Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 385

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< Episode 101 Sudden Change (1) >

A training hall in Cheonjihoe’s inner quarters.

Ye Weishen the second disciple of King Sun Yun of the Five Kings a high-ranking official of the Heaven and Earth Society looked in disbelief.


A short-bearded man in his mid-thirties breathing heavily.

He was Woo Ho-rang the great brother of Yeo Wi-seon the great leader of Geogeoldan and a member of the Five Tigers who are said to be the best late leaders within the Cheonjihoe.


Blood flowed from Wu Horang’s right hand which was holding the sword.

‘…That doesn’t make sense.’

The ambassador was defeated.

What was unexpected has become a reality.

“That’s great.”

A middle-aged man full of scars opened his mouth.

He was Son Yun the King of Myeongdo.

Sun Yun was also looking quite surprised and he was surprised that contrary to Bi Mu’s expectations the youngest disciple he had recently gained defeated his great brother Woo Ho-rang.

The new disciple was none other than Mo Yu-cheon.

‘…I’ve put a lot of effort into it recently but was it to this extent?’

In Sihyeolgok it was Mok Yu-cheon who was brought in to replace Mok Gyeong-un as a ‘teammate’ to suppress him.

Of course even so I chose him because he had the same talent and spirit as him and that choice was not wrong.

This guy was also a genius whose talent had not fully developed.

He never imagined that he would even defeat Woo Horang whom he had chosen as his successor after only a few months.

‘That’s fun.’

It was a truly unfortunate incident.

What happens is that the two Yeonmok Sword Masters whom he took hostage with his own hands end up defeating his own students.

If he were not from a political faction it would be tempting to nominate him as a successor.

It was unfortunate but I felt like I would have to be satisfied with having him as my disciple.


Mo Yu-cheon’s black swollen right arm returned to its original state.

After I was able to control the anti-blood method through my own teachings I improved rapidly but I wondered what the limit would be.


Woo Tiger bit his lip as his teacher looked at Mo Yu-cheon with a satisfied face.

How did we get to this point?

In order to get revenge on that guy he stepped up his martial arts skills even more.

But he had no idea that he would also be defeated by his younger brother.

The teacher’s expression was one that could not be expressed unless one was truly displeased.

‘iced coffee. ‘It’s the worst.’

I feel like everything was taken away from me by the pastoral family.

His younger brother lost his teacher’s favor and the heart of the woman who was in love with him was stolen.

After announcing that she would take control of the hierarchy Lady Wi So-yeon kept her distance from her subordinates and did not meet them in private.

Even before that guy showed up she was the one who depended on herself.


The tiger bit his lip so hard that blood flowed out and then bowed to his teacher King Son Yun of Myeongdo with his fists in hand and walked out of the training hall with rough steps.

Son Yun looked at him with a slight sigh.

I understand the feeling of the defeated disciple but he had no comfort in his teaching.

He could only hope that if he were to become his successor he would overcome it on his own.


‘A rival near you will make you grow further.’

* * *


Ye Weishen hurriedly ran to catch up with the Great Master Wu Tiger.

“Great ambassador!”

Ignoring his call Woo Tiger walked on but soon his path was blocked by Yeo Wei-seon and he had to stop.

Woo Tiger opened his mouth in an unpleasant voice.

“What are you doing?”

“The ambassador type. No matter how much you think about it this isn’t it.”

“What do you mean?”

“Master unless you are in your right mind how could you do this to your great brother?”


Is this really what you wanted to say?

Although he lost to that guy today he was already defeated by Mo Yu-chun before that.

From then on she was overflowing with complaints but it seemed like she held back because of her pride.

However since she herself was defeated by that bastard is he trying to use this as an excuse to express his dissatisfaction?

“…If you’re going to say something like that get out of the way.”

“Great ambassador!”

“A fight is just a fight.”

With those words Woo Tiger tried to get out of the way.

Then Ye Wishen raised his voice.

“Why do you keep putting up with it all the time because you’re such a saint?”


“Everything we have is about to be taken away by those damn pastoral bastards and we are trying to endure it. “This is not patience this is foolishness.”


As soon as he finished speaking Woo Tiger grabbed him by the collar.

“You really want to die….”

“Why are you taking your anger out on me? “Isn’t there something else you can really vent your anger on?”


“The pastoral bastards.”

“…You’re being really disgusting.”

“It’s not that I’m sick of it but if we don’t deal with them our death penalty system will really lose everything. Are you planning to regret it then?”

Wu Haorang’s eyes faintly wavered at Ye Weishen’s words.

