Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 149

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< Episode 43 Repayment (2) >

“But what exactly is the item that the ghost sword gave to you?”

When the guy gave it to him he said that there was no reason to fight Baek Saha the island poison king.

What on earth did you give me?

In response to Mo Kyung-un’s question Baek Sa-ha took a deep breath and answered.

“Whew. “It is a defeat of the Hoeju.”


Hoeju’s loss?

Mok Kyung-un frowned at these words.

Based on Baek Sa-ha’s words I thought that the ghost sword might not be related to the Heaven and Earth Association but in this case the story changes again.

“…If you gave Hoeju’s tile is the ghost sword related to Hoeju?”

“Nobu doesn’t know exactly either.”

“What do you mean you don’t know exactly?”

“There is no way to know what connection he has with the owner of the company or what kind of instigation he received from the company owner.”

It was an ambiguous answer.

Mok Gyeong-un asked this.

“Then did you deliver the card to the Lord of the Lord as the ghost sword requested?”

“okay. “I told you.”

“May I ask what the Lord said?”

“Nothing was said.”


You told me that but there was no response?

While he was puzzled Baek Sa-ha lightly placed his hand on Mo Gyeong-un’s shoulder and said

“This is the only thing the Lord said.”

“What if this?”

“Nobu was ordered not to reveal to anyone everything he learned while competing with the ghost sword. Of course it’s also about cards.”


“Do you now understand why the old man told you not to let what you heard here leak out?”

All of this was by order of the Lord of the Association.

In the first place the confrontation with the ghost sword was a shameful incident even for the island poison king Baek Sa-ha so it seems that the two sides agreed and it was kept confidential until now.


Mo Kyung-un’s eyes became somewhat heavy.

He tried to find out the identity of the ghost through Baek Sa-ha but instead only learned that he was closely related to the Cheonjihoe Hoeju.

Cheongryeong who was listening to this story together was inwardly relieved.

‘It’s unfortunate but I guess I should say it’s fortunate for me.’

Even so she was worried that Mok Kyung-un would leave this place if the connection between the ghost sword and the Heaven and Earth Association disappeared.

However coincidentally as it became associated with Hoeju the reason to be here became even more apparent.

It could be said that this was a fortunate thing for Cheongryeong.

-In the end I guess we can say that the goals of you and ours coincide to some extent.

-…I see.

Mo Kyung-un’s eyes turned cold.

Things got a little more complicated.

I hoped that more intuitively clues to the culprit would be revealed but all I found out was that a person named Hoeju might also be involved in this.

‘Is the clue a hoiju?’

It has to do with the ghost sword he may have killed his grandfather with.

Because it happened 17 years ago we don’t know the direct connection but what we know for sure is about the ghost sword.

That meant I needed a way to contact Hoeju.

However the problem was that meeting Hoeju was difficult to compare to meeting King Baek Sa-ha.

He was the head of the Cheonjihoe and a member of the Six Heavens known as the pinnacle of the current martial arts world.

‘…I need a way to contact you.’

I couldn’t think of a way right now.

There was at least a justification for the three senior plaques for white death but Hoeju was different.

He naturally had no cause for close contact.


Baek Sa-ha said while his mind was filled with all that.

“Why is there no answer?”


“Didn’t you say that since you are a member of the meeting you are also not allowed to speak out?”

“Ahh. “Of course it should be.”

Baek Sa-ha looked at Mo Kyung-un’s answer with suspicious eyes.

Because they had made a promise even though it was the order of the Lord of the Lord they broke this and made it known but looking at Mok Gyeong-un’s reaction it seemed like he had some connection with the ghost sword in some way.

In response Baek Sa-ha spoke as if asking.

“I told you because it was a promise but I think it would be better for your personal life if I didn’t delve any further into the ghost sword.”


“Besides he disappeared 17 years ago. “I don’t know if he’s a good lover or a bad one but it’s better to forget about it now.”

he disappeared

That was something I didn’t know.

The mark left on his deceased grandfather’s scar is related to the ghost sword.

Anyway Mok Gyeong-un folded his hands and politely responded to Baek Sa-ha’s advice.

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“I hope you do that even if it’s just empty words.”

“How can you give empty words to advice given by an elder?”

