Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 24

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Episode 7: Ceremony of Clothing (3)

‘Damn it. If this continues I won’t be able to survive.’

Gochan the escort is heading to Hyehwadang the residence of the great lady.

He ended up not being able to sleep.

No it was strange that I fell asleep even after hearing that.

Go Chan couldn’t ask Mok Gyeong-un why he did that but he was at a loss as to what to do.

‘Crazy guy. ‘I told you to just let it go.’

I certainly didn’t know that he would kill Jo Il-sang the second Confucius’ bodyguard.

He figured it would last at least that long.

What on earth are you thinking?

‘If Mok Eun-pyeong finds out that he killed his guard there will definitely be an uproar.’

Will there be an uproar?

Due to his personality he didn’t know that he would immediately seek revenge on Mok Gyeong-un.

Since Zhang Zhou was still alive he could either break his limbs if not kill him or he could equally try to kill Howie.

‘I’m going to turn.’

Gochan felt the back of his neck tighten.

Why do you have to kill that guy to escalate things like this?

[What about the body?]

[I took care of that so you don’t have to worry.]

How did you handle it?

Is it possible that they hid it in a secret place where they found the emergency document?

Even if that happens how long will it last?

He was sent with a purpose in the first place.

If he was not seen he was bound to be suspected.

‘What should I do with this?’

I wouldn’t have known if he hadn’t killed him but in the current situation giving the second Confucius this shell-like secret document was extremely suspicious.

I regretted it once again.

I was just going to tell everything to the supervisor.

But that opportunity has already passed.

Because he was afraid of Mok Gyeong-un he had lied to Master Gam so much that if he made it known he would no longer trust him.

Being so sensitive but not trusting others was the death penalty.

‘It was worse when I was on active duty.’

When I think back to that time I can say that the gap between it and how it is now is really big.

He was as merciless to enemies as he was to traitors.

‘But it’s so strange.’

Even though I remember Gam Howie’s appearance like that why am I even more afraid of him?

I don’t know how this happened.


But now that I think about it where has the death penalty gone?

When he was with Mok-gyun he did not leave his seat unless he had to take a break in shifts or if it was quite urgent.

But yesterday I was away for almost half a day.


Could it be that he is doing something without realizing it?

Go Chan’s eyes narrowed.

* * *

Same time.

The residence of Mok Eun-pyeong the second Confucius.

Mok Eun-pyeong who was sitting at the desk was glaring at Gam Howie with his arms crossed with cold eyes.

It was difficult for Gam Guard to guess the situation because he was suddenly called without knowing the English meaning.

One thing was certain: Mok Eun-pyeong was quite angry.

At this Howie Gam cautiously opened his mouth.

“Confucius. “How can you do that?”

“I want to ask you that.”


“It’s truly elaborate. “I tried it out just in case but every time that bit of ominousness hits it’s very unpleasant.”

What on earth are you talking about?

Howie Gam frowned slightly.

‘Did you even notice that it was fake?’

But to say that was not the right way to say something.

Mok Eun-pyeong’s tone of voice right now clearly revealed his hostility towards himself.


Gam Howie knelt on one knee on the floor put his hands together and made a bow gesture and said.

“Confucius. I don’t know what you’re talking about. “If you could tell me how…”

“How? under!”

At the same time Mok Eun-pyeong threw the inkstone on his desk.

He could have easily avoided it but since he had to deal with Mok Eunpyeong’s anger Gam Howie ended up taking the hit.



Blood flowed from Gam Howie’s forehead.

It hurt because he didn’t protect his body with internal energy but he learned how to endure the pain through breathing so he didn’t show it as much as possible.

Mok Eun-pyeong said while glaring at Gam Howie.

“I sent one of my guards to confirm that Mo Kyung-un lost his martial arts skills.”

‘…That’s right.’

After all there was a reason.

But something is strange.

‘If that’s all there is to it there’s no reason to be this angry.’

The fake Mo Gyeong-un did not learn martial arts.

If he confirms that he should rather let go of his doubts so why is he showing this hostility?

While I was doing that Mok Eun-pyeong continued speaking.

“But the escort didn’t come back.”


Howie Gam raised his head in embarrassment.

What does that mean?

“Don’t you know what I’m talking about? “My escort who went to check whether he lost his martial arts skills disappeared without anyone noticing.”


That couldn’t have been possible.

Howie Gam moved his eyes and looked at the escorts in the room.

One of the three escorts was nowhere to be seen.

‘Cho Il-sang.’

