Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 162

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< Episode 48 Proposal (1) >

‘Great ambassador?’

‘Huh? ‘Woo Daeju?’

The person lifted up in the hands of Mok Gyeong-un was none other than Woo Ho-rang the great disciple of King Myeongdo King Son Yun and a member of the Five Tigers who are said to be the best later exponents of the Cheonjihoe.

Priest Ye Wi-seon and Cho Hae-geombang’s Fire Lord Yang Il were shocked to see him who was known to be unmatchable except for executives unconscious and covered in blood as if he had been seriously injured.

‘What’s going on?’

Why does the Grand Master look like that?

It was Yeo Wei-shen who had never seen his brother-in-law get into a fight with someone before.

Ye Weishen’s eyes instantly turned to Mo Qingyun.

‘no. ‘Absolutely not.’

For a moment I wondered if Mok Gyeong-un was like that.

But that couldn’t have been the case.

He had competed with it before so he knew its inaction.

Since he was almost at the same level as me I thought he was either at the peak of maturity or just slightly above it.

But he can make such a great execution that reaches the pinnacle of perfection?

It was nonsense.

That said


Firelord Yang Il of the Chohae Sword Room dropped the large stone he had placed on the sword blade of the heavy sword and suddenly said with eyes full of caution.

“Thorough cultivation. “Is this what you are?”


What does this mean again?

Even if that damned bastard has a decent level of inaction to the point where his lord Wei Xiaoyeon shows interest in him he has no ability to deal with the great brother.

“Brother Yang. That guy is similar to me in inaction. “You are not fit to deal with the great punishment.”

“What are you talking about? lobe type. “That man Mok Gyeong-un has reached the pinnacle of excellence just like Geogweol Danju.”


Hearing Yang Il’s words like this Ye Wishen made an expression of bewilderment.

Are you kidding yourself?

It hasn’t even been 15 days since I met him at the Sihyeolgok report.

But in the meantime how can one reach the pinnacle of excellence?

“Are you kidding me? “I know because I’ve competed with that guy before…”

“It’s not a joke. “My lord said it himself and his inaction was also acknowledged by Confucius Jang Neung-ak the second disciple of Hui Zhou.”



The lord and Confucius Jang Neungak also acknowledged it?

What on earth is going on?

Does this make sense?

How long has it been since he competed with himself in the Sihyeolgok Bigo that he has reached the pinnacle?

I couldn’t believe it.

While doing so Mok Kyung-un smiled and said.

“I’ll give it back.”


“Your ambassador. “Take it.”

“Now wait a minute. “What are you trying to do now…”


Before Ye Wei-seon could finish speaking Mo Qing-yun threw the unconscious Wu Hu-rang who was holding it with one hand as if it were some kind of luggage.

Wu Tiger’s body which was quite tall flew towards Ye Weishen at high speed.

“This bastard?”

Ye Weishen hurriedly opened his arms to receive Wu Haorang.

And he tries to receive his grand punishment stably by raising his attack power appropriately.



The moment he supported Wu Horang’s body Ye Wishen’s knees bent due to the heaviness of the energy contained therein.

Along with that the two feet of the lobe gland


I was pushed back about eight paces dragging along the floor of the yard.

This too was stopped in the middle because he had to raise his ten-star power and grit his teeth to hold on.

Although it happened in an instant it felt quite long to Ye Weishen.



Ye Wishen’s breathing became heavy as he put Woohorang down on the ground with difficulty.

‘what? ‘This?’

Just now this was the trick of flower grafting.

If using the other person’s energy is the norm conveying the energy to something and transmitting it to the other person was also an application of ethereal grafting.

This was also called the method of excavating objects.

‘…That doesn’t make sense.’

This level of high-level skill was not something that could be performed by a martial artist who had reached the peak level.

It was a technique that could only be achieved if one reached a transcendental level with a high level of understanding of energy.

Even after experiencing this directly Ye Weishen found it difficult to accept it.

I was angry at the guy but this was something that was impossible based on common sense.

Is it possible to attain enlightenment in such a short period of time and reach a higher level than oneself?

I was perplexed but Yang Il asked.

“Isn’t that a shocking scene just now? “Brother Yeop are you okay?”

“…It’s okay.”

I could see from the close-up view that the guy’s endurance was not normal but he did not suffer any internal injuries.

He just felt confused and dirty.

Then Mok Gyeong-un said.

“Him. “He has blood on his face and needs to be released before he will come to his senses.”

“what? “Are you saying you did a blood test on the Ambassador?”

“no. “I didn’t do it.”


Yang Il the fire chief of Chohae Sword Room was puzzled by Mok Gyeong-un’s denial and asked.

“So if someone other than you Mok Gyeong-un took over Hyeoldo does that mean that he created Geoggeondaeju like this?”

