Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 212

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< Episode 59 Onboard a Ship (2) >


The rain was still heavy.

Three men were gathered together before boarding the ship.

They were Seop-chun the third guard of the main body of the Heaven and Earth Association Mong Mu-yak the son of the vice-huiju and the immediate deputy and Jae-jeong the apostate monk of Shaolin.

The reason these three were gathered together like this was for one reason.


“I will be honest. Finance. “I cannot believe your oath of allegiance.”

This was because of the oath of loyalty to the apostate monk Jaejeongjeong.

The reason why dream medicine was so undesirable was simple.

It was because of his origins and notoriety.

He was a Shaolin monk considered the origin of Jeongdo martial arts and after becoming an apostate monk he committed eccentric acts like a madman regardless of political or political affairs.

Can we really trust someone like that?

Seeing Mong Wuyak’s attitude like this Ja Zun Zheng snorted and said.

“It doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not.”


“Even in difficult situations I always keep what I say.”

At his words Seopchun held his stomach and laughed.

“Hahahaha. It’s a crazy situation. “Are you saying that swearing allegiance to the lord is a big deal?”

“Did you think this would make Daengjung happy?”

He was a person who never hid his emotions.

Meng Muyak became even more wary of his words but on the other hand Nie Chun had a naturally generous temperament so he actually liked him.

“I shouldn’t be happy. “I fell for my master’s trick and pledged loyalty so how can I feel good?”

“Hmph you’re saying something obvious.”

“Hana Jae-jeong since you are also the head of the company I think you will keep the oath you made yourself whether you like it or not.”

“Don’t keep emphasizing what this Daengjung said. Even if you guys don’t scold me I will protect that damned bastard until the end of my life.”

Jae-jae-jeong had the nature of not looking back once he had decided.

Therefore at that moment he could not control his anger and went on a rampage but in the end he was overcome by the intimidation of Mok Gyeong-un and swore allegiance.

In fact there were feelings here that could not be revealed even to them.

‘…It’s for literacy and Master Shaolin.’

He was truly strange.

Jaejaejeong felt a strange fear from the guy who had not even signed the terms and conditions.

It may not be right now but if this guy decides to do it it seems like he will bring great harm not only to his friend Lee Mun-hae but also to Shaolin.

This was just a premonition born of instinct.

Jae-jae-jeong who had this premonition swore allegiance after receiving a promise from Mok Gyeong-un that he would never mess with them.

That moment was truly frustrating.

‘After leaving Shaolin I only lived to become like this.’

It was a moment when I thought

He was suddenly caught by this thought.

‘…I lived to become like this… Ah?’

He had something that his teacher and Master Gongjeon the owner of Janggyeonggak always taught him.

There is cause and effect and natural order in everything and no matter how hard you try to escape in the end it has no choice but to follow that natural order.

Perhaps the reason he developed these eyes and became an apostate monk was to meet these moments.

‘It’s natural.’

When I thought that all of this was natural the worries in my heart disappeared.

Since he had decided to do this he had no regrets or regrets and he thought that he should do his best if it was the path he had to follow.

Mongmuyak spoke to him.

“I will watch.”

“no. “Daengjoong said he would do that but who are you to say this and that…”

“Ahh. Please be patient. “That’s actually how this guy talks.”

Nie Chun grinned and stopped Jae-jeong.

At first I was wary of the man called Samgwang but after experiencing him I realized that he was honest rather than crazy and that he was a good match for me.

Jaejaejeong also said the same thing happened.

“But you seem to be able to communicate at least.”

“Rather than just you guys you guys since this has come to this how about we at least make a statement? My name is Seopchun and I am twenty-nine years old. As you can see I mainly use Tao. “You can do it too.”

“That kind of thing is unfamiliar….”

“Anyway if we want to serve our master we have to continue to be together so is that going to happen?”

Hearing Nie Chun’s words like this Mong Muyak shook his head and spoke briefly.

“Dreamyak. “I am a twenty-six-year-old swordsman.”

“ruler! “This is roughly how we introduce ourselves. Would you like to do the same?”

Hearing these words Jae-jeong stared at Nie Chun.

In fact he didn’t particularly like introducing himself this way.

He decided to serve Hanamok Gyeong-un as his lord and since he may have to be with them for the rest of his life it was difficult for him to just pass it up.

