Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 193

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< Episode 55 Exam (3) >

“How do you feel? Would you like to become my fourth disciple?”


Everyone in the gym looked surprised at the words that came out of Hoeju’s mouth.

This was a completely unexpected situation for those who just moments ago had been concerned that an excessive amount of effort would lead to trouble.

‘A disciple? ‘What does this mean?’

Among these the one that showed the most notable reaction was Mongmuyak.

As the son of Vice Lord Huai his eyes were wide and he looked alternately at his Lord Huai and Mo Qingyun.

As expected Meng Wuyak who took great pride in learning the sword had something he had always wanted in his life and that was to be taught by Hui Zhou.


Meng Wuyak’s fist gained strength.

Although his father’s power played a role he worked hard to attract the attention of Hoeju after entering the main palace.

Even though he became a member of the Five Tigers who are said to be the best later exponents of the Cheonjihoe Hoeju never even glanced at him.

Therefore I could not help but feel both resentful and jealous of Hoeju’s proposal.


On the other hand the reaction of Nie Chun the Third Guard Lord of the main building who was also a member of the Five Tigers was different.

Rather the way he looked at Mok Gyeong-un became closer to envy.

I had the same feeling of envy but I was secretly impressed as I watched him undergo Hoeju’s test.

‘He’s a great guy.’

In particular I was impressed by the way he did not groan or even make a painful expression even once even though he must have been in pain due to his blood vessels bursting during Hoeju’s internal strength test.

He even wondered what it would be like if he were in that situation.

‘Are you saying that someone like that is a vessel that can hit upwards?’

That was considered enough to make Hoeju worthy of coveting.

However although it is something to celebrate for Mok Gyeong-un I am not sure if this will be okay.

As far as I know didn’t Mok Gyeong-un become a disciple of the Lord Amjong through the closing ceremony of Sihyeolgok just fifteen days ago?

Nie Chun looked at Amjongju Huan Yaxian with concerned eyes.

Of course it would be bad to lose a student… huh?

‘Is it…is it okay?’

Contrary to concerns the expression on Amjongju’s face was fine.

On the contrary he was anxious about what would happen to his student just a moment ago but now his lips were twitching as if he was trying to hide his excitement.

Nie Chun’s guess was accurate.

‘Ahh. ‘I can’t believe this opportunity comes.’

If it were other executives they would have protested if a situation like this came up.

It was a natural thing.

Who would be happy to lose a student with that level of talent?

Of course in a similar context he felt regretful but to Amjongju Mok Gyeong-un was not only a disciple but also a member of the same Baehwagyo church.

For such a member to become a disciple of Hoeju the head of the Heaven and Earth Association was a golden opportunity for Baehwagyo to enter the center of the meeting.

There was a saying that it was darkest under the lamp.

It was thought that Mok Gyeong-un becoming a disciple of Hoeju would provide a great foundation for the reconstruction of Baehwagyo.

At this Amjong Zhou Hwanyashen looked at Mo Qingyun and slightly nodded his head.

He meant not to mind himself.


At that time Vice President Mong Seocheon intervened.

“Why are you doing that?”

“Please stop for a moment.”

“Stop? “Are you challenging this committee’s authority now?”

Seeing the tone of his voice as if he was uncomfortable the head of the association Mong Seocheon hurriedly put his hands together lowered his head and said

“It’s not like that. “Who can file a complaint if the head of the meeting wants to?”

“But why are you doing this?”

“I’m just concerned.”



“Cluck cluck. “What are you concerned about?”

In response to this question from the Hoeju the vice-juju Mong Seocheon answered cautiously.

“That child Mok Gyeong-un became a disciple of Amjongju through the closing ceremony of Sihyeolgok.”


“Having multiple teachers is not a problem but if the Lord takes that child away the meaning will change. “You are taking disciples by force.”


At these words one of Hoeju’s eyes visible through the bandages narrowed.

He didn’t seem to be in a very good mood.

However Vice President Mong Seocheon did not stop talking even though he noticed.

“Even if the Lord of the Society asks for the understanding of the Lord of the Amjong and accepts that child as a disciple in this case there may be resistance from the elders and other executives.”

“Resistance from the Presbyterian War and executives? “What does that mean?”

“All of the disciples you have taken are from the prestigious shaman families of this association. “They are the children of those who have contributed a lot since the founding of the conference.”

Hoeju snorted at those words.

This was because the vice president knew what he was trying to say.

“Are you saying that origin is a problem?”

“Yes no matter how much of a decision this is by the head of the society it will be met with opposition from the elders and executives.”

