Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 210

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< Episode 58: Business (6) >

Hayun a vengeful soul has already lost her will to fight as the realm of the spirit’s ear covers even her own territory ignoring it.

Even though her status had reached the level of a male spirit it was thought that it might be possible to drive her out even if she could not harm her because this was her territory.

But that was just a glimmer of hope.

Cheongnyeong raised the corners of his mouth and spoke to Hayun the vengeful soul who had a dejected look on her face.

-You foolish thing. If I decide to do so it would be no problem to drive out the evil spirits of this area including you.

-…I guess so.

-I’ll give you one last chance.


-Return the body to its original owner and leave this area. In that case I and these sentient beings will leave without any further involvement.

The blue spirit showed her last mercy.

In any case her goal was not to extinguish or drive out the vengeful spirits in this area.

The goal was simply to bring the owner of the manor that is the owner of her boat to his senses and allow Mok Gyeong-un and his companions to cross the river.

At that time Vengeance Hayun opened her mouth.

-Why on earth does a great soul of such high rank as you follow the orders of a mere human?

-Just a human?

-exactly. I wonder about that.

It was Hayun a vengeful soul who realized that there was no way to fight with Cheongnyeong and her strength anyway.

So she decided to change her methods.

From the looks of it it seemed like this high-ranking Namryeong-level vengeful spirit was following that human.

However although I have lived as a vengeful spirit for a long time I have never seen a vengeful spirit full of resentment bound to a human being let alone at this high level.

In the first place it was because of that resentment that one maintained a spiritual body and stayed in this world.

Accordingly Hayun the vengeful spirit tried to somehow cause a stir in their relationship by touching Cheongnyeong’s pride.

Cheongnyeong took a sip of the gombangdae and then spit it out.




Before he knew it Hayun the vengeful spirit residing in the manor owner’s body appeared in front of him grabbed her by the neck and pushed her against a wooden pillar.



-I told you that you would be as merciful as possible but you made a fuss.


As Cheongryeong increased her spiritual power the vengeful spirit Hayun perhaps distressed let out her divine voice.


-The reason I wanted to show you mercy is because I understand that you have deep resentment as you have stayed in this world for such a long time. But if you do something stupid like this the story is different.

-Oh how…

-Do you think it would be a big deal for me to destroy just one of you?


-I will destroy it like this.

A bloody haze wavered from Cheongnyeong’s hand which was clutching the neck of the vengeful spirit Hayun.

In fact the vengeful spirit Hayun was trying to get rid of him with strong spiritual power.

Then Hayun the vengeful spirit who felt the threat of extinction gritted her teeth and shouted.

-Good. If you come out like that I will be with this person’s soul.


Cheongnyeong frowned at those words.

Mo Gyeong-un looked puzzled and asked.

“Why are you doing this?”

-I’m trying to get back to Donggui.

Dongguijin (同歸於盡).

It means that we enter the path of destruction together.

“hmm. You’re giving me trouble. “Can’t we get rid of it before then?”

-If a vengeful spirit of this high rank decides to absorb the soul that is the original owner of the body and harm it it will affect it in some way.


-Even if you avoid death you could suffer damage to your soul and spend your whole life in a vegetative state just breathing.

Mok Gyeong-un clicked her tongue at her words.

This meant that if it was going to disappear anyway at least the owner of the body would be with it.

Their purpose in the first place was the manor owner.

Since he was the owner of a large ship and the one who could control it he was trying to save it somehow but if it turned out like this it would be quite difficult.

Mok Gyeong-un clicked her tongue and soon sent a message to Cheongryeong.

-Please take a moment. Now that it’s like this I need to use magic to tie it up so the soul can’t be absorbed.

If a vengeful spirit of this high rank were forcibly possessed it would be difficult to remove it with magic.

But tying it down even temporarily was a different matter.

If you tie it up for a while the spirit can destroy it.

Cheongryeong lowered her spiritual power and spoke without showing any signs of Mok Gyeongyun’s voice.

-Why are we so obsessed with these people that we risk their own extinction?


-Isn’t it related to your fundamental resentment?

Fundamental resentment is the real reason why this being became a vengeful spirit.

Hearing Cheongryeong’s words Hayun the vengeful soul opened her mouth.

-You don’t know.

-What do you mean you don’t know?

-What a great karma they have committed.

-I keep going up and down. Do you think these members of the Woo family have done something hateful to you or the ghosts?

In response to Cheongnyeong’s question a vengeful spirit named Hayun pointed to the surroundings and said

-Why do you think this is my territory?

-…Isn’t this area related to your resentment or the place where you lost your body?

-That’s right.

