Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 14

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Episode 4 The Demon Monk (3)

‘This can’t be right…’

Rep. Noh who was taking a pulse could not help but be surprised.

Even just in the morning it seemed as if his pulse would stop at any moment.

But the pulse of my heart gave me life.

In just a few hours.

‘My complexion has also improved.’

All symptoms whose cause was unknown disappeared.

Although he was a bit weak because he had been lying unconscious in a hospital bed for a long time there was a high possibility that he would improve sufficiently if he took good care of himself.


‘The problem is consciousness.’

Zhang Ju was unconscious for quite some time.

Because he was unable to come to his senses the wooden sword field was boiling over over the succession issue.

As he was recovering there was a good chance he would wake up but he couldn’t say for sure when that would be.

If you get harmed before then…


At that time a sharp woman’s voice reached his ears.

“How is it? She is he.”

Rep. Noh slowly raised his head.

The owner of her voice was Mrs. Seok the godfather.

Her expression is different from usual.

Even when I saw her in the morning her eyes were filled with arrogance and determination.

Rep. Roh felt something ominous about this.

‘There is something.’

Rep. Noh felt that the situation was unusual.

When he was rushed here Zhuang Zhou’s arm was cut off and all around him were filled with traces of occult practices such as amulets and red thread.

However the person who performed the magic trick was found dead.

A third Confucius was involved in the process.

‘What on earth is going on?’

Rep. Noh looked carefully into Mrs. Seok’s eyes.

Her eyes were strangely trembling.

It was the kind of reaction you would expect when something goes wrong.

‘Things didn’t work out right.’

Although his arm was cut off Zhang Ju’s complexion improved considerably.

She is Lady Seok and since she is a martial artist she is trained in martial arts so she will know how to look at her details to some extent.

She would have already noticed that the situation was better than in the morning.

Even though she did she wasn’t happy at all…

She asked ‘Could it be that she wasn’t trying to heal through radiation but was planning something with magic or something?’

It seemed plausible enough for her to say no.

It is well known that Zhuang Zhou had in mind her youngest Confucius Mu Yuqian as her successor.

In fact from the position of such a great lady she would rather not want the chieftain to wake up.

“Has she seen any improvement in his condition?”

Rep. Noh thought for a moment when Mrs. Seok asked her question again.

It was just her and herself in this place.

Here if she said that Jangju would wake up soon she somehow thought that Mrs. Seok might be up to something.

Representative Noh who was worried spoke carefully.

“….Her complexion has brightened and her pulse has improved but she still has poor detail. This is because her illness has been prolonged. “I think it would be better to think of her as a half-joe.”

“iced coffee…..”

Revolving light reflection.

It was a metaphor for the sky becoming brighter for a moment just before the sun sets and a brief moment of vitality before death.

Actually that wasn’t the case but I said that on purpose.



Rep. Noh was inwardly appalled.

She let out a sad voice but her wife’s expression and eyes were close to relief.

She must have done that because she didn’t want Zhang Ju to recover.

Rep. Noh looked at Jang Ju and said to himself.

‘Jangju…I don’t have time. You need to wake up.’

Otherwise she wouldn’t know what Mrs. Seok would do.

* * *

Mrs. Seok her godfather returned with her usual arrogant expression.

When she came out of her room her inner court master Master Jang as well as a one-eyed female warrior named Hoang who guarded her and her two maids were waiting for her.

She came to the side of Master Jang the head of the party and opened her mouth.

“Are you sure about her cause of death?”

To that question Naedang Ju Master Jang nodded her head and quietly answered.

“I’m sure. She was not killed by physical shock. “She has seen many corpses over a long period of time but nothing like this…”

Where Master Zhang pointed with her eyes there was the body of the dead Bangsa Myo God.

It was covered with mat but the skin was exposed and the veins were bulging and sticking out in an odd way.

It was also her first time seeing a body like that.

Mrs. Seok turned her head away from the body and asked in a low voice.

“What did you say?”

“The guard said she came to visit in hospital.”

“Visiting the hospital….”

“yes. Then Bang Bang went crazy like someone possessed by something and cut off Jang Ju’s arm and tried to kill him.”

“…..It’s a mess.”

“I’m sorry. “I should have been at least guarding the entrance to the pavilion…”

Master Jang bowed down and apologized to her.

At this she shook her head.

“What can I do about something that has already happened? But do you really think that’s the case?”

“What does that mean?”

“Are you really saying that the child discovered it by accident while visiting the hospital?”

“….Looking at the condition of the body and the circumstances it seems to be correct.”

“Does it seem right?”

