Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 463

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< Episode 119: Cause and effect and retribution (1) >

It was invisible to anyone.

Everyone including Juklipin was puzzled by this but only Joong-Joong’s eyes showed someone’s image clearly.

That someone was a young-faced girl with only half of her hair turning white and her whole body wrapped in chains.

‘Gyu Gyu Soha?’


He is a food spirit who belongs to Mok Gyeong-un and has reached the level of a blue spirit.

How did he who calls himself Confucius or a man who has always seen himself arrive here one step ahead of them?

And why is he not possessed but in a state of vengeful spirit?

It was because of the doctor who came from Mok Gyeong-un.

* * *

Just a few o’clock before sunset.

He led an army of hundreds of masters who possessed the body of Seo Hye-in the leader of the Four Mountains Choyeondan a member of the Five Mountains Association under Hui Zhou’s second disciple Jang Nengyue and attacked Wei Xiaoyeon. He was returning to the circuit with his possessed escort Gochan.

Originally the car would have arrived sooner but its return was delayed as it had to run into the secret seekers several times and avoid them.

However it seemed like it would arrive in a few hours.

At that time Mok Kyung-un’s doctor came to her mind.

-Gyu So-ha. Where are you now?


-Are you at the meeting?

-no. It took some time to take a detour because they were following us.

-okay? Then it would be impossible.


-They are targeting King Shihae who is sealed in the secret treasure of Sihyeolgok. Wood box….

-Master! It won’t be long now. I think I will arrive at the meeting in less than half a day. So I retrieved the wooden box….

-No we need to hurry. I can leave it to the devil so focus on your mission now.

-Master? Master!

No matter how many times I called Mo Kyung-un did not answer.

Gyu Soo-ha became sullen at this but coincidentally as they approached the meeting there was another military force waiting for them.

It was none other than the forces led by Sihyeolgokju Lee Ji-yeom.


[Is this Seo Hye-in the soloist of the premiere? She was sent by her lord. From now on this guard will be commanded by Gokju.]

Mok Gyeong-un who was thorough had sent Sihyeolgokju Lee Ji-yeom in advance just in case.

Thanks to their appearance she felt good so she left her in the care of Lee Ji-yeom and was the first to escape from her body and return to the state of a vengeful spirit.

* * *


Gyu Jung-sun a member of the Five Tigers and the great leader of the Changma Dan is said to be the highest late exponent of the Heaven and Earth Association.

He could not hide his embarrassment at the sight of Gyu So-ha glimmering before his eyes.

The memory of that time is as vivid as if it happened just yesterday.

He was happy that he had been chosen by Him and that his hidden qualities had awakened when he heard someone’s voice calling for him from somewhere.

[Mid! Mid-year! Where are you? If you are alive answer me!]

It was that woman’s voice.

Did he really come down to this cliff to find himself?

Just as he was about to feel strange his voice rang in his ears.

[The opportunity has come.]

Then the subtle emotions that caught Joong-ho for an instant disappeared and the murderous intent rose deep in his heart.

Obsessed with such a strong killing intent he secretly walked up behind Gyu So-ha and struck the back of his head with a sharp stone.



Kyusohah gasps and turns his head.

She was looking at herself with both astonishment and disappointment in her eyes.

[Yes you…how…]

Don’t look at me like that.

You brought it all on yourself.



Joong-joon brought down the stone towards her face as she glared at him.

Her eyes were sunken and the corners of her middle mouth parted as she looked at her in distress.

When she felt her pain she was so happy that she was even ecstatic.


[Damn you bastard. What’s wrong with stopping? If you die everything will be resolved.]


[You always pretend to be superior and pity me just because you have everything…]

[I…I…like that…]

[You were just born before me.]

With those words Joong-hoon frantically hit her in the face with a stone.

At first she screamed in pain but by the time her face was almost crushed she could no longer make any sound.

Finally the damn bitch was dead.

Even after confirming that Gyu So-ha had passed away he was so angry that he continued to hit her in the face.

But what is happening now?


The person with grey-white hair and his entire body wrapped in chains that was fluttering before his eyes was definitely Gyu So-ha.

Her leaky-looking hair and the chain she wore looked bizarre but even more than that the sight of her dead body fluttering before her eyes made Joong-jung feel embarrassed.

‘What on earth is this?’

It’s cold enough to make your skin crawl and it’s got goosebumps.

Could it be that he died and became a ghost?

She even took a step back without realizing it but her father King Yeongchang (影槍王) Gyu Jong-shin held her shoulder and asked.

“Why are you doing that?”

“Are you sure you can’t see it?”

“I can’t believe you can’t see it. “What on earth do you mean?”


When they asked questions even the family vassals next to them were responding as if they did not know.


“Why on earth are you doing that?”

