Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 259

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< Episode 71 Mark (5) >

An office located in the main headquarters of the National Assembly.

A man in his fifties with droopy eyes and a scraggly beard was standing at his desk with his legs crossed holding a short stick in his mouth exhaling smoke.


His name is Sang Ikseo.

He was a Jeong 4th rank Geumwiwi commanding officer equivalent to the 3rd rank in command of Geumwiwi.

In his office in addition to himself a middle-aged man in his 40s dressed in the uniform of the White Tiger of the Geumuiuiwi was sitting on a reception chair and carefully brushing his sword.

Considering the hierarchical relationship between positions it would have been expected that the Baekho should have stood upright in his seat but seeing him sitting in a comfortable position the relationship seemed quite horizontal.


Every time a middle-aged man in his 40s brushes his blade the air around him strangely becomes sharper.

Just by looking at this you could tell that he was something out of the ordinary.

After concentrating on each other’s work quietly for a while Sang Ik-seo the command assistant who was smoking a gombangdae started crying.

“He should have entered the inner palace by now.”

At his words Baekho a middle-aged member of the Geumwiwi in his 40s opened his mouth.

“As long as it’s at the appointed time.”

“Soon not the inner palace but King Jong’s Jikhyeon palace will be overturned.”

“If it succeeds properly it won’t just be overturned. “The entire imperial palace will be turned upside down.”

This is a case targeting no one else but the second prince King Zong.

If that happens no matter how much the Emperor cares for Queen Dowager Seo he will not overlook this incident.

“It will be a lot of fun.”

The current situation will be overturned in one fell swoop.

I couldn’t hide my excitement at the thought of that girl being in trouble.

Then he sucked in the stick and exhaled smoke and said:

“Whew. But Wooyun is late.”

Cheonho Wooyun.

It was the Geumwiwi who assisted him.

By now he should have given orders to the ‘bastard’ and returned.

But he hasn’t come yet.

Sang Ik-seo the command sergeant who was puzzled by this said with a suspicious look in his eyes.

“I’m sure he didn’t disobey the headquarters’ orders right?”

To this question the middle-aged Baekho of the Geumwiwi smiled and answered.

“No matter how much they pretend to be loyal and noble if it is truly a life-threatening matter they will have no choice but to follow.”

“I have no choice… Well there is a bug in your stomach that is holding onto your life and if you refuse it you are a crazy person who wants to die.”

Worms in the stomach.

What they were talking about was loneliness.

Command sergeant Sang Ikseo who was laughing like that shook off the ashes of Gombangdae with an ashtray and said.

“Speaking of which it’s quite comfortable so can’t we get a few more solitudes? Or that parasitic loneliness can be controlled more with Yeonggo…”

“I should have told you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Because solitude consists of a pair parasitic forms cannot be increased in that way. And since it takes a lot of dictatorship and training to create that pair you can’t just create one if you want.”

At his words Sang Ik-seo the commanding officer licked his lips in disappointment.

I was irritated because he went around wearing a mask and pretending to be noble even though he was only a favored person at most but thanks to solitude I was transformed into a faithful slave.

“Then is it possible to recycle what was inside?”

“What if it was inside?”

“That parasitic type.”

“…After the host dies it bursts and dies shortly afterwards. Of course recycling is not impossible if you take precautions beforehand.”

“That’s a good thing to hear.”

I was already planning on throwing it away after this incident was over and I had used it a few more times.

If you can recycle loneliness you can create another deck.

It was truly useful.

“I’ll tell you when the time comes.”

“All right.”

“ah! “But how is it going?”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about interrogating that apostate.”


“If you personally go down to the underground prison every two days and interrogate them isn’t the item you’re looking for quite important?”


As soon as he finished speaking the white tiger of the Geumwiwi stopped polishing its blade.

Then he immediately put the sword down on the table.

At that sight a sense of tension appeared in the eyes of Sang Ik-seo the assistant commanding officer.

That’s because the White Tiger of the Geumuiwiwi that was on the table disappeared before I knew it.


Soon rough hands came to his shoulders.

Commanding officer Sangik Seo swallowed dry saliva without realizing it as both hands pressed on his shoulders.

Although he is not a member of the working staff unlike the commander or commanding comrade he was once a working staff member and was an expert who had reached the very beginning.

The White Tiger’s inaction was so strong that even he could not even guess that he appeared behind him in the blink of an eye.

Sang Ik-seo the commanding officer opened his mouth in a nervous voice.

“Heh heh. Look. “Did this official make a mistake?”

In response to that question the white tiger on top of Geum who had both hands on his shoulders tightened his grip and said.

