Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 199

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< Episode 56: Loyalty (5) >

“But the mission is to use Mok Gyeong-un a pawn of the sect if he contacts other sect members in the imperial palace or shows suspicious signs right?”

For a moment Meng Wuyak’s face hardened.

How does this guy know the orders secretly given by his father Buhoeju Mong Seocheon before leaving on a classified mission?

When speaking privately Naga masters control the sound so that it does not spread everywhere.

So it was difficult to understand what was being said unless you looked closely at the shape of the mouth.

He ‘had his back and distance from his father.’

But how do you know without making a single mistake?

It was so absurd that I was completely embarrassed.

Mok Kyung-un smiled and whispered to him who was speechless.

“It’s this secret name. “Even if there is no specific justification doesn’t it depend on the will of the person doing it?”

“What are you saying….”

“It’s interesting that such an order was issued when the suspicious appearance was ultimately just a case of suspicion.”

“no. Not so. “This is really just in case…”

“What if… That’s a really good thing. However I am not a benevolent person enough to leave alone someone who tries to take my life through arbitrary judgment.”

Hearing these words Meng Wuyak felt like his heart was going to explode.

Although he had a haughty and arrogant personality that did not mean he was bold in everything.

‘Are you sure you’re trying to kill me?’

If others were like this they would have tried to escape the situation even by selling his father.

But strangely enough the words didn’t come out.

After all if he had cared about that in the first place he wouldn’t have been able to cut off his left arm.

‘This guy does it no matter what.’

Meng Wuyak who was convinced that Mo Qingyun was going to kill him soon gave in.

“I really am not. Even if I received an order it was really just in case. “I never intended to frame you.”




He stroked his chin as if he was worried about his neck.

Then Meng Wuyak became even more restless and almost begged Mo Qingyun.

“Trust me. “He had no intention of risking his family’s honor.”

“You bet on honor too easily.”


A sharp sense of anticipation was felt in Mo Kyung-un’s hands.

‘Damn it.’

Seeing Mo Qingyun not showing the slightest chance Meng Wuyue became impatient.

It seemed like Mok Kyung-un was going to cut off his own head at any moment.

At that time Seopchun’s voice came to his ears.

“If you really don’t feel that way swear allegiance to your lord.”


What did he hear himself say now?

Pledge allegiance?

“What are you doing now… my lord? “You’re my lord now?”

Meng Wuyak’s eyes widened.

Now that I think about it he was like an enemy but he knew Seopchun well.

Seop Chun the owner of the Third Guards of the main building had a different position from the executives and other members so he was not in a situation where he could openly support anyone.

Since he was in a position to directly protect the head of the company at the time he had no choice.

But my lord?

“okay. “He said he was my lord.”


“I decided to serve Confucius Mokgyeongun as my lord.”


Meng Wuyak was truly absurd.

Since he had not yet succeeded in his secret mission he did not become the fourth disciple.

But the head guard of the main building who is not in a position to support anyone decided to serve this guy as his lord?

For what reason?

He couldn’t understand it at all.


At that time Seopchun apologized to Mok Gyeong-un bowing with both hands together.

“I’m sorry my lord. “It’s not my place to intervene but since he is the son of the vice president I think it would be better to have him as an ally rather than an enemy…”

With these words Nie Chun glanced at Meng Wuyue.

‘This is the best consideration I can give.’

He had lost his left arm because of himself and now even his life was in danger because of that damn secret agent.

The only way he could survive was to swear loyalty to Mo Kyung-un.

Although he had been an enemy he hoped that he would make a wise choice.

‘No please do it.’

If you die now all the arrows of doubt will inevitably turn towards you.

In that case the vice-president becomes an enemy.

At that time Mok Kyung-un spoke.

“It’s pointless.”


“No matter what he is the vice president’s son in name and name.”

“That’s it….”

“Would the vice president’s son be oppressed by the power of others and be forced to be loyal to others? Oh no. He probably had some pride but he wanted to kill himself for his father’s sake. Even if he died he wouldn’t do something like that. “Right?”


To Mu Qingyun’s words Meng Wuyao had no answer.

