Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 357

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< Episode 94: Extreme Sword (3) >

The thief opened his mouth with an exalted look on his face.

“Heavenly Demon!”

Hearing his excited voice Mok Gyeong-un parted his lips with an interested look in his eyes.

“I was planning to kill you but you stopped me?”

The split-second moment when he was about to kill Ji-e-eul.

It was Mok Gyeong-un who tried to take advantage of the gap that was revealed at that moment and pierce the guy’s neck.

However the power he was swinging stopped in an instant and he went back and blocked the sword strike with his sword.

Mo Kyung-un’s eyes naturally turned to his wrists and waist.

His extremely developed muscles were visible through the curves of his clothes.

‘…The texture is different.’

In Mok Gyeong-un’s memories the most developed muscles were Yu Mu-jin.

If Yu Mu-jin’s muscles were developed in the most ideal form this person’s muscles were developed quite differently from those of ordinary people.

Then Ji-e-eul whose life was saved thanks to Mok Gyeong-un said.

“Who are you?”

“You don’t need to know anything about that just step back.”


He felt slightly offended because he felt ignored but he suppressed this feeling and spoke out of gratitude that his life had been saved thanks to this.

“I don’t know who you are but I can’t deal with him alone. So don’t be proud and join forces…..”


At that moment Jieu was thrown back by the rebound force pushing him.

“What are you doing…”


At that time Tao Gaek’s sidewalk and Mo Gyeong-un’s magic sword Akjeu collided.

Then along with the sound of the air being torn apart tremendous wind pressure arose around the two people and the bottom of the cliff cracked.

Seeing this Jiue swallowed dry saliva without realizing it.


If I had been a little late I would have been caught up in the aftermath.

‘…Who is this person again?’

He thought that the only opponent who could deal with that monstrous thief was Gu Cheon-mu a member of the Six Heavens and the chief owner of Yeonggeom Lodge.

But when he saw the two swords and two swords that were now clashing he was almost like a whistle.

That meant that this unknown young man was also a corresponding monster.

‘Where on earth did these monsters suddenly come out of?’

It was just amazing.

Likewise the surviving swordsmen in the vicinity and the Jeongmyeong incident an elder of the Hangsan faction were also surprised by the appearance of a new peerless expert.

If you look at the face it doesn’t look like it’s a contract but even if you collide with that thief you won’t be pushed back at all.


The sword of the Taoist and the sword of Mo Gyeong-un collided and trembled strongly.

In that state the thief opened his mouth.

“Cheonma. “It’s an honor to meet you like this.”

“….What a fun day. “I can’t believe I’m meeting someone who calls me by that name again.”


“How do you know me?”

In response to Mok Gyeong-un’s question Taoist smiled and said

“Who doesn’t know you the beginning and the legend?”


One of Mo Qingyun’s eyebrows rose.

What does this mean again?

The beginning?


While I was wondering the monk cheered me up and said

“The first to appear in the martial arts world is Shaolin which is boldly called the sacred place of Buddhism which can be said to be the opposite of the devil and the birthplace of martial arts in the Central Plains. The second is Sacheondanga and the third is called the sacred place of the sword. This Yeonggeom Mountain Lodge…it was worth the wait. okay.”

-Let’s go together!

As the thief’s energy continued to rise blue flames erupted from Mok Gyeong-un’s magic sword which was facing him and it began to be pushed back.

It wasn’t even just the sword that was pushed away.


The two feet that were supporting the floor were also being pushed away.

A strange look appeared in Mok Gyeong-un’s eyes.

Although the magical power of the Third Eye had not yet been opened there was no limit to this person’s energy when the Demon Eye was opened.

It was so hard to fathom that it felt like a huge lump of energy.

The corners of the mouths of leaders who thought he was ahead of his achievements rose.

“The strength of this body has surpassed human limits.”


“It’s unfortunate. “He was aiming for now to make sure but if he had known this would happen he should have aimed for when he was at least a toddler.”

“You’ve been saying something hard to understand since a while ago.”

“Hehehe. Just listen carefully. “It’s not something you can understand anyway.”


As the Taoist’s energy rose further Mo Qingyun’s new form continued to be pushed back.

Convinced of his superiority in attack power Do-gaek planned to beat Mok Gyeong-un with overwhelming attack power.



At some point Mo Kyung-un’s feet stopped and did not move as if they were stuck in the ground.

At this the thief’s eyes narrowed.

When it comes to aerial power you are clearly superior so what is this suddenly soaring capability?

It was that moment.



A ferocious black energy flowed from Mo Gyeong-un’s whole body like a haze and the sword bodies of the evil swords and swords that were facing each other were dyed black.

Rather than the energy itself growing it felt like my capabilities were exploding and becoming more concentrated.

After being pushed back just a moment ago the thieves were once again in a fierce position and instead of being embarrassed they burst into laughter.

“Hahahaha! okay! “You have to do this to be considered a legend.”

“It’s noisy.”