“iced coffee. That’s not it. “It’s true that he ended up like that because he fought with me.”

“Are you trying to make a joke right now?”

Hearing Mu Qingyun’s words Ye Weishen became angry and shouted.

Then Mok Gyeong-un shrugged his shoulders and said.

“It’s real. And why should I joke with you?”

“joke? under! “Now I understand.”


“Seeing that someone else did the divination I see that he was punished by joint action.”


“That’s right. No matter how rapidly martial arts have advanced how can a guy like you defeat Daesihyeong one of the Five Tigers by himself?”


Hearing Ye Weishen’s excited shout Yang Il looked at Mo Qingyun with an expression of uncertainty.

Even so Lady Wi So-yeon the lord said that Mok Gyeong-un’s inaction seemed like the beginning of a transcendental state.

So instead of sending him who had a similar level of inaction he sent Woo Ho-rang who was the most incompetent among the young lady’s henchmen.

However if the young lady’s judgment was clear no matter how much she thought about it Mo Kyung-un’s inaction could not have defeated Woo Ho-rang.

‘The beginning and full maturity of the peak season are of great significance.’

He felt the same because he also competed with Woo Ho-rang and lost.

The title of Five Tigers was not something that anyone could receive.

Isn’t Woo Ho-rang a monster among the later indexes who are known to be unmatchable except by executives?

In that case as Yeo Wi-seon said Hapgong also made sense.

‘…Could it be that they joined hands?’

Even so what the lord Wi Shao-yeon was concerned about was that Mo Kyung-un would fall under the control of Confucius Jang Neung-ak the second disciple of Hui Zhou.

Already if you look at Confucius Jang Neung-ak’s attitude he seemed to be quite close to Mok Gyeong-un.


Yang Yi whispered softly to Ye Wishen as if he had realized something.

“I think Brother Yeop is right.”

“What do you mean it’s true?”

“I have already heard the news that Wi Maeng-cheon the Muangeom of Iak one of Confucius Jang Neung-ak’s confidants was murdered last night.”


Ye Weishen’s eyes widened at these words.

He wondered “What on earth happened so much while he was closed?”

Yang Il said to the surprised man.

“Still I thought it was strange that Confucius Jang Nengye continued to glare at his lord and Wu Danzhu with murderous eyes in the Baek family manor.”

“under! Then the hostage of that political faction and Confucius Jang Neung-ak’s subordinates must have worked together to execute him like this.”


-Those foolish sentient beings. What on earth are you talking about?

Mok Gyeong-un chuckled at Cheong-ryeong’s words.

There was no way he wouldn’t be heard if he was whispering.

He said nothing himself but they were guessing the situation among themselves.

Secondly he was the one who killed Wi Maeng-cheon a henchman of Jang Neung-ak and thirdly he was the one who turned Woo Ho-rang a henchman of Wi So-yeon into this but there is no connection between the two incidents.

However it was really fun to see them tie together unrelated events.

‘It’s nice to play with.’

Mok Gyeong-un’s judgment was exactly like that.

However they had nothing to do right now.

“Two minutes. “If you want to continue the conversation please do so. I’m going to see Lady Wi So-yeon. She’s in the main church right?”

Mok Kyung-un tried to take a step forward.

It was then.


Ye Wishen took out his German weapon Geohyeongdo which he was wearing on his back.

And he shouted aiming the tip at Mok Gyeong-un.

“How dare you meet the girl with those dirty feet?”

“You’re really bothering me.”


“I have never agreed with the interesting speculations of the two of you so wouldn’t it be okay to solve the blood chart of the person with the metabolic type and check for yourself? “Then I…”

Mo Kyung-un tried to take a step forward again.

At that moment a sharp sense of anticipation arose and a line was drawn on the floor of the street just three steps in front of Mok Kyung-un.


The person who drew that line was none other than Yang Il fire owner of Chohae Geombang.

Yang Il who was ready to go out at any time with his sword raised in anticipation spoke in a warning tone.

“Abandon the thought of crossing that line.”

I thought Yeo Wi-seon was doing well because of his strong warning.

He had already thought that there was no hope in a one-on-one match due to Mok Gyeong-un’s sudden progress.

However the situation was different when it came to joint ventures.

Firefighter Yang Il of Chohae Sword Bang was a great talent who had reached the beginning of transcendence.

Excluding his brother he was a close confidant who could be said to be the left hand of the lord Lady Wi So-yeon.

If they worked together with him they would have a chance to win.

‘Son of a bitch. ‘Good.’

Moreover at that time it was a treasure trove of poetry and poetry overflowing with non-critical books so even though I was careful I couldn’t open the book properly.

But not now.

In a yard this large I could do my best.

“Brother Yang… I will join you too.”


Ye Wei-seon stood next to Yang Il the Fire Lord of the Chohae Sword Room and said in a timid manner.