“Her neck Gongyun Confucius even suffered the injury of her thigh being pierced by a sword. “She was bleeding profusely and it could have been dangerous.”

That was how Jang Myeong-in saw it.

It was difficult to sustain an injury of that magnitude on one’s own.

It may have been a slight cut or a small amount of bleeding that was not dangerous from the sword but there was no doubt about it.


At these words she still did not let go of her doubts.

Seeing this Jang Myeong-in thought so.

This was because she disapproved of all the princes except the archduke.

Then she asked.

“Where is the child now?”


“I mean that kid Mok Gyeong-un.”

“iced coffee. Third Confucius I quickly stopped the bleeding but sent him to the pharmacy for treatment.”



Her gaze turned towards the medicine hall located on the west side of the main building.

Soon I followed her gaze and her steps.

* * *

‘Pleasant smell.’

Mo Kyung-yun sniffed his nose and smiled.

Since she descended the mountain she has been filled with nostalgia for the smells of various medicinal herbs that she hasn’t smelled in a long time.

Memories of picking up herbs with her grandfather.

As she recalled that fresh and beautiful memory conflicting emotions bloomed in a corner of her heart again.


Her eyes which had only the demonic white pupils had a peculiar look.

It was influenced by a deep murderous intent.

Ordinary murderous intent was not something that would have much of an effect on a vengeful soul but this emanating from Mok Gyeong-un was different.

This is so thick that even a vengeful spirit feels uncomfortable.

It was a darkness qualitatively different from the sorrow created by the environment.

It was almost like a primal feeling.


At that time Mok Gyeong-un asked in a low voice.

“okay. “Have you checked?”


To that question Ma Seung nodded her head.

“Where is it?”

Ma Seung pointed with his finger at a wall where medicine cabinets were stacked like drawers.

At first glance the entire wall literally looks like a medicine storage drawer.

But Ma Seung pointed to that place.

The medicine drawer that Ma Seung pointed to had Oyang (梧凉) written on it.

If the bark of the paulownia tree is dried in a shady place for a long time it becomes a medicine called oyang but it is not commonly used.

‘That seems plausible.’

She deliberately aimed for the rarely used medicine cabinet.

The reason Mok Gyeong-un had Ma Seung confirm this was because of the words that came out of Jang Ju’s mouth.

[About…..Dang….Underground….Jeong (丁) Seok….Moon….Inside. […]

However there was actually no entrance to the basement inside the pharmacy.

Of course I thought that would be the case.

If it was something precious enough for a woman called the Great Lady to aim for it there was no way it would be visible to everyone.

‘You’ll find out when you check.’

Mok Kyung-un looked around.

Now it is full of people working in pharmacies including Yakdong.

It seemed difficult to confirm because there were so many watching eyes and listening ears.

It seemed like I would have to aim for a late night.

That was the car.


The person who opened the door to the pharmacy and came in was none other than Gochan the escort.

Go Chan came inside and approached Mok Gyeong-un.

Mok Gyeong-un said to him.

“A little late?”

Gochan almost frowned for a moment at those words.

The task Mok Gyeong-un ordered was not as simple as fetching water.

It’s really unfair that he said something about being late when he didn’t ask me to do something that I could do in an instant.

“Where is it?”

In response to Mo Kyung-un’s question Go Chan took out two books from his arms.

“There are only two books?”

Go Chan grumbled and said hearing Mo Gyeong-un’s tone of disappointment.

“This was also secretly stolen before it was burned.”

“Before you burn it?”

“yes. “The guard warriors guarding the main building are burning the endorsement box and all the items the governor brought with him.”

“ah? is it so?”

At those words Mok Gyeong-un licked his lips as if he felt regretful.

He became interested in the art of Bangsa and tried to look through the books he had.

But the only thing I got was two books out of all those books.

‘The Book of Yin-Yang Family Book of Discipleship? ‘A strange first book?’

These were the titles of the two books.

Still it was a great compliment to steal two of the thickest books I had seen.

As disappointing as it was I felt like I would have to be satisfied with this.

“thank you for your effort.”

“But Confucius…what are you doing with the book that the governor had…?”

Gochan stopped mid-speech.

Then he immediately put the book he had tried to hand over to Mok Gyeong-un back into his arms.

Mok Gyeong-un looked at him wondering why he was doing this.

But eventually I found out the reason.

-Stay back for a moment.


As new people approached from the outside of the medicine hall and said something the guard warriors guarding the entrance left.


The door opened and someone appeared.

She was a middle-aged woman dressed in flashy clothes adorned with precious metals.

