Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 340

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< Episode 90: The culprit (6) >

Dan In-hae the head of the Sacheon Dang family could not hide his embarrassment.

Because they were in completely opposing positions he thought that only one of them would survive as they fought for their lives.

But why did that person who is called the guardian of the Tang family appear together with the person mentioned in Seonghwaryeong’s prophecy?

Tang In-in unable to understand the situation at all became confused in his mind.

What happened?

It was a moment when I was so puzzled.

“It’s foolish to turn a blind eye to Nobu!”


Dan In-hae startled by what he heard looked away.

At that moment as if a toad waiting for its prey was waiting for the right moment the head of the Paldoksa Guyangso was launching a double-barreled weapon filled with poisonous energy with tremendous force.

‘Hapma poison gong (蛤蟆毒功) secret technique of eight poisons and defeats (八毒覇成)!’



The man’s eyes were shaking as his player was taken away while he was looking at one of his eyes.

If he didn’t act carefully here he might lose his life not at the hands of the man of prophecy but at the hands of this old man.


It was understandable that he was embarrassed but he did not lose his caution in the situation and tried to somehow increase the distance by launching the new model behind him.

Of course Ouyang Xiao had no intention of letting him go so he followed him right away.


Even though it only lasted for a moment Dan In-hae couldn’t help but be impressed by the tremendous force and force that showed no gaps.

Naturally compared to before my capabilities had increased and I could feel that my body eating had become more precise and my attack power had increased.

However he could see that this chosik was made to completely target himself.

When I realized that I had prepared and forged just for this moment using all the confrontations that had happened so far as a stepping stone I had no choice but to admit this much.

‘It was created solely to completely subjugate me.’

If I had been myself just a few months ago there would have been no way to stop this herbivore.

After a few trials I almost completed it.

‘Intangible poisonous power.’ ‘Nine-situated famous gardens!’


Dan In-hae who felt as if his whole body was shimmering in a haze stopped widening the distance and proudly launched his new weapon forward.

The basis of Poison Gong is to embody poison in the body and release it along with energy.

Therefore the power and momentum of a poisonous attack vary depending on how strong and how much poison is embodied.

‘Old man Ouyang. I have no choice but to win this match.’

Until now no one in the Tang family has embodied the intangible poison as a poison attack.

However over three generations he systematized a way to embody the formless poison and based on this he completed the formless poison technique.

It was a shame that there wasn’t much of the intangible poison left but I was confident that this intangible poison attack was invincible.

‘Old man this is the end!’

Seeing Dan In-hae’s eyes confident of victory Gu Yang-so strengthened his resolve.

From the moment the color of the poison changed to colorless he believed that Tang In-in may have been able to handle the intangible poison so he was already prepared to throw his life away.

‘It doesn’t matter. Anyway this was also assumed. Even if he is punished by indestructible punishment Nobu wins at least in the confrontation.’

Yangyukchigol (讓肉取骨).

There is a saying that gives the flesh and takes the bones.

Ouyang So was willing to give up his own life to win the final battle.

To remain as a leading figure of poison in the era.

That was the last wish.


The two masters of poison were on the verge of clashing.

It was that moment.


Just as they were about to collide someone stepped in between them.

He was none other than Mok Gyeong-un.



Mok Gyeong-un grabbed Gu Yang-so’s wrist as he was unfolding his double-armed sword and swung him sending him flying upwards.



No matter how close it was Ouyang Xiao’s body soared up to a height of five feet because he was unable to match the power of the attack that came in unexpectedly in the first place.


At the same time the palms of Mo Qingyun and Tang Gaoju Tang Inhae clashed with each other.

Dan In-hae’s face turned red after hitting him like that and he was thrown backwards.

Like Guyangso he was pushed back in terms of attack power so he had no choice but to wake up from within the moment he hit the field.


Dan In-hae who was thrown out was able to stop only after being pushed back more than ten steps.

Although it was only a single collision my internal organs were boiling over and it felt like blood would come out at any moment.

‘What a monster.’

Dan In-hae clicked his tongue inwardly.

I understand that he was competing with the Yu family who could be considered the guardians of the Tang family just moments ago.

Jinki’s exhaustion must have been incredible but I never thought he would still have this much energy left.



