Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 231

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< Episode 64: Desire (3) >

‘Bo obey?’

Queen Hwang’s eyes were trembling like crazy.

She obviously knew she wanted something but she never expected her to ask out loud like this.

‘How dare this guy!’

No matter how cornered she was she was still the queen.

Did she say that she the mother of the crown prince of this country should be obeyed by a mere robber from Wulin?

How can you say something like this without going crazy?

I would have rather died. I absolutely cannot accept obeying a guy like this just to save my life…

“You can’t go to Mama!”

At that time the eunuch Yubong intercepted Paengseok who was consumed by madness and desire.





Yubong was hit in the chest and abdomen by Pang Seok-im’s lightning-like punch and fell to his knees.

In the first place there was no way that Yubong could match Pang Seok-im who was no match for even his classmate Jang So-gam.

Even if he didn’t use a sword even his bare hands were no match for him.

Paeng Seok-im sneered kicking the head of Yu-bong who was on his knees.



“The eunuch is showing off.”

Paeng Seok-im who defeated Yubong in one go looked at Lady Seo Hwang and flicked her tongue and said.

“Western Hyo. “Let’s see her beautiful skin.”

Paeng Seok-im is breathing heavily with red eyes.

Seeing his lust-filled appearance the Queen Dowager unknowingly took a step back from her.

Although she had been lusted after by numerous men in the past since she was in the imperial palace she showed minimal courtesy and did not say anything vulgar.

She was so humiliated and scared by this.

“Paeng Seok-im do you think you’ll get away with something like this?”

“Safe? What’s the big deal? “If you Western Hyo get a taste of this stuff tonight you will never be able to get out.”

She said as Pang Seok-im touched her swollen area.

Seeing this she turned her head as if she was ashamed.

Is that the true desire and nature of that man?

It was so dirty.

If I were raped by a man like that I felt like I would want to bite his tongue and die.

So she said to her neck cultivator:

“Didn’t you say you would grant everything you want?”



The unintentional tilt of her neck made her bite her lower lip until it bled.

What do you mean there are people like this?

Queen Hwang shouted urgently.

“Are you really a human being? “Are you planning on letting a weak woman get raped by that guy?”

She appealed to her recognition.

She was someone who would never give Mok Gyeong-un what he wanted.

At these words Pang Seok-im who was approaching glanced at Mok Gyeong-un burst out laughing and said:

“Puhahahaha. “Are you just asking this gisaeng Orbi to help you?”

Although he was said to be consumed by madness and desire he was alive with spirit.

In his eyes Mo Gyeong-un looked like a child who was only at the peak level.

It was funny to see her asking for help from such a brat.


Paeng Seok-im said while aiming his evil sword at Mok Gyeong-un.

“hey. Baby. Are you going to try blocking it?”

Mok Gyeong-un grinned at his threat and then responded by stepping aside.


“It can’t be. “Do whatever you want.”

“yes! “You!”

Seeing this the Queen Mother was so shocked that she didn’t know what to do.

Are you really going to just watch the crown prince’s mother and the most noble person in this country being violated by a guy like this?

Her neck gyeong-un chuckled at her distress.

“I don’t know if His Majesty the Emperor would like a woman who has been raped by someone else.”


The moment she heard these words her expression hardened.

I just thought this moment was humiliating but the moment I heard Mo Gyeong-un’s words many things rushed through my mind.

The Emperor would be furious if he knew that he had been wronged by such a bastard.

That anger would not just end with this guy but might even extend to the defiled self and the crown prince.

Then everything ends in disaster.


It was absolutely terrifying to think about.

At this Queen Dowager wrapped her arms around her own body and shouted at her approaching Peng Seok-im.

“Oh don’t come! When she comes I will bite her tongue and kill myself!”



At that moment Pang Seok-im who was walking slowly and enjoying her fearful appearance instantly closed the distance with the Gyeongshinbeop and took possession of her blood path.


In an instant her body became rigid.


“You can’t do that. “I’ve been looking forward to this moment so much.”

“you! you!”

