Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 223

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< Episode 62: Mixed blood (3) >

“Just because I accepted defeat cleanly doesn’t mean I have an obligation to tell you everything about me. So kill him.”

“Is that so? That’s such a shame. “I was curious as to why they were carrying bugs in their stomachs.”


Hearing Mo Qingyun’s words the eyes of Geumwiwi in the wall widened.

‘How does this guy do that?’

This was something that even he did not know about his gift.

Because of this he couldn’t even say anything to him. How much was he being swayed by that guy?

Even though I wanted to talk I couldn’t do anything because of that thing in my stomach.

Because there was a ban on even mentioning it.

‘How on earth did you know?’

Even if I wanted to tell someone about this there was nothing I could do because of the ban.

The moment you mention this with your own mouth the thing in your stomach will destroy your Danjeon and not only that it will drive you to death.

At that time Mok Gyeong-un who was looking at him closely said.

“I guess that’s right.”


The Geumuiwi within the wall could not give any response to Mokgyeongun’s words.

He didn’t know if it would be a problem to the extent of yes or no but he had to be careful because if he made even the slightest mistake the Danjeon could be destroyed.

I wish this person would dig into this a little more.



“The expression on his face seems like he’s anxious to say something but it feels like he’s holding it back.”

Hearing Mo Kyung-un’s words the face of Geumui-wi in the wall lit up.

“I guess that’s right?”

He was a really clever guy.

He absolutely hated showing his face to anyone but at this moment he felt like he had to make the most of his facial expressions.

-Looking at the reaction it seems to be true.

Cheongryeong said to Mokgyeongun.

To this Mok Gyeong-un nodded his head and responded with a full tone.

-It seems so.

-I can’t believe there are bugs in my body…..

-It seems like real loneliness.

-Real loneliness?

The method of producing solitude is quite heinous.

Dozens or hundreds of poisonous animals are put into a jar and the lid is not opened until one survives.

The worst one that survived was called Lonely.

When Mok Gyeong-un said that it was true loneliness he meant proper poisonous insects not a methodical problem like Gyu So-ha of the Blue Spirit level which was created by trapping the vengeful spirits of Sihyeolgok and having them eat each other.

Of course Cheongryeong also understood Mo Kyung-un’s words exactly.

-Does this mean that there is really loneliness in the stomach of this living creature from the West Region?

-yes. It’s very good.

It was clearly visible in Mo Kyung-un’s right eye which opened the magical power of his three eyes.

Of course I didn’t know this from the beginning.

He was interested in the method of kyungsin above and opened the magic power of the three eyes to examine the fortune-telling technique and discovered another energy condensed in his stomach.

Because Solitude was a living organism that nourished its body with blood and energy it had a distinctly different energy from other insects.

-That’s amazing. There actually existed someone who could deal with loneliness.

-I see. I heard about it from my grandfather and read about it in Nanman Reading (南蠻毒書) but this is my first time seeing it actually in a person’s stomach.

Mok Gyeong-un’s eyes became interested.

Although he didn’t know anything else he had a special interest in poisons and medicine as he was very knowledgeable.

This was especially true when it came to poison which he had only read about in books and had never seen in person.

-Loneliness is also a type of poison. Should this be considered an addiction?

-You can see it as an addiction. However I heard that solitude is not only used as a poison but is also used to restrain others.

-For redemption?

-yes. This type of solitude that you put into your body is not one but a pair.


I was puzzled but Mok Kyung-un spoke to Geumuiwi inside the wall this time.

“Even if you are banned just nodding and shaking your head won’t cause any major problems so stop making facial expressions.”


Hearing Mo Gyeong-un’s words Geumuiwi within the wall frowned in embarrassment.

Mok Gyeong-un seemed to not mind his reaction at all and continued.

“Is it loneliness?”


At that question Gold in the Wall nodded his head with trembling eyes.

I couldn’t tell anyone until now but I never dreamed that there would be someone who would accurately recognize the existence of this loneliness within my body.

Looking at him with a brighter complexion Mok Gyeong-un continued speaking.

“It is highly unlikely that someone would have put something like this in their body on their own. Someone would have forced it right?”


At that question the gold medalist in the wall nodded.

“Then you would be following the orders of the one who created loneliness against your will?”


The Geumuiwi within the wall nodded.

Mok Gyeong-un who was looking at him intently thought for a moment and then asked.

“Are you in the imperial palace?”

The Geumuiwi within the wall nodded.

It’s as if I’m asking 20 questions but there’s no answer yet.

“Are you a person of high status?”

Geumwiwi nodded to that question.

“okay. Well I’m not really interested in who did it so let’s end it here. “I’d rather ask this question than that.”


“Do you want to get rid of loneliness?”

Without even having time to think about Mo Kyung-un’s question Geumui-wi in the wall nodded.

