Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 458

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< Episode 117: Impermanence (4) >

In Jinsik-an the green grassland has long since disappeared.

The place was a ruin itself.


Agsimpapa Cheolsu-ryeon let out a rough breath and glared at the two Mokgan clones facing him.

Each one of those damn things must have ingested the blood of spirit creatures or the true source and their power is equal to or greater than theirs.

If you were only dealing with one you could probably do it but dealing with two enemies of similar level is daunting.

“Cluck cluck.”

The internal injuries are so severe that blood comes out every time I cough.

Cheolsu-ryeon looked at the black blood on her palm and smiled bitterly.

‘Is this also karma?’

From the beginning he did not think that the evil deeds he had committed would easily be eliminated by practicing enlightenment.

But now all I wanted to do was throw off all the shackles and go to His side but this happened almost at the end.

‘…It might be a punishment.’

Maybe he wasn’t qualified to begin with.

Fate must have punished him because he did not deserve to go to a place that was like a paradise like him and them.

Still I think I did one thing well.

He saved the only bloodline he had left in the world.

I feel relieved that I am leaving at least doing something for him.


Cheolsu-ryeon gathered the remaining true energy in both hands and created a vague but intangible image.

Still since he had the dignity of being once called a great villain he was planning to take them both at least by making a sacrifice.

Then Mokgan’s clones opened their mouths.

“Give up.”

“You bitch can’t beat us.”

“I don’t know what you did but open the door to exit the camp.”

“This is the end of my verbal recommendation.”

Cheolsu-ryun snorted and responded to their words.

“Do you want to get out of here?”

“It’s the only way to save your life.”

“okay? But what should I do? “This space he created is a bit of a waste but I think it should be your grave.”

“You are making a decision you will regret.”

“It doesn’t matter. “Let’s start by cutting off the limbs.”


At the same time the two Mokgan clones also approached with intangible swords.

I don’t think they had much expectations in the first place.

Meanwhile one side of the wall completely collapsed the pillars that formed the main axis of the Jinsik were also destroyed and the scroll with the picture of Mureungdowon hanging on the broken thatch wall began to tremble strongly.

-bang! Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwak!

The three world-renowned masters collided and all directions were once again caught up in the aftermath.

Tremendous wind pressure and wind were blowing in all directions making even the remaining traces of the grassland disappear.

But this didn’t seem to last very long.

Unlike them who were overflowing with energy as if they had consumed the true source Cheolsu-ryeon was almost at the bottom.

The reason she was able to hold on was because her true energy was being used up.

They knew this too so they pushed harder.


Cheolsu-ryeon’s complexion darkened as she was pushed away.

We tried to do Dongguijin but since they were each other’s alter egos the joint efforts of those who shared thoughts were so thorough that it was difficult to create a gap.

Numerous sword wounds appeared on her body as she was pushed against the ground.



I tried to take them both with me but I guess I couldn’t do it in the end.

If you do that there is nothing you can do.

A strong murderous gleam appeared in her eyes.

It was difficult for the two of them but if they gave up their flesh and took their bones they were able to take at least one person.


They seemed to have noticed something about her tremendous killing intent and they exchanged glances with each other and then tried to cut off both of Cheol-ryeon’s arms before she could do anything.


Cheolsu-ryeon gritted her teeth.

After enduring the pain of having both of her arms cut off she bites her left clone’s neck and rips off her head.

That was the moment when their intangible swords rushed into her arms.

It was that moment.


At that moment blood magic energy exploded with a blood-red glow and the arm of one of the clones who was wielding the intangible sword was cut off.

‘What is this?’

But that wasn’t the end.

The being that cut off the guy’s arm grabbed the back of the guy’s head and pinned it to the ground then stretched forward and pulverized his face.

-Quaaaaaaaaaaa! Kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa-kwa!


It was a moment when the other clone was embarrassed and tried to respond.



A whirlwind of frost hit the guy’s entire body a huge chill arose and the arm holding the intangible sword froze at an incredible speed.

As the feeling in his arm disappeared in an instant Mokgan’s clone urgently cut off his frozen arm like a lizard cutting off its tail.


And I opened a new model

“Where are you going?”

– Creepy!

Suddenly he felt that someone was behind him.

Cold sweat ran down Mokgan’s clone’s forehead due to the tremendous cold and power felt from behind.

What on earth?

When did such a monster appear?

While they were caught in doubt Cheolsu-ryun looked at them with reddened eyes instantly turning the mood around.

The peerless beauty with her blood-red hair flying and an arrogant yet sharp aura opened her mouth shaking out her doughy brain matter from her hands as it ground to the floor.

“The evil intentions of the world have been overcome. “I ended up getting caught up in these guys just because I told them to kill me.”