-Wait a minute if this whole area is your territory wouldn’t it be the same for not only the Woo family but also people from surrounding villages to invade your territory?

-They are different.

-What do you mean different?

-The residents of this village took care of my tomb and shrine which had been deprived of hospitality for a long time and built an altar here to honor the souls of the dead.

-okay? They are amazing people.

Even those who have deep resentment and become vengeful souls receive comfort when someone honors their soul.

Receiving consolation means that even if it is not fundamentally resolved the resentment that was held is gradually relieved as the ritual is performed.

-Then what is the problem? What did they do that makes you so angry?

At that question Vengeance Hayun trembled and spoke with fierce eyes.

-They tore down my shrine that had been on this hill for over a hundred years dug up my grave and built their own manor.


Cheongnyeong frowned at these words.

I was just asking to kill time.

But the moment I heard this I felt absurd.

-So are you saying that the location of this manor is where the shrine and tomb where ancestral rites were performed were located?



Cheongnyeong was shocked.

I understood why Hayun the vengeful soul was willing to take revenge on these clans even risking her own extinction.

But this wasn’t the end.

-This is not all.

-If it’s not everything what else is there?

-exactly. The owner of this manor is the military officer of Cheonhoso who belonged to the naval force Wijihwi Sasa (衛指揮 使司) not far from here.

At these words the eyes of Mok Gyeong-un who was reciting a spell in his mind narrowed.

As Cheongryeong expected the owner of the manor was indeed a military officer.

Furthermore he was from the naval forces.

-Did you see the public trust plaque on the gate?

-okay. Wasn’t he said to be a meritorious subject such as Pyeonnansa?

-Do you think that credit is a credit given to some weightlifters who started a rebellion and calmed it down?

-What do you mean?

Hayun the vengeful soul pointed to herself and said to the puzzled young person.

-A few years ago due to an ongoing famine many people died of starvation in the country and not long after a plague began to spread.


-Originally there was a county near here with over a thousand people living.


-When the plague broke out in some people there even Cheonhoso the commander of the nearby naval forces was mobilized to prevent it from spreading.

– Are you sure you were mobilized?

-That’s what I guess.


-The mobilized government troops brutally butchered the villagers.


-And Woo In-yeom the owner of this body drove thousands of innocent people who were running away and buried them all. Even though the majority of them did not suffer from the plague.


At the words of the vengeful spirit Hayun not only Cheongnyeong but also Jaejeongjeong the apostate monk of Mongmuyak who was listening to this looked dumbfounded.

I guessed that something must have done something to provoke the ghosts but it exceeded my expectations.

It was right then.

“That’s a lie! Commander Wu Cheonho didn’t do that!”

He was a man who was supporting Woohyang the wife of the manor owner who had fainted.

The young man shouted with a white face.


“Do you believe what that demon says? Wu Cheonhojang is a public servant who killed the weightlifters and prevented the plague! “That evil spirit is framing him to deceive the guests!”

The words were almost over.

Vengeful spirit Hayun burst into laughter like crazy.

-Hahahahahahahaha. Not only did they commit an act that would be a crime against humanity but they even destroyed the altar and blocked the villagers from doing so while honoring the souls of those who were wrongfully buried and then said such things? Hahahahaha.

I was smiling but it wasn’t really laughing.

It was an anger bordering on lamentation.

As the vengeful spirit Hayun’s laughter spread in all directions soon the cries of the vengeful spirits like wailing could be heard nearby.



It seemed as if the vengeful spirits responded to his anger.

Even though they were oppressed and driven out by the great spiritual power of the Qingnyeong they continued to come.

As if he was prepared to disappear like the vengeful spirit Hayun.

Seeing this Cheongnyeong sighed and glanced at his neck.

The conversation was meant to buy him time while he completed the spell but I now understood why they called it business and wanted revenge on the Wu family.


To be honest I didn’t want to interfere with what they were doing.

This was literally karma.

They had to bear the karma for what they had done.



Now Mok Gyeong-un and his companions had to cross this river.

Although it was hidden within the territory of refuge heavy rain was still falling and the overflowing river was close to being impassable for a while.

If Mok Gyeong-un was unable to fulfill his confidential mission due to failing to meet his due date it might be difficult to resolve his resentment.

It was a moment of conflicting interests.

‘But would this guy be swayed by something like that?’

Because they had been together for a long time Cheongryeong knew Mok Gyeong-un better than anyone else.

I don’t know what others think but Mok Gyeong-un who has a different way of thinking was never swayed by other people’s stories or affection for his own purposes.

In this case as well no matter how understandable their resentment is…

It was then.

“This is such a sad story.”


An unexpected word came out of Mo Kyung-un’s mouth.

