Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 271

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< Episode 74: Underground Gold Jade (2) >


Mokgyeongun which involves unrolling the Geumokjeondo scroll and then rolling it back into a bamboo container.

There was someone watching him closely who had the face of Mok-gyeong-un or Bae Ji-seok to be exact.

He was none other than Zhou Yunxiang who was assigned to Wugan Geumok.

He had not yet arrived at the third basement level and he was puzzled about opening the Geumok evangelism.

But Mok Kyung-un’s expression bothered me.

‘What is it?’

The expression on my face after watching Geumok Jeondo felt like something was not smooth.

At this Joo Yun-hyang looked with suspicion at the wooden case of Geumokjeondo worn on his belt.

Is there something to evangelism?

I had my doubts but there was no way to confirm anything right away.

One by one the cadets were deployed to their assigned areas and the only ones left at the end were Zhou Yunxiang and Yeomgyeong who were deployed to Infinite Geumok.

When we arrived at the lowest floor the only remaining people were two people and two gunsmiths from the Gold Armed Forces.

However even if you come down to the lowest floor it is an apprenticeship so contrary to the assumption that you will be assigned to the area closest to the exit the two guns who followed you as gunners were in charge of that area.

Yeom-gyeong who had been holding back for fear of being deducted again eventually protested.

“We’re in the inner zone?”


“However even if we look at Geumok Jeondo it is difficult to see such a winding cave road.”

“So you’re telling me to at least change the arrangement because you’re scared that you have to rush to distribute food at the moment?”

“That’s not what I meant…”

“If your points are deducted just once you will be eliminated from the Gold Council selection process.”

Yeomgyeong had no choice but to keep his mouth shut after hearing these words from the Geumuiwigun’s gun.

I glared at him as if telling him to say something but Zhou Yunxiang did not express any dissatisfaction.

In the end they had no choice but to part ways with the only remaining gunner Geumwiwi Gun and head deeper into Mugan Geumok.

Yeomgyeong who was pulling a food cart with a torch on it stopped along the passage.

The area marked Jeong (丁) was where he would be deployed.

‘That’s a good thing. ‘Not at the very end.’

I had to be relieved by this.

As he was about to enter the cave with the word Jeong engraved on the wall Zhou Yunxiang suddenly called to him.


He turned his head to see why he was calling him but before he knew it Zhou Yunxiang came in front of him.

“What is it? you?”

Although he disliked Joo Woon-hyang he was a Yeom-gyeong who decided that he could not attack him carelessly after seeing him when measuring his strength.

Maybe that’s why I couldn’t help but feel discouraged without even realizing it.

Unhyang held out her hand to him and said.

“Let’s take a look at your Geumokjeon too.”


“Let me see yours.”

I couldn’t figure out why he was doing this but Joo Yun-hyang’s eyes were focused on the scroll of Geumjeokjeondo that was pinned to Yeomgyeong’s waist.

Accordingly Yeomgyeong who was already intimidated by the fact that they had already come all the way to the Mugan Geumok and were alone reluctantly passed on the evangelism.

Zhou Yunxiang who had accepted Yan Jing’s Geumyuk evangelism scroll opened his own and Yan Jing’s evangelism scrolls at the same time.



Evangelism was no different at all.

* * *

Mok Gyeong-un moved through the aisles pulling a distribution cart.

The whole time he was moving Mok Gyeong-un’s mind was calculating the route to Mugan Geumok.

He was placed on the opposite side of the passage going down to the basement so he had to calculate the various organ devices and the gold jade guards placed in the middle of the passage.

After thinking about this for a while Geum-ok the first prisoner in charge appeared.

There was a thick iron bar blocking the cave-like area.

‘It smells bad.’

I thought the smell got worse as I went downstairs but the prisoners on the third floor Geumok were not treated very well as human beings.

He had peed and urinated inside that narrow gold house and was left there.


Mok Gyeong-un covered his nose with his sleeve.

It was disgusting because my sense of smell was more developed.

It seemed like they changed it every now and then but considering the amount of buildup and the smell being so bad that it made me dizzy the cycle seemed to be quite long.

‘It’s inefficient.’

This method of confinement seemed appropriate for causing suffering in the long run but it didn’t really suit my taste.

Wouldn’t it be more efficient to imprint the pain clearly even if only briefly and then kill it cleanly rather than simply leaving it alone and letting it get used to it?

Rather than wasting unnecessary manpower and space.

Mok Gyeong-un opened the ration box.


As soon as he did that the violent prisoner clung to the bars stretched out his hands and screamed.

“rice! rice!”

The eyes visible through the scattered hair were far from human.

It was the kind of eyes that were only faithful to basic needs.