Could it be that they can’t see that in front of them?

Gyu Soo-ha That thing is staring at you like it’s going to kill you but you can’t see it?

Then his father King Yeongchang Gyu Jong-sin pointed with his hand to the place where he could feel the ghost energy and asked.

“Are you sure you’re talking about that place? “What on earth are you seeing?”


In the middle of the day I couldn’t answer anything.

However it is impossible to say that he sees Gyu So-ha whom he killed with his own hands right in front of his eyes.


Then as if Gyu Jong-sin the King of Young Spears thought it would not work he approached the place where he could feel the ghost and aimed at his famous spear Hanwi which was his German weapon worn on his back.

Then he concentrated his true energy with the tip of his spear and stabbed it with anticipation.


The moment you stab the spear


Gyu Soha leapt backwards and escaped the gap.

The energy of an excellent internal medicine expert can cause some damage even to a spirit a vengeful spirit so the distance was widened.

But because of that

‘Did you avoid it?’

Jung-Joong who was momentarily terrified because he was a ghost came to his senses.

Why did the dead ghost avoid the attack?

Isn’t that what I think?


The middle man put his hand to the spear he was wearing on his back.

He didn’t know how it appeared in front of him again but he was certain that it appeared with malicious intent towards him.

The good news was that no one saw it.

‘Whether it’s a ghost or something else we have to deal with it.’

He only knew that his father Yeongchang King Gyu Jong-shin died in an unfortunate accident during the test of Gyu So Hagashi Hyeolgok.

Thanks to that he was able to naturally become the head of a small household.

Now I don’t know why something like that appeared but we shouldn’t make a fuss.

I was shocked and confused for a moment because I thought a dead bitch had appeared but I wasn’t the same as before.

The person I am now is the best late-stage expert who received the title of the Five Tigers and an expert who has reached the pinnacle of looking beyond the wall.

He could even exert even more power if he used the techniques he had taught him.

Because of this no one in the Five Lakes can be his opponent.

Looking at my younger self I don’t look any different from before. Are you trying to get revenge on me?


If a physical attack works I’ll kill you again.

It was the moment when Joong-Joong was about to launch a new weapon at Kyu So-Ha.

Gyu Soha held out his palm towards him and muttered something unintelligible.

-The realm of the ghost. Saeseonjipok (鎖僊執獄).



It was that moment.

-Chrrrrrrrrrr! Papa papa pap!

Suddenly chains broke through the otherwise normal floor and began to rise up.

Jung who was about to attack Gyu So-ha was startled by the chains rising from the floor and avoided them by using the Gyeongshin technique.


Nevertheless the rising chains rushed toward him as if they were alive.

In response Jung made a fierce attack with his spear and blocked the chains.


Has the damn bitch even mastered the hex?

I couldn’t figure out what this meant.

Jung who had been blocking the chains like that must have felt a sense of crisis as the chains kept coming in and he hurriedly shouted.

“Father! Please help me…!?”

At that time the child’s pupils shook.

Before he knew it his father and three retainers were no longer visible.

I was wondering where on earth they had disappeared to but I saw chains that were incomparable to the ones before just rushing in like hundreds of snakes.

‘…Damn it.’

There were so many that it was hard to know what to do and how to stop them.

But those mid-month worries did not last long.

That was because as he watched the rushing chains he became convinced of one thing.

There was no way this large amount of chains could have been in Sihyeolgok’s Bigo.

That means this must be an illusion.

‘You’re trying to deceive my eyes but do you think I’ll be defeated that easily?’


Jung fixed the spear pole to the floor and closed his eyes.

And he concentrated his energy.

‘This is fake. FALSE.’

You are simply deceiving your five senses including your vision.

If it were just an illusion it could never hurt you.

Yes never…


I felt numerous chains wrapping around my body.

In response Jung-joong circulated his true energy throughout his body and repeated to himself.

‘It’s a fantasy. It’s an illusion. It’s an illusion. If you concentrate your mind…’



As not one but hundreds of chains wrapped around my body and tightened me I screamed in pain.


What on earth is this?

He closed his eyes and tried to remain conscious of nothing.

However I felt the feeling of the chains tightening my body very clearly.

In response Jung ended up raising a half-strength force with his whole body and tried to somehow shake off the chains that were wrapping around his body.




The chains became tighter and tighter and it felt like my body was going to explode.

It was clearly lifted with ten-star power but how did the chain which was nothing more than an illusion become even stronger?

Then a voice came to his ear.

-Does this seem like an illusion?


The surprised middle-aged man threw his head to the side and shouted.

“What the hell are you you bitch? “What is that bitch look…”

-That bitch? From the way you spoke I can see what you thought of me.


Mid-year’s impression was distorted.

This familiar accent and speaking style.

