Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 453

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< Episode 116 Arrangement (5) >

-But as you said I am just me. My name is Jin Woon-hwi. As you guessed he is the ancestor of a child named Jin Ye-rin.

There was a strange look in Mok Gyeong-un’s eyes.

Should we say that it is a feeling of weight that comes from age?

Even though she had the face of a young man she had the authority to command the crowd.

And even though the eyes were obviously black whenever the light reflected them blood and golden lights appeared at the same time which was truly mysterious.

At that time she opened her mouth as if Cheongnyeong was truly surprised.

-…The best…sword in the world.

The best sword in the world?

Hearing Cheongnyeong’s words one of Mokgyeongun’s eyebrows rose.

Are you really talking about the author?

While I was wondering Cheongryeong spoke in a trembling voice.

-After the day of the great disaster there are not many people who remember the great masters of the Gu Murim era. I too have only heard a few things through word of mouth.


-Among them there was one particularly absurd story.


-A person who had the notoriety of Sima Wei Dao and the reputation of a charlatan at the same time…

The notoriety of Sima Wei Dao and the reputation of a charlatan?

Now that I think about it the author said this about himself.

[I don’t know how you remember it now but there was a time when you were called a blood demon who was treated as an evil person or a time when you were called a swordsman a model of a good person.]

-And the one who cut off the head of Gyoryong (蛟龍).


There are many different types of people in the world.

Of course it is extremely rare to encounter such a being in life.

And among those rare occurrences the one that is considered the most auspicious and the pinnacle of spiritual life in the long history of the Central Plains.

That was Gyoryong or dragon.

‘…Was that real?’

Disciple Strategy (諸子略) Yin-Yang Family Book (陰陽家本書) Mountain and Sea Sutra (山海經怪異初書) etc. Although I have read numerous books there is no story of anyone actually seeing a dragon.

This dragon was called the Imaemangryang or a spirit creature and was considered the most fantastic being.

But the author decapitated that fantastic being?

Regardless of whether it is true or not it is no exaggeration to say that he was almost legendary if he had such an incredible reputation.

At that time Jin Woon-hwi who had taken off the evil spirit mask suddenly sighed and smiled.

-iced coffee. Let me correct one thing. To be precise it is an idea rather than the thing itself.


-It may sound difficult but the person you are looking at is nothing more than a thought. I planted a part of my evil spirit in the world inside the bamboo cage.

Hearing Jin Woon-hwi’s words Mok Gyeong-un’s eyes narrowed.

He might think he misunderstood this but he had experienced something similar once.

It was inside the Shaolin Temple’s wall.

A monk looking at a stone wall.

I thought he must have been a being in residual thoughts but he was talking to me.

[If you have had enough now go back to where you belong.]

At that moment Mok Kyung-un realized.

This is not just a residual thought.

It had a will.

Because of this Mok Kyung-un could not help but be even more surprised.

If the intent of the practitioner who remained in Myeonbyeok-dong was merely to show something the person in front of him even competed with himself.

Nevertheless Mok Gyeong-un did not fully see the full force of that intention.

This was because unlike the opponent who was fighting with all his might it felt like the opponent was constantly leaving energy to spare.

So how strong is the real thing not just a thought?

It was difficult to estimate.

Mok Kyung-un who was staring at Jin Un-hwi soon sat down on the chair in front of the table he had prepared.


Jin Woon-hwi pointed to the steaming car and said.

-Let’s have a drink.

“No need.”

-You’re on high alert.

“Anyway if you call it intention this is also just an act of deceiving the five senses.”

At Mok Gyeong-un’s firm words Jin Woon-hwi shrugged his shoulders and then turned on the car and said

-Slurp. That’s clever. Is this the so-called type of literati knowledge?

“Avoid unnecessary words. “What is the purpose of bringing me here?”



-What do you think it is?

“I was the one who asked the question. “Jin Woon-hwi.”


As soon as Mo Kyung-un finished speaking a dagger suddenly flew out and swung around him.

It’s as if he’s trying to express that he feels bad.

Jin Woon-hwi waved his hand and said.

-stop. Sodam. I have no malice toward you.

At Jin Woon-hwi’s words the dagger that had been circling around Mok Gyeong-un soon returned to his side and struck the sword while floating in the air.


Mok Gyeong-un was puzzled by this appearance.

“What on earth is that dagger?”

At first I just thought that Jin Woon-hwi had a deep connection with the sword.

But more and more Mok Gyeong-un began to think that this dagger had a self or will.

It was quite different from simply being controlled with a sword or an empty space object.

Because there was no movement of the true energy itself.

In response to Mok Gyeong-un’s question Jin Woon-hwi smiled and said

-This friend’s name is Sodam. An old friend.

“…It doesn’t seem like a simple dagger.”

-There is nothing simple in this world. friend.

“When did you say you were friends?”

-iced coffee. I see. I learned of your existence piecemeal from heaven but I don’t know your name. Can you tell me? Would you even answer this question by saying that I am just me?

To his words Mok Kyung-un immediately responded with a light sigh.

“Jeong…. No. “Call me Cheonma.”

-Cheonma? That’s a very outrageous name.

“I have no intention of engaging in useless gossip with you. Jin Woon-hwi. Just get to the point. “Why did you drag me here?”