If he answers yes here he will not be able to escape and will choose death.

It was certainly right to protect his pride but death was the end of his life.

I was so afraid that everything would end.

“Nothing to say? After all you’re trying to protect your pride right? look. He’s the vice-owner’s son. “Without wasting time I’d rather just kill him right here…”

“Now wait!”

“for a moment?”

“Loyalty… I swear.”

“yes? I can’t hear very well. “What did you say?”

“I pledge my loyalty to Chu.”


Meng Wuyak hastily lowered his flat head to the floor.

Although his pride was hurt his priority was to survive.

He thought about it all he had to do was pretend to swear allegiance and return to the Heaven and Earth Association to seize the opportunity.

Anyway his left arm was cut off so he can no longer continue his mission.

‘okay. Humiliation lasts only a moment.’

The moment he gets out of here and reports to his father this guy is done.

Meng Wuyak was determined to endure just this moment.

At that time Mok Kyung-un lifted his head.


Mok Gyeong-un was licking his appetite.

The moment I saw that face my heart was pounding like crazy as goosebumps ran down my spine.

What on earth is this kid?

The expression on his face is as if he is regretting not being able to kill himself.

Mok Gyeong-un said to him.

“Life is better than pride.”


“There’s no answer?”

“That’s right! “That is correct.”

“But do you know what?”

“What is that?”

“It might be better to die.”


Mo Kyung-un smiled.

The laughter was so full of malice that Meng Wuyue felt sick to his stomach and felt like throwing up.

He was trying to hold back but this was the first time he was afraid of people like this.

I couldn’t believe that this guy was from a political faction.

‘I want to get away quickly.’

He wanted to return to Cheonjihoe.

Then Mok Gyeong-un said.

“Well anyway since you said you would be mine I guess I should repay you for that.”

At those words Mong Muyak waved his hand.

“Oh no. “How could I expect anything in return?”

I just want them to send me back home.

Only then will I be able to tell my father and Hoeju about the true nature of this crazy evil spirit.



When Mok Kyung-un stretched out his hand something flew into his grasp.


It’s none other than


It was Meng Wuyak’s severed left arm.


It was truly strange.

It was okay when I saw other people’s corpses but after seeing my own severed arm it was difficult to hold back the vomiting.

‘It really stinks.’

Seeing this Nie Chun clicked his tongue inwardly.

It would already be painful to have your arm cut off so how much of a shock would it be if you gave that as compensation?

I don’t know why they’re doing this when they can’t continue their mission and send them back so even if I treat them well it’s not enough.

At that time Mok Kyung-un spoke.

“I’ll give you your arm back.”

“…Wow…thank you.”

Mong Muyak forced himself to swallow the vomiting that came up and tried to receive his severed arm.

But Mok Kyung-un shook his head.

“That’s not what I meant.”

“yes? Then what?”

“Please extend your left arm.”


Meng Wuyue showed an expression that he couldn’t understand Mo Qingyun’s request.

Why are you asking me to extend my left arm?

Are you playing with yourself?

Then Mu Qingyun let out a light breath and immediately pulled Meng Wuyue’s severed left arm.


“Ugh. “What is this…”

“I told you I would give you my arm back.”

“How can you give it back?…”

“This is how the blood vessels and nerves will be reconnected so I ask for your understanding in advance.”



“Turn it off.”


At that moment a sharp feeling of anticipation passed through me and blood flowed from my left arm which had been stopped.

Although the pain was less than when it was first cut Meng Wuyak’s face was distorted because pain was unavoidable.

At that time Mok Gyeong-un placed his severed arm on the cross section of the left arm where the blood was flowing out.

The parties involved from Meng Wuyak to Nie Chun were dumbfounded.

Do you really think that if you attach the severed arm like this it will be reconnected?

If that’s the case you’re just a crazy person…



“Hold on so it doesn’t fall.”


No what on earth are you trying to do?

Nie Chun looked at him with an expression that he found difficult to understand.

Mok Gyeong-un gave him a small admonition.

“Don’t make me say it twice.”

“Yes yes!”

Nie Chun who understood Mo Gyeong-un’s personality hurriedly carried out his command.