In fact it was even more strange that if you were trapped alone in this dark and humid gold prison for a long time you would not go crazy.


The prisoner holds on to the bars with his bony arms and holds out his hands.

Mok Gyeong-un who was staring at the prisoner quickly handed over the rice balls that were in the ration box.

The prisoner who received the rice ball snatched it went inside and ate it hungrily in a corner.

He was afraid that he might be taken away.

Seeing this Mo Qingyun twitched the corner of his mouth.

‘You’re closer to a beast.’

This is kind of interesting.

In the end humans seem to get closer to their most primal instincts if you peel back a layer.

Soon Mok-gyeong-un scooped up water with a square bowl and poured it into the trumpet-shaped hole next to Geum-ok’s iron bars.


The water that flowed in was caught in a small hole dug inside the gold jade.

Rice and water are provided only once a day.

The ration is only enough to barely sustain one’s life.

‘I understand why the Geumui Committee members of the Four Masters were anxious to go to other ministries.’

It is an interesting sight that brings humanity closer to its essence but in the minds of ordinary people working in a place like this itself could be quite embarrassing.

Mokgyeongun soon moved to the next Geumok.

He completed the second and third distributions and pulled the cart for the fourth distribution further inside.

The passage was really complicated.

‘It’s a maze itself.’

It might be difficult to remember if the shape was neat but if it was this winding it was difficult to remember.

The distance from one golden prison to another was quite long and the passage was shaped like a maze perhaps to prevent possible prison escapes.

In addition the intersections were almost similar so it was inevitable that it would be confusing.

‘Well it doesn’t matter because I memorize all the evangelism.’

In Mok Gyeong-un’s mind these roads did not appear simply flat but three-dimensional.

Therefore he never really got lost.

I was pulling a cart and heading to Geumok which was close to the passage that naturally led down to the underground.


-Kirilik! thud!


A strange sound and a scream could be heard not far away.

Mok Kyung-un turned his head and looked in the direction where the sound came from.

‘…Over there?’

The direction from which the sound was heard was where the engine-powered trap was activated.

Why did I hear a scream from over there?


But why is it so painful that the screaming continues?

If it continued it seemed like the guards of the prison that is the guards who were always on standby and the guns of the Geumui Committee might come.


‘There’s nothing I can do.’

-Sigh! Ugh!

Mok Gyeong-un moved there blocking the sound from spreading through the true energy.

And soon I discovered a place where numerous arrows had been stuck on the floor as if an engine-type trap had been triggered.

In front of him was someone with arrows stuck all over his body.

That someone was none other than a cadet named Jong-hu Ahn who was assigned to the third floor of Geumok with him.


I thought I knew why he screamed.

Mo Kyung-un approached him.

Then Ahn Jong-hu a cadet who was in pain saw Mok Gyeong-un and desperately asked for help.

“Off…please save me.”

He had earnest eyes as if he didn’t want to die.

Mok Gyeong-un approached him bowed down and said.

“I think it’s already too late for that.”

“Cough… turn off… please… please…”

Mo Qingyun looked at his details with dry eyes.

Arrows had already been lodged in various parts of the abdomen and chest and the bleeding was so severe that there was no hope.

The only areas that were intact were the face above the collarbone and the left arm.


“I don’t know why I came into a place where there was an organ transplant and was so upset.”

“What… what are you talking about… lil… I just… go along the path…”

“Evangelism Street? “You didn’t see evangelism wrong did you?”

“That can’t be right…. Cough cluck….Knock! omg! omg!”

Cadet Ahn Jong-hu started coughing blood and soon found himself unable to breathe properly probably because his airway was blocked.

Mok Gyeong-un who was staring at him in pain suddenly


He captured his blood.

When I pressed his acupuncture points An Jong-hu immediately closed his eyes and lowered his head to the side.

It was just an acupuncture point that made him fall asleep but it was able to allow him to go on without any more pain.

Of course it wasn’t done out of pity or mercy.

Mok Gyeong-un who had been looking at the dead face for a while soon saw the wooden barrel held in his right hand.

There was an arrow stuck in his wrist but the wooden case containing the gold jade message was still intact.

Mok Gyeong-un opened the wooden container and took out the Geumok Jeondo.

And I opened it


One of Mok Kyung-un’s eyebrows rose upward as he looked at Jeon Jeon.

Unsurprisingly the evangelism that Cadet Ahn Jong-hu had was exactly the same as the incorrect evangelism he had been provided with.

‘You’ve turned your head a bit.’

* * *

Just half an hour ago

Yukcheonho Lim Gyu-wol was puzzled and asked the guard Mokseom.

“yes? Are you saying that we should change all the Geumok Missions that will lead to the 3rd floor of Geumok and the Infinite Geumok to fake ones?”

