Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 437

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< Episode 113: Collapsed Old Castle Site (4) >


I’m so dizzy.

And it is painful as if the spiritual body is about to burn.

Where on earth are we?

Looking around Cheongnyeong noticed a strange fact.

It was that she was trapped in a jade spear made of rare silver wood.

As a result not only was he unable to move properly but the pain continued thanks to the power of suppressing the resentment that Eunmok possessed.


Even in the midst of suffering Cheongnyeong looked around to find out exactly where this place was.

However she was able to realize a new fact that she did not know because she only paid attention to the jade spear made of silver wood.

‘no way?’

Everything around was huge.

From a large inkstone to a brush numerous containers of medicinal herbs and large books.

All of this was bigger than myself.

Although it was confusing she was able to recognize one fact due to the huge surroundings.


‘…Have I shrunk?’

It seemed to be a similar situation to when she was sealed in a wooden doll of her sentient being.

However the only difference from back then was that the wooden dolls were kept in captivity which was almost like torture.

The power of purification possessed by the silver tree not only weakened resentment but was also able to ultimately extinguish it.

For her this could be said to be her worst crisis.


Deciding that she should not continue to be trapped here Cheongnyeong tried to raise her spiritual power and break her silver neck even though it was painful for her.

She was a vengeful spirit and her level was at its peak so there was no way she could not destroy her silver neck to this extent just because her body had shrunk.



The blue spirit that was raising her spiritual power had no choice but to stop due to the pain she felt as if her spiritual body would be completely torn apart.

She was stumbling around in agony and she couldn’t understand.

If she was a low-ranking vengeful spirit she wouldn’t know it but she had already reached the level of a high-ranking imae mangryang.

But why can’t she release her spiritual power?

She was puzzled but then her eyes widened as she noticed something about her.

This was because on the bottom of the silver wooden jade window that is on the desk there were amulets in a formation centered around themselves.


But it was a strange talisman.

Since I was with Mo Kyung-un I saw many amulets.

However these amulets were engraved with more complex phrases and patterns than those.

Perhaps that’s why even the power emitted from the amulet itself was unusual.

All of this connects organically with Eunmok and she seems to be preventing herself from releasing her spiritual power carelessly.

‘…Damn bitch.’

Cheongnyeong held her throbbing head and remembered her moments before.

The space of the bamboo forest curved like a whirlpool and she was sucked into it.

-Jump and run!

Eventually her vision brightened and the surrounding area turned into a wide green meadow.

Cheongryeong was momentarily at a loss for words due to the strange and mysterious incident that suddenly occurred.

Where on earth is she?

No matter how highly advanced the defense system is how can such a large grassland be hidden inside a bamboo forest?

Something soon caught her puzzled eyes.

It was a thatched hut in the middle of the meadow.


At that time Juklipin who was presumed to be a ghost sword looked somewhat embarrassed.

She asked this.

-why? Is it not here?

[This is definitely the place.]

-But why do you react like that?

[…This is my first time feeling this sense of déjà vu.]

-Deja vu?

A sense of déjà vu.

It was a phenomenon that I had never experienced before but the situation and surrounding environment felt familiar as if I had experienced it before.

She too felt strange at Juklipin’s words.

Come to think of it she said she had sent Jeonseo-gu like this sentient being a dozen times.

It’s as if everything is being sent for the first time.

‘no way?’

Her youthful eyes widened and she looked at her bamboo lip and opened her mouth.

-You guys…

[This is really fun.]


Cheongryeong was startled by a voice coming from somewhere and turned her head.

She was so full of inspiration that she didn’t even notice that someone was coming so close to her?

When she turned her head there was someone ten paces behind her holding a silver staff with a jade ring attached to it.

That someone was none other than a beautiful woman.

Her face was reminiscent of a cat with long blue-black hair clear eyebrows round eyes and slightly raised eyebrows.


The young man’s eyes became full of caution.

How had she not noticed this being approaching?

The energy flowing from the woman was so enormous that it was difficult to fathom.

Her energy alone surpassed that of even her sentient beings.

How can you be like this…


Then the woman with blue-black hair muttered something and held out her wand.

At that moment Cheongnyeong could not hide her embarrassment.

This was because as a spirit being she felt herself hardening into stone.

That said


At that time Jukripin who was presumed to be a ghost sword fired a new weapon so quickly that it caused a strange reaction.

Jukripin who had closed the distance to her woman in one swift movement attempted to cut off her woman’s wrist as she held her staff.




Her bamboo-like eyes wavered.

That’s why even though her woman didn’t move even a single step she thought that her opponent was strong and caught the sword she had swung with her bare hands with her bare hands.

She seemed to think that this would not work but Jukripin hurriedly tried to stir up strong energy.

-Purrrrr! Crash!


The tip of the blade that the woman was holding on to trembled and soon the trembling spread to her entire sword and soon the already torn wounds on her palms widened even further and blood burst out from her.

This wasn’t the end.

As her blood burst out Jukripin’s new form was pushed back no less than a dozen steps.


If she hadn’t applied her true energy to Yongcheonhyeol she would have been pushed back even further.

As she stopped the grass on the ground around the soles of her feet rotted and soon crumbled to ashes.


Juklipin’s eyes narrowed.

The moment her energy came through her palm she thought she had to let go of her hand from the sword.

She did not stop there but believed that her energy that had penetrated her body must be released unconditionally so she released her energy into Yongcheonhyeol.

Otherwise she would have suffered internal injuries from this strange energy.

Her bamboo lip raised her head and looked at her blue-black haired woman holding her own sword body.


