Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 404

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< Episode 106: Ritual of the Three Vessels (3) >

“Hehehe. “It’s really interesting that you say that Nobu’s disciples lack a foundation.”

The surroundings were shaken by Baek Sa-ha’s words.


“Did you just say that King Seomdog was your disciple?”

“It definitely was.”

“no. “What is this?”

It was quite controversial that Amjongju one of the three sects who were high-ranking officials accepted Mok Gyeong-un a former hostage of a political faction as a disciple.

However King Seomdok was a member of the Five Kings who were said to be the most powerful in the Heaven and Earth Association.

The fact that he personally came forward and said that Mok Gyeong-un was his disciple at an emergency convocation that was no different from an official event was an announcement itself.

‘It’s finally revealed.’

Moyak clicked his tongue inwardly.

In fact she knew that King Seomdog had some relationship with Mo Kyung-yun as Grand Duke Na Yu-liang had mentioned it after he came to his senses from his injuries.

However she guessed that the reason for not disclosing this was because she was concerned about Mok Gyeong-un’s origins.

But I had no idea that I would step forward at such a critical moment.


Baek Sa-ha the King of Island Poisons opened his mouth showing off his unique spirit.

“If the problem is the foundation our white family will provide as much support as we can. “No one can ignore Nobu’s disciple.”

The people around him who had been whispering at his momentum suddenly became quiet.

The power of the Baekga a sect that deals with poison is counted among the five within the Cheonjihoe so it was natural for many members of the group to be oppressed by it.

However Moyak did not express this out loud.

‘are you okay.’

Up to this point it has already been assumed.

The addition of the power of King Seomdok’s Baek family in Amjong cannot be ignored but the support of these two factions alone created a greater public opinion to oppose the participation of Mok Gyeong-un who was a hostage of the political faction in the ceremony of Sammaek.

Moreover since the forces supporting the Archduke Nayuliang and the Jimaek family are still overwhelming if only a little more negative public opinion can be driven…

But that was right then.

“Oh my… I guess I already forgot.”


Jang Neung-ak Hoeju’s second disciple steps forward while stylishly spreading his fan.

Everyone’s eyes turned to him.

Come to think of it he was the first to introduce Mok Gyeong-un saying he was the successor to Wolmaek.

‘What kind of trick are you playing?’

Even so I Yulryang was curious as to why the guy who was aiming for the position of leader in a presumptuous way compared to his skills suddenly put Mok Gyeong-un the successor to Wolmaek’s radish on the board.

Is the goal to keep the factions as dispersed as possible?

No if you say that it will only disperse your own faction. What kind of trick is this?


At that time Grand Duke Na Yu-ryang who was glaring at Jang Neung-ak frowned and placed his hand on his right eye.


He covered his eyes with an eyepatch and did not open his inner eye but his eyes were tingling with a strange feeling of strangeness.

Na Yulyang who was puzzled by this glared at his second priest Jang Neung-ak with sharp eyes.

‘…no way?’

It was the car I was using.

Unexpected words came out of the mouth of the second Confucius Jang Neungak.

“I Jang Neung-ak am the second disciple of Lord Hoe but I was influenced by the personality and inaction of Confucius Mok Gyeong-un the successor to Wolmaek and decided to serve him.”


The square was once again shaken by his sudden remarks.

Because Jang Neung-ak was so self-indulgent and good at scheming everyone thought he had some kind of intention in bringing Mok Gyeong-un who succeeded Wolmaek’s radish to the table.

But this was a completely unexpected development so everyone was surprised.

“no. What about the second Confucius?”

“You’re taking a hostage of a political faction as your lord?”


The ripple effect was enormous.

He was no one else but one of Huizhou’s disciples.

It was natural for Jang Neung-ak who was one of the most powerful succession candidates after Grand Duke Na Yu-ryang to become confused when he supported someone other than his grand brother-in-law.


The later leaders of the Oakhoe (五岳會) led by Jang Neungak gathered at his side.

After Goyeon of the Ilak hegemony he was the main master of the Ilak hegemony Seo Hye-in the sole master of the Four Mountains Choyeondan and Jeomopal of the Oak hegemony.

Two of them Muangeom Wi Maeng-cheon of Iak (二岳) and Ogangbuseom Ho Jong-hyuk the great leader of the Samak (三岳) Buchyeoldan lost their lives but their forces were still with them.

