Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 218

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< Episode 61: Craftsman (1) >

One herbivorous form consisting of 24 sword forms.

Seeing this Cheongnyeong was at a loss for words.

When he was told not to be bound by stereotypes he created an herbivore that went beyond common sense.

He had thought about swords for such a long time from the time he was alive to the time he died but he had never thought of expanding the form in this way.

In the first place it wasn’t a problem that could be solved by increasing it.

-You…what the hell…

“Whew. Phew. “I think this will take some getting used to.”

She was shocked to see Mok Gyeong-un talking casually.

Since the movement increases every time one increases the number of points it is natural that it puts a strain on the muscles.

Even more so if one diet was like this doing twenty-four would be like pushing the body to its limit beyond just overtaxing it.

‘….Monster-like guy.’

This type of sword was not something that could be used in a short period of time.

It was a sword that could not be wielded even after training for at least several years but this sentient being came up with it in his head and brought it to life in one go.

To say that this is a natural talent is not enough.

The startled young man finally calmed his teeth and asked.

-How did you come up with this?

“well. When I looked at the sword the old man unfolded I saw complexity in its simplicity. But right now I don’t think I can swing that kind of sword.”

The sword the old man showed became increasingly simpler.

Nevertheless it was Mok Gyeong-un who sensed the complexity within its simplicity.

Here Mok Gyeong-un realized that this was not something she could simply imprint with her own eyes and memorize.

“Then I thought that if I implemented all the most ideal paths to thoroughly kill my opponent I would become a sword sword that is close to flawless.”


At these words of Mok Gyeong-un Cheongryeong stuck out her tongue.

We saw the old man unfolding his sword together. How could the results be so different?

No maybe it was possible because of this guy.

Since he had only recently learned how to use a sword in the first place there was no limit to this guy’s imagination.

‘I have no choice but to admit it.’

Mok Kyung-un’s swordsmanship has already surpassed his own.

With this guy he might have achieved the swordplay that all swordsmen dream of.

* * *

Two days later.

Ecliptic opening.

Mok Gyeong-woon and his party who arrived at the opening couldn’t help but be truly impressed.

I knew that it would naturally be prosperous because it was the center of the central plain and the imperial capital was located but its level was so vast and prosperous that it was difficult to compare it to even the outer city of the Heaven and Earth Association which was said to be the best in scale for a single power.

It was difficult to guess how far the city outside the imperial capital’s castle extended and it seemed like it would take more than half an hour to reach the outer castle visible in the distance even by horse-drawn carriage.

Everyone was admiring the city but there was only one person with a darkened complexion who was restless.

He was an apostate monk.

Nie Chun asked curiously.

“What’s wrong with you? “My complexion hasn’t been good since yesterday… Are my hands shaking?”

Jin Zheng even his hands were shaking.

Seeing that Seopchun was worried.

Then Jajjung shook his head and said:

“We have to find it quickly… quickly.”

“What do you mean? Are you looking for a doctor?”

“no. “You should also find out where the bars and bars are.”


Nie Chun stared at Jae Jin Jeong’s face.

Now that I think about it he was upset that all the alcohol he had since yesterday afternoon was gone.

Does that mean he can’t drink and is now experiencing withdrawal symptoms?

“….You are quite worthy too.”

At this level he could almost be said to be addicted.

Even if I’m an expert can my liver survive if I drink this much?

Seopchun shook his head and looked at Ganyang the leader of the advance team who was guiding them.

After entering the city Yubong an official at the imperial palace fell by the wayside.

He said that he would go first and prepare for the meeting with the Western Emperor.

The place they were heading to now was a place called Hongbongyuk the largest slaughterhouse in the capital.

The reason they headed to the largest slaughterhouse was simple.

[There is a very skilled craftsman there.]

* * *

“It’s big.”

Mok Gyeong-un saw the slaughterhouse and commented.

Typically a slaughterhouse is divided into four areas: a cow/pig cage a meat warehouse a slaughterhouse and a stand.

However the scale of those four places was much larger than that of most manors.

Pointing to this Ganyang of the advance team said.

“There are about 1000 cows and pigs inside. “Of course it deserves to be operated on this scale.”


“I know that since this place also supplies meat to the imperial palace they only handle the highest quality meat. “You will find out once you go inside.”

In this way they entered the slaughterhouse gate.

As I entered the smell of cow and pig excrement and the fishy smell of blood pierced my nose.

It certainly seemed like a slaughterhouse.


As you enter the gate there are stands lined up with meat cut into different parts and in front of them is a crowd of customers who have come to buy meat.

“There are a lot of Bodhisattvas who are crazy about meat. Tsk tsk.”

Ja Zhen Zheng clicked her tongue and said.

Although he was an apostate monk surprisingly he did not eat meat even after leaving Shaolin.

That’s why the slaughterhouse seemed unwelcome.

Nie Chun said to Gan Yang with an expression that he did not understand.

“Is it really true that there are ‘craftsmen’ in places like this?”

No matter how I looked at it this place really stood out.

Even if it is the darkest under the lamp it is too complicated.

Moreover it is said that it is a place that supplies meat even to the imperial palace. If so government officials would also stop by here from time to time. Can they really do something like that?

“you’re right. So don’t worry too much.”


Nie Chun was still dissatisfied.

At that time one of the people near the stall a hairy man noticed that their group was wearing weapons unlike the other customers and approached them and said

“What’s going on gentlemen?”

In response to his question Ganyang took out a card he had prepared in his arms and handed it over.

And then he said it casually.

“I’m trying to choose meat with a good skin. Can you see it?”

In response to Ganyang’s question the man who accepted the card examined it closely and then spoke showing his yellow teeth.

