Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 141

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< Episode 41: King of Poisonous Poison (1) >

Lord Amjong said with a benevolent smile gently placing his hand on his neck Gyeongyun’s shoulder.

“Now it’s like we’re in the same boat.”

“I will keep that in mind. “I will do my best to revive the religion.”

Amjongju nodded his head with a satisfied face then crossed his hands and placed them on both of his shoulders bowed his head slightly and spoke in a reverential voice.

“May the Holy Fire bless you.”

Mok Gyeong-un also followed suit.

“May the Holy Fire bless you.”

“Oh hohoho. “Then get some rest.”


Just like that Amjongju left the annex.

The attitude of Amjongju who had seemed ready to kill at any moment until just now had changed considerably to a more favorable one.

This was because they were convinced that Mok Gyeong-un who could write and read the original scriptures in the language of the Pasa kingdom was a believer of Baehwagyo who revered the Buddha.

After the presence of Amjongju had completely disappeared the voice of Cheongnyeong was heard in Mokgyeongun’s ears.

-Anyway you have a really good head.

It was Mok Gyeong-un who led the situation as he intended with just one lie.

By acting as if they were on the same side he made the Amjongju also interested in the person he was looking for the ghost sword.

To this Mok Gyeong-un chuckled and answered.

“The more hands there are to help the better.”

Helping hand?

I guess that means there are a lot of paddles that are good to use.

Cheongnyeong clicked her tongue and said.

-That’s true but you’d better be careful.

“If you’re careful… what about cancer?”

-okay. Those who worship fire were not oppressed for no reason because they were heretics.

“It’s unusual.”

-What do you mean?

“I find it fascinating that someone who hates black and white logic is so passionate about a religion that came from the West.”


Cheongryeong was left speechless by Mo Gyeong-un’s words.

It was difficult to refute words that were so sharp and straight to the point.

He said that he hated the black-and-white logic between the political and religious factions but when he saw the members of Baehwagyo who were oppressed and called heretics did he not treat them with prejudice?

She spoke in a somewhat lowered voice.

-…okay. You are right. This too is probably a kind of prejudice.

Mok Kyung-un grinned at her words of obedience.

I like this.

Of course she wasn’t finished speaking.

-Hana I went through those times. They are also the ones who treat anyone other than their own denomination as heretics. If you know that you’d better be careful.

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

-By the way even if you make the cancer column move there is no difference in having to move on all fours.

“I see.”

It was as if a clue to the incarnation of Ahriman might be connected to the ghost sword (鬼劍) a member of the Palseong family and the enemy who killed her grandfather.

So I thought that the leader of the female clan might tell me something about the ghost sword but surprisingly he also knew nothing.

[…It’s so troubling to think that a ghost sword might be a clue.]

[Do you know anything?]

[Are you talking about the ghost sword?]


In response to Mo Gyeong-un’s question Amjongju shook his head.

Since he is the head of the cancer group that handles information in the Cheonjihoe I thought he might know something.

However the answer that was different from what I expected made me lose my temper.

[…I have heard that the ghost sword may be an expert of the Heaven and Earth Council.]

[You mean the rumor that Hoeju’s water guard might be a ghost sword?]


[This guy who just joined the club has heard all sorts of rumors. Yes there was a rumor like that going around at one time.]

[Is this just a rumor?]

[I don’t know.]

[What do you mean you don’t know?]

[Rumors come in many flavors. They may be truly false or they may be floating around because they are close to the truth.]

[…Master what is your view?]

[Can’t answer for sure.]


[The only person who knows the identity of the receiving guard is Hoeju himself. I heard that he doesn’t even know Vice Lord who is called the Lord’s right hand man.]

Mok Gyeong-un thought that the words of Amjongju actually stink.

Rumors did not arise for nothing.

However even if there was suspicion at the moment it was difficult to contact the ghost sword directly.

He thought about moving the food spirits including Cheongryeong but it was difficult to make them move carelessly because the energy of the masters above the transcendental level could not be compared to those below them.

Moreover I heard that the main building where the Hoeju is located is guarded by Jo Tae-cheong a Bangwon who is said to be able to surpass even Wonsalgakju In Seo-ok in magic.

In many ways I still lacked strength.

However Mok Gyeong-un who could not be satisfied with just waiting while strengthening his strength spoke carefully to the head of the Amjong clan.

[I heard that Baek Sa-ha the king of poisonous poison competed with a ghost sword. I know he was the only one who survived a fight with him so maybe he knows something?]

[…Probably so.]

[If so how about contacting Baek Sa-ha?]

[That seems difficult.]


Why are you saying it’s difficult?

The head of the clan clicked his tongue and said to Mok Gyeong-un who looked puzzled.

