Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 240

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< Episode 66: Pre-Heaven True Energy (2) >

-Rebirth. I guess this guy… seems to have learned the tonap method of our ancestors.

-Is this the tonap method of our ancestors?

Cheongnyeong said to Mok Gyeong-un who was puzzled.

-Do you remember that I said that the fortune-telling techniques of Shimbeop and Shingong originated from the long-ago Taoist Tonapbeop?


– It is said that in ancient times Taoists and sages who had cultivated deep discipline practiced breathing techniques to boost vitality for longevity and enlightenment.

-It’s not just about internal energy it’s about boosting energy itself? Wasn’t vigor itself life itself determined from birth?

-okay. The energy of life is a source that was determined from the beginning. Therefore in ancient times it was called Seoncheonjingi.

Innate Qi (先天眞氣).

It was the true original energy that humans have innately since they were born.

In this respect there was a time when things like internal energy were called posterior true energy because they were acquired through training.

-That’s amazing. I heard that the method of training the ancestors’ Tonap method or the Seoncheonjingi method was discontinued even in Taoism a long time ago.

-So this person practiced the Seoncheonjin Qi that was cut off?

-It is the only energy that can completely oppose the death energy which is the energy of the dead.

Hearing Cheongnyeong’s words Mokgyeongun’s eyes sparkled.

An innate energy that is completely opposite to death energy.

I think this is why I felt a strange repulsion from the first time I saw it.

Cheongnyeong warned Mok Gyeong-un.

-Be careful. Even if it is a weak energy if it is completely opposed it can be very fatal to you as a sentient being…

That was before the warning ended.

The hot energy that soared during Joo Woon-hyang’s middle and middle battles created a great rebound.

As a result Mo Kyung-un’s palm which was pressed against his chest flew away.

Joo Yun-hyang who did not miss that moment fired a bullet containing the Seoncheon Jingi toward the place where Mo Gyeong-un’s Danjeon was located.


Mok Gyeong-un’s body was bent like a shrimp after being hit in the abdomen.


It wasn’t because of the blow.

The moment the solar energy reached the abdomen it was intended to flow out through the water of diabolic grafting.


The natural Qi flowed out through the soles of Mu Qingyun’s feet causing the stones on the floor to crack.

Zhou Yunxiang seeing this stuck out his tongue.

I never thought I would let go of a surprise attack on this street so easily.

But the real thing was that this was not the case.

Zhou Yunxiang unfolded the reverse axis mirror he had prepared with his opposite hand and aimed at Mu Qingyun’s heart.

“It’s that trick again.”

This is probably because it is the most powerful of all the techniques that Zhou Yunxiang has learned.

However it was his mistake to show the same method multiple times.

From Mok Gyeong-un’s perspective this was no different from giving very kind instructions.


At that moment the death energy in Mu Qingyun’s palm began to rotate counter-axially and condense.

Zhou Yunxiang’s eyes widened when he sensed this.

‘no way?’

While doing so Mo Qingyun and Zhou Yunxiang clashed.


At the same time strong wind pressure and cracks appeared on the floor around the two people.

At the moment of collision the balance of power was almost the same.

The scent he picked up shocked him to the core.

‘How do I do this?’

The Yeokchukjingyeong was a very mysterious temple.

This is not the type of learning that can be learned simply by looking at it but requires realization of the true meaning contained in Chosik.

However Zhou Yunxiang was naturally surprised to see him follow this exactly.


The force of rotating on a reverse axis was a powerful force even if only for a moment.

This was even more so because the two people’s energies were completely opposite.

However no matter how conflicting the energies were there was bound to be a difference in power.

‘I’m being pushed back.’

Zhou Yunxiang’s pupils trembled.

Soon Mok Gyeong-un raised morale further.


Zhou Yunxiang’s new model was thrown backwards.

He flew several times and rolled several times on the floor before he could stop.


Zhou Yunxiang who suffered internal injuries coughed up a handful of black blood.

‘A monster…a guy…’

It collapsed helplessly.

This is my first time seeing a monster like this.

Since their level was different in everything from the level they ascended to their energy they were not opponents that could be dealt with with evil.

“Cluck cluck…..”

Zhou Yunxiang coughing blood stumbled and barely managed to get up.

