Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 233

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< Episode 65 Ignoring the Demonstration Department (1) >

Early morning.

Demonstration department training center management room.

A middle-aged man in his late forties with a blunt expression and a scar on his chin greeted a man in a blue official uniform as he left the government office and waved him off with both hands.

When he left the middle-aged man sat down on the desk chair in the office.

And then he let out a deep sigh.

‘Whew. ‘I can’t do this anymore.’

The middle-aged man’s name is Seok Jeon-woong.

He is the governor and commander of the demonstration department responsible for the education of the demonstration department training cadets.

Seok Jeon-woong snorted as he remembered the official who had just come and gone.

‘I’m really at a loss as to what to do with this.’

The official just now was a man named Jang Chan who holds the position of 6th grade reader of the Hallymwon (翰林院).

The reason he came here was to ask for a favor to ignore the demonstration department.

Of course there are countless cases like this.

It can be said that he continued after taking charge of the government.

‘It seems that King Gyeongchin has become impatient as well. ‘Seeing as they sent a close associate from this faction and even asked for a separate request.’

Of the eight people already scheduled to be selected from the demonstration department four were nominated.

Real power in this country is divided into four branches.

King Gyeongchin the younger brother of His Majesty the Emperor; King Jong the second prince of Emperor Xiang Yunpa who also serves as Taesa (太師) of the Three Dukes and Admiral of the Central Government; and King Seo the mother of the current crown prince. This is Queen Hwang.

The nominees are divided into these four factions.

As of now the emperor is holding on somehow so the balance has been maintained but the moment will surely come when that balance will be broken.

‘Your Majesty has been ill for quite some time.’

If the emperor were to fall catastrophe would begin.

Since he did not appear at this breakfast all major and minor officials were aware of this sign.

So King Gyeongchin must have also sent someone here.

‘This is extremely embarrassing.’

There was nothing that could be done about half of the candidates who were appointed as usual.

However from the last time King Gyeongchin requested that the remaining four positions that were not designated as appointees due to the current demonstration department’s disregard be filled with their own talents.

It wasn’t even just a request.

[Seok Gwan-ju’s tax age is forty-nine so his term of office as deputy leader of the city is coming to an end. It’s so sad.]

Seok Jeon-woong is 49 years old.

The term he could serve as Vice President of Demonstration was 50 years old.

Now after next year he will have to finish his term and leave the imperial palace.

[I heard from your son that he will be attending the Spring Festival next year. He took the exam for the fourth time this year and next year it will be his fifth. Shouldn’t he now pass the state exam and get a government job? Even so the Academy was in need of talented 8th class bachelors.]

It shook him.

In other words he was saying that if he listened to his request he would help his son pass the state exam.

Because of this Seok Jeon-woong had considerable concerns.

His son’s problem he heard from Gukjagam’s teaching assistant was that he had enough skills to pass the civil service examination.

However he was caught up in a power struggle with his appointees and was unable to pass the state exam until he was almost 30.

Does this make sense?

‘It’s because this father has no strength.’

All government posts are filled with descendants of those in high government positions.

Regardless of the knowledge and skills.

Seok Jeon-woong was not originally a citizen but thanks to his meritorious actions on the battlefield he was able to enter the Sibyeonbu and rise to the rank of Sisibu.

But that was all he did.

No matter how great he was and how accomplished he was he could not rise above them.

As a result he only served as the vice president of the city council and had no way of providing any help in his son’s career in government.

[Let’s do it this way. If these five people recommended by His Majesty can be included I will inform him that he may be promoted to the head of the demonstration department. I think this is not a bad condition along with your son’s past passing of the state examinations.]

In some ways this proposal from King Gyeongchin’s side was truly sweet.

If I could I would want to listen and receive compensation.

However the problem was that it could not be done easily.

Seok Jeon-woong looked at the request list.


It wasn’t even a sight.

These were the only ones that did not qualify for the Gold Medal in the first place.

Only upper-level cadets are eligible to view the Demonstration Department Mushi.

However the people on the request list were all low-level and consisted of kids who were barely following the training process.

There was only one person who was not.

‘Jonghyun Geum.’

Geum Jong-hyeon was originally a senior cadet and the son of Siganghaksa 5th rank servant of the Academy.

He was thought to be no different from other disciples of writers but at one point he showed such outstanding qualities that he was ranked among the top three in the entire poetry department.

If he was like this he had a high chance of passing the exam even without a request.


‘The rest is impossible.’

If you forcibly elevate lower-level cadets to a higher level and give them the opportunity to be ignored you will incur resistance from the cadets and the wrath of the rest of the faction.