“It’s a backlash…”

“Even though he swore loyalty that child is a hostage to a political faction. “It seems right for God to reconsider willingly accepting as a disciple someone who has not yet had any definite merit or been verified.”

At these words the son Mong Muyak nodded his head in agreement.

My father’s opinion was definitely right about this.

If you receive someone from a political faction as a pawn dissatisfaction will explode here and there and people who doubt the true intentions of the Lord will come out here and there.

Even so he had not been able to appear in public for a long time due to his illness so if he was hoping that there wouldn’t be any complaints it would have been a complete miscalculation.


While the vice-president was opposing it there was someone who was also opposing it.

It was Cheongryeong.

As soon as Hoeju made the proposal Cheongryeong became angry and sent an opposing opinion to Mok Gyeong-un.

-Ignore his suggestions! This is a clan that plays with others through sweet talk. Rather it can become dangerous.

The neck tiller wondered at her excitement.

Actually this was a good opportunity.

It was an opportunity to communicate directly with Hoeju without having to go through other disciples.

Moreover since he was at odds with the archduke Na Yu-ryang anyway if he became a disciple of Hui-ju he would have no justification to attack himself openly.

In that case they can expand their power under the protection of Hoeju.

There was no way Cheongryeong would not have known about this golden opportunity.

But to protest to this extent

‘Is it a grudge?’

Just by hearing her voice I could tell how angry she was.

Maybe that’s why Mok Gyeong-un was able to be sure of this.

With her bloody grudge she even wants the destruction of the Heaven and Earth Association but at the center of that resentment was Hoeju.

No to be exact it would be Hoeju’s predecessor.

However as 100 years passed the previous Lord Hoe would have already grown old and died.

Therefore for Cheongnyeong the center of all resentment would be his blood relatives.

‘…Is it unacceptable to go under the blood relatives of someone who is practically an enemy?’

That seemed to be the way I felt.

Mok Gyeong-un was not used to someone else’s emotions.

However because I experienced her feelings of hatred first-hand when she lost her grandfather I could fully understand why she was emotional.


-Calm down.

-subsidence? This is real and it is not an issue. Even if you don’t become that guy’s disciple there are plenty of ways to avenge the resentment between you and me as sentient beings. So don’t fall for the unnecessary sugar-coating.

-Then it’s too late.

-You a sentient being!


-Are you saying you’re going to ignore my boss’s advice and do whatever you want?

-Emotions are clouding reason.

-gibberish! This position is reasonable enough….

-You have the opportunity to officially approach the leader and you can increase your strength and induce him to let down his guard by saying that it is dark under the lamp. I think Cheongryeong can think about this as well.


Cheongnyeong huffed and did not respond to Mok Gyeong-un’s words.

It was difficult for her to control her anger due to resentment but now she recognized that Mok Gyeong-un’s opinion made more sense.

-Think rationally. Isn’t it something you should rather enjoy?



-Do you think this will be fun for you?

-yes. It’s fun. Wouldn’t it be great for Qingling if he could become Huaiju’s disciple gain his trust and then drive the sword of betrayal into his heart?


Cheongryeong’s anger subsided for an instant when he heard Mok Gyeong-un’s excited voice as if he was excited just thinking about it.

All I could think about was his blood and I felt a burning resentment and wanted to kill him.

But after listening to Mok Gyeong-un’s words I found out that he was right.

‘You’re telling that damn bloodline what betrayal is?’


This sentient being was right.

He wasn’t satisfied with just killing.

He must take away everything that was associated with him and make him feel the same way.

Only then would this hundred years of resentment be resolved.

-Are you sure you can do that to him?

-If you want.

-…If you do that do as you wish.

The young man said.

At this Mok Gyeong-un twitched his lips then got down on one knee bowed to Hoe-ju and raised his voice and spoke.

“How can I refuse this honor if the Lord of the Church accepts it? Please take me as your disciple!”

Hearing these words from Mokgyeongun Vice Lord Mong Seocheon shook his head.

“Please reconsider.”

Although he said this Mong Seocheon was half giving up.

Hoeju never takes back what he said.

The whole time he was presenting his reasons he was looking at himself with disapproving eyes.

The result was already predicted.

He will definitely carry out his will.

Then Hoeju opened his mouth.

“Do you think this committee would care about something like that?”


Is everything going as expected?


Hoeju who was about to continue his conversation suddenly frowned and stopped speaking.

It went on for a while.

He didn’t know why he suddenly did that.

Then Hoeju continued speaking again.