Could it be that this emotionless guy sympathizes with their sorrow?

Hearing Mok Gyeong-un’s words Hayun the vengeful soul spoke in a earnest voice.

-A human being who has a relationship with a high-ranking vengeful spirit. If you truly understand the feelings of me and the vengeful spirits who died unjustly wouldn’t you be able to leave like this?

“I’m sorry but that seems a bit difficult.”


“No matter how dead he is that’s his problem.”

-Park! Pop! Pop!

At that moment Mok Gyeong-un made a hand seal and then like a flash of lightning placed the sword on the forehead of Woo In-yeom the owner of the manor where the vengeful spirit Hayun resided.


-This is…

“I want you to stay like that for just a moment. “It will be over soon.”

Mo Kyung-un raised the corner of his mouth slyly.

The young man said that he was somewhat dissatisfied with the sight.

-Are you really going to destroy it?

“yes. “This is their story and has nothing to do with me.”


“We need to cross the river in a hurry but if the work is disrupted because of their story and the mission fails the fourth disciple’s position will also be crossed. “Isn’t that right?”


At those words Cheongnyeong sighed and shook her head.

As expected this guy was not swayed by this.

If there’s a person who doesn’t have compassion it’s probably this guy.

He had no choice.

‘You should blame me too.’

Cheongnyeong tried to raise her spiritual power.

Then the man who was supporting Woo In-yeom’s daughter Woo-hyang who was watching nervously breathed a sigh of relief as if it was fortunate.

He was worried that they would take the side of the vengeful spirits.

‘Whatever it is it’s dead. Does it make sense that Cheonhojang and his wife should die because of the plague that caused harm to the country?’

Anything that threatened the living was an evil spirit.

Jang Jeong expressed his gratitude to Mo Gyeong-un.

“Thank you very much. “If you take care of all those damn demons Chief Cheonho will reward you greatly.”

“I’m not asking for your favor so there’s no need to be thankful. “It was just in their interest.”


Jang Jeong clicked his tongue at Mok Gyeong-un’s sharp words.

In the end Cheon Ho-jang was extremely arrogant when it came to a topic that needed adult help.

Then it happened.

“ah! Cheongnyeong wait a minute.”

-Why are you doing that?

Cheongryeong who was trying to destroy the vengeful spirit Hayun by activating his spiritual power stopped for a moment.

Then Mok Gyeong-un said.

“Now that I think about it it doesn’t seem necessary.”

-What do you mean there is no need for that?

“Did you say Hayoon?”

Hayun glared at Mok Gyeong-un’s question without answering.

It was a natural reaction.

However Mok Kyung-un said without paying attention to this.

“I will be able to read the memories of the possessed body so wouldn’t I be able to control the ship with that body?”


Hayun’s expression which was steeped in anger changed at Mok Gyeong-un’s words.

This was because I immediately understood what this person meant when he said this.

However it was not only the vengeful spirit Hayun who understood this.

Jang Jeong who was relieved suddenly became embarrassed and shouted.

“Look at this guy. What are you talking about? Are you really going to ask that demon to steer Commander Cheonho’s ship?”

Mok Kyung-un smiled and responded to his words.

“You understand quickly.”

Jang Jeong said in an absurd tone.

“no. “How could such an evil demon be asked to do something that could be asked of a living human being…”

-It is possible.

At that time the ghost Hayun said.

Jangjeong became impatient with these words and tried to dissuade him somehow.

“Do not fall for the devil’s words! How could that evil spirit drive Cheon Hojang’s ship? “Please take care of that evil spirit…”

“Can you help me cross the river right now?”

But Mo Gyeong-un was already not listening to Jang Jeong’s words.

Hayun the vengeful soul answered Mok Gyeong-un’s question.

-Although the rain is heavy if the ghosts work together they can help the boat cross safely.

“Hoo. Is that so?”

Jang Jeong was angry at Mok Gyeong-un who was ignoring his words and talking to the ghost and shouted.

“How can you believe what a demon like that says? “If you’re sane…”

“iced coffee. It’s noisy. “Seopchun.”

“yes. “My lord.”

“I cut it.”


Jang Jeong’s eyes widened at Mo Kyung-un’s words.

What did this person say just now?

It was then.


The words were almost over.


Nyeopchun’s Gwangmudo came out cutting through the pouring rain and then



He cut off the man’s head with a single sword.

As the man’s severed head fell to the floor

-with a splash!

Mok Gyeong-un smiled and said to the ghost Hayun.

“There was some friction for a while due to differences in our positions but now that we have reached a point of agreement please consider this as a small sincerity on my part and accept it.”

< Episode 58: Business (6) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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