Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 44

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Episode 12: Jangju (2)

Mok Yu-cheon approached quickly as if he had something to say.

However when he got closer he was unable to say what he wanted to say perhaps because the two warriors who had come to pick him up were nearby.

Mok Kyung-un was the first to smile and say.

“It’s been four days.”

“Don’t talk nonsense. you…..”


Mo Yu-cheon muttered but was soon unable to continue speaking.

Why is this happening?

While I was puzzled Mok Yu-cheon nodded and indicated his intention to go to the main temple.

So they walked towards the main temple.

As the inner warriors walked ahead paying attention Mo Yu-cheon spoke in a quiet voice.

“Have you ever learned that?”


“Speak quietly.”

Mo Yu-cheon scolded slightly.

At this Mok Kyung-un chuckled and said softly.

“What do you mean?”

“Are you asking because you really don’t know?”

“ah! Maybe softwood…..”


Mo Yu-cheon interrupted Mo Kyung-un.

Mo Yu-cheon who was looking at the inner warriors walking in front of him spoke in a softer whisper.

“Don’t bring it up directly. “Just answer the questions asked.”

What Mo Yu-cheon was asking about was none other than the Lotus Mokhwasimbeop (然木化心法) which is a secret method exclusively for Jangju.

In fact Mo Kyung-un who saw that Mo Yu-cheon’s face had become considerably darker than four days ago immediately understood what he was saying.

He just pretended not to know anything.

-It’s a good thing you haven’t put on the main fire mask yet. Phew.

The young man next to me puffed out smoke and said.

She also knew that Mo Yu-cheon had learned the wrong way of thinking.

There was no way that there would be no side effects because Mokgyeongun changed some of the letters in Gugyeol at will instead of giving the meditation carefully.

“Is there any problem?”

It was intentional but Mok Kyung-un spoke as if he knew nothing.

At this Mo Yu-cheon’s eyebrows distorted horribly.

“You’re saying that even when you look at my face…”

As he was about to raise his voice Mok Yucheon glanced ahead and cut him off.

It seemed like his anger was calming down.

Mo Yu-cheon finally got his mind and body together and spoke quietly.

“Have you tried it? Didn’t you? “Just say that.”

Mok Kyung-un answered that question casually.

“Would you say you haven’t learned it?”

At those words Mo Yu-cheon narrowed his eyes and stared at Mo Gyeong-un.

‘….okay. There’s no way it wasn’t cooked.’

No matter how much he said he did not covet the position of chieftain he was at the lowest level of military education.

Any military person could not help but be curious.

‘But why are you fine?’

For four days Mu Yu-cheon practiced the fortune-telling method of Lotus Mokhwasimbeop with great enthusiasm.

However the more he did it the more the energy in his body deteriorated and he felt a strange change.

On the first day he thought it was because he was an uneducated person but after four days his skin turned dark red and something was strange.

‘….Did you possibly trick me?’

Because of what was happening in her body her doubts were not easily resolved.

On the spot at her request she spontaneously said the same phrase nine times orally so it was difficult to question whether she had told him something fake.

‘If this guy told me the right thing then I’m the problem.’

That in its own way was difficult to admit.

Even though he had reached the peak he was learning the techniques with great difficulty and this guy did not show the same side effects as himself.

This means that he may have misunderstood or learned the structure of the law of mind incorrectly.


Mo Yu-cheon’s fist gained strength.

No that can’t be possible.

There is no way that this guy who is only a third-rate martial artist would have a higher understanding of rising martial arts than himself who is called a genius.

I don’t know what the problem is but I will definitely overcome it.

At that time Mo Kyung-un spoke to Mo Yu-cheon.

“I don’t know what the problem is but won’t the situation change now that the Lord has woken up?”

At these words the corners of Mo Yu-cheon’s mouth rose slightly.

As expected it was his luck that Jangju woke up.

Through his dealings he began to learn martial arts exclusively for the lord but many of his vassals still regarded him as the child of his concubine untrustworthy.

So I felt very anxious.

However now that the lord who cherishes him has awakened the succession structure is again in his favor.

‘Heaven is helping.’

The fact that he called his children as soon as he woke up might have had something to do with it.

In order to clearly determine a successor.