He ignored it thinking it was just the words of an immature priest but he was also a human being.

Of course my dissatisfaction could not help but rise to the top of my chin.

How could one not have the desire to kill the two pastoral brothers right away?



His pride wouldn’t allow that.

If you press it with skill you can press it but using tricks or tricks is what the underlings do.

And if he does that will Lady Wi So-yeon whom he treats as her master or lord really acknowledge him?

Probably not.

Rather you will not be able to help but be disappointed.

Therefore we must use this bitterness as nourishment to become stronger.

Only by overpowering his brothers with skill can he achieve what he wants.


He let go of the collar that Woo Tiger was holding on to and roughly pushed Yeopwisian away and said.

“Stop talking nonsense and focus more on practicing martial arts.”

“Great ambassador!”

“You can listen to as many complaints as you want but don’t think about doing anything more than that. If you can’t do it on your own it’s all meaningless. “This is all the advice I can give.”


“I’m going.”

With those words Woohorang left without even pretending to hear.

Ye Weishen glared at him with resentful eyes.

Since he was in a similar situation he thought that the ambassador was the only one who could understand his feelings but he was extremely resentful of him pushing himself away like this.


In his anger Yeop Wiseon kicked his wall and soon went somewhere.

There was someone watching behind him.

He was none other than Mo Yu-cheon.


Mok Yucheon shook his head.

When he saw Yeop Wiseon following him he thought he might be up to something so he followed him.

But fortunately Woo Ho-rang the ambassador had strong pride and did not fall for the man’s trick.

If he joined hands with Ye Weishen he would be quite uncomfortable.

‘I still need to become stronger but I can’t let that get in my way.’

His goal was not these two capital punishments.

Even though they were half-brothers he believed that they were related by blood and he wanted to take revenge on Mok Gyeong-un who had stabbed him in the back and bring justice once again.

‘It won’t be long. I will knock you down with my own hands.’

* * *


Yeo Wei-shen the second disciple of Mingdo King Sun Yun who was heading somewhere while practicing meditation for a while stopped and looked at the surrounding trends.

Then he headed to a place that looked like a warehouse building with few people around.

The lobe gland that entered there was

-Clap clap! match! Clap clap!

He clapped his hands regularly.

Then the dark inside of the warehouse lit up and someone appeared.

That’s him

“Brother Mo.”

It was Mo Yak who could be said to be the right hand man of Grand Duke Na Yu-ryang the first disciple of the Cheonjihoe Hoiju.

How could he be waiting for Ye Weishen in such a secret place?

The reason was immediately apparent.

Moyak holding a lantern smiled and asked.

“okay. “How did you succeed in persuading Brother Wu?”


At this question Yeop Wiseon shook his head with a sigh.

Moyak shrugged his shoulders as if he had expected this reaction.

From the beginning he expected Ye Yuxian to fail.

I knew very well how stubborn he was as I had contacted him several times with his ambassador brother-in-law Woo Ho-rang and persuaded him to serve Grand Duke Na Yu-ryang.

He had a strong sense of pride and had somewhat assumed that he would never be with them.

There was one variable called Mok Yu-cheon so I wondered if there was a possibility but even that didn’t really help.

‘Well it doesn’t matter.’

Anyway it was okay to not have Woohorang.

“Brother Mo… If you give me a little more time…”


Moyak patted his shoulder as if to comfort him and said.

“It’s okay. Brother Wu you just need to take your time to persuade him. “More than that it is you who the Grand Duke is placing his hopes on.”

“…Is that really true?”

“Nothing like cancer.”

The corner of Mo Yak’s mouth twitched as his face was filled with anticipation.

In fact the group called Woohorang was so stubborn that it was extremely annoying.

On the other hand there was no one better to exploit than someone overflowing with greed and jealousy.

You can draw as many pictures as you want.

* * *

Late at night.

There was someone pouring alcohol into a tombstone.

He was none other than Ho Jong-hyuk the leader of the Bucheoldan.

He was the true Ilak (一岳) of the Oakhoe (五岳會) led by Jang Neung-ak the second disciple of the Cheonjihoe Hoeju and the son of King Pabu Ho Taegang a member of the Five Kings (Five Kings).

Of course this was several months ago.

What is now in his body is not Ho Jong-hyuk himself but Wi Maeng-cheon who has become a vengeful spirit.


Wei Mengchen who had taken over Hu Jonghyuk’s body let out a long sigh.

He was always a moody person every time he came here.

As expected the tombstone had the word Wimaengcheon engraved on it.