“Cluck. “You speak well.”

“Thanks to you my curiosity has been satisfied and the old man has gotten what he wanted so I will now return to cancer.”

It was Mok Gyeong-un who no longer had anything to see from Baek Sa-ha the king of island poisons.


At his words Baek Sa-ha’s eyes sparkled.

Although the owner of the company disobeyed one person’s order not to reveal the information and informed him this was not something that could be called a repayment.

But you’re just going to go back from here?

“What a unique guy.”


“Did you come here just to satisfy your curiosity?”

“iced coffee. that….”

“I didn’t come to ask the old man for lessons.”


“Hahahahaha. Why are there all these guys? “You’re using the benefit of the senior trophy as an excuse to meet Nobu.”

Baek Sa-ha the King of Island Poisons grabbed the boat and burst into laughter.

Mok Gyeong-un who brought the chief plaque of Sihyeolgok had the benefit of being able to receive instruction from him.

But how cheeky is it that he said he would go without actually receiving the benefit?

Doesn’t that mean he had no intention of learning in the first place?

‘I got caught.’

Mok Gyeong-un scratched his head wondering what to do with this.

While doing so Baek Sa-ha who had been laughing for a while stopped and said.

“It’s been a while since you made Nobu smile.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Do you have anything to apologize for? But. “Nobu I can’t just let you go since you brought the three senior plaques of Sihyeolgok with you.”

“What do you mean I can’t just send it away?”

“Of course I will teach you martial arts.”


“Cluck. okay.”

“Can I ask what you will teach me?”

Baek Sa-ha answered Mo Gyeong-un’s question by stroking his beard.

“I’ll teach you how to do it alone.”

“Poisonous attack?”

“Looking at you it looks like you don’t know how to play solo even though you are an expert. “Who taught you about poison?”

“…I just learned it from doctors and pharmacists looking over their shoulders.”

Baek Sa-ha the island poison king snorted at these words of Mok Gyeong-un.

What does this guy think of himself that makes him say such things?

Even if you practice your poison all your life you may or may not reach the level of a poison expert but did you reach that level with shallow knowledge learned from doctors or pharmacists looking over your shoulder?

“joy! Learning over your shoulder? “Speak like a horse.”

“Even if you don’t believe it it’s true.”

“Do you think the old man would eat you just because he knew the person who taught you poison?”

“Well that’s not it.”

“But why aren’t you revealing it? “Is there any reason to hide it?”


Mok Kyung-un was internally annoyed by his question.

He seemed like he would keep asking if I didn’t give him a suitable answer.


“All right. There is no reason to hide this so I will tell you. “The teacher who taught me about medicinal herbs and poisonous plants has already passed away.”


“He passed away.”

“…Are you a deceased person?”



Baek Sa-ha let out a small sigh.

He was truly curious about who made Mok Gyeong-un a poisoner.

But now looking at Mok Kyung-un’s tone of voice and his eyes filled with a faint sense of loss it seemed like it wasn’t a lie.

‘…I guess it’s true.’

“Hmm. I don’t know what kind of person it is but if he is skilled in poison to the extent that he can turn you into a poison without even teaching you he must not have been an ordinary person. Even Sicheondangga and Nineyangga draw….”

At that moment someone’s nickname flashed through Baek Sa-ha’s mind.

‘Haeyoung Yakseon?’

Until now in the whole of the central plains only his Baek family and the Sicheondang family the Nineyang family were considered the best in poison attack.

However he is the one who seriously injured Ghost Sword with poison 17 years ago.

That person was called Haeyeong Yakseon (解營藥仙).

If you are well-versed in a field and reach the highest level you will naturally become knowledgeable in the opposite field as well.

Isn’t Baek Sa-ha himself also a master of medicine?

He didn’t know that poisonous liquor was like that for Haeyoung Yakseon.


Baek Sa-ha looked intently at Mo Kyung-un’s face.

Then he shook his head.

‘okay. That can’t be possible.’

No matter how much I thought about it there was too little connection between this guy and Haeyoung Yakseon.

So what on earth is that person?

But it didn’t seem like this stubborn guy would tell me right now.

‘I guess we’ll figure it out little by little.’

Baek Sa-ha said this while hiding his true feelings.