A woman with silver hair and a mysterious aura answered her sarcastic words with a bright smile as if she agreed.

“I know. “This is why we can fight over your place in Dohwaseon.”

-Blah blah blah!

As she lightly waved one of her hands her blizzard was about to hit all around her.

The appearance of these people was welcome but what made tears pour from her eyes was the presence of a person who eventually appeared with the dazzling sunlight at his back.

From the moment he appeared something strange was happening.


The swords held by Mokgan’s clones trembled and moved on their own without any movement of true energy.

* * *

The reason Jin Ye-rin called for her neck training was none other than the ghost sword.

When her situation calmed down after her Mok Gyeong-un defeated her Mok Gan’s clone it was she who was worried and looked over because her injuries were the most severe.

As feared the ghost’s condition was truly the worst.

Her right arm was cut off and her abdomen and shoulder were pierced causing severe bleeding. Of course the internal injuries were so severe that her five organs and six parts were also filled with blood.

It could be said that he was at a level where it was acceptable to be alive.

The ghost sword which was not surprised even if he lost his breath at any moment did not try to increase the possibility of revival by eating a fortune-telling meal but instead went to Mok-gyeong-un.

It seemed like he wanted to say something with his last strength rather than just hope for life.

Just like that she was approaching him with her neck raised.


At Mok Gyeong-un’s words Jin Ye-rin unconsciously stopped her steps.

-Papa pa pa pa paak!

At the same time stone swords sharpened like thorns shot out from the floor where they were walking.

If I had taken just one step it would have popped right through my foot.

Realizing that she had an enemy who could completely hide her energy Jin Ye-rin hurriedly flew her energy with a sword towards the floor.


Her spirit which she flew dug into the ground but there was no response.



As Mok Kyung-un steps towards the floor

– Quad deud deuk! thud! thud! thud!

The stone swords blocking the way were broken and the sound of something exploding came from the floor.

Then something burst through the floor.

That something is none other than


It was Paje one of the secretive clans spitting out black blood.

Although she was seriously injured and appeared to be dead inside the Jinsik she ran outside without missing the moment when her Mokgan clones broke through the Jinsik.

As he came out Paje was recovering his strength and energy from the ground.

Then when Mokgan’s self-immolation was attacked he attempted to attack from underground in order to somehow interfere with Mokgyeongun.

However Mokgyeongun’s capabilities were already higher than before.

Paje which could not withstand the waves that shook the entire ground at once had to rise above the ground.


Although he was in so much pain that he was vomiting blood Paje jumped out from behind the demon sword and grabbed his neck and shouted.


“Don’t move. “If you come close I will twist your neck.”

“Would that be fast? Or is my sword fast?”

“under? Quite overconfident…”



At that moment a sword mark appeared on Paje’s forehead and blood erupted from the back of his head.

Paje stumbled and tried to fall backwards.

Looking at him like that Jin Ye-rin couldn’t help but stick out her tongue.

‘When…did you do this?’

Even though she was right next to her she didn’t see Mo Qingyun’s sword.

He was truly the epitome of a sharp swordsman.

Now it really seemed like he had entered a realm he could not possibly look into.

It’s so fast that you don’t even notice that you’re swinging the sword…

Unless he is a monster like Imae Mang-ryang is there anyone among the current martial arts masters who can deal with Mok Gyeong-un?


At that time Mokgyeongun’s new form suddenly appeared behind Paje who fell with his head pierced.

He was probably already dead so why was he moving so fast?

Mok Gyeong-un is puzzled.


Paje’s face was trampled and crushed.

Jin Yerin said frowning her eyebrows.

“Why are you doing this when you’re dead?”

“He’s not dead.”


I was wondering what she was saying but then a strange sight appeared in her eyes.

The face was dented and crushed but before Paje’s body even tried to move the crushed flesh was seen rising and regenerating at an incredible speed.

When she saw this she realized.

‘no way?’

Did he ingest the blood or essence of a spirit creature?

But Mok Kyung-un grabbed his head not his face which was trying to regenerate.

And then


She unfolded the ceremony of chak (着).


Paje’s body convulsed wildly.

Those who have ingested the source or blood of a spirit being are overflowing with natural energy in their body and have vitality that cannot be compared to that of ordinary people.

Therefore I had no choice but to let this vitality drain away.

One of those methods was absorption.

Since he had learned how to handle the power of impermanence energy was no longer meaningless but Mokgyeongun absorbed the spirit power and natural energy inside him.


The spirit power can be used to help the spirit recover.

However when I absorbed the natural energy inside it unlike Gangyeom this time I felt the energy of the earth.

Along with him a being was seen as an image.


Surprisingly it was a huge Imoogi with pure white scales.

< Episode 117: Impermanence (4) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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