Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 30

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Episode 9: Nine Birds (1)

‘What the hell is this…’

Bangsak couldn’t hide his embarrassment.

If I was not mistaken the sensation just now definitely surpassed the level of a yellow spirit.

This was more unexpected than the pain of being hit back.

A vengeful spirit above the imperial level?

“Sak Bangsa? are you okay?”

Her godfather Mrs. Seok helped her up and asked.

Sak nodded her head at this question.

Although she was hit back she escaped fatal internal injuries because she was protected by a protective talisman.

“Cluck cluck…”

“What happened?”

“I received what was sent to Yeoksal.”

“Accepting the assassination? “What does that mean?”

“Literally. Priest Myoshin lost his life after being killed by a vengeful spirit. So with the help of the Northern Emperor I sent it back to Vengeance who had brought down the weight.”

“But you mean you threw it away?”


Mrs. Seok frowned at her answer.

What does this mean?

I don’t know what to make of Danii who is a better fighter than her Myōshin but bounces off her for sending her counterattack.

“Can’t we solve this problem if we do that?”


In response to Mrs. Seok’s question Bangsak said wiping the black blood from the corner of her mouth.

“It’s not a matter of solution.”

“What do you mean?”

“Things have become more dangerous than we had imagined.”

Mrs. Seok asked back with concern as Sak’s voice became more serious.

“Is it dangerous?”

“If the status is at the imperial level it would be enough to send a reverse killing and exterminate the weakened vengeful spirit with a talisman. But that went wrong.”

“Wrong means…”

“It is an evil spirit of a much higher rank than that.”

Mrs. Seok asked in a tone that she could not understand what Sak said.

“Is there such a thing as a vengeful spirit?”

“yes. “You can think of it as a measure of risk.”

“Then the imperial spirit just now? Did you say she was an imperial spirit? Anyway you said it was a vengeful spirit of a higher rank than that of the Emperor. How much more dangerous is it?”

She responded by pushing her messy hair behind her.

“In fact even at the Imperial level it can be said to be very dangerous because it can kill people directly and even result in loss of life. But beyond that even those who have dealt with monsters cannot help but feel nervous.”

“And the radiations?”

“yes. “It is quite rare to see a vengeful spirit that is green spirit or higher.”


“In order to become a vengeful spirit above the level of a green spirit the grudge must have persisted for decades or have suffered great pain but for most vengeful spirits the grudge naturally fades over time and is exterminated on its own.”

“…So do you mean that green spirits are vengeful spirits that have survived over a long period of time?”

“yes. A vengeful spirit that has existed for decades. That is the green spirit. It is not easy to obtain a revenge spirit of such a high rank even for those who specialize in this work. “In most cases those with five or more titles the lowest rank have to risk their lives to be ordered out.”

Those who received the title of Waterproof such as Bangsa Myoshin were the presence of a green spirit that they could never handle.

In response to Sak’s words Mrs. Seok asked carefully.

“So does that mean the vengeful spirit that haunted him is a decades-old green spirit?”


Sak guessed so.

Even she had only seen her class twice.

It would be no exaggeration to call them a disaster but I thought it would not be to that extent.

In the first place if it were a vengeful spirit of that level the Yeonmok Swordsman here would have already been stained with blood.

The radius range itself was incomparable to those below the green spirit.

That’s why she was convinced that she was a green spirit.

“Sak Bang… It’s so dangerous can you handle it on your own?”

In response to Mrs. Seok’s question Sak held out her hand.

“….What does it mean?”

“You will have to pay additional silver.”

“What is it?”

“If you are at the level of a green spirit five hundred silver coins are not enough. “You need to put it on a cloth.”


I never thought I would bargain in this situation.

It was not Mrs. Seok but rather Howi Hoang who was dumbfounded by Sak’s words but intervened.

“A thousand silver coins? Even so you can buy a lot of rice bags with just 500 silver coins. Do you think that makes sense?”

“You can’t compare silver and life.”

“life? under! I think you may be mistaken in saying that it was your wife who requested it but this is a samurai house. “It’s not a place for ordinary people…”

“In that case the guard warrior can solve it.”

With those words Bangsak tried to leave the warehouse.

‘What a bitch!’

The guard Hoin seemed to be unable to tolerate her behavior any longer and blocked her path.

“Who is saying that they will just go as they please?”

“Please get out of the way.”

“Unless you spit back what you received or something like that…..”

“no. are you okay.”


Guard warrior Hoin was puzzled by the sudden remark but Sak glanced at the lantern on his shoulder and murmured soothingly.

“calm down. Okay.”


There was nothing on her belt.

But why am I talking to myself like that for no reason?