At that moment Mo Gyeong-un’s left hand aimed at the thief’s eyes.

In response the swordsman tilted his head to the side and released the force he was applying to the sword.

As a result Mokgyeongun’s new form was pointed in the direction in which he had swung the sword.

let’s do that


The swordsman let go of the sword he was holding and performed an act of extreme pleasure ready to cut off Mok Gyeong-un’s wrist with his sword.


However the sword could not cut off Mo Kyung-un’s right arm.

That was because the magic sword at his waist came out of its own accord and blocked the thief’s capital.

‘It’s truly a feat to be able to block a very violent assassination attack like this. ‘How about this?’

At that moment the swordsman opened his sword with his left hand as well.

Just like before it was an ultra-quiet killing sword that was extremely intense.

The sword held out with his left hand tried to split Mok Kyung-un’s head in half at once.



At that moment Mok Kyung-un narrowly avoided it and widened the distance behind him.

Since it was a strike from above there was no other way than to avoid or block but if you increase the distance even a little like this


I was able to fight against Docho.

The capital containing Mokgyeongun’s evil words and Taoist spirit filled the space between them and the speed was so fast that even the masters of Hwagyeong who had crossed the wall like Ji-eul could not easily distinguish them with the naked eye.

Of course there was no way it could be seen by the general inspectors or the Jeongmyeong incident.

‘Too fast.’

‘They are monsters.’

The sword and sword wielded by these two world-class masters was truly the essence of pleasure.

What was even more surprising was that the distance between them was only about three paces at most.

Even though it was a distance where even the slightest mistake could result in a fatal blow there was no disruption in attack or defense.

An exclamation flowed from Jieu’s mouth as he watched their confrontation.


Jeongmyeong was surprised and asked.

“Amitabha Buddha. Senior do you see that?”

“…Do you think it will look right? “At best we can only see part of it.”

“But why are you so excited?”

“Their attack and defense level is too high.”

While the swordsman’s sharp sword moves with extreme agility flying in a strange trajectory that cannot normally be swung putting pressure on the opponent in a variety of ways the young swordsman also spreads sword swords with extreme agility and surprisingly he was using different sword moves with both hands.

By spreading out different techniques with both hands it was no different from two people doing a joint attack so they were able to counter the strange trajectory of the flying sword.

‘I can’t believe I get to see this incredible fight right in front of me.’

I couldn’t help but be amazed.


It was the moment when about twenty herbivores were colliding like that.

The situation seemed like it would continue but the thief was the first to widen the distance by throwing a new weapon backwards.

It wasn’t because they couldn’t withstand the attack and defense.


If he had been a little late the black sword of instant death would have pierced him.

The thief clicked his tongue as he watched the flying sword.

I didn’t expect that he would perform a completely different technique with both hands and in the meantime he would also use the Igieogeomgang technique.

He was literally doing the work of three people by himself.

‘I can’t believe it’s already like this.’

He competed against numerous world-class experts to gain experience.

Therefore he was confident that he would be superior not only in strength but also in experience and insight.

But that expectation was different.

‘…I thought he was just a kid since he was just starting to make a name for himself.’

It’s not a kid at all.

The corner of the thief’s mouth twitched subtly.

It hasn’t even been signed yet but it has already reached this level… As expected this clan’s talent was so dangerous that it made me jealous.

‘After all it is right to pull it out from the root.’

-Shoot! Chae-ang!

The swordsman lightly deflected the flying black sword with the capital of his left hand and stretched out his right hand.

His sidewalk which had fallen on the floor was picked up by hand.

The swordsman who held the sword soon became even more energized.

“The warm-up is over so now let’s do it properly.”


The energy flowing from him was so strong that the faces of the swordsmen who were watching the fight turned white.

As the energy became stronger and sharper Mo Qingyun’s eyes also became serious.

It seems like it has only been an exploratory battle so far.

Seeing that the guy was trying to do it right he felt like he too would have to spare no energy and push himself to the highest level of power.



He raised his magical energy to ten-star power.

Then an eerie and ferocious energy spread in all directions and the swordsmen who were already tired of the overwhelming attack power trembled and took a step back.

To them these two world leaders were already monsters beyond the human realm.

It seemed like it would be dangerous to get any closer.



Mok Gyeong-un and Do-gae who had been raising their energy to fight with all their might looked somewhere at the same time.

It’s none other than


“What is this?”

It was because of the bead or orb that was shining brightly in the hands of Gu Woong-seong the second son of the old chieftain of Yeonggeom Mountain Lodge.

The owner Gu Woong-hwang who was silently reaching out to him asking him to hand over the orb and Yesong-ah the granddaughter of Seonghwaryeongju Gu Yeon-woo who was right next to him were equally surprised by this phenomenon.


The light coming from the orb exceeded the level of a luminous beam.

It was enough to brightly illuminate the entire area.

What was even more surprising was the incredible energy flowing from the orb.

‘…Could it be the epicenter?’