“Kuhm as you know the name is Jaejeongjeong and he prefers the enemy’s public power.”

“Why don’t we talk about age? “There are so many more than us so are we just going to ignore them?”

Jaejaejeong frowned at those words.

Since he left Shaolin he has never told anyone his age.

He hesitated as to whether he should do it but eventually he said.

“My age is… twenty-six.”


As soon as those words were finished both Mengwu Ruo and Nie Chun were dumbfounded.

He was Jaejeong who looked to be in his mid-40s just by his grim face and radiant aura.

But you’re in your twenties?

‘A face like this is the same age as me?’

Meng Wuyak made a bewildered expression.

Was he alone unable to withstand the ravages of time and his face fading away?

This is my first time seeing presbyopia like this.

Apostate Monk Jae-jeong glared at Dream Muyak and said.

“I really don’t like the look in your eyes. Shall I send you to the Buddha today?”

It seemed like he was going to hit me right away.

Nie Chun had to hastily dissuade him.

* * *


The boat reached the river front through a hoop made of dozens of wooden poles.

Normally you would have to move a bit further to get the boat on the river but since it had been flooded for a long time due to heavy rain it didn’t take that long to move it.

All the people who were supposed to be on the ship were already on board.

“slowly! “You have to move more slowly!”


At the command of Hayun the vengeful spirit who possessed the body of captain Woo In-yeom the men from the retired naval forces moved in unison and the head of the ship entered the river.


Perhaps because the boat was so large the water surged upward when the leader entered.

However the boat that was moving forward with him started to tilt to the side with a screeching sound.

This was due to the enormous current of the river swollen by heavy rain.

“…Is this really something that can be crossed?”

Seop-chun who was standing at the front and watching this curiously held on to his deck and stuck out his tongue.

Only the head of the ship went in but at this rate I was worried that if the whole ship went in it would quickly be swept away and capsize.

Then as if the leader suddenly received a force the tilted part began to straighten up.


What is this?

The water is still rough but the boat stands on its own.

That’s right


“Those things? “What do you see in Geumjeong?”

In Jae-jeong’s eyes he could see numerous ghosts sticking to the side of the ship’s leader.

They were pushing and supporting the boat as it was about to be swept away by the current.

It was truly an amazing sight.

With the performance of the ship itself and the help of this large number of ghosts it seemed possible to cross the river.

After some time the ship completely entered the water.

-Kkeeeeeek! Good!

The boat was rocking in the strong current and it wasn’t a mess.

Everyone in the group including Mok Gyeong-un had learned martial arts so they didn’t fall easily but they couldn’t help but stumble.

It would not be surprising if the boat capsized.

However the fortunate thing was that this ship was supported by numerous ghosts.



It may have been a kind of reward for completely destroying the main hall of the manor and holding a ancestral rite for the vengeful spirits before boarding the ship.

Thanks to this the boat did not capsize despite the rough current and moved forward little by little.

Of course it was moving diagonally in line with the current.

Hayun the vengeful spirit possessing Woo In-yeom’s body tapped her head and spoke to Mok Gyeong-un.

-According to this person’s experience and knowledge it may take time to cross the river but if you move like this you will be able to cross it somehow.

“okay. Thank you for your hard work.”


Mok Gyeong-un smiled and bowed with both hands to Hayun the vengeful spirit.

A strange look appeared in Hayun’s eyes as she looked at that scene.

It wasn’t something to argue about since it was an agreement that led to the fight in the first place but this man was truly unique.

He himself is a vengeful spirit.

Even radiants are afraid or wary of themselves but this person was treating them like normal people.

Is it to be visible because we need to cross the river safely?

‘No no. different.’

There is no difference in the way this person looks whether he is dead or alive.

It is as if he is looking directly at existence itself.

He is truly a strange human being.

Is this why a high-ranking being like her follows this human?

While I was lost in thought Mok Kyung-un spoke.

“If you don’t mind may I ask you something?”

-What do you mean?

“Apart from the bad relationship between you and the Woo family the fact that your status has reached the Blue Spirit means that you have had a grudge that can linger for over a hundred years. Can I ask what that is?”


It was a sufficiently rude question.

If you travel with a high-ranking Vengeful Spirit and have such excellent magic skills you should fully understand what resentment means to a Vengeful Spirit.