Of course he wanted to get rid of it without even asking.

Does this person know how?

Mok Gyeong-un smiled and said to him who was staring at him with earnest eyes.


With those words Mo Kyung-yun unfastened the black cloth covering his face.

Geumuiwi ​​who was puzzled by his sudden behavior couldn’t help but be surprised.


Although his voice sounded a bit young I still thought that if he was incompetent enough to invent a tax-saving sword technique he must have some level of seniority.

But no matter how much I look at this face it doesn’t even look like it’s in good condition.

At this the Geumwiwi in the wall looked dumbfounded and asked.

“You…are you sure you haven’t even signed the terms?”

“yes. “I will soon be eighteen but I am still seventeen.”


I was shocked.

You were only seventeen?

Was he overwhelmed by his own inaction for such a young guy?

I was speechless.

Geumuiwi ​​who was perplexed at seeing Mok Gyeong-un who was younger than expected suddenly had a question.

Why did this guy show his face?

Mok Kyung-un said while I was puzzled.

“I’ll give you a choice.”


“yes. Since he accepted death anyway I don’t think he would be particularly upset if he died here but should I say I’m giving him a chance?”

“Give me a chance? “What are you talking about?”

“It’s simple. Just help me do what I’m trying to do and I’ll help you get rid of loneliness in your body.”


At Mo Gyeong-un’s words the Geumuiwi within the wall paused for a moment.

This guy was literally offering to make a deal with himself.

‘Helps me get rid of loneliness?’

At that moment Geumuiwi’s mind became complicated in the wall.

Because of his loneliness he was unable to tell the truth even to his teacher so he was unable to do anything.

However if this can be removed the situation will be different.

Wasn’t this the moment I had been waiting for so long?


‘What if it’s false?’

First of all this transaction proposal itself was no different from threatening someone by exploiting his weakness.

Besides what would he do if what this guy said was false?

Can he really get rid of loneliness?

‘…. He said that even if there is a Hwatana or an arrangement he cannot get rid of solitude.’

But how can this guy get rid of it?

More and more questions piled up in his mind.

Mok Gyeong-un said to him.

“Do you have any doubts?”

“….Do you think I could believe what you say?”

“The solitude that clings to the body is not one but a pair. There is a parasitic form in the host’s body and an organ that controls it. The parasitic form is strictly controlled by the commands of this spirit and if it tries to cause harm it will harm the host itself. “Am I wrong?”

At these words the eyes of Geumuiwi within the wall trembled.

It was accurate to deny it.

It was almost the same as what he said.

[Don’t move too hastily. I warn you in advance that as long as the record is with the headquarters you will have to be faithful to the orders of the headquarters.]


Just thinking about it makes me shiver.

But what is this guy really?

A guy who hasn’t even entered the military service has not only the martial arts of a great master but he also has extensive knowledge about poisons?

“What are you…..”

“I’m going to die anyway so it’s funny that I’m worrying about an opportunity like this. “If you do that I will help you make that choice quickly.”


“Count to five exactly.”


With those words the blade of the evil sword pressed against the neck of Geumuiwi in the wall.

With any other sword you wouldn’t get cut unless you cut it but the blade just touched it and it stung and blood flowed out.

It didn’t seem to be an ordinary sword.

At that time Mok Gyeong-un counted the numbers.


“Wait a minute!”


I didn’t even want to listen.

Moreover the counting speed was very fast.


In an instant the Geumwiwi within the wall became even more confused.

If you don’t take this guy’s offer he will lose his life on this spot.

No when I thought about it I was in danger of dying at the hands of this guy anyway.

There was just one more way.


Now there is only one number left.

Geumwi in the wall clutching his head as if it was about to explode spoke to Nakgyun who opened his mouth.


-Sigh! Sreung!

As soon as he finished speaking Mok Gyeong-un took the sword off his neck and put it into his scabbard.

Cold sweat was beading on the forehead of Geumuiwi inside the wall.

He was caught up in numerous worries as if time had stopped for a brief moment.

But he decided that if he was going to die anyway he might as well take a risk.

Mok Gyeong-un smiled and said to him.

“It was easier to choose right?”

‘under! ‘Easy?’

I was shocked.

What is so easy about risking your life?

The young guy is more vicious than he looks. However there was no point in considering this.

He took a deep breath and asked.

“…So what does that thing mean?”

In response to this question Mok Gyeong-un approached Song-ah the daughter of master Hong Bong-yuk who was watching them with an incomprehensible look on his face.

She asked confused by the sudden appearance of Mo Kyung-un approaching.

“Why are you doing that?”

“Let me close my ears for a moment.”



Mo Qingyun quickly drained her blood.

But I didn’t faint or anything like that.

Mok Kyung-un told her something about her.

“uh? “A cow sound?”

However Mo Kyung-un’s voice was not heard.

