Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 293

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<Episode 81 Joining (2)>


The boy curled up like a shrimp and wrapped himself as the whip flew at him.

As the whipping continued the boy’s clothes gradually became stained with blood.

The face of the screaming boy was distorted like a demon as if he was blaming everything in the world.

‘On earth…what on earth did I do wrong?’

I was just born mixed-blood.

But is this a sin?

Should I be discriminated against and looked down upon just because I don’t have black eyes and have lighter skin?

I don’t know how it ended up like this.

-slap! slap!

[Die the damn Byeok-an bastard! asleep! People like you are better off dead!]

The boy’s eyes began to tremble as he continued to be verbally abused and whipped.

Beyond the suffering and pain anger began to overtake reason and it soon overflowed with murderous intent.

‘I’m going to kill you. ‘I’ll kill you.’

The restraints on his arms didn’t matter.

All you have to do is bite that guy’s neck off with your teeth.

The boy overcome by evil looked for an opportunity with eagle eyes.

Then the moment his hand from whipping got tired and stopped for a moment.


With a scream he rushed towards the slave trader who was whipping him.

There was only one goal.

Biting the goddamn neck off.

Even if it means dying on the spot I have the determination to kill just that one guy…


However before he could reach him he was caught by someone’s kick and fell down.

It was the slave trader’s guard warrior who knocked him down.

[Who the damn blue-eyed bastard dares attack!]


As he fell the slave trader stepped on him with red bloodshot eyes.

When he kicked he had no regard for the boy’s life or death.

He was just busy letting off his anger.



It hurt so much but the boy bit his lip and held back his cries.

This was because he thought that showing his suffering was helping the slave trader vent his anger.


‘Would it be better to die like this…?’

As his consciousness gradually faded from the pain he longed for death.

Then it happened.

-Wow! thud! Roll and roll!

At that time something rolled in front of the boy.

[Yes you what…]


Hot liquid splashed and wetted the boy’s body.

The boy who had been crouching down soon raised his head in puzzlement.

I saw something amazing in his eyes.

It was the head of a slaver with bloodshot eyes as if he had not realized his own throat had been cut.

How on earth did this happen?

The boy who was dazed as he looked at the guy’s severed head soon raised his head and looked at someone standing in front of him.

It was a beautiful girl with flowing blood-red hair.

The girl scattered the blood-stained sword on the floor glanced at the boy and then turned to leave the barracks.

I didn’t know why.

The boy who had been in a daze soon stumbled and hurriedly got up and ran towards the girl shouting.

[Please take me with you.]

* * *

[Please take me with you too!]

Suddenly the eyes of Mara Hyun the masked gold-wisher who remembered her first meeting with Yerin the six-thousand-ho faintly trembled as if she was in a complicated state of mind.

She was her benefactor who saved her life from falling into the abyss and even taught her martial arts.

The woman who accepted me without any prejudice said that she would leave her side and just by leaving her lips everything felt heavy.

He may not have known anyone else but he did not want to disappoint her who was her gift.

At that time So Yerin opened her mouth.

“…Why? Why can’t she return to the imperial palace?”

“I’m sorry. miss.”

“Don’t just say you’re sorry tell me why.”


“I told you to tell me why.”

She was speaking softly as usual but Mara-hyeon who had been with her for a long time could sense a faint excitement in her voice.

At this Mara-hyeon her heart becoming heavy hesitated before opening her mouth.

“Namjinsa saw me. “If she goes back she will be a traitor.”

It was a cause she had thought of in advance.

No it wasn’t just a justification in the first place it was also a fact.

Unlike her who covered her face with a mask she pretended to be her original identity in order to get them to safely pass out of the imperial palace so she was in a position where she could not return to the imperial palace.

If she goes back she will be caught right away by the Namjin warrior.

In that case even though her face was not exposed even So Ye-rin the eunsa who came in with Geum could have become suspicious of her.

“I’m sorry. “I can’t be a bother to you young lady.”

“Who says it’s a nuisance? “Do you think I can’t even protect you?”

“….You will be holding onto the lady’s ankles.”

“It doesn’t matter. “I will protect you in any way…”

“I have already made my decision.”

“decision? “It’s your decision to leave me as you please…”

“no. “I’m not just going to leave.”


“I would like to have Prince Mu Gyeong-un here as my lord.”


So Ye-rin’s expression hardened at Mara-hyeon’s words.

