Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 220

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< Episode 61: Craftsman (3) >

All of the butchers were puzzled by the sudden disappearance of Mok Gyeong-un.

Of course Mok Gyeong-un’s group the advance team and the second team were surprised in a different way because they knew that he had performed very fast light techniques.

Then Gan Yang who was the leader of the advance team looked at Meng Wuyak and Nie Chun of the second team in an embarrassed tone and spoke softly.

“Shouldn’t you have stopped the woodworker?”

“How can you stop me?”

It disappeared before I could say anything.

How can you stop it?

“If there is friction with the Geumui Commission while the production of cotton balls is already wrong the plan may go even further awry.”

Ganyang believed that since Jangju’s arm was cut off anyway the production of the bast noodle was over.

In such a situation if the situation escalated by clashing with the Geumuiwi ​​it could become difficult to infiltrate the imperial palace.

Hearing his words Seopchun told him not to worry.

“Just stay for now. My lord you are not a thoughtless person. And the production of cotton balls….”

Nie Chun hesitated about what to say.

The lord Mo Gyeong-un tried to tell them that if only he could find Jang Ju’s severed hands he could use a mysterious magic spell to put them back together but I wondered if they would easily believe them.

It’s hard to believe that a severed arm could be attached in the first place.

Then suddenly someone came running into the room panting.

“Gasp! “It’s a big deal.”

“Brother Mo!”

The hairy man recognized him and called him Brother Mo.

Then the man called Brother Mo cried and spoke as if he was sorry to the butchers.

“Miss So Song-ah was arrested by the National Guard for interfering with the execution of official duties.”

“What what? Obstruction of official duties?”

“no. Mr. Mo you were just watching that?”

The butchers were embarrassed and indignant at the sudden news.

at that time

“You damn things!”


The hairy man pulled out a butcher knife hanging on the wall of the room with an angry look on his face.

The hairy man seemed ready to run out at any moment.

At that time someone urged him.


The hairy man who was about to run outside stopped with a frown.

The person who stopped him was none other than Jangju.

He said as Jangju struggled to get up.

“Haa…haa…what can I do when you come forward?”

“But Song-Ah….”

“Are you planning to make things bigger!”

Jangju who urged him then looked at Seopchun and his companions and said

“Ha…ha…. You guys are martial arts people right?”

To his words Ganyang the leader of the advance team nodded and answered.

“Yes. But Jangju… the bleeding is severe so don’t overexert yourself and just sit down…”


Before he could finish his words Jangju knelt on the floor.

“Come on Jangju!”

“How could that…”

His attitude made the butchers restless.

Nevertheless Jangju did not pay any attention to them and said what he had to say.

“Ha…ha…I…I’m fine. “Rather I would like to make a request to you.”

“What do you mean Cheong?”

“Please help me.”

Ganyang was troubled by his request.

They were already in trouble because Mok Kyung-un was acting on his own terms and if they were to come into conflict with the Geumwiwi their mission could have been disrupted.

“Jangju… I understand your desire to find a woman but…”

“Haa…haa…that child…cough cough…is not my girl.”


Didn’t all the butchers call you a lady?

Then it must be Jangju’s wife. What does this mean?

Then suddenly the hairy man holding the hilt of the butcher knife knelt on the floor like a pole.

“Please help me.”

“Brother Song!”

The butchers were taken aback by his sudden attitude and tried to dissuade him.

At that time Jae-jeong Jae-jeong an apostate monk looked alternately at Jang Ju and the hairy man called Brother Song and then burst into laughter.

“Hahahahahaha. “I understand now.”

* * *


Geumuiwi ​​with drooping eyebrows could not hide his embarrassment.

‘This guy… is a master!’

Geumuiwi ​​with drooping eyebrows was a Baekho of the 6th rank and was an expert at the beginning of the climax.

If only he could block the sword loaded with his 7-star power with just one finger. This meant that the inaction of the unknown expert who covered his face far exceeded his own.

‘If we are this expert the four of us should join forces or Heavenly Father should step forward.’


Realizing that he could not deal with them alone the drooping-browed Geumwi hurriedly widened the distance placed one of his hands behind his back and opened his mouth sending a hand signal to the other Geumwiwis for help.

“Who are you to try to interfere with the work of our Geumui Committee?”

He deliberately emphasized their status as a member of the Geumuiwiwi.

Among the people of Central Plains there was no one who did not know that Jinuiwi was a royal guard under the direct control of the emperor.

The purpose was to raise awareness among the opponents.

Even if you are a martial arts expert how dangerous it is to touch yourself.

At his words Mok Gyeong-un who was covering his face with a black cloth chuckled and said.

“Hoo. Were you on the Gold Council?”

Geumwi frowned at Mok Gyeong-woon’s tone of voice which was as if he didn’t know.

Are you doing this on purpose?

It didn’t make sense that they didn’t know they were members of the Gold Guard even after seeing their golden belts and beer uniforms.

