Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 28

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Episode 8 The Energy of Death (3)

Guard Gao Chan who was staring at Mo Qingyun soon calmed his breathing.

Everything this guy tells sounds like a lie.

It is impossible for a guy who does not even know the exact definition of martial arts or internal arts to feel the energy in less than half a day by studying it on his own by reading a secret book.

No it could happen.

This would be possible only if the talent for radish could be said to be almost heavenly.

‘Even for those who have a natural sense of spirit the first time is difficult.’

But it is said that Mok Gyeong-un did just that.

To be honest I couldn’t believe it but there was no reason for this devil to lie about something like this.

Well this was a simple problem.

Just check.

Is it true or not?

“Confucius. “Can you please check it yourself?”


“It is said that Confucius accepted energy through the Tonap method so you can just do that. “I will check to see if Sokha regains his energy along the way.”

“Let’s see if that’s possible?”

“It’s not that difficult to confirm.”

“I see. Then let me ask you a favor.”

“All right.”

Mok Gyeong-un sat cross-legged on the bed.

Well it wasn’t that difficult up to this point so there was nothing wrong with it.

Mok Kyung-un who took this position closed his eyes and slowly breathed.


Gochan looked at this closely.

Then he got down from the bed and approached Mok Gyeong-un’s side.


“It’s just for confirmation so don’t worry about it and just keep focusing on the Tonap method.”

With those words he put his two fingers together and placed them on one of the acupuncture points on Mokyungun’s neck.

Even if it is a faint energy you can feel it if it is becoming a lucky energy through the Tonap method.

I don’t have high expectations but you never know…


Go Chan frowned.

What’s going on?

He was the one who thought that it could not be possible.



Energy was truly flowing through my veins.

This means that you are properly sensing energy and accepting it.

Go Chan was beyond absurd.

Even at the age of 3 or 4 which is known to have the most sensitive Qi sense it was really difficult to sense Qi in less than half a day.

No matter how good you are 15 days is the norm and if you’re unlucky several months are more than enough.

However during neck cultivation a lot of waste had accumulated in his blood vessels and his energy level was low but he felt energy in just one day.

‘Does this guy really have martial arts?’

Go Chan’s eyes changed.

Although he had been doubtful until just now he felt that maybe it was possible.

In all things unconditionality does not exist.

Exceptions exist.

Mok Gyeong-un could have been such a being.

‘Let’s take a look.’

He said that his energy was dissipating so he had to check it himself to find out the cause.

Gao Chan spoke quietly to Mo Gyeong-un.

“Let’s put some effort into it and take a look. “Even if it’s uncomfortable please be patient.”


Because he was practicing meditation Mok Gyeong-un nodded his head very slightly.


Gochan concentrated and infused the true energy into Mokgyeongun’s Qimunhyeol (期門穴).

He passed through Liangmen and Zhongwan and continued his journey to the vicinity of Danjeon to trace the path of Mu Qingyun’s fortune.

In the process Gochan could not help but be surprised again.

‘….What is this guy?’

It is necessary to practice Tonap method from a young age to prevent waste from accumulating in the path of fortune.

But now there was almost no waste in Mok Gyeong-un’s blood vessels.

It’s like looking at a 3 or 4 year old child.

‘How can this be? He must have never learned inner skills right?

It was a truly bizarre phenomenon.

In order for one’s blood vessels to be clean at this age without practicing Tonapbeop it is impossible without receiving at least a long period of chagunggwahyeol (推宮過穴) from a profound Naga expert.

Go Chan looked at the back of Mo Kyung-un’s head with a questioning face.

‘Didn’t you say that you and your grandfather lived in the mountains?’

What on earth?

Gochan who had doubts soon shook his head and sent his energy to the vicinity of Danjeon.

We’re almost there.

First of all there was one guess.

‘It seems likely that the reason they disperse is because they have just absorbed the energy.’

That was usually the case.

At best it is a tree cultivation practice that has been performed for less than half a day.

No matter how much energy was gathered the amount was too small and there was a high probability that it would disperse rather than form a proper dantian….


At that moment Gochan got goosebumps.

He felt something cold and goosebumps.



I didn’t remove his palm but the connected energy was cut off.

What phenomenon is this?

Gochan who was frowning at him soon breathed his true energy into the Qimun acupuncture point again out of curiosity.

And he sent it again to the vicinity of Danjeon.



Once again the strange feeling and the charm that came with it were cut off.

No to be precise they were scattered.

Go Chan was momentarily dazed.


It was difficult to understand what this phenomenon was.

It was not the energy that Mok Gyeong-un had absorbed but his own true energy.

However the moment it reached the Danjeon area it lost control and scattered and disappeared.

Why is this like this?

This couldn’t have been done unless it was to cut off Jinki directly.

I couldn’t understand it but I heard Mok Gyeong-un’s voice.

“The energy of the Gochan escort has also dissipated?”

“…Did you feel that too?”


‘It’s amazing. This guy has an incredible sense of humor.’

To this extent I could only assume that he was born with instinct.

He has just begun to accept energy and he is said to be able to contemplate the energy of others.

His tongue sticks out.

What if this guy had learned martial arts when he was young?

‘He may have been a martial artist comparable to the youngest Confucius.’

Mok Yu-cheon the youngest Confucius of Yeonmok Geomjang.

The talent was so overwhelming that it was doubtful whether it would be passed down to three generations of Yeonmok Swordmasters.

He is a monster who reached the level of a first-class expert at the age of fourteen and reached the peak at the age of sixteen just two years later.

It is truly an overwhelming talent.

But it was thought that if this guy had started earlier too he might have been close to that.

Unless there is just one problem.

‘Why are you scattering?’

He sent it again just now.

But it was still the same.