While he was barely able to calm his stomach the corner of his mouth twitched.

The luck happened even though he didn’t intend to.

Originally he received the punishment that should have been dealt to that old man Guyangso.

I felt like I wanted to cheer inside.

‘Hahahaha. ‘You fool.’

I don’t know why he intervened but since he caught the intangible poison with his bare body it was the end.

My grandfather Hwacheon Poison Su (花千毒手) said to me that even if I was an expert at the peak of my inner skills I would not be able to survive if I was poisoned by the intangible poison.

To that extent the intangible poison was the perfection of poison itself.

No matter how high a level you have reached if you are properly exposed to this poison it is impossible to detoxify it.

However if there was a variable it was the first time that someone who crossed the wall and reached the Great Master’s realm was hit by intangible poison so it was difficult to guess how long he would endure.


But then Gu Yang Xiao who had soared into the air landed on the floor.

Ouyangso who landed spoke to Mo Kyung-un in protest with an embarrassed look on his face.

“Confucius Wood. “Isn’t it different from a covenant?”

There was only one promise he received from Mok Gyeong-un.

The request was to allow him to compete against Tang Inhae the head of the Tang family one last time without anyone interfering.

However he never expected that Mok Gyeong-un with whom he had made a promise would intervene in the process.

Mok Gyeong-un shrugged his shoulders and said to him.

“well. “What promise did I break?”

“no. “He intervened in the middle of the dance…”

“If I hadn’t intervened I would have probably lost my life.”

“It’s Bimyu. Confucius!”

“It seems you have already forgotten the price you paid for me. “What did the master say then?”


Ouyang Xiao couldn’t forget the last words.

Instead of losing his facial skin thanks to neck tillage he becomes a dead man allowing him to escape the organization’s gaze.

Since he himself became a dead man his gasols no longer had to fear for his life.

Because of this Ouyang So made an oath that if only one wish was fulfilled he would dedicate the rest of his life to cultivating trees.

“It is a violation to throw one’s life away before paying the price.”


To Mo Qingyun’s words Ouyang Shao had no answer.

In fact there was no way that a peerless expert who had reached the level of a great master such as Mokgyeongun would not be able to read the number of his own foster care goals.

So he must have been caught in the middle.

As a result Ouyang Xiao’s gaze naturally turned to Mo Qingyun’s hand.

He didn’t look closely but it seemed like he had crashed into Tang In-in at the same time as destroying his secret weapon.

‘….I guess they didn’t collide directly?’

He thinks that the person who set out to save him would not have done such a reckless thing.

For any poison there is an antidote but the exception was intangible poison.

Since the woodworker is also knowledgeable about poison I think he would have noticed that Tang In-hae has embodied the intangible poison to be able to handle it with poison.

Then it happened.

“Can I call you Confucius Yu?”

The head of the family Dan In-hae called out to Yu Mu-jin who was looking at him contemplatively with his arms crossed.

At this Yu Mujin opened his mouth.

“This is Yu Mujin. “Call it whatever you feel comfortable with.”

“Nice to meet you. Mujin Confucius. As you can see I apologize for not being able to greet you properly due to the circumstances.”

“You don’t have to worry about that.”

“Thank you for your understanding. Since the situation is urgent I will get to the point. If the head of the family is not mistaken I understand that the Yu family has protected the family like a shadow for generations. no?”

“…Let’s say so.”

Dan In-hae became curious about the tone of voice that seemed to be something undesirable.

Why on earth do you show such a lukewarm attitude?

I understand that no matter what they do the Yu family has a duty to protect themselves and the Tang family according to the instructions of their ancestors.

Dan In-hae who was puzzled by this quickly continued what he was saying.

“But how come you are with that evil beast that is trying to threaten you? “I’m asking just in case you haven’t abandoned the duty that the ancestors of the Yu family have upheld right?”

Yu Mujin snorted at these words.

“It’s a duty…”


“It seems like the matriarch is mistaken about something.”

“What do you mean by illusion?”

“I find it a bit unpleasant to talk about our Yu family as if they were servants of the Tang family. Because of his relationship with King Seonjo’s wife and her instructions he seems to regard protecting her as something of a master-slave relationship.”


At Yu Mu-jin’s poignant words Dan In-hae waved his hand as if he had thought for a moment and said.