Even though more than 15 years had passed there was no way he could be forgotten.

“…That’s ridiculous. “Your bitch is dead.”

-But it’s in front of you.

With those words Kyusohah pretended to gently squeeze his hand.

Then the chains surrounding the middle tightened even more.


“Knock knock!”

The pressure was so strong that his face trembled and blood soon gushed out of his mouth.

Despite his suffering Kyusohha did not look satisfied at all.

Because he hadn’t caused him any real pain yet.

-I can’t believe it hurts this much. It’s funny.

“Knock knock. This…you damn bitch! Your bitch…is fake. “Kyu…Kyu Sohaha…is dead.”

Even in the midst of pain he tried to avoid making mistakes as much as possible thinking that his father and retainers might be watching.

That said

-Yes he died. So that I could taste the pain I went through after I died.


-You coveted the things I had. Then you have to suffer as well.

-Just right!

Gyu Soha snapped his fingers and everything went dark.

Then before I knew it the surroundings changed.

It was clearly Vigo but the surrounding area had already turned into a cliff.

The moment he saw this place Joong-Joong’s eyes shook like crazy.

‘This place…’

That’s the place.

Under the cliffs of Sihyeolgok.

The place he called solitude.

And it is also the place where he killed Gyu So-ha.

What on earth is this?

“You bitch… What on earth did you do? “How did you bring me here?”

The shouts of the middle of the year rang out in all directions.

“what? “Where did you go?”

Until just a moment ago Kyu So-ha who was next to him was nowhere to be seen.

Where on earth have they gone?

It was a moment of puzzlement.


At that moment something unbelievable happened.

Before his eyes strange things with terrible shapes began to appear here and there.

They were literally vengeful spirits with nothing in sight.

Although he had reached the peak of perfection he couldn’t help but feel a chill down his spine the moment he saw those horrible things crowding around him.

I was taken aback by the sight of the guys approaching and tried to undo his chains.



The chains that tightened my body did not budge.

In the meantime I was unlucky enough to struggle and ended up falling backwards.


After falling he panicked and tried to free himself somehow.

But before he knew it the demons had reached where he was.


The ghosts that reached him like crazy clung to him and started digging into the exposed parts.

-Quad! Kwazizig!


“Kwaaaaaaaa! Let go! Let go! Don’t bite! “Ugh!”

The middle man turned his face wildly and twisted his body to try to shake them off.

But the more

-Let me eat. let me eat you

-asleep! asleep!

-Why…do we have to be here?

-Help me! Give me your body.

-I mean die.

clung to me like crazy

As they bit his face and dug into his flesh feelings of extreme fear and despair more than pain rushed into his head and tormented him.


I was so distressed that I felt like I was going crazy.

Aren’t you really going to die like this?

Then suddenly through his eyes he saw Gyu So-ha looking at him and smiling with an eerie face.

She was truly happy with her own suffering.

‘You bitch… Are you really trying to get revenge on me? ‘You…how dare…you dare me?’

As his pain and anger reached their peak he could no longer hold back and revealed the secret magic he had been hiding.

It was a technique he taught called the ‘explosive blood attack’ which was a technique that drained one’s energy instead of drastically increasing all one’s power in an instant.


The force more than doubled in an instant and the pile of iron chains which had not even moved soon shattered into pieces.

Along with him the vengeful spirits that were biting and tearing at him were also thrown away.


Then Joong jumped forward and caught Gyu So-ha.

He then violently grabbed her neck with both hands and threw her to the floor.


“You damn bitch! “You bitches dare to seek revenge!”

-Knock! Stop… Stop…

“stop? stop? Hahahahaha.”

Joong-Joong burst into laughter as he looked at Kyu So-Ha in pain.

He thought it was the original soul but apparently that wasn’t the case.

There is no way the dead man would suffer if someone strangled him.

Jung Joong strangled Gyu So Ha’s neck even harder and frowned at her face which was filled with madness.

“I don’t know how she survived with her face crushed but you’re so stupid Soha.”

-Knock! you! you!

Perhaps because she was out of breath Gyu Soha’s face gradually turned white.

Jung Joong said with a sneer at her dying sight.

“Why are you angry? “I tried my best to get revenge but I couldn’t even do one thing properly and ended up dying by my hands again.”

The words were almost over.

Gyu So-ha who had been suffering with her dying face suddenly smiled.


Are you laughing?

It was a moment.

Then he felt something cold and sharp against his throat.

It was a spear blade.


And it was not just a spear blade but a master spear Hanwi (寒衛) the German weapon of his father Yeongchang King Gyujongsin.

He was embarrassed and tried to raise his head but his father’s murderous voice shook his heart.

“Just now… try talking about that again.”

< Episode 119: Cause and effect and retribution (1) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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