Joint action may have been cowardly but the justification was sufficient.

There are suspicions that he may also have joined forces with the ambassador.

Then Mok Gyeong-un waved lightly with one hand as if he was annoyed and said.

“Please stop. “He didn’t come to fight he came to see Lady Soyeon above.”

“shut up! Do you think your lord will see you as a hostage to political factions?”

“That’s strange. I remember that Lady Wi So-yeon called me as I heard from your ambassador. “Isn’t it?”


The answer to this was given by Yang Il next to me.

“I called you. Because my lord thinks highly of you. “But if you seriously injure the man who went to pick you up and then try to meet the young lady do you think we’ll just let you go?”

“I don’t understand. Then just wake him up there and ask him.”


“You make it sound like I attacked this person first but I released the blood sword and attacked him directly… ah that’s not true.”

Mok Gyeong-un stopped talking and shook his head.

Then he quickly spoke to them.

“Just go at it together you two.”


“Did you tell us to fight together?”

“Didn’t you hear? “If I take down the two of you the young lady will feel the same way.”

At Mok Gyeong-un’s words the eyes of Yang Il the fire chief of Chohae Sword Room became harsh.

Contrary to what Ye Weishen said he had no intention of joining forces or attacking Mo Qingyun first.

I’m still not sure about the authenticity.

However as a military officer this kind of provocation was bound to be quite annoying.

“Are you ignoring me and Brother Yeop now?”

“ignore? “It can’t be.”

“But how can you tell us both to attack us at the same time?”

Mok Gyeong-un smiled and answered Yang Il’s question.

“It’s annoying to deal with them one by one and they’re only at that level so I guess I’m telling them to attack them at the same time.”


Yang Il gritted his teeth.

He was a person who reacted calmly to any provocation.

However even without that they were very upset when they heard that they had defeated Woo Horang their eldest brother and they couldn’t stand it when they got angry like this.

“okay? “Then let’s see how strong you are!”


Soon Yang Il launched a new weapon at Mok Gyeong-un.

Likewise Ye Wei-seon who was angry at Mo Kyung-un’s provocation and was looking for an opportunity to join forces also kicked the ground and launched a new weapon in response.

‘The 4th super-heavy sword the 4th second power point medicine!’

‘Myeongildobeop’s Secret 2-Second Style Myeonghae Gusul (命害咎述)!’

Yang Il and Ye Weishen tried to strike a sword and sword at the same time.

It was that moment.





In an instant the new form became blurred and Mo Kyung-un appeared in front of them and before the two of them could even open their swords he was holding the blade of the sword and sword with both hands.


Both Yang Yi and Ye Weishen could not hide their embarrassment at what had happened in an instant.

What on earth is going on?

There wasn’t even any movement.


‘What kind of power?’

‘I can’t take the Tao out….’

I tried to pull out my sword and sword while raising my power but it wouldn’t budge.

Mok Gyeong-un spoke casually to them.

“It’s slow.”

“this guy!”


Yang Il let go of the sword he was holding and tried to stab Mo Gyeong-un’s uvula with his index and middle fingers.



Before he could do that Mo Qingyun’s kick hit him hard on the head.

As his brain shook Yang Il’s eyes rolled over and he soon fell to the floor.


“You’re not telling me to wait for you to be right right?”

Mok Gyeong-un said to Yang Il who was unconscious.

Yep Wishen was so startled by this sight that his face turned white and his hands and feet began to tremble.

What on earth is this?

Wasn’t he a guy who was almost his equal not long ago?

But how did he become this strong?

Although the two days were just the beginning they had reached the peak of transcendence so even Woo Horang one of the Five Tigers could not be defeated in an instant like this.

“Yes…what the hell are you…”

“If you know that you can’t do it based on your skills how about just getting out of the way?”


Ye Wishen bit his lip at Mo Qingyun’s extremely arrogant words.

He already felt that he was no match for Gyeokmul Jeon Gyeong’s tactics.

But he didn’t want to show any signs of weakness to this guy.

In response Ye Weishen suddenly brandished his sword at Mo Qingyun and shouted.

“You son of a bitch….”



I couldn’t even reach the Ilgwon.

Even before he could say all of his words Mo Kyung-yun grabbed Yeo Wi-seon by the neck and lifted him up.

Then he smiled eerily at the distressed man and spoke.

“Don’t use too strong words. “Because it looks weak.”

– Creepy!

At that moment Ye Weishen felt goosebumps running down his spine and his eyes were about to turn red from fear.

It was right then.


I heard someone shouting.

The owner of that cry is none other than

‘Oh girl?’

It was Wei Shao-yeon Hui Zhou’s third disciple.

She came out of her parish building and was looking at Mok Kyung-un with startled eyes.

< Episode 48 Proposal (1) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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