Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 70

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< Episode 20 Jin-ui (1) >

A room with walls on all sides filled with amulets and numerous magical tools.

A white-haired Buddhist monk who had placed candles in the direction of the five elements and was meditating with his eyes closed opened his eyes.


Shaking eyes.

The sharp-faced white-haired Daoist couldn’t help but feel embarrassed.

‘That can’t be possible.’

The white-haired Taoist overcome by ominousness stood up.

Then he left the door and walked down the hallway.

That feeling just now was a wave that had to return when the spell that had been cast was broken.

But that couldn’t have been the case.

‘Even if solitude is complete it is impossible to sober up this week.’

Soon a white-haired monk stood in front of a door.

The monk opened the door.

The expression on the Doin’s face hardened as he opened the door.

A barrier that appeared to be a barrier was drawn on the floor of the room and inside it was a thick jar with an amulet attached and was chained together.



The white-haired old man’s beard shook violently as if he was angry.

Not surprisingly the amulet attached to the candle was torn off and the chain was broken.

The old man walked closer and grabbed the broken chain with trembling hands.

Then he closed his eyes and memorized the drink.

“Buyeonjusang Yeonwonbigyeong Muju branch salary rate ordinance.”


The chains were shaking violently.

‘What on earth happened? Show me the reason.’


Something pictured in the mind of the old man with his eyes closed.

It was a process in which numerous vengeful spirits ate each other and degenerated.

On days when Sihyeolgok was administered this was checked periodically two or three times a day to see if there were any problems.

Wasn’t it like that just a little while ago?

But what happened?

At that moment the brothers saw something completely black approaching Solitude which was being completed.

“Rule of benefits for the landless!”

‘Show me. ‘What on earth was that?’

We need to know what variables occurred.

In this way I instill more energy through the incantation.


At that moment blood flowed from the old man’s left eye and the broken chain he was holding completely crumbled into powder and scattered.

The old man staggered for a moment and was pushed back.


What was that just now?

Something evil covered with the energy of death intervened in the solitude that was being completed.

It was definitely not a ghost in the form of a dead person like a vengeful spirit.


‘Did Lee Mae-mangyang come in through the amulet barrier on the cliff?’

The old man wiped the bloody tears that were flowing down with his sleeve.

Even though it is not completed and the talisman on the cliff is broken if it is enough to touch the vengeful spirit that has been so transformed and its status has been raised it will surpass the monster.

‘Could it be that a ghost or a demonic beast has appeared?’


It has gone too far to the demonic beast.

If it had gotten to that point no matter how far away it was I would have noticed it right away.

If a demonic beast had appeared here the sacrifice would have been significant no matter how martial the group was.


But even if it wasn’t to that level I couldn’t hold back my anger.

The solitude that I had tried to gradually complete over the course of 15 years was in vain in an instant.


The old man roughly opened the door and walked down the hallway and out of the building.

I saw someone kneeling there.

He was a Bangsa Jouigong.

At the sight of the old man coming out Joe raised his head with a bright smile on his face.

“Master no footnote!”

A white-haired old man with a sharp look.

He was In Seo-ok a member of Wonsalgak who was in charge of consulting on magic under the Cheonjihoe.

Also Jo Uigong’s teacher was Bang Il who reached the highest level of magic with only 14 of them among all the shamans.

Except for the six-pointed god who is said to be the pinnacle of the New Ilwolgimyosu (神日月技杳輸) he was an expert in the art of magic that no one could match.

“Mr. Are you telling this to the Lord?”

In response to Jo Eui-gong’s question footnote In Seo-ok shook her head with a stiff face.

Joe’s performance couldn’t help but disappoint him.

Of all the talented people I’ve ever seen he was the best.

That’s why he was trying to get him out of Hyeolgok by any means possible even if it meant asking each state.

But my mind didn’t change.


While I was doing that In Seo-ok said.

“That’s not the problem now.”

“…What do you mean by that?”