“I see.”

Lim Gyu-wol frowned at Mukseom’s instructions.

If that happens there will be another accident besides Bae Ji-seok (Mok Kyung-un) and Joo Woon-hyang.

Is there any need to sacrifice innocent people for something that only needs to be dealt with by one person?

To the puzzled man Mukseom spoke while holding the scroll tied with red thread that Six Heavenly Lake Im Gyu-wol had tried to destroy.

“There is no way that someone with even a little keen eye would not notice such a blatant trap. “Isn’t that right?”

“I didn’t do that on purpose I just marked it so I wouldn’t get confused later and give it to him. “I was thinking of changing it again.”

“It doesn’t matter what happens. “He said he knew it anyway so it would be better to use it now.”

“What does it mean to use?”

“Give the same message to all the apprentices who are supposed to be with him.”


Guard Muksum said tapping his head with his finger.

“Let his head roll more. “If you’re dealing with smart guys you can’t be simple you have to think twice and triple.”


* * *



Zhou Yunxiang’s expression hardened.

I just stepped on something and went inside.

The moment I swallowed my saliva and looked down in despair.


At that moment arrow-like things rained down from the ceiling.


Zhou Yunxiang was in such a hurry that he didn’t even have time to think so he grabbed the torch and threw his body forward rolling forward.

A rain of arrows hit the ration cart where he was standing.

If I had been a little late I would have been hit by an arrow.


He moved to the mission station but why did the agency Jinsik trap here activate?

Something was strange.

Yeomgyeong and his Geumok evangelism were the same.

That means there’s no way he was playing a trick with evangelism so why…


For a moment Zhou Yunxiang frowned.

Since the evangelism was the same I naturally thought that there was no way to deceive something through evangelism.

However if he gave the same message with the intention of sacrificing other cadets to target him…

-Quick! grasp!


The moment he picked it up he was thrown back by a huge blade flying from the side of the wall.


It was that moment.

The bottom of the cave that supported the floor collapsed.

Since it was almost 4 chapters long I had no idea what to do.


Zhou Yunxiang fell to the dead floor.


After Joo Woon-hyang fell the engine propulsion system was operated in reverse again and the dug-out floor was lifted upward as if it had never happened before.

-Jump jump jump!

After some time two people walked there.

That someone was the guns of the Geumuiwiwi who came to Mugan Geumok with Zhou Yunhyang and Yeomgyeong.

One of the gunners on top of Geum looked at the place where only the food cart was left and raised the corner of his mouth and said.

“One person has been dealt with.”

* * *

Similar time.

Geumok 3rd floor underground.

The two deployed Geumuiwi guns arrived at the place where the engine-type trap was triggered.

There was a cadet lying there with arrows stuck all over his body.

He was definitely dead as there was no sound of breathing or even the slightest movement.

A member of the Geumuiui Committee approached the body and turned the body’s face to the side to identify the person.


The firearm confirmed this and said with a smile.

“Things turned out better than I expected.”

“no way?”

“okay. “This is Bae Ji-seok.”

“Good. I thought I would feel pity if the guy I was stationed with died first… but I’m so lucky. “I will go up and report to him so you can find that guy named Ahn Jong-hu before he enters the military camp.”

“I understand.”

As one person’s gun left the other person also tried to place the body upright before finding cadet Ahn Jong-hu.

Then the Geumuiwi’s gun stopped and stared intently at the dead cadet Bae Ji-seok.

He was dead anyway so without being careful I grabbed his face and turned it around but I felt something pushing my skin.

But it wasn’t just a feeling.


The skin was pushed out.

No not only the part that was touched was pushed away but the entire skin was pushed to the side giving the facial skin a strange shape.

‘What the hell is this……’


At that time someone placed a hand on his shoulder.

The Surprised Geumwiwi Gun shook it off and tried to widen the distance by firing a new gun forward.

But how strong was the force pressing down on his shoulders.


I just fell down on the floor.

As he collapsed and was embarrassed a voice came to his ear.

“I didn’t know you’d come to check this before it was properly glued.”


As I was saying this the skin on Cadet Bae Ji-seok’s face was pushed away and started to flow down revealing an ugly and creepy appearance under his skin.

‘Ah annit?’

The gold medalist’s gun became mesmerized by this scene.

A voice whispered to him.

“You would have just passed by but you’re so unlucky.”

“Who the hell are you…?”


As soon as he finished speaking someone grabbed the back of his neck and


I threw it straight towards the ship with engine propulsion.


With no time to do anything his eyes caught sight of cadet Ahn Jong-hu smiling and waving his hand at himself as if saying goodbye.

< Episode 74: Underground Gold Jade (2) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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