Hoang the bodyguard asked if this bothered him.

“Are you saying that there is something in Chodae? Just like before you are talking as if there is something…”


It was before I even finished speaking.

A subtle crunching noise heard through the ears.

Hoang looked there.


There were sacks piled up and there was nothing in them.

But again a crunching sound came into my ear.

And here and there.

– Crunchy! Crunchy!


With a tense look on his face Hoang placed his hand on the sword at his waist.

It was an unpleasant sound.

I could hear it all over the place and it was very annoying.

Then Sak waved her hand and spoke in a stern voice.

“Guy. stop.”

As soon as that happened the crunching sound that had been heard here and there just a moment ago stopped in an instant.

Hoin who felt ominous for no reason asked in a somewhat dejected voice.

“Bah…what was that just now?”

In response to her question Sak shook her head left and right and said

“Don’t provoke Gu Ye.”

With those words Sak placed her hand in the empty air above her table and pretended to stroke it.

I did that before too but I couldn’t figure out what was going on.

“There’s nothing but…..”

“Guyeo is very shy.”

“no. “What on earth is going on?”

“Guyeo is the native Imaemangryang of Yeoasan Mountain located at the end of Galsan Mountain.”

“Imaemangryang? “Could it be a monster?”

“It’s similar.”

Imae Mangryang (魑魅魍魎).

To be precise goblins and monsters in the mountains are called imae (魑魅) and monsters living in rivers or the sea are called mangyang (魍魎).

Since ancient times people have called these things “Imaemangryang.”

“Guyeo is Imae Mangyang who became my food spirit. Of course even if they are very shy they will never forgive harm to their owner.”

-Good luck!

As soon as he finished speaking the torch flickered and an unusual shadow appeared behind the table.

‘What is this?’

Hoang saw the shadow and took a step back with a scared face.

There was clearly nothing visible on the table but a large shadow with a body twisted like a snail a bird’s beak and a snake’s tail was waving.

The sight was so bizarre.

“If you have nothing else to do please get out of the way.”

Sac tried to get past João who was terrified.

At that moment Mrs. Seok spoke.

“for a moment!”


“Can you really deal with that vengeful spirit or something?”

The corner of Sak’s mouth who had his back turned to that question slowly rose.

He figured he couldn’t refuse anyway.

Although it is said to be very dangerous at the level of a green spirit if you are a skilled person who knows how to use food spirits you could handle it somehow.

Sak wiped the smile from his lips and turned his head with a serious look.

“The spirit must have been very angry because I received the reverse attack. “If we don’t deal with it immediately there could be a bigger disaster.”

Mrs. Suk looked at Sak with her sharp eyes.

Then she soon made a decision.

“great. Silver coin cloth. “Let me pay.”

“It is prepaid.”


This radioactive bitch.

It seems like he is secretly obsessed with money.

* * *

Her neck gently opened her closed eyes.

Everything was different from when I accepted the energy of health through normal fortune telling techniques.

Rather these cold and dark energies which were accepted as a retrograde technique were able to breathe freely as if they were wearing clothes that fit their body.

It didn’t disappear even after it got into my stomach.

‘Was this the answer?’

This was better than accepting the energy of health that did not suit my body.

What’s more you can even use fortune telling.

But there was one problem.

‘Write it down.’

This energy of death was significantly less than the energy of health.

It was barely even one-tenth.

It was at the same level as dry spring water so no matter how much I prayed it couldn’t be filled properly.

‘It’s a shame.’

If I could secure more energy I felt like I could form something called Danjeon with this energy of death.

Wouldn’t it be quicker to kill someone in moderation and intentionally absorb the energy of death?


Mok Gyeong-un thought about that for a moment.

However it seemed difficult right away.

The more you kill people carelessly the more restrictions there are so even if you were to kill someone a somewhat thorough calculation was necessary.

Otherwise you could end up in trouble like before.

‘Would you rather ask them?’

Demon monks or young spirits who are vengeful spirits would not have known where this energy of death was distributed in large quantities.

So I found a demonic horse.


The horse’s condition looked quite bad.

I was sitting on the floor and leaning against it but there were wounds all over my body and something like a gray haze was rising.

I don’t know why it’s doing this.

Moreover Gowi Gochan was sleeping on the bed in the pharmacy in a strange position as if he had passed out.


What happened while he was crying?

While I was wondering someone’s voice rang out.

-joy. It’s a lot of work. rebirth.

The owner of the voice was Cheongnyeong.

She sits on the bed exhaling thick smoke with her mouth in her mouth.

She said as she lifted Neck Cultivator’s chin by the end of her stick.

-Are you really a living human being?

