Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 440

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< Episode 114: Ghost Sword (3) >

“Get away from your father!”

Hearing the passionate cry of Chunchu the first world of secret love Mok Gyeong-un turned his head halfway and opened his mouth.


“okay. “He is my father.”

“It seems a little different from what I heard.”

It was Mok Gyeong-un whom Chunchu regarded as a brother and sister who shared blood with her ghost sword.


“I thought you said it was a similar relationship.”

“…Well I see. But wasn’t it time to persuade them that they decided to come forward?”

“You are a different story.”

“What do you mean?”

“I said I would persuade you to get the information you want but why are you threatening my father?”

At her question her demonic sword parted her lips with a somewhat darkened complexion.

“spring and autumn. “Why on earth did you come here?”

To this she snorted in response as if Chunchu was disappointed.

“Is that what you would say to the child you are trying to save?”

“It’s not your place.”

“Is this really going to happen?”

Chunchu’s voice rose loudly as if she was truly angry.

But her ghost sword was nothing but resolute.

“Don’t interfere. “This is a problem I have to solve.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. “How can that person who has already abandoned him even abandon his own child to do this?”

“I threw it away…”


At that time before her ghost sword could even finish speaking Mok Gyeong-un took his hand off the collar he was holding and grabbed her sword sword.


One of the intangible swords that protected Mu Qingyun flew towards Chunqiu.

Since she had personally confirmed the power of the intangible sword she hurriedly spread her Shinshin technique and widened the distance between her.

Fortunately her intangible sword did not completely pursue her.

Chunchu shouted at this.

“Is it really going to come out like this?”

“Ask me one question.”


“What on earth is a father? “Can I become your adoptive father?”

“Adoptive father? “What are you talking about now?”

“Unlike the strong magical power you feel the ghost sword has no such thing. “On what basis are you saying that the blood connection was made?”

Hearing Mo Qingyun’s words Chunchu frowned and then looked at the ghost sword’s forehead.

Then she asked with somewhat surprised eyes.

“Surely they removed the eyes?”

In response to her question Mok Kyung-un looked at the ghost sword’s forehead as if he was curious about it.

It was hollow as if something had been there there.

Looking at its size and location I couldn’t help but think of the third eye of the Three Eyes.

Mok Gyeong-un asked this.

“Did you have three eyes too?”

The demon sword which was silent for a moment at that question soon opened its mouth.

“…There was a third eye.”

“There was a third eye? So you’re saying the eyes are parasitic like Mokgan?”

“okay. It was like that. Originally I should have died along with my eyes but now I am only human.”

What does this mean?

Parts of the past flashed through the ghost’s mind in an instant.

* * *

The day the Cheonjiwolhoe (天地月會) collapsed

Kwak Dong-ha (冬夏) a water guardian who worshiped Sogaju of the Heavenly Vessel lost his entire life as a doctor and human being starting from this day.

[Rejoice. Dongha you were chosen.]

[So Sogaju… Why are you doing this? How come….]



Hand Signal Dongha was at a loss for words as he saw Sogaju Biheon clutching his neck in a fit of madness.

How on earth did things change like this?

Has it been since then?

From the day he was first defeated by the being he loved he gradually changed.

However because his nature was bright and kind he thought he would soon return to his original self but as Sogaju went on his jealousy of madness and darkness grew.

Unlike the head of the family who possessed inherent madness he thought he would become a military man and he was afraid to see that he was increasingly resembling his father.

But now he had the same eyes as the head of the family.

[So… matriarch… please…]

-Tap! Sreuk!

At that moment Dongha’s pupils shook like crazy.

This was because his forehead was split and the bizarre eyes were revealed from within.

It was a time when I was at a loss for words due to the eerie and strange sight.

Someone came close to me.

However like Sogaju Biheon he also had a third eye on his forehead.

The eyes on his forehead examined the hand signals as if making an evaluation.

Then he said with a satisfied expression.

[You really have a great body. It seems much better than before. Master.]

[If you exclude the body that was replaced by old age and the body you have now it can be said to be the most useful.]

Hand Signal Dong-ha’s eyes who were puzzled by their conversation became sharp.

[You guys… What on earth are you?]

[Well what is it?]


With those words he pulled out the eye from his forehead.


Then he immediately brought it to Dongha’s forehead.

Tentacle-like things stretched out from the pupils breaking the skin and bones of Dong-ha’s forehead and digging into them.

Dongha tried to avoid it by shaking his forehead but from the moment the tentacle dug in there was no way to reject or block it.

Eventually the third eye completely settled on his forehead.

Big Heon who had been grabbing his neck took his hand away and smiled and asked

[Do you like it?]

[This guy has a stronger ego than I thought.]

[Hoo. okay? It seems like you haven’t completely lost your mind just because your family died right?]

[It seems so. But that too will be soon.]

The third eye was confident.

