Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 67

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< Episode 19 Loneliness (2) >

‘Is it a difference in rank?’

Mok Gyeong-un’s eyes were drawn to the white hands that went back into the water with just one warning.

Since its status has clearly reached the level of a blue spirit its intimidation alone overwhelms most vengeful spirits.

“As expected it’s amazing.”

In response to Mok Gyeong-un’s praise Cheongryeong who chased away the water spirits spoke in an irritated voice.

-Do you think I said it was dangerous because of these low-class things?

“I guess not.”

Mo Kyung-un shrugged his shoulders.

Of course if it was a Red Spirit or a Juryeong level there would not have been a warning.

What she warned about was that they were devouring each other and degenerating into the worst kind of loneliness.


A place about forty miles away is covered in thick fog.

It was so dark that you couldn’t see inside.

A simple fog would have been better but the pitch-black fog was swirling like a huge torrent and it looked very ominous just by looking at it.

-That’s not the only problem.

“…Are you talking about those too?”

In addition to that thing that swallowed up the entire space there were also smaller ones.

They were all tangled together forming a small fog and there was something unusual about it.

The young man looked at them and said.

-Some of the lesser-ranked vengeful spirits are afraid of the main character and are in a hurry to run away like they did just before. But those are different.

“What does it mean to be different?”

-The vengeful spirits who covet and eat each other are nowhere to be seen.

“What do you mean?”

-They are eating each other to survive and become stronger. They don’t show anything now. All I can think about is that I have to eat it.

Therefore the young man advised them not to get close to them.

No matter how inferior and weaker they are it becomes difficult to protect them if they go crazy and turn into ghosts and decide to attack you all at once.

-Hey sentient being. Do you think you can break through them and absorb them?

“We should try it.”

-A guy with no plan.

That was too dangerous.

Since this is a situation that could actually be eaten I want to drag them up by force even now.

While doing so Mok Gyeong-un looked around.

It is full of ominousness and there is not the slightest trace of human beings.

Mok Kyung-un muttered at this.

“I think we’ll be fine here.”

-What do you mean?

In response to Cheongryeong’s question Mok Gyeong-un suddenly touched the area of ​​his lower back and placed his palm.

And pressed his finger firmly on one spot.


-….What are you trying to do now?

“I was debating whether to try it or not so should I say I’m skeptical?”


It was a time of questioning.

Mo Kyung-un’s back arched and he frowned slightly.

He didn’t even blink when he was in a lot of pain but how much pain did he want to endure?

-What on earth…!?

A strange look appeared in the young man’s eyes.

It was none other than a finger-sized amount of saliva hanging dangling from Mok Kyung-un’s finger.


This needle which had a hook-shaped end was none other than a gold gate.

It was used to block internal energy by blocking the airway.

Originally this gold gate could only be removed using a special tool with strong magnetic force but Mok Gyeong-un removed it using the method of wearing.

‘I can’t believe you’re using the dressing ceremony in this way.’

The spiracle on the side of the spine where the gold gate was embedded was very dangerous.

So it could be dangerous but I took it out without any hesitation by adjusting the way I was wearing it.

It could be said to be bold.

-You really are a sentient being…

“Wait a minute. “I have to remove the other two first.”


Just as Mu Qingyun had done just before he also pulled out the remaining two golden gate shrouds.

The gold chain embedded in the acupuncture point of the spine is painful when inserted but it is even more painful when it is removed but there is no change in expression the second time.

It could be said to be great patience.


The moment Mokgyeongun took out all the gold gates that were stuck in it


The blocked air gate opened and the golden emperor was released.

The morale I had accumulated so far circulated throughout my body filling me with energy.

‘Look at this.’

Cheongnyeong’s eyes narrowed.

When the qi gate was closed energy was not expressed so I had no idea how much morale I had gathered but this was more than I expected.

She has already more than doubled her original morale.

If you can handle that you will reach the peak through your inner strength alone.

‘It’s amazing.’

Morale (死氣) is different from general energy.

It could be said that it is almost the exact opposite and the only person who possesses that energy of death as much as I do is Mok Gyeong-un.

No is that guy really a human?

In the first place it is strange that he is still fine despite having so much energy of death.


Cheongnyeong looked around and sighed.

The low-level vengeful spirits around him were afraid of the incredible morale radiating from Mok Gyeong-un.

Mok Gyeong-un stretched his legs and said.

“It’s refreshing. “I was frustrated because I kept getting stuck on this kind of thing.”

-Did you hold back on purpose?

“yes. “You never know.”

I heard that masters with excellent sense of energy can sense the energy of subordinates.

That’s why Mo Kyung-un thought of this method from the time he first put the golden gate in place but he continued to hold back.

Cheongnyeong clicked her tongue and said.

-You didn’t come down blindly.

At this level if it weren’t for the big ones there were only a few things here that would have posed a direct threat to Mok Gyeong-un.

Of course they will indiscriminately target those that eat and eat each other.

“There is a difference between risking one’s life and committing suicide.”

-You speak well. However it is still dangerous. Even if it hasn’t been completed yet it may be more dangerous than the original in some sense.

Its purpose was not possession.

The deterioration was completed by indiscriminately devouring it.

They will try to eat it one way or another.

-Are you going to start with things around you?

Cheongnyeong asked pointing to the small whirlpools.

At this Mo Kyung-un shook his head.

And he looked at the huge whirlpool and said:

“You have to eat from the head first.”