“Adult in charge of command.”


“What did one of the masters who helped you achieve what you wanted say?”

“…..I said I’m not involved in your business.”

“I know very well. “If someone who knows so well tries to meddle in other people’s affairs for no reason the consequences wouldn’t be very good right?”

There was deep murder in that voice.

This was a warning of sorts.

It was pressure not to interfere or interfere with his own affairs.

Ordinary people would tremble in fear if they warned their opponents with overwhelming strength.

However Sang Ik-seo the chief conductor also had courage because he did not come to this position for nothing.

Sang Ik-seo said with a cheerful smile as casually as possible.

“Hahahahaha. “I really offended you unintentionally.”


“But I’m not trying to get involved or meddle in your affairs. I asked out of pure curiosity because things didn’t seem to be going well even though I went back and forth to the underground prison frequently. “You definitely haven’t forgotten the agreement.”

“Is that so? “If you do that put that pure curiosity into it.”

“I already put it in.”

At his sly answer the white tiger on top of the gold snorted.

He may be the only one who can slyly walk the tightrope every time despite scaring himself.

Of course he chose this because he was able to control his emotions and was resourceful.


Soon the new model of the White Tiger of the Geumuiwi was moved back to the chair at the table.

He picked up the sword he had placed on the table again and began to carefully clean it.

Seeing him like that Sang Ik-seo the commanding officer inwardly clicked his tongue.

They held hands because their interests matched each other but every time they felt the strength of their interests they became curious about their identity.

There was no way that this person’s name would not have been known until now.

He probably achieved quite a bit of fame or notoriety in martial arts.

The corner of Sang Ik-seo’s mouth twitched as his curiosity was aroused.

He had never asked this out loud before but the author was always so confident that he was curious.

‘If you turn around and make him talk he’ll be a pig.’

At this Sang Ikseo opened his mouth.

“Did you say that when you suggested bringing Mara Cheonho into the group you would be able to escape from the hands of the Northern Jin Warriors?”

Geumuiwi North Jinsa military officer Hyeonsun.

Along with Namjin Musa he stood at the top of the Geumuiwi Commission as a practitioner.

Although his reputation was lower than that of the Namjin warriors who were called the six thousand warriors he was one of the top five warriors in the imperial palace.

It was said that he had no particular contact with the martial arts people but if he was that inactive even if he went out to the martial arts world he would not be able to deal with anyone unless he was a prestigious martial artist or an elder or head of a sect.

The reason he naturally brought this up was because the person who implicitly supported and protected this prince King Jong was the Northern Jin warrior Hyeonsun.

– Swoosh!

Geumuiwi Baekho answered while polishing his blade.

“…If we stick to it properly if Marahyeon decides to run away it will be difficult to catch him even if he is a Northern Jinsa warrior.”

“Hoo. “Is Marahyeon that great?”

“There are not many people in the imperial palace who can catch up with him through the Divine God Act alone.”

“Amazing. “It’s so bad that even the Northern Jinsa warrior can’t keep up with it.”

“Unless there is a special mistake or variable Mara-hyeon will not be caught for this incident.”

“It’s a variable… unless someone as talented as you shows up?”


“No no. Don’t look at me like that. “I’m just saying this because I remember how easily you subdued that person.”

He had seen the White Tiger of the Geumuiwi subdue the Cheonho Marahyeon right in front of his nose.

The decision was made in just a few seconds.

In response to his question Baekho of the Geumwiwi stopped cleaning his blade looked at Sang Ik-seo the commanding officer and said

“What do you want to say?”

“no. “I was wondering if you who can easily subdue Marahyeon will be able to compete with the Northern Jin Warriors if you come forward later.”


“Is it difficult?”

Sang Ik-seo the commanding officer deliberately stimulated his pride.

The warriors had a unique pride as a warrior.

I don’t know if that would apply to this person as well but he might be able to guess what level it would be if he crossed over.

At that time one of the White Tiger’s eyebrows rose upward.

‘…Did I say something unnecessary?’

At that sight the commanding officer Sang Ik-seo flinched and wondered if he should take a step back.

Then the white tiger on top of the gold opened his mouth.

“The expression that they are male and female only applies when they have equal abilities.”

Sang Ikseo who was nervous on the inside breathed a sigh of relief.

I was worried that he would be offended when he read my intentions but fortunately it seemed to have touched his pride.

“Do you think that if you step forward you can easily subdue the Northern Jin Warriors?”

“It may take some time but it’s not that difficult.”

“Huh. “If you can subdue the Northern Jin Warriors neither Dongchang’s Grand Master nor Daenae Haengchang’s Grand Master will be a match for you.”

