Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 22

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Episode 7: Ceremony of Clothing (1)

A connected red thread.

What it meant was that the soul was connected.

Food spirit.

The existence of Cheongnyeong who had become a monster under the control of his master was so unfair and absurd that this situation was so absurd that he even pulled out his head and screamed.

Unable to overcome his anger he even threatened Mok Gyeong-un.



-Pfft! Damn it!

The being of the blue spirit was strangling Mo Qingyun but he suddenly became embarrassed and withdrew his hand.

I wondered why but there was a red handprint around the pure white neck of the blue spirit being.

‘no way?’

After seeing this Mok Gyeong-un realized one thing.

I don’t know the exact reason but the food spirit seemed to share it when its owner was harmed.

‘Is that why?’

I thought I knew why the devil had black spots all over his body.

This was because the damage suffered when the Blue Spirit attacked with drops of blood was also directed to the Demon Monk.

‘I see.’

I think I understand why beings called food spirits follow their masters.

As the soul continued to share in harm it had no choice but to exclude all things that threatened its owner.

Looking at this I was able to understand why the spirit being reacted that way.

How angry that arrogant being must be because he has become a food spirit that is no different from a slave.

Even if you have only a soul left you will be angry.

But that was the end.

It didn’t matter to Mok Gyeong-un whether he was upset or angry about Cheongryeong’s presence.

Rather I was satisfied because I achieved my goal.

‘Blue spirit level.’

If you put it in terms of rank it is a high-ranking vengeful spirit that ranks fifth among the seven levels and is close to Imaemangryang.

Unlike the yellow spirit level demon monk the blue spirit level vengeful spirit that has existed with its grudge for over a hundred years was able to affect things other than living beings.

Mok Kyung-un wanted to check this.

‘Before that…’

Mok Gyeong-un spoke to the still angry Cheongryeong being.

“Now that you have become a food spirit what can I call you?”


“Isn’t it a waste of time to keep doing that?”



Mo Kyung-un sighed.

He grumbled and shook his head as he refused to make eye contact.

“Then it doesn’t matter if you call me whatever you want.”


“You idiot do you mind this?”

-How dare you!

Cheongnyeong who was not even trying to make eye contact with Mok Kyung-un’s words suddenly turned his head.

Mok Gyeong-un chuckled and said

“I guess you don’t like that again.”

At that sight one eyebrow of the Blue Spirit being raised frighteningly.

-Damn sentient being how dare you play with my seat?

“If you don’t want to make fun of me please tell me an appropriate title.”

-There is no title to give to an insignificant sentient being.

After saying those words the spirit being turned its head again.

Seeing this Mo Kyung-un clicked his tongue inwardly.

Fortunately it doesn’t pose a threat to me but I thought it might be quite difficult to control.

“I can’t help it. Since you don’t want to tell me I’ll call you whatever I want.”


“I can’t think of anything in particular so I’ll call you Cheongnyeong.”

It was Mok Gyeong-un who adopted the title Cheongnyeong which is a rank indicating the status of a vengeful spirit.

At this the spirit being slightly frowned.

It seemed like something was bothering him.

However due to his pride he did not seem to want to reveal his true name or title.

‘I guess I’ll have to coax him out slowly.’

It was meaningless if I couldn’t use it even though I had already achieved the Cheongnyeong level.

Without showing it Mok Kyung-un approached somewhere.

It was a book with its cover torn off lying on the floor of the cavity.

Mok Gyeong-un asked after picking up the book.

“You probably know what’s written inside.”

-Who is the Young Spirit… Phew.

Looking down at her anger she waved her hands as if she didn’t want to interrupt her words.

Then she reached out her hand picked up the stick that had fallen on the floor and puffed away at it.

She seemed to be quite a heavy smoker.

Mok Gyeong-un regained his appetite and flipped through the book.


A strange look appeared in Mok Gyeong-un’s eyes.

The writing inside the book seemed to have been written in blood.

‘That’s fun.’

The cover was made of human skin and the writing was written in blood.

Many people will find this book too repulsive and would not even think about turning it over.

Of course Mo Qingyun doesn’t care about that at all.

But that wasn’t the problem.