I don’t know why I was acting like this but I did as I was told and held on to my severed arms so they wouldn’t fall off.

Mok Gyeong-un then held the sword with his right hand and placed it on one of his cut parts.

And then with his left hand

-Good! Good! Good! Good! Good! Good!

‘Im (臨)! Fight! Before! Ash! Jin! Dog!’

An abbreviated seal of the old self-reliance law was signed.

When the hand sign was made like that red heat flowed out from the end of the index finger of Mokyungun’s right hand.

Meng Muyak was startled by the heat.

What on earth are you trying to do?

While doing so Mokgyeongun moved the inspection paper along the cut area.

In that state

‘My ancestor the Emperor of the Eastern Qing Dynasty my ancestor the Emperor of the Central Emperor my ancestor the Emperor of the Western Baekje my ancestor the Emperor of the Northern Black Empire my ancestor the Emperor of the Central Emperor.’

I recited a spell in my mind.


At the same time a burning pain occurred in the cut area where the test paper passed.

The pain was worse than when my arm was cut off.

Of course there was no choice but to scream.


“It’s noisy.”


“Tsk tsk.”


When Mo Qingyun waved his left hand Meng Wuyue’s mouth closed due to the deep magical energy.


Mok Gyeong-un who looked at Dream Mooyak with tears in his eyes and laughed then continued to move the inspection paper along the cut area.




Meng Wuyue twisted his body and tried to struggle in pain.

Of course Nie Chun was holding both of his arms and Mo Gyeong-un was also pressing down on his body including his mouth so he couldn’t move.

Soon Mok-gyeong-un’s index finger completely circled the cut area.


When I removed the test paper the cut area was red and hot.

Mo Gyeong-un looked at this and laughed.

Then Nie Chun asked.

“Do I have to keep holding on?”

“No you can let go.”

‘If I let go it will fall.’

I don’t know what I did but it felt like I had hit the wound with something like a heat treatment tool.

But there’s no way a severed arm could be connected with something like that.

It will definitely fall.

Nie Chun was doubtful inwardly but for now she let go of his hand as instructed.



Surprisingly Meng Wuyak’s severed arm which was thought to fall off did not fall off.

What on earth have you done?

There was no way that the flesh would stick like that just by hitting it with a yeolyangjingi.

“My lord. “What did you do?”

“This is what it is.”

As soon as he finished saying those words Mo Qingyun lightly slapped the back of Meng Wuyak’s severed hand.



Why are you doing this? As I was wondering something even more surprising happened.

“This…this…what the hell….”

Mong Muyak who was in so much pain that he even shed tears was astonished when he looked at his left arm.


The fingers below the cut area were trembling and moving slightly.

When Nie Chun saw this his eyes widened.

‘…That doesn’t make sense.’

I thought it was some kind of prank but it really seemed like the severed arm was connected.

Seeing this Mo Qingyun twitched the corner of his mouth.

‘It was successful.’

This was a magic technique called the Sammyobop (三妙法).

It was a healing art that was found in a secret book hidden by Jo Tae-cheong the Three Eyes.

It was a magic technique so magical that even a severed arm could be connected as long as a few difficult conditions were met.

There were several conditions such as the amputated body part not being allowed to last more than one hour.

Among them the biggest limitation is that it requires the subject’s vital energy.

Naturally the stronger the technique the greater the conditions and restrictions but it didn’t matter since it didn’t consume one’s own energy anyway.


Moreover there was no need to put a candle to it for the person involved to be so moved.

Mu Kyung-un said to Meng Wuyak.

“It will take some time for the cut veins or nerves to be completely reconnected so wear a splint for about five days and be careful.”


Hearing these words Meng Wuyue looked at Mu Qingyun with trembling eyes.

What on earth is this guy?

How is something like this possible?

While I was thrilled I was also somewhat afraid of this strange ability.

Mok Gyeong-un raised the corner of his mouth and said to him who was so speechless that he could not easily open his mouth.

“I don’t think there will be any problems if we continue the mission now.”


For a moment Meng Muyak’s expression hardened.

< Episode 56: Loyalty (5) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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