Seeing Mo Yu-cheon looking so expectant Mo Gyeong-un chuckled and looked away as if he was not interested.


At that time the young man looked somewhere and showed interest.

Mok Kyung-un glanced at her with a puzzled expression.

Then she said.

-It looks like he came in.

‘Come in?’

-You have quite a lot of guts. Even after seeing my area of ​​refuge I am not afraid to step into it.


Mok Gyeong-un nodded his head as if he understood what she said.

It seems like what I was waiting for has arrived.

It was Mok Gyeong-un who guessed that his colleagues related to Bangsak would definitely arrive soon.

-I will greet them first.


With those words the young man with shining red eyes disappeared beyond the fence next to the road.

* * *

In front of the main temple.

There was another pastoral lineage that arrived first.

He is Grand Duke Mo Yong-ho.

He was able to relieve his hangover to some extent by exercising his inner strength but he still smelled of alcohol which did not make Mrs. Seok’s expression very good.

It wasn’t just a day or two of debauchery so I got used to it to some degree even though I felt sick to my stomach.

But not today.

‘Why at times like this.’

He was already having a hard time due to the variable of neck cultivation.

However since this variable was a problem that could be solved by dealing with Mokgyeongun or depriving him of only the special salary for the owner other methods were being considered.

However Jangju who was thought to be dead woke up.

She was more consumed with her anxiety than her joy at her husband’s awakening.

‘……no way?’

Why did he call his children first as soon as he woke up?

No matter how much she thought about it only one thought came to her mind.


Since Jangju had barely woken up from a long coma she may have been trying to decide on her successor just in case.

If this prediction is correct it would be a big deal.

It was a known fact that Jangju cared for her youngest son Mok Yu-cheon.

In the meantime if Youngho ends up looking like this


Even though it was her own child it was truly unreasonable at times like this.

Just two years ago I was normal enough to be called smart if not a genius but at some point I became addicted to cinnabar.

All of this was because of that guy Mok Yu-cheon.

But now was not the time to hate him and go to sleep.


“yes. mother.”

“By the way please refrain from saying unnecessary things in front of Jangju. This mother will take care of everything so just stay still.”

There was no good reason for her to open her mouth and let out the smell of alcohol.

Although she had only invited her children she felt that her wife would not stop her from entering.

If they wanted to confirm the succession immediately they had to be prevented somehow.

As I was doing so I saw Lady Jang and Mok Eun-pyeong the second son of the Mok family coming through the entrance to the left pavilion.


Those were also disgusting.

Madam Zhang who is from a Jang family in Huaibei behaved indifferently in front of her calling her brother her brother but behind her back she tried to recruit her vassals to somehow ensure that her child ascended to the position of her lord. She did everything she could.

‘An abomination.’

That Mok Eun-pyeong guy was the same.

The mother and her son were thieves who coveted the position of the eldest son Mok Yeong-ho.

I’m not sure what Jangju will say today but I don’t think anything will go your way.

He’s going to stop it somehow.

As I was pondering this the last pastoral Confucius arrived at the entrance to the southern pavilion.

The third child was Mok Gyeong-un and the youngest was Mok Yu-cheon.

The head of the house Jang Myeong-in saw this and went up to the floor and spoke to the weather strip.

“All the Confucius have gathered.”

* * *

Four half-brothers from a pastoral family standing side by side.

From the left there was Mok Yeong-ho the second grand prince Mok Eun-pyeong the third Mok Gyeong-un and the youngest Mo Yu-cheon.

These four were the only ones who entered Jangju’s room.

The godwife Mrs. Seok and the second wife Mrs. Jang also insisted on coming in but they could not do so due to Jangju’s stubbornness.

They were waiting anxiously outside.


Mo Gyeong-un wondered inwardly.

The reason was the reaction of the pastoral brothers.

Naturally they thought that Jangju who came back from the brink of death would be happy and welcome since he was their father but surprisingly they showed a very nervous appearance.

The same was true for Mok Yu-cheon who was said to have been treated with such care.

Thanks to this the atmosphere was quite heavy.

‘…Is this why it was like this?’

I felt like I finally understood.

Why were they so interested in the life and death of Jangju who was sick?

It turned out that he seemed to have caught Jangju’s attention.

How strict is it that he looks so nervous?