Juklipin frowned as a sense of déjà vu came over him.

Then the woman with blue-black hair raised the corners of her mouth and opened her mouth.

[Is it amazing that her body remembers?]

[what? What is that now….]

[What are you denying? Even if it’s not her head if she was treated like that it would be natural for her body to remember.]

[With your body… Do you remember? Then again….]

Juklipin’s eyes became sharp.

Because of what she heard from her spirit and her strange feelings of déjà vu she felt something was wrong.

But the strangeness became clear because of what this woman said.

She seemed to have lost all of her memories.

Juklipin who was convinced of this opened her mouth.

[…Is this the thirteenth time?]

At his question a strange look appeared in the eyes of the woman with blue-black hair.

[Are you sure that you regained her memories?]

[…What have you done to me?]


One of the woman’s eyebrows rose upward.

Then she soon


The woman’s new form became blurred and before she knew it she appeared from behind her bamboo friend who had been pushed back.

She appeared behind Jukrip-in and in an instant she performed the Geumnasu technique with her left hand and she bent his arm behind her causing him to fall in front of her.


Juklipin’s expression was distorted.

What on earth is going on?

No matter how quick the woman’s body was and how great her techniques were it was impossible for her to suffer such a helpless attack.

What on earth is this woman?


As he looked embarrassed the hand of a woman with blue-black hair touched the back of his head.

The moment her hand touched him Juklipin who sensed her cold energy digging in hurriedly tried to raise Bantan Ganggi.


‘I can’t gather my strength.’

Strangely enough force does not apply easily.

Now that I think about it I felt something strange from before. The energy inside her body was not circulating properly and was moving as it pleased contrary to her will.

[Hmm…. It wasn’t resolved.]


[How did you know the number of times you have been here when you still don’t remember?]

At her question Jukrip-in closed her mouth tightly.

This was because he thought that rather than answering something he should concentrate on correcting the bet that was running wild.

Then the blue-black haired woman sneered at her.

[Giggles. You’re doing something useless. No one can show off their power here. Baby. Of course even if I use my power it won’t be much different.]

[To me…. What have you done to me?]

[well. What did he do? Aren’t you already guessing?]

[…Did you make her lose her memory of ever coming here?]


The woman laughed slightly at this question.

It meant positivity.

As a result Juklipin became quiet.

After learning the answer to her question she actually became more calm and seemed to be contemplating how to get out of this situation.

Then she said in a cold voice.

[I came here not to threaten you. just….]

[I want to obtain a golden magic that can unite the souls into one.]


Juklipin was speechless.

She tried to use her method of persuading her but her answer now confirmed it.

She didn’t remember but she clearly was drunk this way.

And it was clear that she had failed.

[Why isn’t there anything to say?]

[If you know that but I have no memory of it persuasion is meaningless.]

[You know me well.]

At her answer Juklipin’s mind became confused.

If we look at the situation so far a few things have become clear.

I don’t know if it’s fortunate or unfortunate that she can’t get what she wants through her persuasion and I don’t know what her intentions are but even though she could kill her she only made her lose her memories and sent her outside of her true plan.


For her too the constant repetition will lead to her annoyance.

But why does she keep repeating this?

In her puzzlement she heard her woman mumbling.

[If it weren’t for her pact with him it would be easier to just kill her. Tsk tsk.]

[What is that now….]



At that time the woman grabbed the back of her head hard.

She then said.

[I don’t know why all of her memories aren’t erased but… I’m glad I’m not bored thanks to you. Come again.]



At that moment her head fell and she lost her mind.

She grabbed the back of his clothes raised her bamboo feet up and repeatedly struck her on the floor with her staff reciting something that looked like a magic trick.


-Rumble and crash!

Part of the space became distorted like a whirlpool.

The woman immediately pushed her bamboo lip which was holding the back of her head into the distorted space.

As soon as the appearance of Jukripin disappeared the distorted space was restored to its original state.

‘in action. in action.’

Seeing this Cheongryeong somehow summoned spiritual power and tried to move her body.

However once the spirit body became as hard as stone it did not move.

She couldn’t figure out what was going on.

Then a woman with blue-black hair who had made her face disappear approached her and raised the corner of her mouth slyly and said.

[It’s a really good day. She promised not to kill but there was no mention of not touching dead grudges in the first place.]

-…Four years…What on earth are four years?

It is a monster that freely uses unfathomable inaction and even strange techniques.

I have never heard of or seen such a being neither during life nor after death.

I was at a loss as to what to do when the woman who came right in front of me spoke in an excited voice.

[Even when I was outside a long time ago I have never seen such strong resentment but I never thought such luck would come.]


Cheongnyeong tried to somehow burn off the resentment inherent in her and generate her spiritual power.

Then a woman with blue-black hair approached her casually lifting her chin which was her spirit body and she spoke.

[It’s no use. Baby.]

Although he was in a threatened position Cheongryeong could not be discouraged by this and responded with a fierce voice.

-The baby will be four years old right? rebirth.

[Giggles. It’s definitely a high-level resentment so I don’t get discouraged easily. If it’s about four years I would have become a vengeful soul quite a long time ago so you may be able to figure out my name.]

-His name? under!

It’s funny that people say things like this out of overconfidence that they have tied themselves to the topic of sentient beings who can’t live even a hundred years.

[If you know this great name you can at least say that you lived in a similar era as me.]

-joy. okay. Let’s take a look at how great his reputation is.

[Beat evil heart]


< Episode 113: Collapsed Old Castle Site (4) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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