[The island poison king is in seclusion because his mother passed away last year and is in mourning for three years and he does not meet anyone except on special occasions.]


Samnyeonsang is held for three years after the death of one’s parents in order to repay them and show filial piety to them.

After completing the burial the parents’ spirit tablets are placed in the Sangcheong Yeongjwa (spirit shrine) the family resides in the yeo-mak (廬幕) and meal rites are held in the morning and evening.

Except for the beginning there are cases where the three-year mourning does not receive guests other than blood relatives.

Baekga the family of King Seomdok was like that.

‘This is unexpected.’

He thought he would be able to obtain information more easily if he moved the cancer center.

But when this happens it becomes difficult.

Mok Gyeong-un thought there was nothing he could do and said.

[…Then how about I go?]


[yes. Even if you don’t you have three senior plaques so you can ask for guidance from the executives.]

[You are writing that here?]


The head of the Amjong clan could not help but feel puzzled by these words of Mok Gyeong-un.

Among the five kings there are two who received the title of Palseong (八星) who are said to be the best masters of their time.

This is an opportunity to receive lessons from them but you are going to give it up and ask for lessons from King Seomdog a master of poison attacks that are in some ways different from general martial arts?

[Isn’t it too much of a waste to do that?]

[Of course that may be true but I also want to do something for our school. Please let me raise one hand.]


The head of the Amjong clan could not hide his satisfaction with Mok Gyeong-un’s words.

I will say that I will do my duty as a believer of Baehwagyo and what church member would not be happy?

[If you say so it would be perfect for me. If you do that tomorrow might be better if you pull out the bull’s horn.]


[okay. It seems that Baek Sa-ha’s grandson is celebrating his first birthday tomorrow.]

[First birthday?]

[No matter how much I am mourning for three years I will not just pass up my grandson’s first birthday. Even just among relatives we will have a simple feast.]

Since it is your grandchild’s first birthday planting will be better than usual.

The leader of the clan said to aim for this.

[Even so I was planning to send at least a gift to the King of Poisonous Dogs but I guess I could just bring it to you and carefully ask for the benefit of the three senior tiles.]

* * *

Early morning when the sun has not yet risen


Hui Zhou’s second disciple Zhang Nengyu received an urgent message and hurriedly came to the residence of his confidant blind Wei Mengchen.

Jang Neung-ak who came to his residence could not help but grit his teeth in anger.

The head of Maeng-cheon above his head cut off.

What on earth is this?


Jang Neung-ak grabbed Wi Maeng-cheon’s confidant Jong Im by the collar and urged him.

“What on earth did you do to cause these four months?”

“…I apologize.”

Jong-im could not say anything and only expressed his apologies.

At his answer Jang Neung-ak threw his servant on the floor.



Jang Neung-ak who threw him to the floor glared sharply at the guard warriors who were lying face down as if committing a grave sin.

Then he quickly spoke.

“What kind of guard are these guys who couldn’t even protect their own master? “Behead them all.”



At Jangneungak’s command Ho Jonghyuk the three peaks of the Five Akhoe and the great leader of the Bucheoldan lifted the huge ax he was carrying on his shoulder.

The four guards were embarrassed by this and begged with tears in their eyes.

“Please save me!”

“The small people also suffered suddenly.”

Jang Neung-Ak snorted at their pleas.

Everyone said they were asleep at that moment and didn’t know anything but now they’re asking for help.

“Kill me.”



Despite their begging their heads were all cut off by Ho Jong-hyuk’s axe.

Still as if his anger still did not subside Hui Zhou’s second disciple Jang Neung-ak even contemplated killing Jong-im who was called Wei Meng-cheon’s right-hand man.

However other henchmen dissuaded him from doing so.

“Be patient. If that happens there will be no one to lead Meng Cheon’s minions.”


There were about fifty elite warriors raised by Wei Mengchen himself.

If even Jong-im who was a high-ranking subordinate and had managed them was killed morale would drop and leadership could become difficult.

Knowing this Jang Neungak also barely tolerated it.

However this was something that could not be overlooked.

‘Kill Confucius’ henchman who dared to see him.’

He is a very outrageous bastard.

This bold act was carried out not anywhere else but within the inner walls of Cheonjihoe.

Touching one’s own person who might become the next head of the company was tantamount to declaring war.


At that time someone touched the cross section of Wei Mengchen’s severed neck and opened his mouth.

“I am not an ordinary person.”


“I cut off his head with a single sword along with Maeng Cheon’s sword.”

A man with an angular jaw and a fierce-looking face pointed to Wei Mengchen’s broken bamboo sword on the floor.

Because he was a very careful guy he erased all the footprints on the floor so I couldn’t know exactly how the fight took place but I was able to guess one thing based on the broken sword and the cross section of the neck.