However Mo Kyung-un was staring at him as if he was truly curious.

As if it were pure curiosity.


She could have just ignored it but anyway there was nothing good about dealing with someone like this so in the end Hayun the vengeful spirit spoke up.

-I couldn’t protect it.

“That you couldn’t protect it?”

-I failed to protect the person I was supposed to protect.


Mok Gyeong-un looked at the vengeful spirit Hayun curiously.

Since most of the resentment comes from grief and a desire for revenge he knew how to talk about the object of his resentment.

However the resentment of Hayun the vengeful spirit surprisingly came from loyalty.

I couldn’t leave this world for a long time because of my own resentment for not being able to protect someone.

-He was more honest than he looked.

Cheongryeong also commented that Hayun the vengeful soul looked different.

However Mo Kyung-un was not as impressed as she was.

It was just that Hayun the vengeful soul had been holding a grudge for a long time for this reason.

“okay. Thank you for your answer.”

With these words Mok Gyeong-un smiled and left his lead.

Everyone was gathered at the front to watch the ship go but they wanted to go to the stern where no one was there.

-That’s nonsense.

-What is it?

– When I asked what kind of resentment you had for the sentient being I wondered if you were thinking of him as a food spirit.

-I am coveted because the status is high but there are no vacancies anymore.

-That’s right.

The number of food spirits that Mokgyeongun could now consume was limited.

If that were possible he would have used every vengeful spirit he met as a food spirit and pampered him.

Mok Gyeong-un only asked out of pure curiosity as he saw that even the ghosts who were just miscellaneous spirits followed the ghost Hayun.

Mok Gyeong-un who was heading towards the stern while walking in a pattern stopped midway.

-Why are you doing that?

-…Are you going to say you can’t see it this time too?

-what? What are you talking about….huh?

Cheongnyeong discovered something.

That something was a person sitting on the stern of the boat holding a long bent bamboo fishing rod.

Just by looking at the back of his graying hair you could tell that he was an old man.

-How did that old sentient being get on a boat?

-…That’s what I want to ask.

Even when the boat was launched it was not visible anywhere around.

But how did you get on the boat?

Mok Gyeong-un who was puzzled asked Cheongryeong.

-First of all you can see it right?


Accordingly Mo Kyung-un released the magical power obtained from the three eyes on his right.

First of all I was curious about the identity of the author.

Judging by the fact that he was wearing a bamboo raincoat it did not seem like he was a spirit body like a vengeful spirit or some kind of strange entity.

But it was strange that I couldn’t even feel anything.



The moment the magic power of the three eyes was opened red blood vessels appeared in Mo Kyung-un’s right eye along with strong pressure.


Soon bloody tears flowed from his right eye.

Surprised by this the young man shouted.



He hurriedly closed his magic again due to the pressure inside his neck that felt like it was going to burst.

Then he grabbed his right eye where bloody tears were flowing.

He did this in order to dissipate the remaining true energy that caused death energy and even increased intraocular pressure.


Fortunately Mo Gyeong-un’s judgment was right.

As the energy dissipated the intraocular pressure also quickly subsided.

-Why are you doing this?

-I can’t read your energy.

-what? What does that mean?

-That’s literally it.

By opening the power of the three eyes one could observe the flow of energy in detail with the right eye.

He was even able to read the traces of the main spirit power regardless of whether it was his spiritual power.

However the moment I opened it my vision turned completely white.

I didn’t understand why but I endured the white light and tried to read the energy but my intraocular pressure rose and I couldn’t open my eyes properly due to the pain.

‘Why are my eyes filled with white light? Unless the entire surrounding area is filled with energy…!?’

For an instant Mo Kyung-un’s left eye narrowed.

It was hard to believe.

‘…no way?’

It was then.

-Rebirth! Back!

Hearing Cheongnyeong’s shout Mokgyeongun looked towards the deck where the old man in bamboo clothing holding a bamboo fishing rod was sitting.

There was no one there.

That means as the spirit shouts someone is behind them.

‘I can’t even feel it.’

This was a separate issue from the heavy rain.

The opponent was a monster who could completely hide his presence.

As I was thinking about what to do for a split second I heard a voice from behind me.

“It wasn’t just a coincidence that I saw Nobu earlier.”


< Episode 59 Onboard a Ship (2) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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