At that time White Tiger’s eyes became fierce.

Then he spoke in a low voice.

“…Did you really ask this question to gauge my inaction?”

To that question Sang Ik-seo the commanding officer hurriedly waved his hand and answered.

“no. How could the headquarters try to judge you based on something like that? You just need to know to what extent you can deal with experts…”


Before he could even finish his words Baekho of the Geumuiwi stood up from his seat.

Then he stretched out one hand and with a deep sense of strength sucked up the sword that was lying on the floor.

Sang Ik-seo couldn’t help but be impressed by the tricks of the empty-nesterling.

As if he had intended this the Baekho of the Geumwiwi placed the cultivated Tao into the Tao house that had been sucked into the void.

And then he said.

“Let me be clear.”

“What do you mean?”

“The only person I can’t do anything about here in the imperial palace is Namjin Musa.”

Namjin warrior Guseong Baek.

Known as the King of Northern Waves he was the pinnacle of the current martial arts world and a member of the Six Heavens.

Although he was a white tiger on top of gold who took great pride in his inaction he was the only one in the imperial palace who acknowledged that he was untouchable.

The wall of six thousand was extremely strong.

However he was confident that other than him no one in the imperial palace could be his match.

It was the same for all three magistrates of the Northern Jin Musa inner palace.

“I hope you will no longer judge me based on trivial issues like this.”


With those words Baekho of the Geumwiwi revealed his energy towards Sang Ik-seo the commanding officer.

Sang Ikseo’s body trembled at his breathtaking momentum.

He knew instinctively.

This person must be an expert in flowering techniques that can overcome walls.

As he himself said there is absolutely no one in the palace who can subdue this man other than Namjin warrior Ko Seong-baek who is called the best expert in the palace…


At that time the door to the office suddenly opened.

Along with him someone came inside with a smiling face.

Seeing that face Commander Sang Ikseo frowned and opened his mouth.

“Ho public?”

The person who suddenly burst into his office was none other than Seochang’s magistrate Ho Gong.

Sang Ik-seo was soon unable to hide his surprise at the appearance of a completely unexpected person.

Outside the office there were protestors standing guard.

However even though Seochang’s chief inspector came here no one reported his arrival and did not even notice him until the moment he opened the door.

‘Could it be that you came here secretly?’

Otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to enter someone else’s office so carelessly.

However he himself did not notice the presence of Gong-gong one of the most military men in the imperial palace but the Baek-ho or Gyeom-chang of gold must have noticed…..


At that time Geumuiwi Baekho Gyeomchang’s hand was already grasping his sword.

This sight caught Sang Ik-seo’s eyes.

That’s why Gyeomchang who was confident that no one other than Namjin warrior could be his opponent was showing strong caution when looking at Seochang’s great sense.

‘Is it because they suddenly barged in?’

But it wasn’t supposed to be like this.

No matter how suddenly the attack occurred the opponent was the governor of Seochang and a confidant of King Gyeongchin one of the four powerful figures in the imperial palace.

You shouldn’t treat it carelessly.

As a result Sang Ik-seo tried to force him to step down.

“Gyeom Baekho. Insert the Tao…..”

“Chief of command. “Please step back.”

At the words of Baekho Gyeomchang of the Geumuiwiwi Sang Ik-seo the commanding officer frowned.

There was something strange about Gyeomchang’s attitude.

It had been a while since he entered the imperial palace so he should know who the person in front of him was but his current appearance was beyond wariness and even showed hostility.


Gyeomchang even took the stance of Baldosul.

Then he opened his mouth to Ho Gong in a low voice.

“Who are you?”

‘Who are you?’

What does this mean?

By all accounts it was Ho Gong the prefect of Seochang.

Then the Hogong ignored Gyeomchang who was making a stance towards him and looked at Sangikseo and opened his mouth.

“I see that there is a military archive within the body so that person is the assistant commander.”


Sang Ik-seo’s expression hardened at the completely unexpected words.

At that very moment Gyeomchang’s hand which was holding the sword moved.

It was so fast that it seemed like a split second.


As soon as he heard his advice he immediately decided that he was a definite enemy so he immediately went into a state of extreme pleasure and tried to cut off the head of the person in front of him with Baldojutsu.

No before he even realized it his Taoism would have cut off his head…

-Tuk! Cheonggang!

Then something fell to the floor.

The sound that fell was not one.

Something is strange.

At this Gyeomchang’s eyes unconsciously turned downward.

‘This…what the hell…’

What fell to the floor was none other than his right hand which was holding a sword.

< Episode 71 Mark (5) > end

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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