Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 49

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Episode 13 Attack (4)

Can this be expressed simply as something that has changed?

No matter how bad their relationship is Mok Gyeong-woon casually suggests sacrificing Mrs. Seok who is nominally like his mother.

Mokindan was shocked by his words to the point that his whole body got goosebumps for a moment.

Beyond the changes it seems like the people themselves have changed.

At that time Mok Kyung-un whispered in a sweet voice.

“A woman who left her husband to die and gave everything she had to her son. Is it worth your hesitation?”

‘This guy…’

It didn’t matter if it was true or not.

Mok Gyeong-un was giving himself an emotional justification to make a cruel choice.

As a leader trying to save a group he was a cause that I as a person could be tempted by.



Mokindan bit his lip.

Then he released his hand from Mok Gyeong-un’s wrist that he was holding and gave a small urge.

“I can’t trust what you say.”

“It’s the truth.”

“…Even if what you say is right it cannot be said that it is right to sacrifice someone to save others. and…”

Jangju Mokindan saw the face of Mrs. Seok who was taking a step back.

Her frightened eyes showed strong denial.

She was his wife so she knew better.

If you do something to her she doesn’t react in any way like she’s acting flirtatious.

‘Not really.’

That means

“If that’s what you did I’ll tell you it was stupid.”

“Is this foolish?”

“okay. And now is not the time for this with you.”


With those words Mokindan tried to stop Myeongdo King Son Yun from approaching Lady Seok.

But before I could even do that


Son Yun who was walking towards her as if he was going to do something to her tightly grabbed her earrings in her hand.

Son Yoon said dropping the broken earring on the floor.

“It looks like there is someone here who doesn’t like Lady Zhang.”


She who was intimidated by Son Yun’s intense killing power asked herself a question while drenched in cold sweat.

Then Son Yun snorted at her and said

“I guess someone among the Yeonmok Prosecutor’s Office framed you or wanted to kill you.”

Road murder.

It literally meant borrowing someone else’s sword to kill someone.

She who had been frightened by Son Yun’s words relaxed and fell to the floor as if her legs were losing strength.

Son Yun exuded enthusiasm and said with sharp eyes at the people of the Yeonmok Swordsman.

“Do you think I’ll fall for this trick?”

At those words Jangju Mokin-dan gritted his teeth and looked at Mo Gyeong-un.


This was the foolish thing he said.

If you look at the forest instead of the trees you will be able to see the situation to some extent.

What kind of criminal would leave his traces so openly?

Rather it was like revealing something left behind by a political opponent.

‘We shook hands.’

No matter how clever he pretended to be this was the limit of a plan that came from the mind of someone who was only seventeen at most.

Mokin-dan frowned at Mok-gyeong-un and whispered.

“Things got bigger. No more. “Give it to me.”

“It’s a shame.”


“I was hoping to get lucky.”

“That’s what you’re saying…”

It was that moment.


At that time Myeongdo King Son Yun swung his attitude and cut off the head of one of the warriors in the Yeonmok Sword Master.

It happened so quickly that there was no time to stop it.

“King of Myeongdo!”


Jangju Mokindan was furious and pulled out his sword and shouted.

Then Son Yun shrugged his shoulders and said jokingly.

“You are the one who broke the agreement so are you writing this because you are angry at me? “I tell this to the people at Yeonmok Geomjang.”

– Say it! I say it! I say it!

A voice full of energy spread loudly like an echo.

People around me covered their ears and suffered from the ringing eardrums.

‘It wasn’t full power.’

Mokindan’s expression darkened.

The power was much more profound than I had guessed during the solar eclipse I shared earlier.

Even if he was healthy he wasn’t an opponent he could beat.

Either way Son Yun continued what he was saying.

“I’ll give you one last chance. If you want to live give it up. Or tell me who will benefit the most when Madam Zhang dies.”

At his cry the corner of Mrs. Seok’s mouth who was on her knees on the floor and trying to catch her breath trembled.

I never thought I would suffer this kind of humiliation because of that damn bastard Mok Kyung-un.

Originally I kept my mouth shut because I was afraid of Jangju’s feelings but now that that guy was out there too I was in no position to cover up.