In response the Gold Council said:

“If you really don’t know stop right here and step away. In that case we will not ask you about the circumstances or your crime…”

It was before he finished speaking.


Mo Kyung-un immediately narrowed the distance in front of him.


In a panic he swung his sword backwards and tried to throw the new type backwards but Mok Gyeong-un caught the blood of Geumuiwi with drooping eyebrows at lightning speed.


Geum’s stomach which was hit by blood soon closed his eyes and passed out.


Seeing this the other Geumuiwis who had dismounted from their horses and were sneaking up to help the Geumuiwi with drooping eyebrows could not hide their embarrassment.

At this one of them hurriedly tried to shout at the carriage.



Then Mo Kyung-un grabbed the neck of the drooping eyebrows of the Geumuiwiwi as if he was going to break it and flicked the index finger of his other hand left and right towards the Geumwiwiwis.

This meant that if anyone shouted he would break the neck of his colleague.

‘This bastard hostage?’

The members of the Gold Council who had taken their colleagues hostage soon stopped shouting and hesitated as to what to do.

At that moment Mo Qingyun’s new form dispersed like smoke.


‘This Lee Hyeong-hwan-wi?’

Lee Hyeong-hwan-wi (移形換位).

This is a phenomenon in which the new model moves so fast that it looks like an afterimage.

Surprised they immediately turned their backs on each other and tried to stand guard.

But before he could turn his back one of them Gold of the Beard struck him on the chin.


“100 million!”

His head shot up but then his eyes rolled back and he fell to the floor.


‘Oh no!’

In an instant their colleague was attacked again and the remaining two members of the Gold Guard embarrassed by this pressed their backs and became extremely nervous rolling their eyes in all directions like crazy.

However not even the shadow of Mok Gyeong-un entered their field of vision.

Their complexions gradually darkened due to the tightening tension.

* * *

The name of the dog-haired woman with her dark eyebrows and full of freckles was Song-ah.

She was the wife of Lord Hong Bong-yuk and also the general manager in charge of housekeeping at the slaughterhouse.

Song-Ah her mouth gagged with a thick cloth glared with her scary eyes at the gold of the mask crossing her arms across from her.

She who had been running after Geum to give up Jangju’s severed hand was trapped like this and trapped in her carriage.

The gold of her mask spoke to her like this.

“Have you calmed down a bit?”

It was a heavy low-pitched voice.

When I hear your voice it feels like I can’t even speak.

Song-ah glanced at the top of the mask and then nodded her head.

In response the masked Geumuiwi pulled out the cloth from her mouth.


She must have been so stuffy that she started breathing heavily.

After catching her breath like that she glared at the top of the mask again and spoke.

“It’s not enough for the world’s greatest king to take her father’s hand so now he’s kidnapping me too?”


“Where on earth are you taking me?”

Any other woman would have been frightened because she had been arrested by Geum Eui-wi but she boldly confronted him.

The golden top of the mask that was staring at her like this opened her mouth.

“Say it right away. “You are the one who followed the procession and caused a disturbance.”

“Is that a riot? “Is it not enough to cut off the hand of your father who accepted your noble nobleman’s request and is it a riot to stop him from taking it as if it were some kind of trophy?”

“She’s crying loudly so lower her voice.”

“You can’t lower it!”

“I guess she wants to gag her mouth again.”

“Try to bite it. I’m going to keep causing trouble until you give me my father’s hand! Kyaaaaaaa…”


As Song-Ah tried to scream the gold of the mask caught her ahyeol (啞穴).

Then she sighed and shook her head.

She was beyond bold and downright bold.


Even though she is in pain she tries her best to make a sound.

The gold of her mask which was looking at her like that spoke.

“You’re trying.”


“But do it in moderation.”


“You came to collect her father’s severed hand? “I understand that you are trying to show utmost filial piety but this is too much.”


Song-Ah who was trying to make noise at his words soon stopped and glared at the masked Geumwiwi.

The top of her mask lifted the leather pouch that was on the floor towards her.

Then she thrust it at Song-ah and said

“It would have seemed plausible if we had made a moderate fuss but why did we make such a fuss to get this?”


“Strictly speaking this isn’t even Zhuang Ju’s hand is it?”

Song-Ah’s eyes trembled slightly at those words.

Seeing her somewhat subdued attitude the Geumwiwi of the mask immediately drew blood and released the blocked blood.


Then the masked Geumwiwi spoke to Songah.

“The inside of this place was surrounded by true energy so the sounds from outside and inside the carriage were blocked. “There is no point in shouting any more so tell me the truth.”

Hearing his words Song-Ah pursed her lips.

Then the masked woman shook her head and said:

“okay. If I reveal the truth here I’ll be in trouble. “One has already been caught.”

“…What do you mean you caught me?”

The masked Geumwiwi responded to her words by placing a leather pouch on the floor.

“Isn’t this really Zhuang Ju’s hand?”

“What are you talking about? “You cut off your father’s hand and it’s not really Jangju’s hand…”

“For the hands of someone who makes bast masks the calloused areas are consistent.”