For this reason Seok Jeon-woong did not give a definite answer and instead sent King Gyeongchin’s messenger back.

‘What should I do with this?’

For now I sent it back but since tomorrow was ignored by the protest department a confirmation must be given within today.

It was truly a dilemma.

If you grant King Gyeongchin’s request you will incur opposition from other factions and if you reject the proposal it will have a negative impact in some way.


There had to be some good reason to refuse but there wasn’t even that.

Then a voice came from outside.

“Gwanju. “I would like to see you the head of the class.”

“What are your thoughts?”

Speaking as a classmate he was a close associate of Queen Hwang.

Even now someone from King Gyeongchin’s side has come to visit and is having a hard time. What is going on so early in the morning?

Seok Jeon-woong who was puzzled opened the door and welcomed him.

* * *

‘Huh. ‘This is it.’

The ruler of the government Seok Jeon-woong could not hide his expression of embarrassment.

That was because the Dongchang’s Jang’s feelings like those from King Gyeongchin’s side conveyed the difficult request of Queen Seo Hwang.

‘no. ‘It’s better this way.’

King Gyeongchin’s side recommended those who were cadets of the demonstration department.

The problem is that my skills are somewhat lacking.

However Queen Seo Hwang’s side requested that three outsiders who were not her cadets be placed as senior cadets so that they could see the Vice Minister of Demonstration.

No matter how much power she had this was difficult.

“This is a request from Queen Hwang will it be difficult?”

Seok Jeon-woong sighed and responded to these words from Jang.

“I’m sorry. The young man from the Hebei Paeng family whom I recommended in advance is from a prestigious martial arts family of the political faction so if he can prove his skills it will be enough to convince the cadets and examiners. However it is difficult to suddenly replace him with someone else and it is also absurd to accept two additional unverified people as senior cadets of the demonstration department.”

Hearing his words Superintendent Jang rested his chin on his table and said.

“I will ask the governor directly. Is it because of verification of skills? Or are you worried about backlash from other factions?”


Seok Jeon-woong answered honestly.

It is already difficult to find a reason to refuse King Gyeongchin’s request and it becomes even more difficult to find a reason when he also grants the queen consort’s request.

Director Jang smiled at him and said

“You don’t have to worry about verifying your skills. “They are the later exponents sent by the Cheonjihoe.”


Seok Jeon-woong’s eyes widened at these words.

Speaking of Cheonjihoe isn’t it one of the three major powers of the current martial arts world?

In the meantime the imperial palace had made many requests to the Cheonjihoe to send talented people to promote friendship with the martial arts group.

However each time the Cheonjihoe responded with silence.

But they sent talented people through Queen Hwang?

This was quite surprising.

‘If this is true skill may not be a problem.’

It’s not any other place it’s Cheonjihoe.

If they were the first to take the lead there was no way they would have sent the weak ones.

However even if he knew this and understood it it would be easy for the cadets as well unless King Gyeongchin saw it in person.


At that moment something flashed in Seok Jeon-woong’s mind.

I came up with a trick to solve both of these problems at once.


以夷制夷 (以夷制夷).

This means using barbarians to defeat other barbarians.

There was no need to worry about how to resolve these unreasonable demands from Queen Dowager Seo’s side and King Gyeongchin’s side.

All I had to do was put these two together.

* * *

After one hour

One of the guest rooms where the Cheonjihoe group stays.

After finishing the report my classmate’s thoughts caught someone’s attention.

He was none other than Mok Gyeong-un.

Because he was a close associate of Lady Seo one of the four powerful people in the imperial palace he was not afraid of anyone but he changed after what happened yesterday.

For him too Mokgyeongun was like a nightmare.

Mok Kyung-un spoke to him while stroking his chin as he looked at him like that.

“So the conclusion is that if you want to ignore the demonstration department you have to skip the grade to a higher level cadet.”

“That’s right. “I requested to be transferred to an advanced class at once but the training officer of the demonstration department said that there would be opposition from other factions and cadets if I did so.”

“Is that so? “There are many things that cannot be helped by the power of Lady Hwang.”

“…I apologize.”

The Jinui Commission (錦衣衛) is a special agency directly under the emperor.

Therefore no matter how much the Queen Dowager was one of the five most powerful people in the palace she could not greatly interfere in the selection process.

Of course this was also the case for other powers.

Since the Geumui Committee was an organization directly under the emperor and therefore existed in a neutral position where it was difficult to exert pressure it was best for each party to keep each other in check.