“I guess he might have died. “My heart is beating normally.”

-Hmm. If he was alive and well he should have drawn the energy of health not the energy of death and performed proper fortune-telling exercises.

“Did that even go wrong?”

Cheongnyeong snorted at Mo Kyung-un’s question.

It is not a concept of something being wrong.

I was just curious about something that deviated from reason.

-Do you ever feel like your heart is going to explode or your head is going to explode?

“Yes by the way.”

-That’s strange. It’s strange. I have never met a sentient being like you.

“Is that so? But can I ask you something?”

In response to Mok Gyeong-un’s question Cheong-ryeong put her gombangdae back in her mouth and took a deep breath. Then she exhaled and said in an annoyed tone.

-Whoa. What do you want to know?

“It’s nothing special. “How can I collect more death energy?”

-What are you going to do with all that? Did you really intend to use that energy to form a Danjeon?

“That’s accurate.”

Cheongryeong twitched her red lips at these words of neck cultivation.

Although he hated this sentient being who had tied him up he was also curious.

If you form a dantian with the energy of death rather than health and deal with it what form will its power take?

‘It is the energy of death in a living human body….’

It’s quite interesting.

She said tapping her fingers with her fingers.

-good. I’ll tell you. There is the easiest way.

“What is that?”

-Just kill it.

“….What if you’re going to kill me?”

-When living things whether human or otherwise die the energy of health changes into the energy of death. That’s probably what you absorbed.

At first even Cheongnyeong was skeptical.

In the first place living humans cannot absorb the energy of death.

Hearing her words Mok Gyeong-un slightly retched her appetite and said

“It’s a shame. I think it would be faster that way but it would be quite annoying. So it seems difficult to kill them right now. “What about other ways?”

‘It’s a shame…’

The more you get to know this guy the more he clearly differs from other ordinary humans.

Should we say that the thinking is completely different?

-If it is difficult change the place and time.

“Where and when?”

-In the first place a place like a pharmacy is a place that saves people. How much energy do you think it will take to collect the energy of death when the energy of health is overflowing?


Mok Kyung-un nodded her head as if she understood.

Seeing this Cheongnyeong shook her head and continued speaking.

-The time when the energy of health is at its peak is at dawn before the sun rises. Because it is the time when life is born it is filled with the energy of good health. When is the opposite?

“Is it around sunset?”

At those words Cheongnyeong sighed and laughed.



-You may think so but there is a different perspective that is full of morale.

“When was that?”

-From the time of the child to the middle of the time of the year. This is called the perspective of the dead.

“The perspective of the dead? “It seems like it.”

-The peak is at axial menarche which is in between. At that time the energy of death is most prevalent.

“If I do that I guess I’ll have to aim for that time. Then it would be a good place to have a place full of evil energy. “For example at the graveside.”

-Your head is spinning that much. rebirth.

Cheongnyeong raised the corners of her red mouth.

Then she immediately looked down probably because she was aware of her own expression.

Mok Gyeong-un sighed inwardly at the sight of the young man like this but spoke without showing it.

“Thank you for letting me know. But can you tell me why Gochan Guard and Ma Seung are acting like that?”

This was also a car I was curious about.

-You’re curious too quickly. That sentient being is you…

Cheongryeong quickly changed the subject as if he felt it was a waste to say that he did that because he was trying to prevent him from committing suicide through retrograde luck.

She is trying to talk while pointing at the demonic horse.

-Whoa whoa whoa….

A strange sound was heard from outside.

It sounded like a bird crying or in some ways it sounded like a fox crying.

As I was puzzled by this I heard a crunching sound from somewhere.

Mok Kyung-un looked there.


It seemed to be near the left side of the bed but there was nothing there.

– Crunchy!

But this time the sound came from the right side.

So I looked there again but this time there seemed to be nothing.

This was a car that thought this was strange.

-square! square! square! square! Sssssssssssss!

Sounds came from all over the place.

When I turned my gaze towards that place something black was creeping up and filling the floor.

They were none other than bugs.

There were all kinds of bugs and the number of them was difficult to count.

“…What is this?”

-It turned out to be more troublesome than I thought. rebirth.


-Guyeo da.

This appears in the Mountain Sea Classic one of the three major forbidden books in the Central Plains:

Deep in the mountains of Yeasan Mountain there lives a beast named Gu-yeo.

It has a bird’s beak in its mouth eyes like an owl and a tail like a snake.

Gu Yeo avoids people.

Guyeo’s cries sound like she’s calling her own name.

The place where Guyeo appears is bound to be infested with bugs and you cannot harvest even a single grain of rice so it eventually becomes a wasteland.



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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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