“What is that?”

“As far as I know the work of making bast cotton balls is more difficult than expected and I heard that it is difficult to keep the craftsman’s hands clean with glue and various chemicals. But the hands of the owner of these hands are no different from those of a person who has been butchering all his life.”


At these words Song-Ah’s expression hardened even more.

The masked Geumuiwi ​​who was even more convinced by this appearance continued what he had said.

“Perhaps the jangju with the severed hand is fake. He did not think that the true craftsman would be easily exposed to others.”

Song-Ah who had been keeping her mouth shut as if she was speechless due to this guess that hit the nail on the head swallowed her dry saliva and spoke.

“no. He really…”

“If I were to turn the wagon around right now and go back to Hongjeongyuk and overthrow it would you tell me the truth?”



She bit her lip hard at his threat which was not a threat.

She was someone I couldn’t deceive even if I wanted to.

In the end she told the truth.

“…that’s right. “He is not the real Lord Jang.”

“Now it makes sense.”

Song-Ah snorted at those words and then she frowned and said.

“Then of course you figured out that I was also a fake girl…”

“Of course it’s not his girlfriend but it’s not fake either.”


“That hand.”

The masked Geumuiwi nodded with her hand.

The skin on her palms was peeling and here and there she was having trouble finding the right areas of calluses.

Because of this the Master of the Mask was convinced that she was the true father-in-law’s wife.


Realizing that she couldn’t fool him any longer Song-Ah bit her lip and could do nothing but glare at him.

“So what are you going to do with me? Are you going to take me hostage to find the real thing?”

“Do you hope so?”

“Then I will bite her tongue and die in that place.”

“I will lay down her life for her father…”

After thinking about her words the golden stomach of the mask chuckled and she said.

“If I was really going to take you hostage do you think there would be any reason for us to be talking like this?”

“…What do you mean?”

she asked confused.

She said carefully lowering her voice even though the gold of her mask blocked out sounds from inside and outside her carriage.

“I had no choice but to cut off the fake craftsman’s wrist because of the name but I wouldn’t have done that if it was real.”


“I’m saying that I had no intention of fighting with your father who is my real father-in-law.”

She frowned at these words above the gold of the mask.

Is this person perhaps testing himself?

I couldn’t get used to the sudden change in attitude.

“Do you think I will believe you?”

“Of course you won’t believe it. However there are circumstances in which I have no choice but to obey someone’s orders. Of course I won’t ask you to understand this.”

“…Even if such a situation exists I can’t believe it.”

“embrace. “If it was a lie didn’t you say that talking like this would be meaningless?”

Song-ah became increasingly confused by these words.

Is this man’s true intentions the way they are now?

The golden stomach of the mask spoke to her who could not escape her doubts.

“I will soon let you go.”

“yes? “You’re letting me go?”



“Didn’t you say you weren’t trying to get into trouble with you or your father-in-law?”


“I won’t force you to trust me. If I let you go take your real father with you and leave Gaebong within four days. It may not be right away but if you have a sharp eye you will eventually notice this hand. “But I will buy time for four days.”

“Why…why are you trying to help me?”

Song-ah asked if she didn’t understand his attitude of trying to do her a favor.

To this the masked Geumwiwi responded in a low voice.

“Not just. “Because I also need help.”



“If it’s help then….”

“Make me a bast face mask.”

“What if it’s bast?”


“What on earth…”

“It’s simple. All you have to do is make the same bast face that you requested.”

Song-ah asked puzzled by his request.

“Why are you asking me to make the bast face mask again?”

“I have no obligation to tell you that much. Since this is a mutually beneficial condition all you have to do is make the same bast cloth. “You can do it…”


At that time the masked Geumuiwi stopped what he was saying.

“Why are you doing this?”

“…The carriage has stopped.”

The sound from inside and outside the carriage was blocked by the instrument so I couldn’t hear anything outside.

However apart from that it wasn’t like he couldn’t feel the vibration of the carriage.

I didn’t even pay attention to the conversation but the carriage seemed to have stopped for quite a long time.



The masked Geumuiwi ​​who was very excited opened the carriage door and went out.



All the government servants and the four Geumwiwis outside were collapsed.


Even though the sound was blocked it wasn’t for that long.

This happened in such a short period of time?

Judging that the situation was unusual Masked Geumwi without hesitation tried to press the sheep’s eye area below his ears with his two thumbs.

But then a voice came from behind him.

“I was bored waiting. how. Is the secret conversation over?”


Even though he was blocking his airway the fact that he was behind him without any sign meant that he was at least at the peak of his power.

The golden stomach of the mask who was pressing his thumb to the sheep’s blood opened his mouth without losing his composure.

“Who are you?”

In response to his question a completely different answer came out from behind him.

“Which would be better?”


“Would it be better to imagine that Cheonho of the Geumuiwi killed all of his subordinates and government servants and ran away? Or would it be better to peel off the skin of your face and use it as a painting?”


< Episode 61: Craftsman (3) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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