“So what are the conditions for skipping a grade?”

“Similarly it is said that there are cadets recommended by King Gyeongchin who requested to skip the grade to an advanced class. You can compete with them under the notarization of the examiner.”

“Is the winner going to skip a grade?”


“Well I guess it’s not that tricky.”

It seemed like it could be thought of as a kind of dance.

At that time Seopchun said.

“It is said that one position has been decided internally so I don’t think you need to step forward. Meng Muyak and I will work together to skip a grade.”

“No I’ll do the massage too. “Let’s go to Mongmuyak for the unofficial position.”


Meng Wuyue was surprised by Mu Qingyun’s decision and questioned him.

I couldn’t understand why they made this decision when it was almost guaranteed that they would be selected for the Gold Council if they held an internally appointed position.

“My lord. “This is within our limits…”

“no. are you okay. “It’s boring to just sit around and watch.”

At this Meng Wuyue kept his mouth shut.

For that reason he had no particular reason to object.

I just felt sorry for the warrior who would compete with the lord just because he was boring.

* * *

Around mid-afternoon.

Near the cadet training center of the demonstration department.

Jang Chan who holds the position of a 6th rank watchdog at the Academy of Sciences politely greeted an old eunuch wearing white powder and wearing a red official uniform with a splint on one shoulder.

“You’re still not feeling well due to your injury so I’d like to apologize for asking you this. “I’m sorry.”

The old eunuch’s name was Beomjeung.

He held the position of small inspector of the imperial palace.

“no. “His Royal Highness King Gyeongchin also asked me to look into it so of course he should help.”

“thank you. “As I am only a civil servant I cannot know whether the grade skipping service is being carried out properly so I asked Superintendent Beom who is such an expert to help me.”

“Hehehe. Nobu is still lacking. That’s why he got injured like this.”

“Don’t say things like that. Didn’t he risk his life to protect Lord Mama? “His Majesty said he would never forget this.”

“I’m just shocked that you said that.”

“I can learn a lot from my mother-in-law because she is always humble. If you do it let’s go.”

City Dog Jang Chan took the lead holding out his hand.

In response Beom Sogam the eunuch of Seochang limped and followed him.

In fact he was injured and could have handed over the job to another Xochang eunuch but he decided to do it out of curiosity.


I heard that the opponent for this grade skipping meeting is Cheonjihoe.

I have met many warriors both inside and outside the palace but most of them were members of the political faction.

Therefore Beom said that he expressed his intention to observe in person because he was curious about their power which even the people of Safa are afraid of.

‘If the Heaven and Earth Association is colluding with Queen Hwang it wouldn’t be a bad idea to take this opportunity to see to what level it is.’

In the near future he may become a threatening enemy to His Majesty the King of Gyeongchin.

To what extent is the inaction of the later exponents of the Cheonjihoe?

“ah! “It’s waiting over there.”

Seadog Jang Chan pointed to the junior training area.

“Ohh. Is that so…!?”

Beom So-gam who was limping his way with a heart full of anticipation saw something and was so startled that he stopped mid-way.

“What do you think about the tiger?”

The city dog Jang Chan looked puzzled and turned around to look at Beom Sogam.

His complexion suddenly looked bad.

He was so stiff that his body was shaking and I couldn’t figure out why.

‘How can the author be here?’

Even from a distance he could see that the person had an outstanding off-white color that was noticeable to him.

As soon as Beom saw him he was so surprised that his legs almost gave out.

‘Did I see it wrong?’


For that reason it was a face I could never forget even in my dreams.

He was the one who had barely survived in that hellish place and hoped to never encounter that bastard again.

But how is that demon-like guy here?

“What do you think about the tiger?”

City Dog Jang Chan called him.

Superintendent Beom who finally came to his senses lowered his voice and spoke.

“…Are they the latter-day leaders of the Cheonjihoe?”

“Wouldn’t it be nice to see them confronting our cadets? But is there even a face that knows what it feels like to be a tiger? “How can you say that?”

He said swallowing dry saliva as if his mouth was burning up from the feeling of guilt at his question.

“Right now… Make me give up fighting right now.”

“yes? “What do you mean by that?”

“It’s a fight you can never win.”

“You can’t win? “It’s hard to make such a conclusion without even competing yet…”

“It’s impossible.”

Beom Sogam decisively cut off Jang Chan’s words.

Then he spoke in a trembling voice.

“How can kids like that defeat a monster that even Nobu can’t deal with?”


< Episode 65 Ignoring the Demonstration Department (1) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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