Seeing her look of confusion Mok Gyeong-un grinned and gestured with her hand to tell her to wait for a moment then approached Geumuiwi in the wall and said

“The title of Cheonho is an official of the highest rank so it must be a fairly high position within the Geumuiwiwi right?”

“It is a mid-level position in practical terms. “It is not a position that has the power to make decisions about something.”

“You can’t take it out already. “I haven’t even made a proper proposal yet.”


As he silenced her Mok Gyeong-un continued speaking again.

“Then let’s start with the most difficult proposal.”

“Difficult way?”

“yes. “I want someone to break out of the golden prison under the imperial palace. Is that possible?”


As soon as he finished saying these words the eyes of the Geumwiwi within the wall widened.

He had an idea that he was going to make a rough offer but something completely unexpected and surprising came out.

“What are you saying now…..”

“It’s just as I heard. “I asked if I could bring out the person I wanted from the golden palace underground.”

Mo Qingyun looked at him and twitched the corner of his mouth.

When he thought about it he didn’t think there was any need to go in.

If you can move Geumuiwi ​​which is about the size of a 5th rank Cheonho wouldn’t it be enough to put him inside and take him out?

-It’s not bad.

Cheongryeong also agreed with Mok Gyeong-un’s idea.

There was no need to take unnecessary risks if there were other options.


“I can’t grant that request regardless of whether you’re being accused of treason or anything like that.”

“You can’t listen?”

“I don’t know exactly who you’re trying to break out of but just because you’re on the Gold Council doesn’t mean you take on all of the work within the palace.”

“What do you mean?”

“The Geumui Commission is divided into six ministries and the work done varies accordingly.”

“Six Buddhas? “So what do you do?”

“I belong to the investigation department as part of the Military Selections Department. “If I intervene or interfere with the work of another department I will be arrested for exceeding my authority.”

“…That’s a really annoying rule.”

Mo Kyung-yun scratched his head.

I thought it would be possible with a position like Cheonho of the Geumuiui Commission but it is not easy to solve.

Mok Gyeong-un said this.

“Then can’t you do it secretly prepared to exceed your authority?”

At this question Geumuiwi in the wall burst into laughter and said.

“Did the imperial palace look so shabby? In addition to the Jinyiwi there are also masters of the Dongchang and Xichang and in addition to the Jinyiwiwi there are also gold jade statues guarding the underground gold mine of the imperial palace. “It is virtually impossible for me to sneak into a place like that and make someone escape.”

It’s quite complicated.

Now that I think about it if this had been an easy problem to solve they would have taken the method of recruiting someone from the Geumwiui Committee which manages Geumok to escape from prison in the first place.


I wanted to force him to risk his life as collateral but if the Geumuiwiui within the wall fails in their work breaking out of prison will become even more difficult.

If so it could be said that its utility was not particularly good.

Mok Gyeong-un shrugged his shoulders and said.

“There’s nothing you can do if you do it. “It didn’t help me at all…”

“If you really want to enter the golden palace underground there is one way.”

Even before Mo Kyung-un finished speaking Geumui-wi in the wall spoke.

Mok Kyung-un looked puzzled and asked.

“What is the other way?”

“We are entering through ignoring the protestors.”

Mok Kyung-un showed no particular reaction to his words.

Because that was already their plan.

The primary goal was to become a member of the Geumwiui Committee by ignoring the demonstration department and infiltrate the underground Geumok.

“That’s already…..”

“After passing the Demonstration Department Mushi a one-month probationary period is held for the final selection.”

“Geumuiuiwi apprenticeship?”

This was my first time hearing this story.

Because their plans were accomplished in completely different ways.

Because of that Queen Hwang’s help was desperately needed.

At that time the Geumwiwi in the wall answered Mok Gyeong-un’s question.

“This new facility was created based on the commander’s opinion. The selected cadets undergo apprenticeship by visiting each department of the Yukseonbu every five days for a month.”

“You mean to experience it in advance?”

“similar. Here Saseonbu the department responsible for managing Geumok also trains.”

“Oh really? Then you will have a chance to enter the golden prison.”

“no. “Not really.”

“What do you mean?”

“The underground gold mine of the imperial palace has an organ system and its structure is very complex and dangerous so only trained gold guards who have memorized the entire golden war map can enter. Therefore I understand that the plan is to train only the general Geumok officials of the outer castle.”

Hearing his words Mok Kyung-un tilted his head and said.

“That probably means that the information you gave me isn’t particularly helpful.”

“Listen to the end. Originally it was supposed to proceed that way but there was still a short period of time left until it was ignored. “Just changing the regulations a little bit can help.”

“Change the rules a little bit? That means…”

“I will try my best to ensure that Geumuiwi’s apprentices can also be employed in the underground Geumok.”

< Episode 62: Mixed blood (3) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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