“…But Vice President’s opinion also makes a lot of sense.”


“He swore loyalty but there are problems with his origins and his merits have not been sufficiently verified so it is natural that there will be opposition from the elders and executives.”


Suddenly the owner was defending his opinion.

Although he was capricious he rarely backed down on his opinions in these situations.

But why are you doing this?

While I was puzzled Hoeju said.

“One this child is the only successor of Wol’s Swordsmanship.”


“That alone is enough to discredit your origins. “Isn’t that right?”

“…That’s right.”

The inspection of the month (月).

Ah I forgot.

Neither the elders nor among the executives except for a few knew of this fact.

However if it were discovered that Mo Kyung-un had mastered the sword technique of Wol which had been put into practice for the first time in a hundred years it would have a huge impact.

It was an error in judgment not to take this important thing into consideration.

Then Hoeju continued his words.

“But this time let’s respect the Vice President’s opinion.”


“If this mission is accomplished successfully this child’s merits and ideas will be fully verified. “Isn’t that right?”



“…What the Lord said is correct.”

This mission was very important.

This mission may determine whether Hoeju can return to the front line or not.

So if he succeeded in this mission he deserved the credit.


‘When you go to the imperial palace it’s overflowing with justice-minded people. If this guy doesn’t ask for help from them or try to escape he will definitely be verified as a member of this meeting.

His rapid growth and attitude are quite annoying.

He even thought that it might actually be poisonous to Hoeju.

However if all of the above were met there was absolutely no problem with Hoeju accepting him as a disciple.

Rather it was a blessing in disguise for the association as it created an outstanding disciple.


‘I guess I should tell Muyak just in case.’

I guess I’ll have to ask his son Mong Muyak to keep an eye on him.

If he discovers that he harbors even the slightest difference of heart he must deal with it as soon as possible.

Then Hoeju turned his gaze towards Mok Gyeong-un and said.

“Did you hear?”


“Complete this mission successfully. If so I will accept you as my fourth disciple.”

“What if it’s a mission?”

Mok Kyung-un looked puzzled and asked.

He had come here without even hearing anything in the first place.

Then the head of the house chuckled and then pointed to the head of the vice-president and said

“The vice president will explain the mission.”

With those words Hoeju walked closer to Mok Gyeong-un and whispered.

“I hope you meet my expectations.”

Soon after Hoeju turned his back and left the training hall.

Mok Kyung-un licked his lips as he watched him leave.

‘It’s becoming a nuisance.’

I immediately thought it was an opportunity to become a disciple of Hoeju.

I thought I would be able to find out about the ghost sword in a short time but it wasn’t going to be easy.

He had no choice but to do that mission.

Only then will he be able to become the fourth disciple.

* * *

-Jump jump jump!

Hoeju who was walking down the hallway put his palm against the wall and coughed violently.

“Cluck cluck.”

The cough was longer than usual.

Someone who had been hiding next to him appeared from a shadowed area.

“You overdid it.”

“It seems like it’s been a while.”

Huaiju said wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

He was a better guy than expected so I had to put a lot of pressure on him to make him even more excited.

The person who appeared tried to support Hoeju who was leaning against the wall with his hand.

Then Huaiju shook his head.

“no. “It’s done.”


“There is no need to make a fuss. “I know my body better.”

“All right.”

To Hoeju’s words the man in the shadows slightly lowered his head and responded.

She then asked him if Hoeju had suddenly occurred to him.

“But what on earth was that thing you said earlier? “He thinks he’s seen the guy?”

It was a Hoeju who reluctantly withheld accepting him as a disciple in response to the Jeonum Ipmil (傳音入密) sent asking him to stop.

If it weren’t for that he wouldn’t have accepted Vice President’s objection.

The person hidden in the shadows answered this question.

“…I’m not sure.”

“Are you not sure?”

“There is a clear resemblance but everything including social status and name is very different.”

“We looked alike? Who do you think you resemble? Cluck cluck.”

Hoeju coughed violently and staggered.

The man hurriedly walked forward and supported him.

Thanks to this the man’s face which had been in shadow appeared in the bright light of the lamp.

He was a middle-aged man with a long scar above his left eyebrow and in his right hand he held a sword as black as if it had been burned.

The man answered the previous question while supporting Hoeju.

“You’re being condescending.”

“Slut? Who is that?”

It was an unfamiliar nickname that Hoeju had never heard before.

Then the man spoke in a meaningful voice.

“He is a dead man who should be dead.”

< Episode 55 Exam (3) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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