So of course

“no. “Then isn’t it true that Lord Soojong the father of Daeju Goyeonhu is also with us?”

Go Yeon-byeok the head of the three clans one of the three kings.

He was called the Iron-Blooded Man and was in charge of guarding the outer walls of the Heaven and Earth Association in exchange for the sword.


Moyak bit his lip tightly.

No one else knows but I never thought that the second Confucius Jang Neungak would come out like this.

I never expected that he who had never been able to hide his desire to become a hoe owner would give it up.

It was even more so because of the alliance with Wei Xiaoyeon but what kind of lightning is this?

Second the power of Confucius Jang Neung-ak’s side was completely increased by Mok Gyeong-un.

‘Wait…. No way?’

Mo Yao hurriedly looked around to find Wei Shao-yeon Hui Zhou’s youngest disciple.

In a recent ruse he killed Ho Jong-hyuk King Pabu’s son and left traces of Myeongil Daobeop the German martial arts of Myeongdo King Son Yun to break up their alliance.

However since it was not yet clear whether they were aware of the ruse and were simply doing it for show or not they looked for Wei So-yeon out of hope.

If a situation were to arise where even Wei So-yeon’s faction broke expectations and supported Mo Gyeong-un it would be no different from almost half of the forces joining together.


‘I can’t see it.’

Wei So-yeon was nowhere to be seen.

Even Myeongdo King Son Yun and his disciples who supported her were nowhere to be seen.

Of course Ki Ok-ryeon Wi So-yeon’s confidant also seemed to be absent.

Coincidentally Gi Ok-ryeon’s father Yangam Gok-ju was not at the meeting because he was currently away due to a mission.

‘Did you succeed in the elder battle?’

Come to think of it she said she was going to secure Wi So-yeon in the Presbyterian Battle.

Perhaps that was why Wi So-yeon did not show up despite an emergency summons.

In any case it was fortunate that he did not show his support for no reason by appearing here.



Moyak turned her head and looked at a woman among the executives behind Na Yuliang.

She was Hang Yeo-ryang Choeumgokju one of the Sagokju.

Originally Hang Luliang publicly supported her second Confucius Zhang Nengyue.

The reason was her conflict with Son Yun the king of Myeongdo who supported Wi So-yeon her youngest disciple.

However when Jang Neung-ak and Wi So-yeon formed an alliance Moyak broke in between them and succeeded in attracting Hang Yeo-ryang the leader of Choeumgok under their control.

She said ‘You did well to accommodate Confucius even if he did not like you.’

Choeum Gokju was such a self-indulgent great person that everyone in her meeting was reluctant.

However her power was not something that could be ignored.

‘This side is still far superior.’

I definitely admit it.

The author’s character was not someone who would be under anyone regardless of political affairs.

But just because she was on this side didn’t mean she was just letting go.

There was a trump card that went unnoticed until the end even in the match against elders.

Up to this point she tried not to reveal it just in case but now that the situation is like this she definitely needs to be overwhelmed by her power…


At that time someone walked over and placed a large ax on the floor.

He was none other than King Ho Taekang a member of the Five Kings and the title of Eight Stars a title that only two people in the Heaven and Earth Association received.

Everyone was speechless for a moment when they saw the sight covered in blood.

Nevertheless he didn’t care at all so he walked up to his friend knelt down on one knee placed one hand on his chest and bowed.


The congregation clicked their tongues again at the sight.

The second Confucius Jang Neung-ak said he supported Mo Gyeong-un but I couldn’t help but be shocked to see that beast-like man with such pride that he was given the title of Eight Saints kneeling down.

But it didn’t end here.


At that time another group started coming from the entrance of the square.

The person who stands at the forefront is none other than


The man walking with a devil mask and a fluttering red long cloth was none other than Sihyeolgokju Lee Ji-yeom.

Since he was stationed furthest outside the outer walls he had only just arrived.

Although he was a public servant of the sect he was far from power but he still had considerable power so he was an unfortunate sect who was pushed out of the outer walls and almost trapped.

Thanks to an emergency summons he entered the inner city for the first time in a while.

But when we arrived at the center of the square


“Sihyeolgokju Lee Ji-yeom meets his lord Confucius Mok-gyeong-un.”