Inside the book the letters were jumbled and mixed up without any order.

It was difficult to interpret because it was so haphazardly listed.

Mok Kyung-un frowned as he looked at those letters.

‘Why are you listing it so randomly?’

The letters were only words that were used in a much more abstract manner than ordinary words.

I recently saw an article like this.

That was the Law of Softening the Heart.

Although it was written about breathing and fortune-telling methods the parts related to decision-making were made up of fairly abstract words like poetry.

‘It’s similar. But it’s more complicated.’

A total of thirty letters were listed in random order.

I seem to be combining them but no matter how I connect them a meaningless sentence is created.


Then I heard a laugh.

When I looked there I saw Cheongnyeong clenching her arms and shaking her head.

Looking at the reaction it seems like even if you die or wake up you won’t know what this is.

Mo Gyeong-un paid no attention to this and stared at the letters.


Mok Gyeong-un watched for a while.

Soon Mok Gyeong-un opened his mouth.

“I’m so hopeless… Miss Lee Hyeong-wishim…”


When the two sentences came out Cheongryeong’s expression who had been laughing hardened.

Through this reaction Mok Gyeong-un was able to infer that the two sentences combined were correct.

However if he expressed this he would not be able to confirm it from the young man’s expression so he inferred the latter sentence without deliberately expressing it.

“Muojeon Geosang…Musanghyeongwijeon…”

When he said this Cheongnyeong stiffened and frowned.

Apparently the last sentence was also correct.

I was connecting based on what I felt would be the best fit and it fit.

The remaining six words are

“Magaryanghaegeo… Yeokhaemugeukhyeol.”


The words were almost gone.

The moment I finished the sentence I felt a tightness in the center of my stomach and the book I was holding in my hand distorted strangely.

‘What is this?’

Mok Gyeong-un could not understand the English sentence.

If you look at the distorted shape of the book you can see that the paper was bunched up in the direction of the hand that was holding it.

It looked like it was about to be absorbed into the palm of my hand.

At that time I heard Cheongnyeong’s voice in my ear.

-How do you wear it?


When Mok Gyeong-un looked at him questioningly Cheong-ryeong looked surprised and turned her head away.

She seemed determined not to mix words.

Mok Gyeong-un looked at her like this and asked in puzzlement.

“What is chak (着)? “Does the book have anything to do with what happened?”


“When the book was crumpled I felt a slight tightness below my belly button. Is this related?”


Cheongryeong was dumbfounded by Mok Gyeong-un’s words.

He was a young man who knew right away that Mok Gyeong-un had not learned martial arts at all.

So I was sure he would never understand this.

No it was inevitable that it would be difficult to even accept this unless one reached a certain level or attained enlightenment.

But surprisingly Mok Gyeong-un combined these 30 letters to create the first phrase.


Qingling glanced at Mo Qingyun.

Since she had turned herself into a food spirit she didn’t want to talk about it but her curiosity grew.

Did I really understand that correctly?

Soon Cheongnyeong who was worried opened her mouth.

-Hey sentient being.

“Jeong…no Mok Gyeong-un.”


“Call me Mo Gyeong-un.”

At those words Cheongryeong made her snort and said.


Even if I told him his name he didn’t seem to have any intention of calling me that.

Mok Gyeong-un shrugged his shoulders because he didn’t particularly attach any significance to it.

Whatever you call it all you have to do is communicate with a doctor.

Cheongnyeong sighed heavily and then exhaled a large amount of smoke and said:

-Rebirth. Do you remember that feeling just now?



“It’s unclear what you mean.”

Cheongnyeong stared at Mok Gyeong-un’s words and shook her head.

– In fact it doesn’t make sense that an insignificant sentient being can learn the form of meditation so easily…


That was before the words were even finished.

The book Mok Kyung-un was holding became even more crushed and stuck to his palm.

Mok Kyung-un looked at this with a strange look in his eyes.


As Cheongnyeong said I remembered that feeling and this time I concentrated on memorizing the phrase in my head.

Then the paper crumpled again and stuck to my palm.

It was such an amazing thing.

However when I did this the area below my belly button became slightly tight again.

As if that wasn’t enough I felt like the blood vessels in my arms especially in my palms were tightening like my belly button.