‘It’s like looking at the grave of my dead body with these two eyes that I’ve been looking forward to all my life…’


Wei Mengchen took a sip from the bottle of liquor that was being poured on the tombstone.

As a blind man his wish was to see.

But who would have imagined that we would be able to see the future in this way?

‘Even if I lose my body should I be satisfied with living like this?’

He always had a complicated mind every time he looked at the tombstone.

Even so there was nothing much to do.

Since he had already become the food spirit of Mok Gyeong-un and was succeeded by Yeon he had to follow his orders.

It was just as I was chugging down the remaining alcohol.


Wei Mengchen put down the bottle and tilted his head back.


A sharp anticipation passed over his tilted head.

It was a sword.

Wei Mengchen who had dodged the sword hurriedly spread his footwork and widened the distance behind him.

A strange look appeared in his eyes as he distanced himself.


The person who threw the weapon at him was none other than

“The Archduke?”

He was the Grand Duke Na Yu-ryang.

Nayuliang said with a grin.

“No matter how much I miss my old colleague it’s dangerous to walk around alone these days.”

Contrary to his smiling face his words were extremely cruel.

Wei Meng-cheon’s eyes which were glaring at Na Yu-liang became sharper.

‘As expected you’re bold.’

Lately I have been concerned about the move to establish a proper succession structure but I had no idea that they would target it so openly.

In response Wei Mengchen grabbed the handle of the ax he was wearing on his back and said.

“If I were to die I would have to compete head-on with the union of the two priests. Are you fully prepared?”

“well. “That’s nothing for you to worry about.”

As soon as those words were finished Na Yuryang’s new form dispersed like smoke.

* * *

“Isn’t this plausible enough?”


Grand Duke Na Yu-liang said putting his arm around someone’s shoulder.

That someone was looking at the dead body of Ho Jong-hyuk (We Maeng-cheon) with bewildered eyes.

He was none other than Ye Wi-seon the second disciple of King Sun Yun of Mingdo.

‘I never thought I’d really kill you.’

Ye Yuxian was extremely embarrassed.

Even at dinner earlier I was in a really good mood.

This was because Grand Duke Na Yu-ryang said he would accept him as his subordinate and even had a drinking party with him.

However a subordinate of the second Confucius Jang Neung-ak died at his hands.

This alone was a very big deal but the problem was that behind Ho Jong-hyuk was not only the second Confucius but also his father King Pabu Ho Tae-gang.

‘…Killing the child of Palseong.’

The King of Pabu Taekang Ho.

He was a member of Palseong (八星) the highest leader in the current martial arts world.

I had no idea that he would kill his child so mercilessly.

What’s even more embarrassing is

‘Is this why you asked me to show you Taoism?’

Na Yu-ryang killed Ho Jong-hyeok by following some of the Taoist techniques shown by him.

To anyone who saw it it only seemed like something done by one’s own sect.

Only then did Ye Weishen realize his true purpose.

‘…It is to break the union between Master and King Pabu as well as Prince Jang Neung-ak and Lady Wi So-yeon.’


Ye Wishen’s hands are in power.

Even if you regret it it’s already too late.

It had already happened and if he revealed the truth here it would be the same as losing his life.


While he was perplexed the vengeful spirit that had been possessed by the dead Ho Jong-hyuk escaped from his body.

This vengeful spirit was none other than Wei Mengcheon.

Wei Meng Chen who was forced to come out due to the death of his body clicked his tongue.

This was because he knew the purpose of the Grand Duke or Yulryang.

‘It is as if King Pabu’s son died at the hands of King Myeongdo’s disciple so the two kings are bound to clash. If that happens the power of the union will be dispersed.’

For some reason I thought it was strange to use a sword instead of a sword.

Although he was not considered a great man to watch quietly Grand Duke Na Yu-ryang was truly a formidable man.

But there was one thing he also didn’t expect.

It was his own possession.

If we inform Gochan who is possessing the body of the second Confucius Jang Neungak the truth can be revealed.

If that happens Prince Na Yulyang will have to endure the wrath of the two five kings.

‘All my secret plans have been in vain…’

It was that moment.



Something tore Wei Mengchen’s body apart.

He was embarrassed by this and turned his head to see Grand Duke Na Yulyang taking off his right eye patch.

His eyes are almost golden in color and the pupils are small and dot-like in focus.

I could feel the ferocity of a ferocious beast rather than a human being and the small focus of its eyes was directed at me.

‘You can see me?’

He was accurately aware of himself.

< Episode 101 Sudden Change (1) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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