Mrs. Seok released her lips.


It was before I even spoke.

Then someone raised his hand and shouted.

“I know who did this!”

Her exclaimer was none other than Hohin.

Seeing her like that Mrs. Seok thought she was right and shut her mouth.

She did not believe that it was better for her bodyguard João to convey the truth about her loyalty rather than the painting she was talking about.

“You know who it is?”


In response Son Yun the King of Myeongdo wiped away the blood from Taoist and spoke in a murderous voice.

“If it’s a lie you’ll have to sacrifice your life.”

“If something goes wrong with Madam the Grand Duchess the position of the Grand Duchess of this chapter will also be in trouble. Therefore there are people who have an advantage in finding a successor.”

I didn’t mean to say those words but naturally the gaze of the warriors at Yeonmok Swordsman split on the two people.

They were none other than the second-born Mok Eun-pyeong and the youngest Mok Yu-cheon.

Since I was a human being I couldn’t help but look at the momentary gaze.

Mok Eun-pyeong shouted in embarrassment.

“What nonsense are you talking about now?”

The same was true for Mok Yu-cheon.

“That’s rude. Howie. “Why would I do such a thing?”

The two people responded that it was unfair.

Of course it had to be that way.

It’s not like they did it themselves.

However what was unfortunate was that no one looked at Mok Gyeong-un after hearing Hoang’s words.


Jangju Mokindan frowned.

Looking at Mok Gyeong-un trying to bargain with him it was clear that this kid was up to something.

However since he was said to be the one with the advantage in finding a successor none of the Yeonmokgeomjang people looked at Mok Gyeong-un.

That was because he had the most power and no possibility.

At that time Myeongdo King Son Yun looked alternately at the second eldest son Eunpyeong and the youngest mok Yucheon and opened his mouth.

“It seems so but how can you believe it?”

“There is something that can be assumed to be evidence.”

“evidence? Whoa. Talk to me. girl.”


Mrs. Seok frowned at these words of guard Hoang.

Was there anything that could be called evidence?

While I was wondering Hoang said.

“In the basement of the medicine hall in addition to the items that Son Daehyup was looking for there were also secret books that only the master of Yeonmokgeomjang could learn. “Whoever had it would have done something like this!”


Both people could not hide their embarrassment at Hoin’s words.

Although it was only the cover and two pages it was the youngest Mok Yu-cheon and Madam Seok who had the original non-class books Yeonmokhwasimbeop and Yeonmokseonggeomgyeol.

They were embarrassed and shouted at the same time.


“Hoang you!”

They shouted at the same time and as all the attention was focused on them they were embarrassed and didn’t know what to do.

I shouldn’t have reacted to Hoang’s words like this.

If they did this it was obvious that they would search their place.


Seeing them like this Jangju Mokin-dan looked at Mo Gyeong-un.

Mokindan’s eyes trembled at the sight of him looking at him as if it were something fun to watch.

[If you’re lucky and can save everyone with that one woman’s sacrifice wouldn’t that be a good thing in itself?]

[It’s a shame. I was hoping to get lucky.]

The words Mok Kyung-un said passed through my mind.

The luck this guy spoke of was not what he meant by it.


Mo Kyung-un whispered with a smile on his lips.

“This is such a big deal. “If all the tasks that need to be completed are tied together like this that scary person will go on a rampage saying he will kill them all no matter how important it is.”

* * *

[what? Put these earrings in that wooden box?]


[Are you an idiot?]


[But if you put that in there who would believe that it’s an old sentient woman? Rather I suspect that it was the work of someone targeting that woman Mrs. Seok or something.]

[yes. That’s what I’m saying.]


[Why did you bother to give them a secret certificate that was almost like a shell?]

[You… really?]

[Just in case I would say it is a small preparation for when Jangju wakes up. Well it’s just a light joke.]

[A light joke? Anyway you’re doing well with one little thing.]

* * *

Originally it was a preparation for Jangju waking up and checking the secret location.

Although it was different from the intention it only added to the confusion.

Mok Gyeong-un said raising the corner of his mouth slyly.