Mo Gyeong-un looked at Cheongryeong and asked.

“What is this?”

Cheongryeong looked at Mo Kyung-un and muttered sticking out her tongue as if she was amazed.

-…..I can’t believe I saw something in death that I couldn’t even see in life.



“What do you mean it’s not?”

-Don’t worry. rebirth.

“Now that we have become a community of destiny how about emptying our minds a little?”

-Empty your mind? under! I have become a food spirit for insignificant sentient beings like you but I am emptying my mind…


Before she could finish speaking Mo Kyung-yun grabbed her hand.

Before she knew it the veins on her wrists including the back of her hands were standing on end as if they were about to burst.



The back of Cheongnyeong’s hands were shaking.

This was because the souls were connected and the pain of Mokgyeongun was transmitted.

At this the young man shouted.

-hey! rebirth. Hold her breath and clear her head.


-I told you to stop breathing!

Hearing her cry Mok Kyung-un forced himself to hold his breath.

And he continued to think of other thoughts to erase the phrases he had memorized in his head without realizing it.

Seeing Mo Kyung-un like this Cheongryeong’s eyes narrowed.

It was incredible concentration.

Just now it was a phenomenon that occurred due to her inability to control her clothing style.

Normally you will fall into a trap and find it difficult to get out of that state without someone’s help.

However Mok Gyeong-un was able to overcome this problem on his own with only his advice.

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t surprised.


Eventually steady breathing was heard from Mok Kyung-un’s mouth.

Seeing this Cheongnyeong stuck out her tongue.

Mok Gyeong-un asked her.

“Why did you do that just now?”

-….It’s because I can’t control my dressing style properly.

She thought she wouldn’t answer this time but surprisingly Cheongryeong responded kindly.

Mok Gyeong-un chuckled and said

“Are you going to tell me properly now?”

-joy! I’m just trying to prevent you from doing something useless and causing harm to me.

Mok Gyeong-un narrowed his eyes and looked at Cheong-ryeong’s blunt tone.

Then she shrugged her shoulders.

It didn’t matter what happened.

If only I could satisfy her curiosity.

“What is the dressing ceremony?”

-That’s literally it. It’s about pulling and sticking.

“If you want to stick it do you mean like just now?”


“But why does my stomach hurt and why are my blood vessels swollen?”

-There’s nothing there but it just pulls you in.

“What does that mean?”

Cheongryeong who was looking at her puzzled Mokgyeongun pointed somewhere with her gombangdae.

It was Jo Il-sang hanging dead.

They hung him upside down and cut his throat and he was extremely pale probably because all the blood had been lost.

“Try it over there.”

“Do you mean this?”

Mok Gyeong-un approached the dead Jo Il-sang and tapped him.

At this Cheongnyeong nodded her head.


I don’t know why he asked the dead Jo Il-sil to use the clothing ritual but Mok Gyeong-un placed his palm without saying anything.

Then the young man urged.

-No not there.


-The energy may have dissipated after death but do it on the Danjeon side.

“When you say dan tian do you mean the area below the belly button?”

-Do I really need to tell you all that?

“…Because I don’t know much.”

At those words Cheongnyeong snorted and sucked on the gombangdae exhaling smoke.

Mok Gyeong-un took a deep breath and placed his palm on Jo Il-sang’s Danjeon.

Then I memorized the verses of the ceremony in my head.

‘Without hopelessness Ihyeongwisimyang Muojeongeosang Musanghyeongwijeon Magaryanghaegeo Haemugeukhyeol.’

At the same time I remembered that feeling.


Then the skin of the dead Danjeon of Jo Il-sang stuck to Mok Gyeong-un’s palm.

The feel of the book was different from when it was crushed but there was nothing special.

I was about to say that.

At that moment something dug into my palm.

It was a warm feeling.


I could clearly feel the energy entering my palm and flowing through my veins.

Eventually something warm flowing through my veins even warmed my swollen abdomen.

I felt excited by the warm energy.

While doing so the young man spoke in a triumphant voice.

-Can you feel it? That is the trick of the consciousness of good deeds. You can make anything stick by pulling it. Even if it is energy it is no exception.



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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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