-I’m just about to like you but I’m in a hurry.

“I don’t have enough free time to waste it on thoughts that are not part of the party.”

The corners of Jin Woon-hwi’s mouth rose at Mok Gyeong-un’s outspoken words.

-Nevertheless isn’t it because of necessity that you sit here?


-It’s nice to be honest. Actually this was the place to decide what to do with you.


What are you talking about?

This is where you decide what to do with me?

Jin Woon-hwi continued speaking with a still smiling face towards Mok Gyeong-woon who was showing his displeasure with cold eyes.

-Cheonma. Even if you lose everything and become just a human your essence remains the same as a demon.


Looking at Mok Gyeong-un questioning him Jin Woon-hwi put down the teacup and said in surprise.

-Have you not contemplated yourself yet?

“What do you want to say?”

-…I see. This is really surprising. I thought you would at least have realized what your existence is by now but that’s not true? If so did you reach this point with your human self?

As soon as those words were finished Mok Kyung-un got up from his seat.

Then he looked down at Jin Woon-hwi and shouted.

“Whatever is inside me it can’t do anything about me. “I am just me and I live only by my own will!”

The corner of Jin Woon-hwi’s mouth twitched at Mo Gyeong-un’s words.

Then Jin Woon-hwi smiled.

Mok Kyung-un snorted at his smile the meaning of which was unknown.

“Do I sound funny?”

-no. at all. That’s what I wanted to hear.


– Contrary to what I had feared I now have a stronger sense of self. Cheonma.

“What are you talking about?”

-Let’s just say it’s good news. If you were swallowed up by the devil inside you and your will was taken away I would have kept you locked up like this for the rest of your life.


He was trying to lock himself up?

As I was about to become alert Jin Woon-hwi filled the teacup and said

-The important thing is the will. That’s what I wanted to see. Otherwise you will become the world’s greatest disaster.


-If the coming disaster is not enough another disaster will only bring destruction. Since I can’t watch its destruction I just created an opportunity for it to go wrong.

“Are you going to keep saying things you don’t know?”

It was difficult for Mok Kyung-un to understand what he was saying.

What on earth do you want to say?

While I was puzzled Jin Woon-hwi quickly drew something in the air with his index finger.

Then the air became paper and his fingers became brushes and words began to be engraved.

It was a Pasapal-style rescue.

-Pasapal style is not simply a concentration of enlightenment. This allows those who have realized salvation to awaken their will.


-If your will and ego were weak you would have been quickly eaten by the devil within you. As we can see you have a stronger will than anyone else. That is the greatest strength a human can have.

“…It sounds as if it was all intentional that I learned the Pasa Pal style.”

-I don’t deny that it wasn’t intentional.


-Even if you arranged it if you didn’t have the connection to reach it we wouldn’t have met like this.

At Jin Woon-hwi’s words numerous things passed through Mok Gyeong-un’s mind.

It was not a mere coincidence that the supreme secretary named Pasa Palsik came into his possession but rather a series of events that overlapped and it came into his hands as if it were fate.

It was so unusual that it could not be dismissed as a mere coincidence.

Mok Gyeong-un who was lost in thought for a moment finally opened his mouth.

“If what came to me is an arrangement can it also be said that it fell into the hands of someone who will cause harm to the world?”

It was a sharp question that hit the nail on the head.

‘that’s right.’

Mo Kyung-un and Cheong-ryeong themselves were not the only ones who achieved Pasapalsik.

The secret meeting’s Hoeju wooden tablet also learned this.

Cheongryeong deep down thought that Jin Woon-hwi would be a little embarrassed by Mok Gyeong-un’s culmination.

However Jin Woon-hwi did not show any reaction.

He answered in a rather calm voice.

-Do you remember saying that heavenly energy is like a hazy fog?


-The being I read about in Heaven had two doctors full of madness in one body. It’s a completely different entity from you like chaos.

Hearing his words Mo Gyeong-un’s eyes narrowed.

Did you read it as a heavenly message that two doctors coexist in the third wooden tablet or three eyes?

Then Jin Woon-hwi continued his words.

-What do you think will happen if strong wills coexist in one body but none of them weakens their will?

Mok Kyung-un answered his question.

“Do you mean to say that the more boatmen there are the more the boat goes to the mountain?”

-At least we could delay the coming disaster just a little because there are constant fights and confusion going on within it.

“Was it because of a disagreement between the two doctors that Passafalsik fell into his hands?”

-As expected you are smart. How can you understand this difficult story in one go? However this is also just a temporary measure.


When Jin Woon-hwi stood up the table and teacup disappeared.

In that state Jin Woon-hwi put on the demon mask again and spoke in a meaningful voice.

-Even if it is somewhat delayed that time will eventually come. It’s only a matter of time before the two doctors steeped in madness completely assimilate into each other amidst the chaos. The catastrophe brought about by the beings born as one will lead to the destruction of all living things in the central plains.

“…So what do you want to say?”

-I know that you are not someone who pursues goodness or values ​​convention. However if you have anything precious to you it is you who live in this world who can protect it from the coming destruction not me who is just a by-product of the past.

< Episode 116 Arrangement (5) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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