“Wouldn’t it be better to talk about the hurt now rather than regretting it after losing them one by one?”


Jangju Mokindan gritted his teeth.

‘What is this guy…’

The thought of him as his son no longer disappeared.

It was my first time seeing such a frighteningly clever person.

He was so outrageous that he tried to get what he wanted by taking the danger of Yeonmokgeomjang as a hostage to the point where he was shocked.

“What are you going to do?”

He had no more choice.

Mokindan said this.

“….Bring the stipend and hand it over to that person. “I’ll let you know when I do.”

“That’s not what bargaining is about.”

“It’s you!”

“I don’t have much time.”

Mok-in Dan who was glaring at Mok Gyeong-un with a distorted face made his cheeks tremble and with difficulty parted his lips.

“It is a wound inflicted by a man called Ghost Sword in Yongmun Guangdong Province about seventeen years ago.”

“Demon sword?”

“You….don’t you know the ghost sword?”

Al Li was at a loss.

There was no way Mok Gyeong-un who had only recently learned martial arts would have known about the ecology of the martial arts world.

“Who is the demon sword…..”

That was before the words were even finished.


At that time the sound of bells ringing was heard.

In an instant everyone’s eyes turned to that place.

“Jo Bangsa.”

Son Yun the King of Myeongdo called out as he looked at someone coming in through the pavilion.

He was a middle-aged man wearing a snake-shaped eyepatch and holding a cane.

However there was something that made everyone more puzzled than the appearance of this man. There was a bell ringing on the middle-aged man’s belt that was not even shaking but was ringing alone.

‘What is that?’

As I was doing so a middle-aged man with an eye patch called Bangsa Cho opened his mouth.

“The monster is playing a prank.”


“A monster is trying to steal a person’s shell.”


At that moment the middle-aged man waved his staff in the air made a hand sign with his left hand and recited his incantation.

“Sinpilhwi-dong heavy rain hello Hangma copy Obongtaesangnogun’s salary regulations!”


As soon as the spell was over the middle-aged man slammed his staff on the floor.

At the same time an invisible wave occurred and a strong wind arose around the area for a moment.



Then Lady Seok’s guard Hoin who was hit by the passing wind suddenly grabbed his head and screamed like crazy.

Those around her could not hide their bewilderment for a moment.

The black veins bulging around Hoang’s neck were extremely bizarre.

“What is it?”

-Knock knock knock!

Hoang’s eyes rolled over and her whole body convulsed like crazy.

Everyone fell around her in shock.

-I’m crying!

Although it wasn’t as good as this there was one person who made her stomach ache and it was a high praise.

The moment the wind passed by I had an unpleasant feeling and felt like I was going to vomit.

However as soon as she increased her strength and developed self-defense skills things got better.


Gochan looked at Hoang.

Gochan’s two ghost eyes saw a demonic demon suffering in Hoang’s body.

Maybe it was because his body was only second-rate and he had just been possessed but he couldn’t stand it.

at last


I was thrown out of the possessed body.

Juan who was suffering from convulsions collapsed on the spot as if he had fainted.


Seeing this the corners of the mouth of a middle-aged man with an eye patch named Joe Bangsang went up.

“I will banish you.”

Then he took out the amulet of Chikbuju (勅符咒) from his belt attached it to his staff and shouted.

“Extermination of rare and evil spirits Wu Feng Taisang Lao military rule new recruits boots and boots!”

He threw his staff with him.


Surprisingly the staff stretched out straight and flew like an arrow.

To everyone’s eyes it looked like it was flying toward an empty space with no one around but there was a demonic horse staggering there not yet free from the pain.

However this was before the staff imbued with mysterious power could reach the demonic monk.


Someone caught the cane midway.

“You’re causing trouble.”

He was none other than Mok Gyeong-un.

At this sight Jo Bangsa a middle-aged man with an eye patch was momentarily surprised.


Even if he was a samurai he was not an ordinary person to catch the cane containing the incantation and incantation with his bare hands.

But that wasn’t really surprising.

Jo Bangsa frowned and said glaring at his neck.

“You… can see the vengeful spirit.”

Those words caused a stir all around.



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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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