-Crazy guy. Is that a fish?

When you see that you can’t believe you describe it as the taste of a fish’s head.

This means that the head of fish is the most delicious.

If you were talking about the opinion that you should attack the strongest first it was extremely like this guy.

-If your greed is excessive it is over-greed. However if you can make it yours like you said you will be able to save ten years.

“Can you help me?”

-Do you think he would let his disciple die before becoming a food spirit?

At those words Mok Kyung-un smiled and said.

“If the disciple dies the teacher Cheongnyeong also dies.”

-…..Get rid of the nonsense.

“yes yes.”


Cheongnyeong took a long drag on the gombangdae exhaled smoke and pointed to a huge whirlpool of fog.

-I’ll draw your attention here. Just look ahead and run.

“Please do me a favor.”

-Eat to your heart’s content.

As soon as he finished speaking Cheongryeong slammed the gombangdae on the floor.

Then with blood-red eyes shining he opened his mouth.

-Blood system.


At that moment blood began to form on the floor mainly from the palm of the hand.

-Drop drip!

Drops of blood floating as if falling upside down.

Drops of blood soared into the sky turning the area red.

Mo Qingyun looked at this and thought to himself.

‘Return area.’

A barrier was created due to the strong thoughts of a high-ranking vengeful spirit.

That could be called the realm of refuge.

In this area of ​​refuge unlike the barrier spread by the emancipators the space is created by the vengeful spirit’s resentment and madness.

‘Was it like this?’

Almost dozens of surrounding areas were stained blood red.

In the area of ​​refuge created by the spread of her grievances low-level vengeful spirits around her began to cry out their spirits.

There were even things that could not endure and were scattered.


-Park! Pop!

At that time the small dragons that were busy devouring the surrounding spirits suddenly moved.


The target was Cheongnyeong.

By deliberately opening up the territory and revealing its power the corrupted vengeful spirits that were focused on devouring it suddenly showed interest.



At Cheongnyeong’s words Mok Gyeong-un turned her direction to the side.

Even though the attention of her corrupted vengeful spirits was focused on Cheongryeong if they passed right under her nose she might change her goals.

Therefore she had no choice but to go around to the side.


When she opened her light attack the speed was amazing.

As the surroundings passed by it wasn’t long before we arrived in front of a huge whirlpool.

The exquisite blood red area did not reach this place.

If so this would also have turned the attention to Cheongryeong.

‘That’s amazing.’


Mok Gyeong-un exclaimed inwardly as he saw the black fog swirling like a rough current.

She was afraid that if she got caught up in this she would never come back.

Most people or quite a few radiants would never even dare to enter this place.

But Mok Gyeong-un had something else.

There was no feeling of fear.


Mok Gyeong-un stepped into the torrent of vengeful spirits rushing wildly.

The moment I entered a scream that seemed to tear my eardrums rang out.


And the terrible smell of rotting corpses vibrated from all directions as if my nose was paralyzed.

My whole skin felt like it was sore so even the slightest movement was painful.


Is this why the spirit gave a warning?

I felt like I was being swept away by an evil and ferocious energy that far exceeded my expectations.

However in order not to be swayed by this Mokgyeongun used retrograde fortune throughout his body to divert morale.

It was that moment.


Suddenly a chain came out of nowhere and wrapped around Mok Gyeong-un’s waist.

In response Mo Gyeong-un concentrated his morale on the capital and struck down it.


The chain was broken.


But this wasn’t the end.


Numerous chains flew in and instantly restrained Mo Kyung-un’s limbs.

Because it happened in an instant I couldn’t avoid it and sleep.



Chains wrapped around his entire body except for his head.

The restraint of this chain was so strong that no matter how much force I tried and how much I tried to raise my morale it would not budge.


In this way the chains that bound Mu Qingyun began to pull him toward the center of the black fog vortex.

It wasn’t something that could be sustained with strength.

As I was being dragged away I heard another scream from somewhere.


-Help me!

-please! please!

It was a cry that was close to a plea.

But as the sound got closer something began to appear in my blurry vision.

-Ugh! Ugh!

The sound of something being eaten was heard there.

I was wondering what on earth to eat?


The lower body of the human-shaped ghost was seen struggling upside down.

However the upper body of the strange being covered with iron chains is entering the huge open mouth.

It was a scary sight just to look at.

-Oops! Oops!

The sound of a vengeful spirit being eaten came from inside my mouth and it did not last long.

This was because in an instant the lower half of the body was sucked into the mouth.

Eating it up wasn’t an indirect way of saying it.

I really meant it.


A strange being in chains roared as it devoured a vengeful spirit alive.

Everything shook as if there had been an earthquake.

-Help me!


The vengeful spirits held in chains screamed and begged even more.

They were madly afraid.

It was then.


Mo Qingyun’s whole body was shaking.

Am I feeling fear for the first time in my life?

At this the strange being covered in iron chains which was roaring slowly turned its gaze.


Two beams of light appeared through the chain.

-Eat. you.

An eerie voice echoed everywhere.

Then Mok Gyeong-un whose body was trembling raised his head.

But that face did not look like one of fear.

His lips twitched as if he was excited by all of this and then the corners of his mouth widened all the way to his ears.


A unique look appeared in the pure white eyes.

Mok Gyeong-un spoke to the strange being covered in chains.

“We agreed.”

< Episode 19 Loneliness (2) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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