Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 362

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< Episode 95 Jewel (3) >

For Mok Gyeong-un the trick of combining one’s capabilities was also a way to overcome one’s own level and physical limitations.

Therefore if you were to force it to stop with all your capabilities gathered at one point the repercussions would be felt directly on you.

-Wow! Crack!

The muscles of the whole body were torn and a tearing sound came out.

This was loud enough to be heard by a thief a few steps ahead.

The thief who was momentarily amazed at the stoppage of his sword soon raised the corners of his mouth.

It was clearly a good decision to stop this attack.

‘But this is also a foolish choice.’

The pain is painful thanks to having to endure the enormous aftermath but even moving now will be difficult.

In a fight between warriors who were almost like whistles this was a fatal irrational move.


The thief moved.

Because the muscles of his entire body were developed to maximize any movement he was able to move at ultra-high speeds with just the basic Gyeongshin technique.


The Taoist’s divine form dispersed and soon arrived in front of Mo Kyung-un.

He spread out his swords to the main points of Mugyeongun.

‘The second type of Taogeukjehyeong (刀極制形)!

There was no need to use fire.

It’s a situation where you can finish it with just one stroke…


It was that moment.

Mok Gyeong-un launched the new model backwards.

Seeing him like this a strange thing appeared in the thieves’ eyes.

‘It moved?’

Most of the muscles must have been torn but did they endure the pain and force themselves to move?

His patience was so great that he stuck his tongue out.

Obviously it would be difficult to use internal energy due to internal injuries. It was amazing to see such movement in the midst of all this.

However the world of competition is cold-hearted.

No matter how admirable or acceptable an enemy was he must die.

-Chuck! Pot!

Dogaek made a move changed Docho’s trajectory and soon tried to catch up with Mok Gyeong-un who was throwing a new weapon backwards.

It wasn’t something he could avoid anyway.

Unless he possessed super regenerative powers by ingesting Jinwon like himself his body could not recover even if he avoided it for a while.

‘Stop giving up.’

The traces of the thief’s sword tried to cut off both of Mo Kyung-un’s arms.

It was that moment.


The skin under Mo Kyung-un’s head which had been red and emitting steam due to the flow of blood suddenly began to turn black and veins were bulging.

It was the reverse blood attack.

It didn’t end here.

-Wow! Wow!

In the state of reverse blood pressure the muscles around Mok Gyeong-un’s joints swelled and filled the torn area.


At the same time Mok Gyeong-un performed the magic sword attack and blocked the thief’s attack.

The thief was immediately dumbfounded.

What kind of trick is this?

He used some bizarre techniques to gather his capabilities to one point and then make up for the aftermath of the pause.


I don’t know what kind of tricks they used but their strength has become that of a whistle again.

The Taoist thinking it was temporary tried to subdue Mok Gyeong-un by deploying different Taoist swords one after another.


In an instant the two collided with about 10 other people.

Nevertheless Mo Gyeong-un accepted his sword without being pushed back in the slightest.

When the Taoist used a sword attack that exceeded the range of motion of his joints Mok Gyeong-un responded by spreading a completely different sword sword attack with both hands.

Therefore no gaps were created.


Perhaps thinking that this would not work the Taoist tried to forcefully push Mok Gyeong-un by loading firearms into the Docho but this caused a chill and the same situation as before occurred.

The whole place was hazy with steam.


As his vision became increasingly dark and he had to judge movement only by sound and feel the thief’s eyes became more complex.

How many tricks has he mastered that allows him to endure this far?

Obviously as time goes by his energy should decrease but it was easy for him to still hold on but he was making up for his shortcomings with the strange techniques he had mastered.


He was a man who competed with an outstanding genius called the Demon of the Sword and was confident that he had perfected all of Tocho’s shortcomings and achieved the ultimate perfection.

Didn’t his inner strength also exceed human limits by obtaining two true sources?

But why do you keep the whistle?

‘…Is this the beginning?’

I didn’t want to admit it but he was truly an innate talent that was unprecedented.

There was a reason why it was called a legend.


It’s already over 40 years old and I want to express my sincere respect to the fact that there isn’t a single weak spot in sight.

However I didn’t come here just to admire and compete.

The ultimate goal was to take his life.

‘I wanted to purely compete and defeat him in martial arts but I think that was just my greed.’


At that moment Mokgyeongun’s magic sword Akjeu was inserted into the robber’s abdomen.


In an instant Mo Kyung-un’s eyes narrowed.

Even if his vision was blurred by the steam and his concentration was weakened the sword strike he had just taken was not something he deserved.

It was right then.



The thief grabbed the stuck sword.



At that moment Mok Gyeong-un let go of Ak-jeuk’s sword soldier and tried to avoid it by using Myeonghyeon Suwolbo (明顯 水越步) but he was cut on the shoulder.

‘Was it this?’

Mok Gyeong-un realized as he cut his shoulder.

As the whistle continued and he became more and more familiar with the Docho the Dogaek changed his strategy to an extreme move.