He was a man on the verge of being first-class.

Based on his skills alone he is someone that Go Chan who is currently in charge of the guard can never handle.

But how did he disappear?

Gam Howie parted his lips.

“That can’t be possible.”


“Nongha never told a lie. That guy…no Confucius Mokgyeongun is incapable of using martial arts. And the person named Gao Chan who is guarding Confucius Mokgyeongun is also only a second-rate person so he cannot handle escorting Jo Il-sil.”

I could assure you with certainty.

However there was no trust in Mok Eun-pyeong’s eyes.

He didn’t build trust in the first place but when the escort didn’t return his suspicions grew even more.

“Would you believe that?”

“Really. If you don’t believe me you can put your arm on the line.”

Howie Gam said rolling up the sleeve of his right arm.

For a warrior to risk his arm was not much different from risking everything.

Mok Eun-pyeong snorted and said at his strong attitude.

“Would you like to put your arm on the line? good. If you do prove that what you say is true.”

“What do you want me to prove?”

“If what you say is true there’s no way Joe Howie could be defeated by guys like that. If you do that I’ll give you about two visits. “Come find Howie Joe.”

“….All right.”

Howie Gam’s voice calmed down.

It felt like something was really twisted.

He felt like he needed to check for himself what was going on.

Mok Eun-pyeong warned him in a cruel voice.

“If you can’t find it you had better be prepared to sacrifice not only your arms but also your precious life.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

* * *

Just like that Gam Guard came out from the residence of the second Confucius Mok Eun-pyeong with a very stiff face.

He barely suppressed his feelings and hurriedly walked towards his medicine house.

Then he ran into someone on the street.

“Huh? “Death penalty?”


He was an escort Gochan.

Go Chan could not hide his embarrassment.

After all he didn’t know that he would come face to face with Gam’s guard like this at the moment when he was secretly carrying out the order of cultivating the tree.

Gam Howie who saw Gochan lowered his voice with an angry look on his face and said.

“Why are you here? “I’m sure he told me not to leave his side even for a moment.”

“that is…”

Howie Gam’s eyes became sharp at his inability to give a straight answer.

Howie Gam said putting his finger on the dagger he had hidden on his wrist.

“What are you planning with that guy?”

“Kku…. are you decorating it?”

“But why are you disobeying my command?”

“It’s not like that…”

Gochan’s mind went black and he was at a loss as to what to say.

However it was not possible to talk about the empty emergency book that I had stored away in my arms to give to Mok Eun-pyeong.


There was nothing I could do.

Soon Gochan ended up lying.

“Actually the head of the parish called me to ask me something about something that happened at the parish yesterday…”

“what? “My family’s head?”

Howie Gam frowned.

If you go down this street you can definitely go to the office of the head of the party.

And although they were guard warriors they were members of the Yeonmok Geomjang so they naturally had no choice but to move when the head of the house called them.


‘this guy?’

I could see Gochan’s eyes trembling faintly.

It may be difficult for ordinary people to detect but it is possible for a trained person.

He was clearly nervous.

If the head of my party had called he would not have been accused of being absent even if he had given his orders so there was no reason to be this nervous.

Howie Gam moved his eyes and looked around.

There were some popular figures a little distance away but there was no one noticeable or close.

Gam Howie who confirmed this immediately pushed Gochan against the wall while pressing one of the blood points on his neck.

-Park! thud!


“You’re crazy because you want to die.”

“Death penalty?”

“say. “What are you hiding?”

“Hide it? “I really have nothing…”


Guard Gam said aiming his dagger at the area near Gochan’s heart.

“One of the second Mok Eun-pyeong guy’s guards has disappeared.”


“The person he was looking for was that fake guy. “But are you going to deny that you don’t even know this?”

‘Damn the rain…..’

I never thought it would be discovered so quickly.

The situation I was worried about happened.

Is this really the situation we were concerned about?

How did my brother who wasn’t even there at night know about this?

“Now wait a minute. “How does your brother know that? Could it be that you have already contacted the second Confucius?”

It was already known that he was trying to change his line.

But I haven’t decided who it is yet.

However knowing the situation of the second Mokeunpyeong side means that the line has already been switched to that side.

“Why without any consultation…..”



Go Chan was unable to continue his words as Gam Howie’s hand which was holding the blood hole in his neck became tense.

Howie Gam said to him who was in pain.

“Am I in a position to discuss and report such things to you in detail? And now you’re in a position to ask me something like that?”


Gochan whose pain worsened begged.