Mara-hyeon was an honest and loyal man.

Since he has been with me for a long time I am not only his student but also his colleague and like his younger brother.

She couldn’t help but be confused when he told her that he would leave her side and go under someone else’s wing without any warning.


Mara-hyeon felt bitter inside at her reaction.

But she soon came to her senses and said:

“I’m sorry. Confucius Mok Gyeong-un saved me when I almost died from blood exhaustion. So I want to spend the rest of my life serving Confucius.”


Hearing his words So Ye-rin closed her mouth.

If her identity was exposed and she was going to leave because it was a problem all she had to do was take various measures such as a bast mask.

But she couldn’t hold him for this reason.

No if you catch it you will be ignoring Mara-hyeon’s decision.

“Mara cloth…no Mara string.”


“stop. Why should I apologize for that? “You say you’ll return the favor but how can I hold you back?”

‘Ahh. miss.’

Mara Hyun who was lowering his head closed his eyes.

He still didn’t think he had repaid her in full for all the favors he had received from her.

However there was someone who knew the truth about his father’s death which had remained hidden for a long time.

If he missed this opportunity he might never come again.

‘Again… If I get another chance I will definitely return the favor.’

She was a gift that allowed her who was mixed race to live like a human being.

Because she left like this I had no desire to come back to her side again.

He just wanted to repay her favor in some way.

Meanwhile So Ye-rin approached Mok Gyeong-un and put her hands together and said politely.

“Confucius. “Then since I cannot be away for a long time I will return to the imperial palace.”

“iced coffee. Of course you should.”

“If you have any information about the mark please contact me. Of course if I learn anything I will share the information.”

“I will.”

“Then good luck.”

With those words she stopped for a moment as she was about to turn her steps but then she turned her head and said to Mok Gyeong-un.

“Please take care of Marahyeon.”

Mok Kyung-un shrugged his shoulders at her request.

So Ye-rin who accepted this as an affirmation smiled bitterly and then looked at her flesh-and-blood plain Ha.

Then with her simple expression Ha also gave a bow to Mok Gyeong-un and she immediately tore a part of her clothes and handed it over.

The number was engraved on the hem of the clothes: [百二十六].

“How about this?”

“Thanks to your successor Confucius I was able to come back into the world like this. “I will never forget this great favor I received from Confucius.”

“I didn’t mean to so you don’t have to be that grateful.”

“Even so if it weren’t for Confucius I would never have come out. That fact remains the same.”

At her words Mok Gyeong-un twitched her lips and spoke.

“Well if you think so it’s a hint of gratitude….”

“I cannot teach you that because it is a skill that only the master of the original sect and the original sect can master.”

Even before Mo Kyung-un could finish his words Dam Baek-ha sharply refused.

Mok Gyeong-un who had been trying to ask for Gu-gyeol who had hinted at her tasted her regretfully.

It was quite an interesting method so I wanted to know the exact composition.

She said to Mok Gyeong-un who looked so regretful pointing with her eyes at the hem of her clothes that had been turned over by her plain clothes.

“Even so how can you not return the favor? I would like to join the Association of Associations which is a group of followers of this church for the purpose of rebuilding the church so if there is anything I can do to help even if it is insufficient please send me this. “I will rush to help Confucius in one month.”

Mok Kyung-un smiled at her words.

Although she described herself as lacking she was a great expert who was close to the level of Hyeon-gyeong.

She said that she would come and help at any time if such a master made a request so she had acquired a useful hand.

* * *

So Ye-rin and Dambaek-ha a six-blooded person went their separate ways.

When they left and the presence was completely gone Mok Gyeong-un chuckled and then turned his gaze to Mara-hyeon and said.

“ruler. Now that we’re gone shall we hear the real reason?”

Marahyeon’s eyes visible through the gap in her mask narrowed at Mokgyeongun’s words.

There was bewilderment in her eyes.

“What are you talking about…”

“You can’t lie to me.”


With these words Mo Qingyun raised his demonic energy.

At that moment Mara-hyeon’s eyes turned black with demonic energy and she who had been trying to hide her true feelings revealed her true feelings without realizing it.

“My mother and my damned father are dead because of that damned old woman you stole from the gold house.”



As soon as he finished speaking Nie Chun and Meng Wuyue hurriedly blocked the space between Seonghwa Lingju and him.

Their goal was to safely bring the Holy Spirit Spell to the Heaven and Earth Association.