His legs were shaking.

It was impossible for him to run away in his current condition due to his internal injuries.

Ji Yun Xiang raised his head and looked at Mu Qing Yun.

And then I was shocked.

‘Just a scratch?’

It was difficult for him to even move his body due to the internal injuries but Mok Gyeong-un only had small scratches on his palms.

At that time Mok Gyeong-un who was staring at the wound on his palm opened his mouth.

“The power you have. “It must be quite annoying.”


“I mean Seoncheonjingi.”


Zhou Yunxiang’s eyes widened at these words.

Of course how did this person recognize Seoncheonjingi?

Innate Qi was not the type of energy that could be sensed by feeling because it was different from the general internal energy that could be trained later.

At this Zhou Yunxiang asked in a rather serious voice.

“What are you…?”

“well. “I don’t know that but I’m worried.”


“I thought it would be better to kill him now thinking about it later.”


As soon as he finished saying those words he took a step towards Zhou Yunxiang.

It seemed like he was planning to put it into practice right away.

Even though he approached slowly Zhou Yunxiang was unable to control his body properly due to his internal injuries.

-Jump jump jump!

The sound of Mok Gyeong-un’s footsteps approaching the Geomgyeolji with anticipation sounded like the signal of a messenger opening the gates of hell.

And the signal got faster.

Mu Qingyun threw his sword and tried to cut off Zhou Yunxiang’s head in one fell swoop.

Joo Yun-hyang who could not avoid it stared at Mo Gyeong-un who was wielding a sword with empty eyes.

at that moment


Mo Gyeong-un’s sword blade which was about to cut off his head stopped just barely on his skin.


However due to the foresight on the test paper the skin was cut and blood flowed out.

Zhou Yunxiang asked curiously.

“Why did you stop?”

“You’re special.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re the first person I’ve ever seen make that expression before getting their throat cut.”

“What do you want to say with that expression?”

“Normally I would be paralyzed with fear or glare at it with evil intent. Of course those people also closed their eyes tightly before they died.”


“But even at the moment when your throat is about to be cut you are staring at me intently. “It also seems like it’s very disappointing.”

This was Mok Gyeong-un’s first experience.

It was thought that all people become the same in the face of death but Joo Woon-hyang was different.

He didn’t have the slightest fear of dying and he didn’t feel any resentment towards himself at all.

There was just a look in his eyes that seemed to be disappointing.

Mok Gyeong-un asked this.

“I wonder why you’re making that face.”


Zhou Yunxiang frowned at this question.

What the hell is this guy?

I couldn’t read his thoughts.

Suddenly he tried to kill himself but for some strange reason he stopped.

“…I don’t think you will be saved if I tell you the reason so is there any reason to tell you?”

“well. Who knows what might happen?”


“Yes that innate ability of yours is quite annoying to me but the truth is that we don’t really have a close relationship.”

“Then there was no need to attack me in the first place.”

Zhou Yunxiang said with a puzzled expression.

Mok Kyung-un smiled and answered.

“I apologize if you were offended. But if there’s even the slightest chance of being a threat to you wouldn’t it be more efficient to kill them in advance?”


After hearing these words he stuck out his tongue as if the scent he had picked up was amazing.

This guy seems to think quite differently from ordinary people.

No it seems completely different.

‘It’s as if they are not human themselves.’

I don’t know why.

From the first time I recognized this guy’s evil aura even as we are talking now I had this strange feeling of being in the presence of an alien being.

‘What on earth is this guy?’

It cannot be explained simply by saying that it is a later index of the Heaven and Earth Meeting.

Zhou Yunxiang who was staring at Mu Qingyun like that opened his mouth.

“I don’t completely agree with your extreme way of thinking but I also had similar thoughts.”

“Similar thoughts?”

“okay. Yes that cold and vicious energy… I thought that if it were an enemy it would have to be killed or it would never be interfered with.”

It was Zhou Yun-hyang who felt a strong sense of caution and absolute intimidation at the ferocious and evil energy seen when Mo Kyung-un crushed the atavistic stone slab.

Therefore although it was only for a moment it was not as bad as Mok Gyeong-un but if there was a possibility of becoming an enemy he might have to be killed unconditionally.