In response Howie Gam relaxed his hands and spoke into his ear.

“What are you hiding? Confess the truth. Otherwise…”


The tip of the dagger pierced his chest.

As the beast entered inside Gam Howie frowned at the strange feeling.

I tried to nudge his flesh and it felt different.

In response Howie Gam put his hand into the chest of Gochan’s clothes.

“Now wait a minute….”



Soon in the hands of the persimmon guard the secret method of the Lotus Tree Flowering Heart Method with only two kernels appeared.

Howie Gam saw this and his eyes widened.


‘It’s ruined.’

Gochan closed his eyes tightly.

* * *


The door to the pharmacy burst open and Gam Howie came inside with a scary face.

There were three pharmacy workers inside but without paying any attention to this Guard Gam walked up to Mok Gyeong-un who was reading a book with only his jacket on the bed.

Gam’s escort came right up to the front.

He parted his lips in a low voice so that only Mo Kyung-un could hear.

“What have you done?”

Mok Gyeong-un responded to his words without taking his eyes off the book.

“What are you talking about?”


Howie Gam let out a deep sigh.

Then he quickly revealed a book from his arms.

[Soft wood-turning-heart method]

It was a secret book of the Lotus Tree Flower Heart Act.

Howie Gam said in an irritated voice.

“How on earth did you get this?”

In response Mok Gyeong-un slightly turned his head looked at the opened book of Mok-hwa’s mind and laughed.

“Are you laughing?”

“It looks like the Gochan escort was unlucky.”


“If you brought that with you doesn’t that mean you stole it from Gochan’s escort?”


Howie Gam was momentarily dumbfounded by the sight of Mok Gyeong-un not losing his composure at all.

As was his insight this guy never loses his composure.

He was such a bold guy that he kept acting like this even after it was discovered that he was planning something.

Actually since his liver was so swollen it must have really killed Mok Gyeong-un.

However I could not forgive myself for stabbing myself in the back like this.


Guard Gam took out his dagger from an angle that no one could see and aimed it at Mo Gyeong-un’s left ribs.

And he spoke in a low voice.

“What on earth did you do to Gochan?”

“What are you doing?”

“What have you done to make him keep his mouth shut?”

Before visiting Mo Gyeong-un Gam Hao-wi took Gao Chan to his residence and interrogated him.

He scored a close goal and cut off two of his fingers.

Still he did not open his mouth until the end.



[I mean say it!]


Seeing that Howie Gam was genuinely suspicious.

Even though this guy was different from ordinary people he wasn’t something Gochan couldn’t handle so he didn’t know why he was afraid.

He wanted to find out the reason even if it meant torturing him all day long.

But he didn’t have time.

[I’ll give you about two visits.]

‘Damn it!’

The time given to him by the second Confucius Mok Eun-pyeong was at most two examinations.

Inside I had to find Jo Il-sang his bodyguard.

Otherwise Mok Eun-pyeong would definitely try to kill him.

So in the end he abandoned Gochan and ran to his partner Mok Gyeong-un.


“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Mok Gyeong-un remained ignorant.

I became angry at the sight of him shrugging his shoulders.


Howie Gam who was gritting his teeth soon changed his question.

“good. We’ll find out later what you did to that guy. If you do tell me. “Have you seen Jo Il-sang Prince Mok Eun-pyeong’s bodyguard?”

Second Jo Il-sang Mok Eun-pyeong’s bodyguard.

There was no way for the two of them Mok Gyeong-un who was a master on the verge of becoming a first-class master and had not learned martial arts and Go-chan who was only a second-class expert to do anything.

That’s certainly true but what is this anxious feeling?

At that time Mok Kyung-un spoke.

“iced coffee. “The one who came to see me last night wearing a mask?”

“…..okay. “That person.”

“I saw it.”

Hearing Mo Gyeong-un’s words Gam Howie took a deep breath and asked.

“I guess he did or didn’t do something to that guy?”

“no way. What did you do? “What power do I have?”

Mo Kyung-un lightly waved his hand.

After hearing those words Howie Gam was just wondering if he had done any harm.


“How can a person who lost martial arts due to a mistake in Danjeon do anything to someone like that?”


Howie Gam frowned.

What does this mean?

The fact that this guy knows that I was talking about losing my martial arts skills…


Mok Kyung-un smiled and spoke in his ear in a low voice.

“I switched to the second Confucius… but this fake guy didn’t help me and killed the second Confucius’s guard. “What should I do with this?”


For a moment Howie Gam’s expression hardened.



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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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