“Imaemangryang a man of high rank sprinkled ashes on the cooked rice.”

“no way…”

“The art of spiritual solitude in this note has been broken.”


Bangsa Jo Uigong could not contain his astonishment.

When it comes to the art of spiritual solitude isn’t it something that teacher and footnote In Seo-ok has been working on for as long as 15 years?

“How can something like that happen? No matter how foolish you may call it breaking through the barrier of your master or rather your master…”

“I guess it means it’s more than a beast.”


It is an imamangryang that goes beyond the ranks of evil beasts and monsters.

Even if it were just a monster it would be possible to deal with it if it was Bangi or higher but if it was a monster higher than that it would be difficult to deal with even a Bangwol title holder depending on what it was.

‘Wait a minute the cliff valley where the Spiritual Solitary Art is practiced…’

It was attached to Sihyeolgok.

Even if the spirit of solitude had not been broken if a monster had appeared on that mountain it was a situation that could not be ignored.

Footnotes Ok said clicking her tongue.

“Right now take your amulets and magical tools and prepare to go to Sihyeolgok.”

In response to his teacher’s command Jo Eui-gong thought to himself that it was a good thing.

The teacher was displeased with the broken Youngsin Solitary Art but this might be an excuse to stop the gates of Sihyeolgok.

* * *

Mokgyeongun absorbed the remaining frauds here and entered the retrograde fortune.

Seeing him like this Gyu So-ha who had become a new food spirit noticed something special in the eyes.

As expected Gyu So-ha’s ghost’s eyes showed that Mokgyeong’s energy was not flowing normally but was reversing.

Not only that it exudes the energy of death rather than energy or vitality.

‘Is the master really a living human being?’

Even if that wasn’t the case I kept wondering about it.

It was strange that a human being could accept such an enormous force of death and still look so fine.

Gyu So-ha glanced next to him.

Cheongnyeong was sitting on a large rock leisurely smoking a gombangdae.

At this Gyu Soha carefully approached and opened his mouth.

-Hmm. excuse me…

-excuse me? joy! They say you are an old man….

As he was about to tell him to do so Cheongryeong looked at Soha and snorted and said.

-Just call me sister.

Regardless of whether it was a green spirit or something else it was very strange to hear that young woman call me old.

Of course there was a huge difference in age and rank between us even though we were both sisters.



-What did you see? Be arrogant and say that you saw Confucius again.

-I am a man…..

-….If you keep talking nonsense I will just completely destroy that guy regardless of whether he was made into a food spirit or not.

-no. As for me…

Cheongryeong raised his gombangdae.

At this Gyu Soha closed his eyes tightly and raised his hands upward.

Although her grey-white hair was unusual anyone could see that she was only a girl of about fifteen.

-Don’t make a fuss in front of the main chair. Wet! If you say one more word about being a man or something I’ll stop looking at you.

Cheongryeong clicked her tongue and then waved her hand as if to turn it off.

In the end he couldn’t even ask what he wanted to ask and couldn’t find the answer.

At that time Mo Kyung-un opened his eyes as if all his energy had been absorbed.


-Did you absorb everything?

“yes. “It’s pretty good because I’ve collected the remaining energy.”

By gathering all the death energy remaining on the cliff I was able to collect at least as much as I would have killed about fifty people.

It could be said to be much more efficient than hunting around the entire mountain.

‘My energy has somehow stabilized.’

Cheongnyeong watched her work her neck and stuck her tongue inside her.

He managed to overcome all those frauds and make them his own through luck.

In terms of internal strength the level of the middle and bottom battles has almost reached the extreme beyond the peak of maturity.

‘This is absurd.’

The order was completely mixed up.

He has little knowledge or understanding of energy so he doesn’t even know how to handle things like sword energy or balgyeong but his level of internal energy has reached its peak.

This was also due to the strange trick of the Passa Pal method.

‘….The endurance to reach the peak is doubled. However in the case of medium and heavy warfare you have to overcome a wall to obtain it so its potential is also unknown.’