However no matter how loyal she was to Mok Kyung-un if Mara Hyun’s purpose on the top of this mask was to avenge her she should never have gotten close to her.

“What? Weren’t we on the same side?”

The apostate Monk Jaejeongjeong who read the atmosphere also boosted his energy and prepared to go out at any time.

At that time the Holy Spirit stumbled with an expression of embarrassment.

‘This can’t be right…’

When she saw the walls of Marahyeon she was filled with wonder.

But because of what she said just now she was certain of his identity.

She opened her mouth with a trembling voice.

“Are you the son of a priest?”

“shut up!”

At that time Mara Hyeon roughly threw off her mask and shouted at her.

Even though his eyes were stained black with demonic energy his emotions had already become intense.

“Mya Hyun…”

“I told you to shut your mouth!”

Mara Hyun tried to throw her new weapon at her with her Ilgal.

At that moment someone pressed down on his shoulder.


Mara Hyeon tried to shake off this by raising his strength but the opponent’s strength was so strong that he was forced to kneel on one knee.


‘Who who? ah!’

Someone did it and it was none other than Mok Gyeong-un.

Mok Kyung-un placed both hands on his shoulders and said with a grin.

“If you run wild you’ll be in trouble. “No matter what the story is Mara Cheonho didn’t take that person out to do as he pleases.”

Although he said it casually it was a clear warning.

If I put just a little more pressure on his hand it seemed like it would never end up being crushed by his shoulder.

In response Mara Hyeon endured the pain and opened his mouth.

“Confucius…if you will entrust me with the disposal of this damned old woman I will give it to you…with a horse. “With all my might I will pledge my allegiance.”

“Are we negotiating?”

“Dear Confucius I will be more helpful to you than that old woman.”

Hearing his words Mok Gyeong-un sneered and sneered.

Then she whispered into his ear.

“You value yourself quite highly.”

“Confucius… It’s true. “I am willing to give up my life for Confucius…”

“That’s too bad.”

“What is that?”

“Value changes depending on the situation. “Mara Cheonho was quite useful in the imperial palace but he is worth more to me now.”


“So let me make this clear here and now.”


Mok Gyeong-un’s grip tightened.

A small groan came out of Mara-hyeon’s mouth as the pain felt like his shoulder was going to break.

“Turn it off.”

“I hope you will put any thoughts of touching him out of your mind until I finish my business.”


“I quite like Mara Cheonho. But if you ignore my kind warning unfortunately I will have no choice but to do the same with my own hands.”

Eupcham (泣斬馬謖).

The word originated from an anecdote in which Zhuge Liang a soldier of the Shu Dynasty cut off his head in bitterness because his favorite general Ma Sok was defeated for disobeying orders.

It also meant that no matter how talented a person was he would not forgive anyone who violated his name and rules.

Marahyeon didn’t say anything to Mokgyeongun’s words.

Seeing this Meng Wuyak and Nie Chun were worried.

‘If the Seonghwa Spiritual Master is no different from his parents’ enemy will that Master of the Geumuiwiwi readily accept the master’s warning?’

‘If it’s going to be a variable it would be better to separate it now rather than give a warning.’

He is a person who left the person he was originally with and chose revenge.

Would such a person obediently follow his master’s orders?

At that time Mok Gyeong-un took his hands off Mara-hyeon’s shoulders that were pressing him down.


Are you really trying to get away with just this warning?

It was the moment I did it.


At that time Mara Hyun suddenly knelt down on one knee towards Mo Kyung-un and put his hands together to show respect.

Then he lowered his head and spoke politely.

“Mara County is planning to take Confucius Mokgyeongun as its lord. He intends to stay by his side and be loyal to his horse Jiro so please keep his promise.”


‘What is this?’

The two people could not hide their surprise at his sudden pledge of loyalty.

It was thought that he might have resented the fact that he had been forcibly prevented from taking revenge but he suddenly swore an oath of loyalty.

But what does the promise attached at the end mean?

Did the lord promise something?

I couldn’t figure out what the English sentence was.

As Mara-hyeon bowed his head and pledged allegiance the words Mok Gyeong-un said lingered in his mind.

[I hope you will put the thought of touching him out of his mind until my business is done.]

The premise was ‘until my business is done.’

Mok Gyeong-un tapped Mara-hyeon on the shoulder and said with a wry smile.

“I like it because you have a clear sense of humor.”

tree tillage

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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