The tremendous energy flowing from the orb made the Taoist believe that it might be the epicenter.

No if it had this much energy it had to be the epicenter.

In response the Taoist stretched out his hand toward Gu Woong-seong and pretended to pull him.



The orb in Gu Woong-seong’s hand was about to fly away drawn by the Taoist’s magnificent energy.


Gu Woongseong was embarrassed and grabbed it with both hands trying not to take it away.

However there was no way that Gu Woong-seong’s exploits could affect the thieves.

Since his power had already been raised to the point where it was close to its peak Gu Woong-seong also floated away with his body along with the orb.

Surprised Gu Xionghuang hurriedly shouted.

“Let go of it!”

However Gu Woongseong held onto the orb and did not let go.

Captivated by the strange magical power of the orb he could not hear the voice of his eldest brother Guunghwang.

The only thought was not to have this taken away.

That said


His body which was flying soon fell to the ground midway.

‘Are you interfering with Jinki?’

The Taoist looked at Mo Kyung-un and frowned.

I didn’t know that it would interfere with the energy sent to do empty space and disperse it.

Does this mean that his understanding of energy is superior to yours?

Or did you learn a special technique?


The thief immediately launched a new weapon.

It didn’t matter what happened.

If that was Jinwon I had to get my hands on it somehow.


In an instant the Taoist reached in front of Gu Woong-seong and immediately tried to cut off his arm that was holding the orb.



At the perfect moment Mu Qingyun blocked his Dao.

Mok Gyeong-un who had blocked him like that tried to push him away and blow him away by using his technique of using empty space.



Gu Xiongsheng’s body only trembled and he stopped on the spot and did not move.

This was because the thief had also tied him up with real energy to prevent him from escaping.

The swordsman tried to cut off Gu Woong-seong’s arm once again by using his poison.


Of course Mok Gyeong-un was not one to watch this quietly so he deployed a similar strategy and blocked the thieves’ path.


As this was repeated five times in a split second Gu Woong-seong’s face and body became full of wounds.

Although it was said that Mok Kyung-un blocked it exquisitely it was strange that he was unharmed since he had received the aftereffects of the sword and sword of the two masters.


Although he was covered in blood with sword marks and sword marks it was quite painful but Gu Woong-seong still held on to the orb and did not even think about letting go.

At this the thief raised his mouth slyly.



Swinging the sword as if trying to cut off Gu Woong-seong’s arm


The sword was inserted into the floor.

At that moment eight branches of Tao rose up and split the floor.

‘What about that?’

Jieu recognized it.

This was the Eight Immortals of Taoism (八僊刀競) one of the Taoist principles.

It was an herbivore with explosive capabilities.


Its power was incomparable to before.

The force coming out of the floor was so strong that the earth shook as if there had been an earthquake.

-Kurrrrrrr! Damn it! Damn it!

Then someone shouted.

“Everyone get out!”

“The cliff is about to collapse!”

The bottom of the cliff which could not withstand the force of the river cracked and was about to collapse.

As the earth shook and tilted toward the cliff Mok Gyeong-un quickly grabbed Gu Woong-seong by the scruff of his neck and jumped upward.


He soared almost to the height of the president and tried to throw a roar.

at that moment

“I waited.”

Before he knew it the Taoist man who had soared higher extended his left hand towards Mok Gyeong-un.



A thunderbolt of blue light spread like roots and covered the air.

The range was so wide that there was no time to avoid it.


The bodies of Mo Gyeong-un and Gu Woong-seong who had been hit directly by the spreading thunderbolt flashed with blue lightning.

Looking at them who were electrocuted the thief moved his body.

He lunged into the air and did not miss this opportunity trying to cut off Mo Gyeong-un’s head in one fell swoop.


‘When struck by lightning not only the muscles of the whole body but also the inner energy become stiff. Heavenly Demon this must be your first time experiencing something like this…’

It was that moment.



Naturally he was thought to be unable to move because he was struck by thunder energy.

However even though Mo Gyeong-un’s body was still pulsing with lightning flames he moved his body without any problem and blocked his work.


It was absolutely difficult to understand.

This was not an energy that could be obtained through a simple inner gongsim technique.

With the power gained through the Dragon Demon’s True Source if any Naegong expert is hit by thunder energy the Naegong itself becomes stiff and loses its strength for a moment.

But how can it move?

It was at that time that I was wondering this.


Mok Gyeong-un who had blocked his attack soon turned in the air and used the technique of jumping in the air kicking upwards and launching himself downwards.

It was because of Guwoongseong falling off a cliff.

Thanks to my experience with the nine-blooded Danbaekha of Nine Blood Bridges I was able to somehow withstand the brain energy for a moment and prevent the incident but as some of my muscles became stiff I unintentionally lost my nine-character strength.


It didn’t matter if Gu Woong-seong fell off a cliff and died but the orb had to be recovered.

< Episode 94: Extreme Sword (3) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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