“I’m mistaken. misunderstanding. I never meant it that way. I was just asking because I was embarrassed to be with the evil beast that was targeting my family instead of fighting it. “If you were offended the head of the family would like to apologize.”


Dan In-hae matched Yu Mu-jin’s mood by putting his hands together and even making a bow gesture.

Even though he had been exposed to intangible poison he was still outnumbered so he had to be brought back to his side.

Then Yu Mujin opened his mouth.

“I heard you were embarrassed to be with me… I have something I would like to ask the head of the Tang family.”

“What do you mean by asking?”

“Is there any reason for me to interfere in the party’s internal fight?”


Dan In-hae’s brows furrowed at Yu Mu-jin’s words.

Now the mystery of why they came here together has been resolved.

It seems that that monster-like bastard was trying to trick Yu Mu-jin when he couldn’t win the match easily.

In response Dan In-hae took his luck cautiously.

“I misunderstand that it is a fight within the party. “That person is not from the original family so how can we dismiss it as an internal fight?”

“You’re not from the Tang family? Hmm. From what I heard the person who raised him was from a branch of the Tang family…”

“That person can no longer be called Bunga. He said “How can someone who has joined a group of deviants who promote evil practices be called a member of the original family?”

“A group of cultists who promote evildoers?”

“Confucius must have also heard of a religious group called Baehwagyo. “They are teaching strange doctrines to innocent people and leading them down the wrong path.”

“Baehwagyo? iced coffee.”

“Look. Confucius also knows this doesn’t he? And strictly speaking the author is the one who kidnapped and raised people who were not related to his family because he was addicted to a cult called Baehwagyo and prophesies and such.”


“exactly. “I don’t know what the intentions of someone who belongs to a cult group that doesn’t inherit any blood from the Tang family are maliciously targeting the original family so how can this become an internal fight?”

Will this be enough to turn Yu Mujin back to her side?

At the very least since they found out that it was related to Baehwagyo which is oppressed as a cult group if you are a member of the Central Plains you will feel some antipathy.

As he said this Yu Mujin tilted his head and said.

“house owner.”

“Is the misunderstanding resolved now?”

“That’s strange. “Why do you know so much about that person considering that he joined the group called Baehwagyo and is no longer a member of the Tang family?”


“I haven’t even said who raised him yet but you’re so sure it’s someone in particular?”


For a moment Dan In-hae was speechless.


His intention was to instill antipathy in Yu Mu-jin by informing him that he and Hae-yeong Yak-seon Jang Mun-no were related to Bae Hwa-gyo.

However Yu Mujin had no interest in Bae Hwa Bridge.

“Confucius. That’s not the point. This is Baehwagyo….”

“Whether it’s Baehwagyo or anything else there are more than one or two things that don’t match.”

‘What about this guy?’

Dan In-hae’s mind became confused due to Yu Mu-jin’s tone and eyes full of doubt.

It was a completely different reaction than intended.

Contrary to the expectation that he would return to her side along with antipathy towards Hanaro due to Baehwagyo his doubts about himself actually grew.

Why does he focus on things other than Baehwagyo?

‘You need to calm down.’

Dan In-hae who believed that the situation would be even more difficult to resolve if it collapsed here tried to resolve the situation calmly.

“Confucius Mujin. I know very well what Confucius wants to say. There may be some parts of what he said that you don’t understand. “I can explain everything so for now…”

“iced coffee. is it so? “Then how do we explain this?”

“What do you mean? “I will explain as much as I can so please tell me.”

In response Yu Mujin glared at him sharply and spoke in a meaningful voice.

“While I was fighting and risking my life to protect the Tang family why did the man who was the head of the Tang family try to secretly run away alone?”


At that question Dan In-hae’s impression hardened like a stone.

I don’t know anything else but this could never be explained.

He was cornered and realized that he had no other choice.

‘…Damn it.’

The only way to escape from this situation is to exhaust all remaining intangible poison.


It was that moment.

Someone grabbed Dan In-hae by the back of his head and hit his face on the floor.

It hit so hard that not only his face but his entire head went straight into the floor.

The person holding down the back of his writhing head was none other than Mok Gyeong-un.

“I’ll do it myself from now on.”

< Episode 90: The main culprit (6) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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