Mo Gyeong-un secretly looked at Jang Ju’s face who was half-sitting on the bed.

Even though he had been unconscious for a long time due to being killed he was still alive enough to feel the harsh look in his eyes.

‘Did you say this person is the strongest in the Yeonmok Swordsman?’

It was written like this on the information sheet that Mok Gyeong-un left behind.

Jangju Mokindan.

He is said to be the strongest among the softwood sword masters and one of the top ten sword masters in the entire Anhui Province.

I remember seeing this and being curious so I asked the deceased Gam Howie.

[If it is less than ten fingers what level is it?]

[In your opinion do you think it is that easy to become an expert in swords that can be wielded with ten fingers in an entire castle?]

Howie Gam said that Jangju Mokindan was a warrior who had reached the pinnacle of excellence.

At the time he didn’t really realize how great it was.

However after experiencing the skills of the youngest member Mok Yu-cheon who had reached the peak I had a certain idea of ​​how strong a master who reached that level would be.

However there was one question that arose.

‘How did he get killed?’

Masters of Chojeoljeong say that controlling energy is no different from breathing.

I couldn’t figure out how someone of such great stature could have been struck with flesh a type of curse.

It was even more questionable because he was studying martial arts.

At that time Mo Qingyun’s eyes met Zhang Zhou Mokindan.

He thought about going down again like the other brothers but Mok Gyeong-un decided not to.

No matter how strict it was I wondered if there was any reason for it to be so regardless of whether it was rich or not.


This sight caught the eyes of Jangju Mokindan.

The reason was simple.

This was because the boy who had never made proper eye contact with him since his mother died did not avoid his gaze.

But that was the only thing that puzzled me.

Mokindan opened his mouth.

“Do you understand why I called you guys?”


Everyone was silent at this question.

Of course everyone was guessing one thing.


But he couldn’t say it out loud.

Here I should not show my excitement as much as possible.

But someone broke it and opened their mouth.

“I think the reason you called everyone as soon as you woke up from your long illness was to talk about your successor.”

Everyone looked at someone who opened their mouth with slightly surprised eyes.

He was Mok Gyeong-un.


‘Are you saying this out loud?’

They glanced at Mo Gyeong-un and carefully looked at Jangju Mo In-dan’s eyes.

It was to check if he was feeling uncomfortable.

But surprisingly Jangju Mokindan showed no signs of discomfort at all.


“okay. “It is to decide on a successor.”

He readily admitted it.

Everyone seemed nervous at this.

Before waking up from his sick bed Zhuang Ju had never once mentioned his successor.

But this was the first time he brought it out.

‘Are we going to decide right here?’

‘Could it be that you gathered all of us to hand over the position of successor to that guy Mo Yu-cheon?’

‘Is my father trying to give me a chance?’

It was a moment when each person’s thoughts became complicated.

Of course Mok Gyeong-un had no regrets about being in Jangju’s position so he only planned to set the mood appropriately.

Maybe that’s why I felt more comfortable than anyone else.

However this appearance came as a surprise to Jangju.

‘Are there no expectations? Or has it changed?’

I actually became interested in the reaction that was quite different from that of the other children.

Even so he was the chieftain who had heard of the past events through the head of the inner party.

[Mok Gyeong-un that kid saved me?]

[Yes. It was hard for Sokha to believe it at first but the third master stopped Bang Bang who was possessed by a strange spirit and was trying to harm the master.]

It was quite unexpected.

If the youngest Mok Yu-cheon had said that he would have believed it.

However it was no one else but this child who was the most cowardly unskilled and thought to have no chance and saved him.

[However that is only the third master’s opinion and it is accurate…]

[That’s it. That’s enough.]


[Call all the children.]

[You mean the brats?]

[I see.]

Not even half an hour after Zhuang woke up he called all the Confucius together.

For the first time he thought.

The time given may not be long he said.

He had exhausted a lot of his vitality while lying in a hospital bed for a long time and this incident almost caused him to close his eyes forever.

If that had happened Yeonmok Geomjang would have been ruined by war among his children.

The future was clear to him even without having experienced it.

So I made a decision.

“We will determine through tests who is qualified to succeed this chapter.”


With those words Zhang Ju glanced at Mo Qingyun.

‘I’ll give you a chance too.’



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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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