“Anyway if you learn poison techniques from Nobu he will be able to fully utilize the poison within you.”

“Totally poison….”

“okay. Would you like to learn it properly?”

In response to his question Mok Gyeong-un bowed and said

“How could you refuse to be considerate of an elder? “If you teach me I will do my best to learn.”

He had no reason to refuse.

There was no harm in learning the poison technique.

Then Baek Sa-ha suddenly asked Mo Gyeong-un something.

“But what was that you fed the old man earlier? “Maybe it’s not an elixir?”

“You mean heaven and earth.”

“iced coffee. “As expected it was like that.”

Baek Saha stuck out his tongue as he watched Mok Gyeong-un.

No matter how much it was done to save oneself the elixir was like a treasure to the martial arts people.

But did he write it to himself who might die without any hesitation?

Then if he had really died it might have been in vain.

It was really hard to know what type of person this guy was.

“I owe you a lot.”

“You don’t have to think of it as a debt.”

“no. “It’s a debt.”

“…Well if you think that way I can’t help it. If I do will you repay me?”

“Pay it back.” “Nobu has the temperament to never let go of debt.”

“Is that so? “What are you going to repay me with?”

“Since it is an equivalent exchange I will give you a special elixir made by my family.”


Repay elixir with elixir.

It made sense.

“If you give it to me I will be grateful.”

“There is only one condition.”

“…You really set a lot of conditions.”

“It’s not a bad condition at all. “If you don’t tell anyone about this elixir I’ll give you two.”


“okay. “Not bad right?”

Mok Kyung-un did not hide his surprise at these words.

He only used one elixir but he offered to give me two in exchange for not revealing it so why would I refuse?

“There’s nothing wrong with me but is it okay?”

“Cluck. “If it’s not okay you won’t accept it?”

“Of course not.”

“Of course it is. The elixir I will give you is the Deungryongdan (登龍丹) created by Baekyu Nobu’s father and the founder of the main family. “In some ways it is even better than Heaven and Earth.”

“Much better?”

“okay. If we assume that the Cheonjidan can gain durability of ten to up to 15 years then the main family’s Deungryongdan can gain durability of up to 20 years if it is efficient.”


Hearing his words Mok Gyeong-un’s eyes sparkled with interest.

If what Baek Sa-ha said it was a much better elixir than the Heaven and Earth Dan.

“…I definitely understand why you are told not to reveal it.”

“okay. However it is not necessarily a good thing.”


“In the case of Deungnyongdan the tolerance is much stronger than that of Cheonjidan so after taking one pill the effect decreases significantly from the second pill.”


“Don’t feel sorry. Still if the old man helps with Chugunggwahyeol (推宮過穴) he will be able to gain close to ten years of inner strength even with the second round of medicine.”

‘Ten years.’

According to what he said even if the expert helped the absorption of the herbal medicine the effect seemed to be reduced by almost half.

In that case I understood why it was not necessarily a good thing since absorbing the herbal medicine alone would be less effective.


‘It won’t be of any use to me.’

For Mo Gyeong-un who uses death energy the elixir had no meaning or effect.

Just in case something like this happens it will be as useful as this one.

* * *

‘Damn it.’

Hoeju’s second disciple Jang Neungak who had managed to relieve the poison could not hide his anger.

What kind of obscenity is this?

I didn’t know that I wouldn’t be able to withstand the poison of the island poison king even for a moment and would fall to his knees.

Fortunately in addition to himself Wi So-yeon his third disciple also seemed to be suffering from poisonous energy.

However what is annoying is that it seems that the poison has been relieved before him.

As far as his endurance was concerned he was far ahead of himself.

‘Damn you bitch.’

How is it that the gap is getting wider?

I was even concerned that this might be reaching a level where it would be really difficult to deal with.

Before that I might have to use his hand.

But something else took priority.

“Is the poison king still inside?”

Jang Nung-Ak asked Baek Shao-gang Baek Sa-he’s second son.

Baek Sogang responded by nodding his head.


“…I need to talk to him again.”

“For now you will have to wait.”

“wait? “What do you mean?”

“Father is currently having a conversation with a disciple of Amjongju.”


Jang Neng-euk frowned and looked at the stone-walled entrance.