He changed bodies like him for a long time in order to serve Biheon’s existence.

People who couldn’t live for less than a hundred years eventually gave in to their own will and I thought this guy would be the same.

However Hand Signal Dongha’s will and intention were stronger than he thought.

Although he did not intentionally separate the doctor and tried to absorb him he did not disappear easily.

To drive him into further despair

[Can you see it?]

‘What are you trying to do now?’

[You are trying to give a gift to your only blood relative.]


[The probability is very low but if this succeeds your girl and indeed our girl will be reborn as a being beyond human beings just like us.]

‘no! Stop! please! ‘Please stop!’

It was completely different from the third eye becoming parasitic.

It was an experiment to transplant Lee Mae-mang-ryang’s blood and body into humans.

They tried to do this for hundreds of years but only two succeeded and most people died without being able to endure it.

In the first place Imaemangyang and humans were contradictory beings so it was almost impossible for them to coexist as one body unless they were parasites.



Despite the enormous odds Yeosik survived.

That lump of blood only five years old overcame that pain.

Even though control of my body was taken away I knew very well how close to a miracle this was because I shared my memories with this thing stuck in my forehead and living as a parasite.

Seeing this he made a strong decision.

Even though it was like this I decided to hold on to the end somehow for the sake of Sogaju who lost her body and Yeoshik who survived.

And about eighty years later an opportunity came unexpectedly.


A truly chaotic being whose entire body is burning black.

After coming into contact with that being everything changed.

He was able to control his body again with his own will.

The opportunity had finally arrived.

* * *

“A human? “How does that happen?”

As Chunchu was denying this as if she couldn’t believe it her demon sword opened its mouth with a somewhat bitter expression.

“I hoped you wouldn’t know until everything was resolved but things don’t always go as planned.”

“Could it be… You’re not trying to say that he became a human just for the sake of the body he gave up?”

The ghost sword sighed at Chunchu’s words.

Because he shared the eyes and memories of those who had controlled him for eighty years he knew how dangerous and great the being that occupied Sogaju’s body was.

Therefore he tried to be cautious.

Once the foundation for her counterattack was laid she tried to let him know her truth but everything went wrong.

At this the ghost sword opened his mouth with difficulty.

“It’s not just that. I can’t tell you everything right now. hani….”



At that moment the tip of the intangible sword penetrated the ghost sword’s collarbone and the sword power entered the body.

At this Chunchu shouted with the lifeless An-gwang and tried to dissuade her from Mok Gyeong-un.



However her intangible sword in front of her blocked her approach so Chunchu tried to overcome it with the power of exploding her unique invisible magical power.

-bang! bang! bang!

Even with her strength she could not easily pierce the intangible sword.

“Damn it!”

Meanwhile Mo Gyeong-un looked down at the ghost sword and immediately asked.

“Whether you become human or not or whatever you plan to do with the Lord of Heaven and Earth those things are none of my business.”

Hearing Mo Gyeong-un’s words Gui-geom opened his mouth with difficulty enduring the pain.

“Hehe… Hehe… That… Everything is incarnate… Even though you are involved.”


Mok Gyeong-un pointed to himself and said those words.

“What exactly is inside me that made you target my grandfather and try to harm me?”

To Mo Gyeong-un’s question the ghost frowned and answered.

“You… are you not yet fully aware of your existence?”


“Ha… But how did I get this power?”

The ghost sword looked at Mo Kyung-un with eyes that seemed incomprehensible.

Naturally he assumed that due to Mok Gyeong-un’s enormous inaction he would have become aware of himself and awakened as an Avatar.

But that’s not it?

Does this mean that I have become this strong with a human body without any awareness?

I couldn’t believe it.

‘Haeyoung Yakseon…. What on earth have you done? Surely you gave up your duty as a servant of the Avatar and tried to raise him as a complete human?’

He certainly said that as he was dying from the intangible poison of Sacheondangga.

So the ghost sword thought that its attempt to fight against the guy with the power of the Avatar was close to failure.

That is why he tried to find a different way with the Lord of the Heaven and Earth Society.

But how can someone who wasn’t properly awakened as an incarnation and grew up as an ordinary human have this kind of power?

The ghost sword recalled that moment.

* * *


Gwigeom who had defeated Yeonmokgeomjang’s Jangju Mokindan in just one second blocked him and looked down indifferently at him as he begged holding on to the hem of his pants.

[Not yet…. He’s still just a baby. Please….please…have mercy.]

-Park! thud!

The demon sword that knocked him unconscious approached the broken carriage.

It had to be this place.

The Avatar is here.

-wah wah!

But why can I only hear crying from inside?

In response the ghost sword opened the broken carriage door with eyes full of broken doubt.

But there

‘What is this?’

Two identical babies who looked like twins were lying next to their mother who was bleeding and unconscious.

< Episode 114: Ghost Sword (3) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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