Right now even she was clearly at a certain level of neck training so it was difficult to make a conclusion about her.

She was definitely curious.

I wonder how much expert this guy can handle right now.

While I was doing that Mok Gyeong-un asked.

“How much time has passed?”

-Uh…I wonder if the owner is here…

-If you were to ask how much time remains until dawn there is less than half an hour left. At best it’s a three-way match.

Qingryeong spoke after cutting off Gyu Soo-ha.

Hearing her words Mok Gyeong-un looked up at the night sky.

The sky which was clearly completely black suddenly changed to a light navy blue.


Contrary to plan it seemed like we wasted a lot of time here.

Of course it wasn’t a loss.

He gained several times more morale than killing the boys looking for the flag and even gained a powerful green spirit.

But there isn’t much time left now.

Mok Gyeong-un quenched his appetite.

“It’s a shame.”

-What do you mean?

“I was planning on leaving only seven but three would be too much.”

Cheongryeong clicked her tongue at Mok Gyeong-un’s words.

Anyway the idea is unique.

The original purpose was to secure more death energy but looking at it now it seems that not only that but also to drastically reduce the overall number of personnel.

The young spirit clicked her tongue and said.

-At that time you will have to find the flag and support first.

I don’t know if I was just looking for a flag but I had to find something that had the remaining half of the sword technique written on it.

If you are unlucky you may only find flags with the same structure.

And there had to be people who could be accepted as part of the team.

That’s why I had to hurry.

At that time Mok Kyung-un took something out of his pocket.

-You must be busy. What are you doing?

“I need to fuck you again.”

What Mok Gyeong-un took out was none other than the needle of the golden gate that had been removed from the acupuncture point on the spine.

If you don’t put this back on she’ll get suspicious.

-I can do that for you.



As soon as she finished her question Cheongnyeong lightly waved her hand.

Then the needles of the golden gate on Mo Kyung-un’s palm flew out and simultaneously lodged themselves in the Qi gate at the acupoint of the spine.

– Puff poop!


Removing the needle is painful but inserting it is also painful.

It was painful to hit just one but when they were pushed in at the same time no matter how patient Mok Kyung-un was with pain he couldn’t help but gasp loudly.

Looking at this he said with a satisfied expression.

-You have to have a tool to remove it but you can do this much. But you…

Cheongryeong’s gaze turned to Mok Kyung-un’s chest.

It was near the middle battle.

Unlike the lower terminal which was cut off due to dispersion of energy when the qi gate was blocked the middle terminal was still alive.

* * *

After all that work

Mokgyeongun found a group holding the flag.

There were exactly eight of them and as if they had succeeded in defending the flag a couple of times the eyes of nine boys were spread around them.

As soon as a boy recognized Mok Kyung-un he chuckled and said

“hey. “Are you selling your money somewhere and wandering around alone?”


“That’s right.”

The group members who were with him laughed at his question.

They showed this attitude because they were convinced that there was not much time left until daybreak and that Mok Gyeong-un could not handle them alone.

While laughing together like that the boy who provoked Mok Gyeong-un waved his hand and said

“This place is full so get out.”

“I see you’re at capacity.”

“Are you a bastard who doesn’t even know what to say? Get out now. Oh right. “It seems like there’s only about 2 minutes left until dawn so I don’t know if I’ll be able to find a group that will accept me…”


“Turn it off!”


At that moment the boy collapsed mid-sentence.

Mok Kyung-un was in the posture of throwing something and a stone was lodged in the center of the boy’s face.

It seemed like he died instantly after being hit by this.

“What is this…..”

“I can’t even use internal energy so how?”

Group members like the boy could not hide their embarrassment.

Who would have imagined that he would kill a member of his group just by throwing a rock?

As he was doing so Mok Gyeong-un raised the corner of his mouth and laughed.

“Oh my…there’s an empty garden over there.”

< Episode 20 Jin-ui (1) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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