Jang Neungak’s eyes became sharper.

‘You cut off Maeng Cheon’s sword and neck with one sword?’

At least that was possible only if he was a great swordsman and had reached the pinnacle of mastery.

She said as a brightly dressed woman with thick lips approached her.

“Then the suspects have been narrowed down to some extent.”

Wei Meng-cheon is a confidant of Jang Neung-eok the second disciple of Hui Zhou.

If he was so fearless and bold enough to kill Wei Meng Cheon in the middle of the night those who wanted to hold him back would have taken advantage of him.

‘Na Yu-ryang… Wi So-yeon….’

The first people that came to mind were of course the executed priests vying to become the next head of the congregation.

This is possible because they were also great sword experts.

Since he was in a situation where he was competing for power he had sufficient justification to do something like this.

However there was no way they would go out like rats just to kill one of their henchmen.

If so there are far fewer suspects.

The two bitches that Grand Duke Na Yu-liang is proud of and the guy who is Wi So-yeon’s right-hand man.

If it weren’t for them they would never have been able to cut off his head with a single sword equipped with a sword.


“Find it. “Somehow.”


At his words Bang the remaining member of the Five Evil Council bowed her head and shouted loyalty.

Meanwhile there was someone looking at this with frustrated eyes.

He was none other than Jong Im Wei Meng-cheon’s confidant.

‘Damn it… you’re not even considered a suspect.’

Jong-im knew the real culprit who did this.

Of course it will.

Because he was the one who moved together after receiving Wei Mengchen’s orders.

However apart from this he could not reveal this fact.

The reason was that he was not a servant but Wi Maeng-cheon who had become a food spirit and possessed the body of a confidant.

‘Master… I apologize.’

He could no longer serve Jang Neungak.

Because he became a food spirit he could not disobey Mok Gyeong-un and if he did so his wife and children would lose their lives.

At that time Jang Neungak who was grinding his teeth glared somewhere and muttered.

“No. It’s a good thing. “You can see those kites there.”


Where on earth is this place that Jang Neungak is talking about?

* * *

Around noon.

Mok Gyeong-un was heading somewhere accompanied by Seok-jung a warrior guard.

That place was none other than the manor of King Baek Sa-ha a member of the Five Kings of the Cheonjihoe.


Seokjung who was in charge of protecting Mok Gyeong-un found this situation quite uncomfortable.

He tried to avoid encountering him at all costs but he had no choice as he was ordered to accept the Amjongju’s gift.

All we can do is please them as much as possible.

Mo Gyeong-un smiled and said to the very stiff man.

“How is your lover doing?”


When he said hello and asked about his lover Seokjung got goosebumps all over his body.

Mok Gyeong-un’s words did not sound like a greeting but rather a warning for the first time in a long time.

Seokjoong spoke in a trembling voice.

“I will never do anything that would disparage Confucius.”

“What did I say?”


Damn you son of a bitch.

Then rather than asking about his lover shouldn’t he just ask how are you doing?

He felt angry but Seok-joong did not show it.

I was too afraid of Mok Gyeong-un to do that.

“Is that large box you are carrying on your back a gift prepared by you Master?”


“You should like the gift.”

“I understand you put a lot of effort into it.”

“Then I’m glad.”

Well what was actually important wasn’t the gift.

I had to somehow coax Baek Sa-ha the king of island poisons and get information about the Ghost Sword one of the Eight Saints from his mouth.

But the timing was really bad.

After all he is serving a three-year prison sentence.


First of all I received information about King Baek Sa-ha and his family from the head of the Amjong clan and familiarized myself with it.

However Baek Sahara seemed to have a more difficult personality than expected.

So I didn’t think it would be very easy to coax him.

At that time Seok-joong the guard who was ahead nodded and said somewhere.

“It’s over there.”

A magnificent manor appeared where he pointed.

If you look at the size it is smaller than the cancer group in charge of confidential information and information but it was quite large as a member of the Five Kings a high-ranking executive.

“Then shall we go?”

Mo Kyung-un approached the entrance of the manor with him.

There two warriors wearing mourning clothes were guarding the entrance.

But before you get there


Mok Kyung-un turned his head and saw a group of people approaching.

There was a woman wearing bamboo and cotton thread walking at the head of the group and she was none other than

‘We Soyeon?’

It was Wi So-yeon Hui Zhou’s third disciple.

How did Wei Xiaoyeon come here?

As I was doing this I saw a group of people coming from another street corner.

they are right

‘Ah… this is so true.’

Jang Neung-ak the second disciple of Huaiju and his followers who were now part of the Five Akhoe were coming here together.

< Episode 41: King of Poisonous Poison (1) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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