Doesn’t this mean that Mok Gyeong-un endured the tremendous poison and went inside?

What on earth?

No matter how well-versed he is in poison how can he withstand the poison spewed out by a poison master of the level of the King of Poisons?

This wasn’t the only thing that made me wonder.

‘Thorough cultivation.’

Wei So-yeon who had relieved the poison before him also couldn’t help but be surprised when he heard that Mok Gyeong-un was in the training room.

Their defense and martial arts levels are several levels lower than theirs so is this possible?

It was at that time.


At that time the tightly closed stone door opened and someone appeared.

Wi So-yeon who spotted someone coming out of the entrance was momentarily embarrassed and turned his head to the side.


It was because Baek Sa-ha the king of island poisons had almost all of his clothes melted off and was almost naked.


Seeing Baek Sa-ha like this Baek So-gang’s second son his eyes widened walked up to him and asked in a trembling voice.

“Are your legs okay?”

“Can’t you tell when you look at it?”

Baek So-gang couldn’t help but be moved by the sight of his father Baek Sa-ha standing on his own two legs.

As a side effect of not being able to reach the 8th level of the Pama Sutra the lower part of my body became paralyzed and I was unable to walk.

Then I suddenly noticed a change in my father’s appearance.

“Huh? Ah father… could it be… that you underwent a complete transformation?”

“A complete transformation!?”

At those words Jang Neung-ak also looked at Baek Sa-ha with wide eyes.

His face which seemed to have been rejuvenated for nearly thirty years was completely different from before.

It seemed like he had truly undergone a complete transformation including his melted clothes.

That means

‘You mean you got over the wall?’

It meant that a new master of Hwagyeong was born in Cheonjihoe.

At that time Wei Shao-yeon who was looking at Baek Sa-he from the corner of her eye due to her naked body hurriedly put her hands together and said.

“Congratulations on achieving great success!”

“I congratulate you on achieving great success. “Elderly.”

Jang Neung-ak who was speechless in shock also congratulated Baek Sa-ha the King of Seomdok.

His mind became very complicated.

In this case it was even more impossible to lose support for Baek Sa-ha the king of islands.

He was already an expert at poisoning but it wasn’t enough and he had reached the level of a martial arts master so he had to be brought to his side in some way.

That said

“I just achieved something I had hoped for but I am so thankful that they congratulate me like this.”

“How can that be the desired achievement? “Father I sincerely congratulate you on becoming a grand duke!”

“Thank you. “But it’s really not about respect if you’re dressed like this.”


At Baek Sa-ha’s words his second son Baek So-gang hurriedly took off his outer garment and handed it over to his father.

Baek Saha who took his coat quickly tied his sleeves around his waist and covered his important parts.

Jang Neung-ak who was looking at him like that said that it was good.

“Elder. How can we just ignore a day like this? Instead of doing this we should go out and congratulate the Archduke…”

“It’s okay.”

“yes? “Do you…”

“I appreciate you congratulating Nobu on his accomplishments but didn’t we finish our business with you earlier today?”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Didn’t you make a promise earlier? “I said I would support Nobu if he could help him stand up.”


Baek Sa-ha’s words left Hui-ju’s second disciple Jang Neung-ak speechless.

He was determined not to miss this opportunity because he would feel good about achieving the grand feat.

But I didn’t know that I would draw a line based on what I did before.

“That old man….”

“It’s a fortune. “The old man doesn’t say two things with the same mouth.”

‘Damn it. This stubborn old man….’

Jang Neung-ak was angry but he could not show it.

This was because Baek Sa-ha’s energy which was originally strong was heightened to a level that could not be compared to before.

Now it was difficult to even guess how big the gap was.

‘…What should I do with this?’

Jang Neung-ak was not the only one who was embarrassed by Baek Sa-ha’s resolute attitude in drawing a line.

Wi So-yeon his third disciple was also troubled.

If you miss today your chance to persuade him will be slim.


While doing so Baek Sa-ha the island’s poison king tapped his second son Baek So-gang on the shoulder and pointed to Mok Gyeong-un who was standing behind him and said

“As of today this child is Nobu’s official disciple and a new member of the main family. “Treat me like your own brother.”


< Episode 43 Repayment (2) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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