“iced coffee. Don’t worry. “I didn’t allow it to enter her mouth with enough force to bite off her tongue.”


“I’m going to do this now but wouldn’t it be more exciting to hear the cries of the Western Hyo’s four-year-old daughter?”


Queen Hwang’s face was distorted with shame at his vulgar words.



However Paeng Seok-im laughed and tore off her gorgeous outerwear as if he was enjoying this sight.

Then her underwear was revealed along with her white inner skin.

As her clothes were torn tears formed in the eyes of Queen Dowager Seo who could not overcome the shame.

It was so humiliating.

Could she just be raped by a guy like this?

She looked at Mo Kyung-un with shaking eyes.


Lady Xu Huang was at a loss for words when she saw Mo Qingyun looking at her with a dull expression on her face.

Is that guy really human?

How can you look at something like this and still have emotionless eyes?



At that time Paeng Seok-im grabbed her underwear and breast jacket at the same time.

It seemed as if they were trying to rip it off in one go and make the upper body completely naked.

Even after seeing that her neck Kyung-un folded his arms and didn’t even show any reaction.

He was like a demon without any kind of recognition.

‘The rain that I once saw fell on these guys….’

It was truly a dilemma.

Being violated by this dirty guy being kicked out by the emperor and being subjugated to that demon-like bastard were all the worst.


At that moment her upper body underwear and chest jacket were completely torn off.

At the same time her voluptuous upper body was revealed.

Paeng Seok-im’s tongue licked and his mouth drooled at the sight of her body which was so white and elastic that it was hard to believe that it was the body that had given birth to a child.

She was frozen in place unable to move tears streaming down her face her face red with shame.

Seeing her like this made her even more excited.




Pang Seok-im viciously grabbed one of her breasts and his other hand suddenly moved to her lower body.

In the end Queen Hwang screamed in anger.

“would! “I will do as you wish so kill this guy right now!”

She said as Pang Seok-im laughed at her cry.

“No matter how urgent the Western Queen’s filial piety is it’s true that you ask such a brat to kill this body….”

“Did you hear?”

At that time a voice heard from behind her and Paeng Seok-im made her snort.

Then she grabbed the hilt of her evil sword with her right hand and turned her head toward her neck and said

“Sweetheart. It’s your last chance. I feel really good because my body is about to undergo a major crisis so I’ll let it pass just this once. “Get out now.”

“That seems difficult.”

“it’s hard? under!”

In response Pang Seok-im lifted her body up.

Then she turned her body aimed her sword at her neck and spoke softly.

“You really wanted to die. “Something like a gisaeng orbi.”

“You’re out of luck.”


“If I hadn’t coveted someone else’s sword this wouldn’t have happened.”

“What are you talking about!”


Paeng Seok-im and Ilgal swung their vicious swords at Mok Gyeong-un’s neck.

She was so fast that she was able to separate her head and body in an instant.




Paeng Seok-im’s eyes widened.

That was because the blade was blocked by the palm of her neck.

“What the hell is this….”


At that time the body of the Akjeukgeom that was in contact with Mokgyeongun’s palm trembled and screamed.

At this Paeng Seok-im who was consumed by desire and madness could not help but be surprised.

She was reacting to this brat as if her sword was alive.

‘The sword resonates?’

What on earth is going on?

“Now give me my sword back.”

“Your sword?”


At those words Paeng Seok-im frowned and shouted.

“Stop talking nonsense! This sword is mine! “It’s not something a brat like you can covet!”


With that Paeng Seok-im took the blade out of Mok Gyeong-un’s hand and tried to spread the blade.


-Wow! Wow!

At that moment the veins on the back of Paeng Seok-im’s hand who was holding the sword of the evil sword bulged out and he could not control the movements of his hand as if he were wearing a sword.

“Turn it off!”

As a result Pang Seok-im who could not bear the pain let go of his sword against his will.


The evil sword fell from his hand and stuck on the floor standing upright.

Geomshin was alone and trembling and Paeng Seok-im made an expression that he could not understand at this sight.

“Why are you rejecting this body?”