‘shit. ‘I don’t know what I’m talking about.’

I think I made an unnecessary noise as the knife was about to be held to his throat.

But Mok Gyeong-un sighed and smiled.

“It’s a coincidence. “It seems like we both had the same thoughts.”

“In a way.”

“Do you still feel the same way?”

“…It’s a meaningless question. “Anyway you have the power over life and death.”

“But you still don’t know.”

“…I don’t know if you’re playing with me but after experiencing you as a person I never want to make you my enemy. “If I have no choice I will do whatever it takes to kill him desperately.”

“You’re honest.”

“I might die anyway so there’s no need to fake it.”

Hearing his words Mok Gyeong-un raised the corner of his mouth.

“This is my first time.”

“What do you mean it’s the first time again?”

“That annoying energy is annoying but I don’t really want to kill him anymore.”

“You don’t want to kill me?”

“Yes it seems like a very inefficient decision but I don’t dislike it that much.”


Hearing Mo Kyung-un’s words like this the scent he picked up made him frown and couldn’t hide his curiosity.

Did this guy really have a quirk like he said?

In any case if the guy had a change of heart it was also a chance for him to save his life.

At this Joo Yun-hyang cautiously pointed to the inspection paper with his eyes and said.

“Then can’t you clean this up?”

“I haven’t heard back yet.”

“What answer? ah!”

He was on the verge of death so why did he look so helpless?

He seems like a really unique guy.

Why do you want to know that?

Although he couldn’t understand he wanted to end this situation so he soon opened his mouth.

“I just felt sorry for that moment.”

“You said it was disappointing?”

“…I was determined to change everything with my own hands but I couldn’t do anything.”

Mu Qingyun looked at Zhou Yunxiang’s words with strange eyes.

He is clearly around the same age as me.

However he speaks as if he has mastered life.

That felt very unique.

Mokgyeongun said to him.

“The more I heard the answer…”

That was before the words were even finished.


At that moment the figure of Zhou Yunxiang in front of me disappeared.


Where did they go?

Mok Kyung-un moved his eyes and looked around.

At that time he saw something blurry on his right rushing towards him with tremendous force.

The speed was so great that it was difficult to tell with the naked eye.

This was not something that could be avoided.

-Shoosh! Papa pa pa paak!

At that moment something passed quickly by.

With that the blood vessels all over his body were struck and his body soared into the air helplessly.


The force that hit Yohyeol was so strong that Mo Kyung-un’s body which had been spinning several times in the air fell to the floor with a crash.



Mok Kyung-un’s expression hardened as he fell to the floor.

Although he was in pain his body could not move due to the energy penetrating each major urinary acupoint.

That energy was suppressing the death energy in Mo Qingyun’s body with a strong force.

Because of this Mok Gyeong-un was able to find out.

This is


It was the same energy that Zhou Yunxiang had.

What was different was that it was a vast and profound Xuan Qianqi that was incomparable to that of Zhou Yunxiang.

Then a cold voice came into Mok Gyeong-un’s ears.

“Cadet Mok Gyeong-un. “As expected you are a dangerous person.”

The owner of that voice was none other than Yuk Cheon-ho and So Ye-rin the deputy commander who supervises the selection process for the Geumui Committee.

Thanks to this Mok Gyeong-un realized that his judgment was right.

When he first saw So Ye-rin he felt a similar feeling of hesitation as Zhou Yun-xiang albeit only for a moment.

However unlike her main character Yunhyang she possessed internal energy so she felt this hesitation vaguely but she was also familiar with the innate magic.

-Wow! Wow!

The congenital Qi that had penetrated into the body suppressed the morale and tried to penetrate into the five organs and six parts of the body.

In response Mok Gyeong-un took a deep breath and shifted his energy.


At that moment black energy surged from Mo Qingyun’s body.

It was a magical energy created by gathering all the energy obtained so far including fraud into one.


The moment the energy was converted to demonic energy the deep innate Qi that had penetrated into each blood acupoint was immediately pushed out oxidized and bloomed like a haze.


At this strange sight the eyes of Six Thousand Tigers So Yerin who thought she had completely subdued Mo Qingyun faintly trembled.

< Episode 66: Pre-Heaven True Energy (2) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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