He said the reason would have been obvious if the fine energy he had gathered through the Tonap method had dispersed but he could not figure out the reason for this.


“Do you know why?”

“I’m sorry but it’s difficult to know the reason based on your skills.”

Although his pride was hurt Gochan was only second-rate.

The Murim people called those who reached a first-class level a master.

Even though they were stronger than ordinary people they could not be said to have reached the level of experts or masters.

“I think it would be difficult to know unless the expert looks more closely than the subordinate.”

“Still he has learned martial arts so is there anything you can guess?”

“….I don’t know. “Something foreign energy is felt near Confucius’ Danjeon but it is difficult to figure out what it is.”

It was completely different from my inner strength.

It was such a cold and unpleasant feeling that he wasn’t even sure if it was right to call it energy.

Mok Gyeong-un asked this old Chan in a low voice.

“Then I won’t just turn around and ask. If we keep doing this won’t we be able to form a dantian?”

A straightforward question.

Go Chan was embarrassed and answered.

“…To be honest yes. If the energy collected through the Tonap method continues to disperse it is impossible to form a Danjeon.”

“In the end ‘that’ becomes the problem.”


“no. no. “I’m talking to myself.”

With those words Mok Kyung-un stroked his chin.

Although Gochan couldn’t figure it out exactly the cause seemed to have become clear.

It seems that the cause is the dead energy near the danjeon.


What should I do about this?

The energy absorbed through the Tonap technique is dissipated as if it does not match this.

And it was impossible to move morale with this Tonap method or fortune telling method.

I couldn’t think of a way to solve this problem.

‘It’s difficult.’

In the first place the purpose was to learn martial arts.

That monster-like man I met back then.

When I tried to get that feeling back I still couldn’t even think of beating that man or even confronting him.

‘Are you unable to learn martial arts?’

If that was the case there was no reason for him to be here.

For a moment Mok Kyung-un’s mind became confused.

It was difficult for him to be truly discouraged just yet.

As Gochan said he was only second-class so he may not have been able to figure out the exact cause.

Is getting help from a proper expert like that the answer?

It was the car he was thinking about.

“It’s so strange. “If you look at the way it dissipates true energy it seems to be completely opposite to the energy generated by normal luck…”

“First half?”

In response to Mok Gyeong-un’s question Go Chan waved his hand and said.

“That’s just my guess. “You don’t need to listen too much…”

“First half….First half….”

Mo Kyung-un frowned and was lost in thought.

The moment he heard the word ‘sangsang’ he felt cold at first and had a similar feeling when he absorbed the yin energy of death.

If we consider that the energy received through breathing is vital energy that is living energy this is literally dead energy.

So maybe the method was wrong in the first place?

Mok Gyeong-un came to his own conclusion and spoke.

“What Gochan Howie said is correct. “I need to reverse the fortune-telling method and the method of tonap.”

With those words Mok Kyung-un closed his eyes.

He wanted to put into practice what he had realized.


For a moment Go Chan could not hide his embarrassment.

Did he say that he is now practicing the law of ungi and tonap in reverse?

For a moment he couldn’t believe his ears.

Tonapbeop was originally a type of health method derived from Taoism and was a method of invigorating vitality and energy.

However going against this was literally an act of accepting death and evil energy.

Moreover if you reverse your fortune it is said to be the antidote to reverse blood and you will end up falling into the devil.

“Lord Confucius! Stop! You can even wear a coin coat!”

Juhwa-Ipma (走火入魔).

This was a phenomenon that occurred even if the energy in the body was slightly distorted.

However even if it was slightly distorted this would happen but if the direction of fortune itself was completely reversed it would be no different from choosing to commit suicide.


The corners of Cheongnyeong’s mouth who was watching this went up.

What does that stupid guy do? He is doing stupid things with his poor knowledge.

-How can you think like that?

Even the reverse blood clot method created after a long period of research by the main school has many cases in which the dantian is destroyed after casting or the side effects are so severe that the person becomes incapacitated or dies.

However a baby who has not even formed a Danjeon reverses his fortune on his own.

It was literally an act of suicide.

-If you do well you will find freedom.

The young man chuckled and said to the demon monk.

If it is harmed from the outside or if a food spirit tries to harm it it will eventually return to flesh.

However if it means taking one’s own life the situation is different.

If that happened they might also be able to escape from their bondage and regain their freedom.

-Do not disturb. rebirth.


Cheongnyeong lightly swung the gombangdae.

Then Gochan’s body which was trying to stop Mokgyeongun was pushed out of its own accord and he was forced to lie down on the bed he was lying on clinging to it.



Gochan embarrassed tried to raise his body by pulling up his internal energy.

But he didn’t move.

“Go ball….ugh!”

-fizzle. You have to be quiet.

Gochan couldn’t even move his lips from Cheongryeong’s single gesture.

Meanwhile Mokgyeongun was already practicing Tonapbeop and Ungi in reverse.

Seeing this Cheongryeong twitched his red lips.

-If you die on your own I will personally dissect your soul.

I was really looking forward to it.



White breath flowed from Mok Gyeong-un who was performing fortune telling.


The breath was not warm but very cold and yin.

Just a little while ago he was a young man who thought that Mokgyeong-un was going to die because he suffered a curse while trying to reverse his fortune.

But when things went in a different direction than expected one eyebrow naturally rose.


It’s a sight I’ve never seen before.

Conversely when I try to pray for fortune why are the negative energies gathering around me?

It was clearly visible in the ghost’s eyes.

The world was not only filled with vitality and positive energy.

Naturally since the energies of yin and yang were balanced the moral and negative energies were also equally distributed.

But there was an important fact here.

That is living beings cannot sense or feel this opposing energy.

But what is this?


Mokyungun a living being attracts the energy of death right?

It was something I couldn’t understand.



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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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