was too late to capture the flag.

[What are you going to do? Even now order that girl Soha to find the flags nearby.]

Mok Gyeong-un was about to nod his head at those words but then another method came to mind.

Now that I think about it wouldn’t it be a good idea to check this first?

Mok Gyeong-un was about to ask as he looked at Yeon-ga and his team members who were tied up in So-ha’s chains and unable to move.


It was before I could even speak.

Then someone shouted.

“I’ll tell you the rest…the rest of the Gugyeol…let’s make a deal.”

At those words Mok Gyeong-un turned his head towards the person who shouted.

The person who shouted was none other than Moharang from Mohwabang.

Even though her face was so pale she was breathing with all her might.

Her neck tillage looked at her with interest.

“I guess you noticed.”

“I checked it twice.”

She also thought that when Mok Kyung-un broke the flag they were defending it was just to force them out of her gate.

However she realized it when she frowned as she looked at the flag of the Jussalgok Cheap side.

She said the neck tiller was looking for a different kind of flag.


Yeomga also realized this fact too late from her words.

In response she hurriedly shouted at Mok Kyung-un.

“Let me make a deal!”


“okay. I know other districts as well and there are even members with decent flags here. “It looks like we don’t have any team members but if you join us you too can get through.”

I thought the cheap price was a good thing.

At first she was upset because she thought her own strategy was broken because of this guy.

But this guy ended up playing the role of that monster wolf.

He broke their flag so as soon as they received this guy the certain Hwabang gang was naturally eliminated.

Then one of the boys looked embarrassed and said.

“Now wait a minute. We’re all fine. “If you want to receive that guy…”

“shut up.”

Cheomga urged the boy.

And she said to Mok Gyeong-un:

“I’ll take care of one guy so you want to make a deal? Are you going to tell me? “You need all the support and flags anyway.”

You won’t be able to refuse it anyway.

It is more reasonable for them to make such a clear proposal.

But then Mok Gyeong-un reached out to a boy’s waist.


It was a broken flagpole.

“Gugyeol is here.”


At this moment Yan Ga could not hide her embarrassment.

The problem was that she carried around a flagpole with a different district written on it.

She didn’t destroy it just because a few people couldn’t memorize it all. Who would have thought it would turn out like this?

Yan Ga said hurriedly.

“That’s ours too right? “If you do that you’re doing business with us right?”



“This is mine.”

Mok Kyung-un waved the flag he was carrying and spoke casually.

At that sight the blood on Cheomga’s forehead stood out.


“And the flag here is mine too.”

Mok Kyung-un raised the flag with one hand.

The boys’ eyes widened at this.

How could they lift something that could only be lifted by two people as internal strength was prohibited so easily?

Mo Gyeong-un walked away from them holding the flag with a satisfied look on his face.

“Stop it!”

“Because it’s mine.”

This kind of mockery of Mo Kyung-yun made Yeom-ga angry but he barely swallowed it and said

“We also need assistants!”

“iced coffee. “That’s right.”

Mok Kyung-un nodded in understanding.

Then Mok Yucheon who was supporting Moharang in Mohwabang shouted this time.

“Don’t trust that cowardly weak-willed guy! They are the ones who will stab you in the back. “If you’re going to do that take us as part of the group!”

Moharrang’s condition worsened so he shouted instead.

In fact because of his pride he didn’t want to ask Mok Kyung-un but there was no other way.

Soon dawn will come and it will all be over.

In order to survive I had to give up my pride.

At that time Yeomga also shouted.

“What kind of bullshit are you talking about? All the things this guy took were things we protected. But are you telling me not to accept it for what you guys did?”

“What kind of mouth do you have to say about someone who used not only his skills but even a monster like that to commit a cowardly act? Tree tillage! “Ignore what that guy said…”

“hey. No did you say tree cultivation? If you help me this time I will definitely return the favor. There is still a gateway left so it would be bad to incur debt to me who is from Jusalgok…”

“Don’t listen! Even though we are different…..”

“Shut up you idiot!”

Then before we knew it everyone was shouting and begging Mok Gyeong-un who was holding the flag to accept them as part of the group.

The voices mixed together so much that it was confusing who was who.

right then

-Clap clap!

Mok Jingyun hit the wall of his hand.

At this everyone’s eyes turned to Mok Gyeong-un.

Since he was the one holding his life at stake here everyone had no choice but to focus.

As they looked Mok Gyeong-un opened his mouth.

“I’m really embarrassed. “Everyone wants to be with me so I would like to have all of you join me but the rules say that’s not the case.”


The boys swallowed dry saliva.

From what I heard it looks like a decision has been made on who to receive as aid.

Mu Yuqian looked at Mu Qingyun intently.

No matter how much they hate each other brothers are still brothers.

Still wouldn’t they eventually accept him as a member of the group? I secretly looked forward to it.

That said

“In a situation like this it seems unfair to take care of someone and give priority to someone… I’d rather do it this way.”

Mok Kyung-un glanced to the side and nodded.



“Your body?”

The bodies of the restrained boys moved.

Mok Gyeong-un smiled at them and said

“Kill me.”


“Of these I will accept only the seven who survive as aid.”


At that moment everyone’s expressions hardened.

< Episode 20 Jin-ui (3) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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