It was about unfolding the number of Donggwiejin (同歸於盡) every second.

If you attack in a death-like manner it is naturally possible to give up your flesh and take the bones.

‘…This is what it ends up like.’

Mok Gyeong-un had anticipated this strategy to some extent.

It was a reasonable choice.

If he had incredible super-regenerative power enough to grow a severed arm he would have adopted this strategy to deal with his enemies or strong opponents.

‘Now we have to keep our distance.’

If you fight at short range he will continue to use Dongguijin’s moves.

As he did not have super regenerative powers he was bound to be at a disadvantage if he came out in this way.

It was the moment when Mok Kyung-un tried to widen the distance.


The thief who pulled out the magic sword stuck in his abdomen and threw it uttered an unintelligible word.

“Water vapor is moisture. Do you know what is good for moisture?”


It was that moment.


At that moment the surrounding area filled with hazy vapor was covered with a blue light thunderbolt.

It was the thunder energy emitted by the thief.

As the space filled with water vapor became colored by thunderstorms the entire space literally took on the form of a thundercloud.

-Pachik! Pachick!

In an instant the space was filled with lightning and Mok Gyeong-un was electrocuted.

It wasn’t something that could be avoided.

He tried to protect his entire body with demonic energy blocking the brain energy and dispersing it but he could not do anything about his muscles becoming stiff due to the continued thunderstorms.

The moment the movement becomes slow

“It’s over!”


The Taoist wielded a sharp killing sword to sever Mok Gyeong-un’s head.

Unlike Mok-gyeong-un who was stiffened by electric shock the Tao of the Taoist was able to move freely in the thunderstorm and his speed became faster and it was truly a pleasure in itself.


It was such a fatal thing.

Mok Gyeong-un sensed death in an instant as the extremely powerful sword was aimed at his neck.

‘It cannot be avoided.’

No matter how hard I tried there was nothing I could do about it right now.

The moment I recognized this time passed slowly as if it had stopped.

It was truly strange.


When I thought I was going to die something extremely satisfying seemed so slow.

It is said that before a person dies he sees his life as if it were a flash of light.

It might have been a process of looking back on the years he had lived.

However for Mok Gyeong-un who did not attach much meaning to the years he lived death was just the end.

Because I thought it was the end

‘Is this the end?’

I’m trying to comply with this but suddenly


Only one thing passed through Mo Kyung-un’s mind.

It was none other than Cheongryeong.



Why did she come to mind right before she died?

It wasn’t her grandfather and she wasn’t lingering over not being able to completely complete her revenge. Why did she think of his voice and face?

For a moment Mo Kyung-un had a question.

Her face came to mind so naturally that she even had the strange feeling of wanting to see it one more time.

This was the first time in his life.

As her feelings of wanting to see her grew stronger feelings other than compliance arose in Mok Gyeong-un’s head.

‘Not yet.’

I felt like I needed to see her alive.

But how can she survive at this moment?

In his thunderstorm his body was rigid and the path of extreme pleasure was already on the verge of reaching his throat.

Is there really a way to escape this current situation?

It was a moment full of questions.

[It all depends on what you think. In the end it depends on the will to do it.]

Suddenly what that being said came to mind in my mind.

At that moment at the border between life and death Mok Kyung-un’s eyes came to life and his senses became extremely sharp.



At that moment a deathly cry burst from the thief’s mouth.

The thief’s eyes were shaking like crazy.

As expected he was on the verge of decapitating when something sharp pierced his heart in the middle of his chest.

‘What the hell is this…’

It’s as if it exists even though it doesn’t exist. This was clearly a sword.

The thief lowered his head.

There the sharp spirit takes the form of a sword without any medium and this is…

“Wh… Incorporeal sword?”

It was definitely true.

A stage where the sword itself becomes a sword and even energy becomes a sword.

It was the state of an intangible sword.

The thief stumbled with an expression of disbelief.

How can he reach the supreme state that he has not yet reached even though he has taken two of the true origins of spiritual creatures overcome the wall of walls and reached the state of the unity of all beings…

– Creepy!

For an instant the thief’s expression hardened.

It was because he met the eyes of Mok Kyung-un who was looking at him.

The moment I looked into those eyes I felt one emotion.


Mok Gyeong-un’s eyes were only picturing his own death.

The thief’s mind sensing this was filled with fear and terror.

At that time Mok Gyeong-un’s new type which had escaped from the thunderstorm moved.

As a result the hand of the thief who had been staggering after being pierced through the heart by an intangible sword went to the pocket on his waist.

‘I have to get out of the loop…’


At that moment a black line appeared and passed by the thief.


Mok Kyung-un appeared at the end of the black line and let out a rough breath.



But the thief who had been staggering behind him soon fell to his knees on the floor.

Hearing that sound Mok Gyeong-un slowly turned his head.

There was a thief with a hole in the back of his head bigger than his fist with the other side clearly visible.

< Episode 95 Jewel (3) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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