Although he was a magic sword he thought that the sword had chosen him.

But clearly the sword was rejecting him.

At that time Mok Gyeong-un grabbed the sword of the Akjeukgeom which was standing upright on the floor and pulled it out.


Then the name of the sword grew bigger and a radiance flowed from the sword body.

Paeng Seok-im’s eyes wavered as he looked at this.

So does this really mean that he was chosen by this magic sword?

“Then goodbye.”



It was before the interrogation was even over.

Paeng Seok-im who realized that something sharp had grazed his neck was shocked and grabbed his neck with both hands.


Meanwhile Mok Gyeong-un lightly swung the blade of the Akjeukgeom and shook off the blood.

Paeng Seok-im’s eyes were stained with despair as he looked at this.

Ignoring him Mok Gyeong-un approached Hwang Guifei who was pinned on the floor and released the blood sword that had been placed on her.


Her blood pressure was released and she was shocked and wrapped her arms around her chest.

She was ashamed but perhaps her resentment toward Paeng Seok-im was greater than that. She glared at him and said

“Why don’t you kill me?”

“I killed him.”

“Killed him?”


“What are you talking about? “Aren’t you still alive and well?”

Pang Seok-im who was agitated and clutching his own neck was still alive.

At this Mok Gyeong-un chuckled and then quickly approached him.

Paeng Seok-im moved his eyes left and right indicating some kind of rejection.

However Mo Kyung-un paid no attention to this and placed his finger on his forehead and flicked it.




Pang Seok-im’s head which he was barely holding on to was pushed away and he fell backwards.



As his head fell to the floor blood poured out like a fountain from the cut cross section of his neck.

Lady Hwang’s eyes became blank as she looked at this.

He was an unscrupulous bastard who had tried to rape him but seeing him dead with his head cut off right in front of him drove him crazy.

‘Monster… This guy is a real monster.’

Eunuch Yubong who was holding Paeng Seok-im’s broken nose stuck out his tongue inwardly.

He didn’t even see the sword cut his throat.

Even the person in question must have realized it only after he had been cut so he hurriedly grabbed his cut neck.

It was truly ghost-like swordsmanship.

The eunuch Yubong who was inwardly astonished hurriedly ran to Queen Hwang and covered her with his outer robe.


Queen Dowager Xu was trembling and wrapped herself in the hem of Yubong’s clothes.

It was better than when I saw the head of Paeng Seok-im’s older brother Paeng I-moon but it was still just as disgusting.

Yubong spoke carefully to Mok Gyeong-un.

“Mama is having a hard time holding it in so please move to another location and give her some time.”

“That’s not difficult.”

Hearing these words Yubong inwardly breathed a sigh of relief.

After naturally moving to a new location and leaving the Queen Mother in the care of the court ladies he felt like he needed to avoid their eyes.

Since he had betrayed them it seemed like there was no good point in acting out in front of them.

“If you do please take Mama with you for a while….”

“Oh I almost forgot.”


Mok Gyeong-un shook his head at him questioning him.

“I’m not talking about that.”

At this the Empress Dowager looked at her in confusion as her body trembled.

What on earth did you forget?

Then Mok Gyeong-un smiled and said.

“Since you promised obedience I thought I’d show you what a traitor’s words are like.”


As soon as those words were out Yubong was startled and tried to say something to Mok Gyeong-un.

“Mr. Mo Mokgongja. “I am also loyal to Confucius…”


It was before I finished speaking.

In the blink of an eye Mo Gyeong-un’s sword was already above Yu-bong’s head.

Yubong’s eyes widened as if they were torn apart.

And then soon


A vertical red line appeared in the middle of his face.

Lady Xu Huang slowly turned her head to the side with trembling eyes.

When she turned her head blood began to flow from her red line and soon Yubong’s body was split in half.

The blood splashing from her cracked body soaked her body.


Stiff with her fear she could not move.

Mok Gyeong-un touched Lady Seohwang’s cheek which was soaked with her blood and spoke softly.

“I trust you will behave well.”

< Episode 64: Desire (3) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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