“When it comes to skin pork skin is excellent for grilling.”

“It’s not bad because it’s pork rinds. “I would like to choose the meat to be slaughtered is that okay?”

“Why not? “I will guide you so please follow me.”

The hairy man took the lead pointing to the pavilion to guide them.

But Mok Gyeong-un who was trying to follow him paused for a moment.

Meng Wuyak who was nearby asked.

“My lord. “Why are you doing this?”


Without answering that question Mok Kyung-un turned his head and looked toward the gate.


I heard the sound of something rolling.

Then the entire gate opened and people who appeared to be government servants entered the square pulling a cart.

However Mok Gyeong-un’s gaze was not on them but on the person who was walking with his back to the back of the cart procession.

He was wearing a blue beer suit and a mask with a unique pattern.

Behind him were four people wearing dark blue beer uniforms with their faces covered with cotton thread.

It seems like they are government officials but they are all

“You have learned martial arts.”

Hearing Mo Qingyun’s words like this Meng Muyak frowned and said.

“My lord. “Please turn your head and go inside.”

Mok Gyeong-un turned his head at Mong Mu-yak’s scolding and followed the group into the other side of the palace.

And as he walked away from the square Meng Wuyak spoke in a low voice.

“That’s unfortunate.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“The officials wearing beer uniforms earlier are the warriors of the Geumuiwiwi.”


At these words Mok Gyeong-un’s eyes lit up.

I think I understand why Meng Wuyak called them sophisticated.

The identity they were trying to infiltrate for a confidential mission was the Geumuiwi ​​who would have known that they would accidentally encounter them in a place like this.

Mong Muyak stuck out his tongue and said.

“yes. “This is the Gold Council.”

“….Wasn’t the Jinuiwi the royal palace warriors?”

“you’re right. Something is strange. “It’s not even the warriors of the demonstration department it’s just the members of the National Guard in a place like this…”

“what? “Geumwiwi?”

Nie Chun who was walking ahead frowned and joined in.

Meng Wuyak said this.

“fizzle. Be quiet. “Right now there is a gold medal in the slaughterhouse’s stall plaza…”

Before he could finish speaking Ganyang spoke in a whispering voice.

“You don’t have to worry too much. “The meat that goes into the inner palace is also used in the meals of the royal family so the royal guards come to personally inspect it.”


Handling food ingredients may not seem like a big deal but it wasn’t.

Food ingredients and medicinal ingredients are used not only by palace officials but also by royal family members and even the emperor so even the imperial palace pays the most attention to inspection.

This is especially true because assassination attempts using food ingredients or medicine have been made since ancient times.

“okay. But have most of the warriors of the Geumuiwi learned martial arts?”

“yes. Because the warriors of the Jinuiwi are directly subordinate to the emperor their actions are known to be top-notch. “Among those in high positions there are quite a few people who can be called experts in martial arts.”

“What is the position of the person wearing a blue official uniform with the word Veer on it and a gold belt?”

Ganyang asked back with a somewhat surprised expression.

“Did you say blue official uniform and gold belt?”


“Wearing a blue official uniform and a gold belt it is called Cheonho and it is the Jeong O-Pum Geumuiwi. “At that level he would have been a very capable person even within the ranks of Geum.”

The working-level rank system of the Geumui Commission is structured as follows.

There is Sogi the 7th rank Jeong Gonggi the 6th rank Sibaekho the 6th rank Baekho the 5th rank Bucheonho the 5th rank Cheonho the 4th rank Jeong Yukcheonho the 4th rank Jinmusa.

“If you have considerable skill to what extent?”

Ganyang answered Nie Chun’s question by touching his beard.

“If you are a Geumwiwi of the 5th rank Cheonho rank you are at least a master who has reached the peak of maturity.”

“At least the Imperial Palace’s Gold Medalist is not ordinary.”

“yes. “Perhaps because we have invited many masters while interacting with Jeongdo Moorim the level has become much higher than before.”

At Ganyang’s words Seopchun grinned and said.

“Hahaha. Still if the level of the Cheonho is that high if this friend or I get into the Geumwiwi we will be given a position of 6000ho or higher.”

Nie Chun and Meng Muyak were masters who received the title of Five Tigers the best late masters of Cheonjihoe.

Since their inaction was close to that of a senior official they were confident that they would be able to receive a high position if they were considered a gold commission.

Seeing his confidence Mok Kyung-un tilted his head and said.


“yes? “Why are you doing that?”

“The Golden Guard wearing the mask that we saw earlier called Heavenly Tiger…”

“What about the Gold Commission?”

Mok Kyung-un who was about to say something quickly shook his head and said.


After speaking suddenly Nie Chun couldn’t help but feel uneasy.

“Let’s go now.”


I wanted to ask him what he was trying to say but given Mok Kyung-un’s personality I didn’t think he would answer.

The young man became rather curious and asked.

-What was he trying to tell him?

-The Cheonho wearing the mask earlier…was sealing a part of the air gate.

-You said the spiracles were sealed?


Even without opening the power of the three eyes of the right eye a considerable flow of energy was visible to the naked eye.

In Mok Gyeong-un’s eyes he saw the masked Geumwiwi Cheonho sealing the three main gates.

So at first glance the energy felt was at the peak level.

-If I solve that I don’t think Nie Chun will be able to deal with it.

-Was it that much?


I don’t know why but he was hiding his skills by sealing his own Qi Gate.

So he thought about telling this but didn’t because he thought the story would be long.

-But there was one more unusual thing.

-What is that?

-The two eyes of the person seen through the gap in the mask are wall-eyed.


< Episode 61: Craftsman (1) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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