Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 154

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< Episode 45: Similar (1) >

[Since Sihyeolgok was implemented there is only one person who has earned all of the senior plaques.]

This is what Gokju Lee Ji-yeom said before the final gate of Sihyeolgok.

Mok Gyeong-un who was not very interested in who got all the senior awards at the time only asked one thing.

[Can I ask what benefits there are for those who get all the senior trophies?]

[You can receive teachings from the Lord.]

Everyone was surprised by this answer.

The reason was simple.

[Is it really that surprising to receive the teachings of Hoiju?]

Moharang satisfied the curiosity of Mok Gyeong-un who was puzzled.

[Hoeju is one of the six thousand people who are said to be the pinnacle of the current martial arts world. Aside from everything else being taught by one of the six people who are said to be the strongest in the world…]

She couldn’t even continue her conversation.

To that extent Six Heaven’s prestige could truly be said to be the highest in the Central Plains.

Who wouldn’t risk their life if they could have the opportunity to be taught by such a great being?

However since the Sihyeolgok was implemented there was only one person like that.

And that one person is

‘Is this him?’

This man is making eye contact with Mok Kyung-un.

Huaiju’s first disciple was Grand Duke Na Yu-liang.

It wasn’t long before Mok Gyeong-un also found out about this fact.

It was Amjongju who informed me of this.

[His second disciple Confucius Jang Neng-e and his third disciple Lady Wi So-yeon both possessed innate military talents. However compared to the archduke Na Yulyang even they can be said to be lacking.]

[Is it that much?]

[okay. I think it would be more touching if I said it this way.]


[The Grand Duke became the first and last disciple of Huiju since the implementation of Sihyeolgok to obtain the title of chief of all gates.]


You became a disciple by obtaining all the senior plaques at the gate of Sihyeolgok?

Are you saying that the only person that Sihyeolgokju Lee Ji-yeom was talking about was the Archduke?

It was truly an amazing fact.

[If the second princess and the third lady were selected based on talent the grand duchess is someone who worked his way up from the bottom and achieved his current position on his own.]

[…That’s cool.]

[okay. It’s poisonous and cool. But he is also a truly scary person.]

[Scary person?]

Lord Amjong commented that the Grand Duke was a scary person.

While he commented that the second Confucius Jang Neung-eok was someone to be careful of because of his cunning and ferocity he showed considerable caution towards the Grand Confucius.

Why is that so?

I was puzzled but Amjongju said.

[In fact if we look only at the talent of civil and martial arts it is no exaggeration to say that the position of the next Huaiju was held by the Grand Duke.]

[This is not an exaggeration but why are your disciples competing for the position of successor?]

I didn’t understand it at all.

If he’s that good is there a need to compete with him?

Wasn’t it said that he had the largest number of supporters among his disciples and that he was recognized by everyone for his excellence in civil affairs and civil affairs?

But why has Lord Hoe still not made him his successor even though he is in bed?

In response to Mok Gyeong-un’s question King Amjong said something unexpected.

[…Hoeju may also be wary of him.]


What does this mean again?

The head of the Heaven and Earth Council a member of the Six Heavens known as the strongest in the world is wary of his first disciple?

Something is strange.

[…Is there any reason to be cautious? If it’s because of his talent isn’t it something we should be happy about since he is the next successor?]

[That’s normal.]

[Is there some other reason?]

[If it’s a reason it must be a reason.]

[What is that?]

[He has overwhelming military talent to the point of passing all the gates of Sihyeolgok as a top student and is excellent enough to master civil and martial arts so why are there only 40% of his supporters?]


Now that I think about it it was like that.

Until I heard from the head of the clan I thought that the competition for successor had been decided because all three were outstanding or at almost the same level.

Therefore I thought he was 40% but as Amjongju said he was such an overwhelming figure and if he was a great disciple of Hoeju it would not be strange if he had support of 80% or 90% not 40%.

That said I was able to infer one thing.

[Is there a reason for disqualification that can overturn all of that?]

Unless there was something that could be conclusively flawed there was no reason for Hoeju not to make him a successor.

In response to Mo Gyeong-un’s question the head of the clan spoke in a meaningful tone.

[Different from ordinary people.]

[What do you mean by different?]

[Literally. The Grand Duke has very different standards thoughts and emotions from ordinary people.]


[I don’t know if he was born lacking something or if it was due to environmental factors but it seems that his differences made Hoeju unsure.]


In what ways are they different from ordinary people?

What was certain was that many people disliked the Archduke because of these differences.

Those who follow the second disciple Jang Neung-ak and the third disciple Wi So-yeon or those who remain neutral are probably such people.

* * *

“How did you know?”

In response to the question of Grand Duke Na Yu-ryang who had a black pupil in one eye and a gray-white pupil in the other Mok Gyeong-un suddenly remembered what Amjongju had said.

[Different from ordinary people.]


Mo Qingyun’s lips twitched slightly.

I didn’t really understand what the leader of the clan meant when he said that.

Rather for the first time he felt a strange feeling.

It was a kind of kinship.

‘It’s fascinating.’

For the first time in my life I felt this way from someone else.

But Mok Kyung-un was not the only one who felt that way.

Na Yu-ryang too was caught up in a strange feeling the moment his eyes met with Mok Gyeong-un.