Gochan bowed his head in greeting with a surprised expression.

“I will see you Madam my godwife.”


She was none other than Lady Seok the godfather of Yeonmok Geomjang.

A strange look appeared in Mok Gyeong-un’s eyes.

She was the woman written on the information sheet the escort gave her.

It was said that Lady Seok her great wife was more careful and dangerous than her first Confucius Mo Yeong-ho.

She was a warrior and came from Geumhwa Seokjiajang so it was written that she was quite a martial artist and a clever woman.


Go Chan was equally embarrassed by her appearance.

Mok Gyeong-un’s appearance was so similar that it was indistinguishable from the real thing but in order to avoid an unexpected situation Guard Gam advised Shinsin to prevent him from meeting people from the Mok family as much as possible.

“It is the name of my godmother Madam. “Everyone stay out.”

At the command of Hoang the one-eyed female bodyguard next to Mrs. Seok all the people in the pharmacy went outside.


As he sent everyone out Howie Gochan felt something was wrong.

He had never directly encountered her before so he had no idea what was going on.

She was just wondering.

Mrs. Seok approached Mok Gyeong-un who was only raising her upper body on her bed.

At this Gochan hurriedly winked.

‘greeting. greeting.’

Mok Kyung-un who understood this put his hands together and bowed his head in courtesy.

“Please understand that I cannot stand up because my legs are uncomfortable.”

The greeting was better than I expected.

But the key started here.

The stark difference between the fake and the real thing was the voice and way of speaking.

Fortunately this fake Mok Gyeong-un had a similar voice to the real dead Mok Gyeong-un so it sounded similar when I was practicing but I was worried about whether it would work.

‘Except for the Grand Duke other princes rarely encounter the Grand Duchess in person…’

Mrs. Seok was more sensitive and suspicious than she thought.

She knew that if she got caught here the worst could happen.

At that time Mrs. Seok came right in front of her and opened her mouth.

“She didn’t just come to say hello.”


For a moment Gochan almost breathed a sigh of relief.

Luckily for her Mrs. Seok didn’t seem to notice.

It seemed like it was more indistinguishable from the real thing than I thought.

She’s still like thin ice but as long as she doesn’t make any mistakes she’ll get over this moment well…



Gochan’s eyes widened.

That was because Mrs. Seok suddenly pressed down on Mok Kyung-un’s thigh wound.

In response Mok Kyung-un lowered his head and made a groaning sound as if he was in pain.


‘Damn the rain!’

Gochan couldn’t help but feel embarrassed at that sight.

It didn’t seem to matter whether it was really fake.

Judging by her attitude she was doubting whether Mo Qingyun was really injured or not.

“What did you see and hear there?”


“Turn it off!”

She said as Mrs. Seok pressed harder on the wound on her neck.

Seeing that Gochan became restless.

There was no way that crazy guy couldn’t bear the pain.

However if you make a mistake with your words in this situation you will not only arouse the great lady’s suspicions but you will also make her an enemy.

“lady! “You misunderstood something…”


Go Chan stepped forward and tried to dissuade her but Lady Seok’s bodyguard Hoang drew her sword and aimed it at her neck.

“Don’t intervene.”

‘Fucking bitch!’

Gochan was at a loss as to what to do about this.

If Mok Gyeong-un was not allowed to speak he would have to deal with this situation alone.

Now the only way to get out of the situation is to keep it low and keep it low.

Lady Seok’s guard Hoang was glaring at her so she could no longer look or move her mouth.


At that time she urged Mrs. Seok pressing her neck Gyeong-un’s thighs harder.

“I don’t know about you but it’s rare for a master with that level of skill to die from being possessed by a ghost while practicing witchcraft. But something caught her and stopped her from cutting off Jangju’s wrists and harming her? I thought it would be easy for me to believe that…”


Mrs. Seok frowned at the sound that came out of Mok Gyeong-un’s mouth.

This guy was in pain just a moment ago.

But did you just laugh at me?

Unless she heard wrong she should have laughed.

“You… can’t believe it now…”

At that time Mok Kyung-un slowly raised his head.

Mrs. Seok was momentarily dumbfounded at the sight of Mok Gyeong-un smiling with the corners of her mouth raised.

Has this guy gone crazy now?

‘What are you doing now?’

The same was true for Howie Gochan who was embarrassed.

What are you doing now when you’re under suspicion and bowing down isn’t enough?

Sure enough Mrs. Seok opened her mouth with her angry voice.

“You really are…”

“Let’s not lose strength to each other when it’s pointless.”


“Don’t you need the master’s seal?”




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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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