Everyone could not help but be shocked and embarrassed by the sight of Lee Ji-yeom kneeling towards Mok Gyeong-un.

This was the same for Vice President Mong Seocheon who was watching from the top of the main altar.

“no. What the hell is this…’

Although I was surprised that there were so many people supporting Mok-gyeong-un I had no idea that Ho Tae-gang the king of Palseong and even Sihyeol-gokju would follow him.

Hoeju also seemed quite surprised by Mok Gyeong-un’s support force which exceeded expectations and his eyes lit up.

‘Sihyeolgokju…. Ah. ‘I guess that’s why.’

They were a force that supported Wolmaek a long time ago.

He was caught by this and was pushed out of the outer walls even though he was a member of the faction.

If that child was the ghost’s will as he expected it was not impossible to understand why Sihyeolgokju Lee Ji-yeom would follow him.


‘It’s not enough to say it’s good enough.’

It was only half a year and excluding the confidential mission period the actual period of time was not that long but he made so many people follow him.

It was truly surprising that his qualifications as a leader were this high.

‘Is that why it was like that?’

Hoeju’s eyes became strange.


He was biting his lip so hard that blood flowed down the corner of Moyak’s mouth.

She was the one who tried to somehow sway public opinion and prevent Mok Gyeong-un from participating in the Sammaek ceremony by claiming that he was a hostage to a political faction.

But she had already reached a point where she couldn’t do that.

The number of supporters for Mokgyeongun has already exceeded half of the Cheonjihoe.

‘Damn it.’

Even if she revealed her trump card there was no way to overturn her support so there was no way to prevent Mok Gyeong-un’s participation.

She was so angry that her eyes filled with tears.

In her own head she wanted to somehow create a foundation for me to become a leader but it seemed to be in vain and her confidence collapsed.


Someone wrapped her shoulders.

“This is enough.”

He was Nayuliang.


“Moyak you have fully fulfilled your role as my eldest son.”

Jangjabang (張子房).

He is Zhang Liang the strategist of Gojo of the Han Dynasty.

Tears welled up in her eyes when despite her high opinion of herself she seemed to have failed to help her.

Grand Duke Na Yulliang who took her hand from her shoulder walked out to the empty center of the square with eyes full of determination and opened his mouth loudly.

“Now that both the Heavenly Vessel and the Earth Vessel have come out is there any more hesitation? “I will perform the Sammaek ceremony.”

At his words Yang Jeong the head of the ley line also walked forward.

“I’ve been waiting for you. Now through the ceremony of the three veins let us determine which of the three veins and the heavenly vein is suitable to be the leader of this meeting!”

Unlike his cheerful voice filled with fighting spirit Yang Jeong’s expression was not as bright as before.

This was because the successor of Wolmaek who was revived after a hundred years had more supporters than expected.

No matter how much the power of the ley line was raised to the highest level if there were so many followers it was inevitable that it would be psychologically intimidating.

But soon he erased these idle thoughts from his mind.

Anyway the important thing was the ceremony of Sammaek.

Regardless of the enemies created by the supporting forces the person who ultimately wins here becomes the next owner of the meeting.

-Jump jump jump!

At that time Mok Kyung-un walked out to the middle of the square where they were.

Seeing him like that the atmosphere became tense perhaps because the Sammaek ceremony to select the next successor to the meeting had finally begun.

As he walked out Mok Kyung-un opened his mouth.

“Now that we can announce the resurrection of Wolmaek in front of everyone we have achieved our goal.”

“The desired goal… Hmph!”

Grand Duke Na Yuliang snorted at those words.

Anyway he was determined to end this situation in this situation.

Even if Mok Gyeong-un had skills that overwhelmed him he would not know yet because his eyes were not open.


“The entertainment is over now.”



Mok Gyeong-un arrived in the center stood with his back arrogantly and then opened his mouth in a voice filled with excitement as if for everyone to hear.

“I tell everyone.”

A voice that resonates like an echo.

The true energy contained therein was so strong that those with weak internal energy covered their ears and suffered.

Mok Gyeong-un’s next words shocked everyone in the square.

“The Heaven and Earth Association will disappear today at the hands of me the Heavenly Demon.”


< Episode 106: Ritual of the Three Vessels (3) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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