A strange feeling that I have never felt from ordinary people.

It was blooming from this guy.

Even though he knew his identity his eyes met and Na Yulyang could instinctively know from his unwavering gaze.

“That’s fun.”

“What do you mean?”

“You… are of the same species.”

Mok Gyeong-un’s eyes narrowed at Na Yu-ryang’s words.

Did this person feel the same way?

Sameness sameness.

[Cluck cough… Make a promise.]

[What do you mean?]

[I will never reveal your true nature…]

His grandfather warned him until the end.

Don’t reveal your nature differently from ordinary people.

When his grandfather was by his side he tried his best to do so but seeing so much blood awakened his suppressed nature.

The grandfather called it killing but Mok Gyeong-un didn’t think so.

It was a kind of liberation from my imprisonment.

‘It’s different.’

If this is why I Yul-ryang are different from ordinary people does he also fall into that category?

It’s really interesting.

Then Na Yu-ryang said to Mok Gyeong-un.

“I was curious why the guy who was held hostage by a political faction surrendered to this organization and I think I know why.”


“You don’t fit in with such an old-fashioned place like justice.”

Mok Gyeong-un was about to reveal his true feelings at his words but soon changed his answer.

“It’s just that Cheonjihoe suited me better.”

Apart from the sense of homogeneity there were differences in stance.

The opponent is Grand Duke the first disciple of Hui Zhou.

Just because they shared similar feelings their position and inaction were not someone to be treated lightly.


At that time Na Yu-ryang turned around and walked around Mok-gyeong-un.

His eyes were scanning from head to toe examining him.

Being observed outside of one’s own group was not a very good feeling.

“It’s really strange that I can’t really feel your energy even though I’m this close. “Where did you learn these techniques?”

Mok Gyeong-un bowed his head and answered the direct question.

“I learned it from Lord Amjong.”



“That’s strange. “Although it is said that the energy of Amjongju has a strong negative tendency unlike others it is not at a level where it can completely control itself and hide it.”


If you look at the way I Yulliang spoke it was as if he was a superior to Lord Amjong.

However it is difficult to deny this because the energy felt from Na Yulyang was strongly concentrated in one area to prevent it from leaking out.

Although it was condensed the faint energy emanating from there seemed as if it would explode explosively at any moment.


It’s hard to even guess how strong it is.

Looking at it now I thought that it might actually be compared to the level of the Five Kings.

I think I understand why Amjongju said that his second disciple Jangneung and his third disciple Wi Soyeon were superior.

Then I Yulyang twitched the corner of his mouth and said.

“You’re already trying to hide it.”

“no. “How could I do that to the Archduke?”



“good. This may be something you might want to hide as a military officer. Since this is my first time I’ll just skip it. “Well that’s not what I really care about.”

With those words Na Yu-ryang suddenly stroked his chin.

Then he looked at his neck as if he was thinking about it and then he opened his mouth.

“How did you know this before?”

“What if it was earlier?”

“How did you know who this Confucius was? “He altered his voice and has probably never even met me.”

Since he became a disciple of Amjongju who is in charge of information and objects he could receive information about the appearance but he guessed it without even looking.

Nayuliang wanted to solve that question.

In response to his question Mok Gyeong-un said casually.

“It was just a guess.”



“In a situation where there was nothing you guessed who Confucius was just by guessing….”

“It’s not like there’s nothing.”


“I guessed that because the Grand Duke was the only one who did not visit the King of Seomdok and knocked out the henchmen of the Second Prince and the Third Lady who tried to contact me.”

Hearing Mok Gyeong-un’s words I Yul-ryang held out his hand and said.

“I don’t know that I knocked out the third priest’s disciple but where is the second priest’s henchman?”

Mok Gyeong-un then pointed to the corner of the wall with his hand.

It was a place where the exuding energy diminished for an instant.

“Didn’t you faint Seo Hye-in Danju of Choyeondan the second Confucius’ subordinate?”


At these words a strange look appeared in Na Yulyang’s eyes.

Rather than realizing that someone was secretly watching him through his senses he was more surprised at guessing who it was.

“Your guy… his senses are very sensitive.”

“It can’t be. “I had no idea that the Grand Duke existed.”

Na Yulyang sighed and snorted at Mok Gyeong-un’s words.

It was a reaction as if it were natural.

In some ways he could have seemed arrogant but he actually suited this look well.

“Well that aside you guessed that by knocking them out?”

“yes. There is no way that my lord the second prince or the third lady would suddenly faint those who tried to contact me and bring me under the mountain…”

“Even if it were other executives there would be no reason to faint them right?”


In response to Mok Gyeong-un’s response Na Yu-ryang smiled and said

“I thought you were pretty good at inaction but you seem to be pretty good at it too.”

“…That’s too much praise.”

“If I had handed it over to the priests it would have been fun to compete with but after seeing it in person I don’t think I could.”

Mok Kyung-un thought about his words.

Is the Archduke also trying to drag him under his wing?

But something different from what I expected came out of his mouth.

“You must have felt that you were of the same class as the Confucius you saw right?”


“So I changed my mind. “Unless you can definitely control someone like you I think it would be best to kill him right now.”


As soon as those words were finished a blue spirit gathered around Grand Duke Na Yulyang’s sword.

It was a sword lecture.

< Episode 45: Similar (1) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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